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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Apr-2018
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Der 6. Mai ist der Welt Akkordeon Tag! Berichte gibt es nächste Woche
Akkordeon Musik Preis (Music Prize) 2018 in Bruchsal - Deutschland
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival, 19 - 21 Mai 2018, Hergnies - Frankreich
Peter Soave Musikakademie in Sauris, Dolomiten - Italien
2017 Australianischen Internationalen Akkordeon Championships und Festival - Australien
Andreas Nebl und Naoko Takeuchi August Konzertdaten - Japan

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘French Accordion: 40 Timeless French Accordion Favourites’ CD- France
Video: Petar Maric and Vuk Jovanovic playing Asturias by Isaac Albeniz.

Future events

Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Group at Bean Runner Cafe - USA
David Venitucci and Annick Cisaruk Concert, Paris – France
Ludovic Beier @ Carnegie Hall, New York – USA
Erika plays for dancing – Belgium
Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival Ceilidh, Scotland – UK
Accordion Pops Orchestra Concert, New Jersey – USA
Romano Viazzani Ensemble Tango Show, Birmingham – UK
10th Agora International Summer Course, Adelboden – Switzerland

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Renzo Ruggieri Releases La Vita Delle Cose for Symphonic Orchestra and String Orchestra - Italy
Updated Site: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips
Updated Site: A Brief History of the American Accordionists’ Association Composers’ Commissioning Committee - USA
Erinnerung an Gary Dahl (1937 bis 2017), Seattle - USA
Updated Site: Video of Popular Libertango Arrangement - Italy
Karthause-Schmülling Publications Added To Online Catalog - Germany

CD Reviews

CD Review: Two CD's Reviewed, Performer Bjarke Mogensen

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Der 6. Mai ist der Welt Akkordeon Tag! Berichte gibt es nächste Woche

World Accordion Day logoWas macht Ihr am Welt Akkordeon Tag um das Akkordeon in Eurem Land zu fördern? Der Welt Akkordeon Tag ist am 6. Mai, dem Tag, an dem das Akkordeon 1829 patentiert wurde.

Bitte sendet Eure World Accordion Day Nachrichten, Texte, Bilder und / oder Videos an harleyaccordion@yahoo.com zur Veröffentlichung.

Kein Ereignis ist zu groß oder zu klein. Dies ist eine CIA-Promotion für das Akkordeon, bei der jeder Akkordeon Enthusiast teilnehmen kann um das Akkordeon zu fördern.


Akkordeon Musik Preis (Music Prize) 2018 in Bruchsal - Deutschland

Akkordeon Musik Preis 2018 header

Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV) logoAkkordeon Musik Preis 2018 in Bruchsal - Deutschland

Video 1: Gastdarsteller Forró de KA (Brasilien)
Video 2: Gastdirigent Duo Aldo (Polen)

Ein neuer Flyer für das sehr interessante Rahmenprogramm des Akkordeon Musik Preises ist jetzt verfügbar unter: 2018AMP.pdf

Der Akkordeon Musik Preis 2018 ist eine große Veranstaltung des Deutschen Harmonika-Verbandes e.V. (DHV), das Finale findet vom 31. Mai bis 3. Juni 2018 in Bruchsal statt.

Die Musik-Preis-Wettbewerbe 2018 sind für Solo, Duo, Kammermusikensembles und Ensembles verschiedener Instrumente vorgesehen. Teilnehmer müssen unter 27 Jahre alt sein und ihren ständigen Wohnsitz in Deutschland haben.

Weiters gibt es Wettbewerbskategorien für Mundharmonika und für diatonische und steirische Akkordeons.

Die Wettbewerbe sind in zwei Phasen unterteilt. Phase 1 (bereits durchgeführt) war 16 Qualifikationswettbewerbe in ganz Deutschland und Phase 2 ist der Finale Wettbewerb in Bruchsal, der auch für professionelle Instrumentalisten geöffnet ist.

Eintrittsheft Musik Preis mit Regeln und Informationen und Liste der Qualifikationswettbewerbe unter: 2018Musik-Preis.pdf


Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival, 19 - 21 Mai 2018, Hergnies - Frankreich

Heather, Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival,
Poster, Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival,Am 19., 20. und 21. Mai, gibt es drei Tage Musik und Feiern rund um das Akkordeon für Land-, Grenz-, Öko-Bürger, freundlich, frei ... zum Klang aller Akkordeonstile!

Organisiert vom Club Léo Lagrange d'Hergnies bietet das Festival Hainaut Belles Bretelles mehr als 30 Gruppen für drei Tage mit Konzerten, Galadinner und Animation für jedes Alter, mit einem Markt des besseren Lebens (Kunsthandwerk, lokale und lokale Produktionen), einen großen Flohmarkt und ein Spaziergang & Laufen in der Natur. Gesundheit als Teil dieses großen Festivals.

Samstag, 19. Mai Künstler

AccordéOmniBulle, Chorale d'enfants, Biscotte et Brioche, Lucie Carbonne, Picon mon amour, Les Bons Garchons, Les Fûts d'Osons,
Tante Adèle et la Famille.

Sonntag, 20. Mai Künstler:
Audrey Champenois, AccordéOmnibulle, Alexis Passion, Didier Tomczyk, Dans ton cuivre, Existence Saine, Marino Punk, Hélios Percussions & Cie, Quentin Carton, Salim Treizeurs du Mat', Macadam Bazar, Les Hurlements d'Léo.

Montag, 21. Mai Künstler:
Audrey Champenois, Bastien Loriou, Marino Punk, Les Vieux Garçons, Fanfare toi même, Didier Tomczyk, Picon mon amour, Claude Caron, Les Mandadors, Les Gambes ed min pied, La Mauvaise Foi, MimE, The Black Clover, Iva Nova, Les Sourds + Zoulouzbek.

Weitere Information auf der Webseite.


Peter Soave Musikakademie in Sauris, Dolomiten - Italien

PSMA logo
Peter & Mady Soave, Viatcheslav SemionovMary Tokarski, Damir BužletaVideo: Diatonische Nachhilfelehrer Manuel Savron führt Bésame Mucho

Die prestigeträchtige Peter Soave Musikakademie (PSMA) findet vom 22. Juli bis 5. August 2018 in Sauris statt, einem malerischen kleinen Bergdorf in den italienischen Dolomiten an der Grenze zu Österreich.

Seit den ersten Seminaren 1999, die vom international bekannten Akkordeonisten Peter Soave organisiert wurden, ist die PSMA eine hochrangige Musikakademie, die ganz dem Akkordeon und seinen Verwandten gewidmet ist.

Im Jahr 2018 wird Manuel Šavron der Lehrer des diatonischen Akkordeonkurses sein, der zum ersten Mal präsentiert wird. Weitere Tutoren sind: Peter Soave (USA), Mady Soave (FRA), Viatcheslav Semionov (RU), Eddie Monteiro (USA), Mary Tokarski (USA) und viele andere!

PSMA bietet ein reichhaltiges Musikerlebnis mit Workshops, intensivem Coaching, Meisterkursen, Kammermusik und Proben, die in Konzerten enden, in denen Teilnehmer und Profis Seite an Seite spielen.

Die PSMA empfiehlt dringend ein komplettes zweiwöchiges Eintauchen, obwohl auf Anfrage auch ein "à la carte" -Programm arrangiert werden kann.

Ausführliche Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden Sie auf der Website http://www.petersoavemusicacademy.com
oder Sie können eine E-Mail an petersoavemusicacademy@gmail.com senden


2017 Australianischen Internationalen Akkordeon Championships und Festival - Australien

AATA header
Tatjana MarxDie Australischen Internationalen Akkordeon Meisterschaften und Festival 2018 werden am 9. und 10. Juni (Queens Birthday Long Weekend) in den exzellenten Räumlichkeiten des Club Marconi im Westen von Sydney stattfinden.

AATA-Präsidentin Tatjana Marx (Bild rechts) heißt die australischen und internationalen Teilnehmer und Sponsoren des AATA-Festivals 2018 herzlich willkommen. Es gibt Kategorien für internationale Kandidaten aus allen Ländern.

Einsendeschluss ist der 1. Mai.

Tägliche Berichte über vergangene Ereignisse bei: Australian International Championships

Umfassende Informationen und Informationen zum Eintritt finden Sie auf der Website unter: www.aata.org.au


Andreas Nebl und Naoko Takeuchi August Konzertdaten - Japan

Kanon CD coverNaoko Takeuchi (Harmonika) und Andreas Nebl (Akkordeon) haben in vielen verschiedenen Ländern gespielt und im August werden sie nach Japan zurückkehren:

13. August, Ebina (Kanagawa)
19. August, Natori (Miyagi)
22. August, Chigasaki (Kanagawa)

Naoko Takeuchi Nebl (chromatische Mundharmonika) gewann 1997 den ersten Preis beim World Harmonica Festival, Andreas Nebl (Akkordeon) wurde 2001 beim Internationalen Kammermusikwettbewerb "Val Tidone" in Italien mit dem ersten Preis ausgezeichnet.

Beide sind Dozenten am Hohner Konservatorium in Trossingen und Andreas Nebl ist Dozent für klassisches Akkordeon an der Musikhochschule Osnabrück.

Eine Rezension ihrer CD mit dem Titel Kanon ist online bei: Andreas Nebl


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘French Accordion: 40 Timeless French Accordion Favourites’ CD- France

‘French Accordion CD cover‘French Accordion: 40 Timeless French Accordion Favourites’ is a modestly priced double CD featuring music from the classic French musette period of the pre-war and post-war years, from the 1930s to the 1970s, including tracks by the likes of Gus Visuer, Hector Delfosse, Yvette Horner, Tony Murena, and other fine accordionists. Available via Internet sources.

Tracks: Disc 1 - ‘L'Accordéoniste’ - Edith Piaf, ‘Swing 42’ - Gus Viseur, ‘Port Au Prince’ - Hector Delfosse, ‘Chantons Notre Station’ - Jaques Vlecken & Son Ensemble Musette, ‘C'est Dimanche’ - Jaques Vlecken & Son Ensemble Musette, ‘C'est Beau Ça’ (‘Singing The Blues’) - Hector Delfosse, ‘Marche Des Petits Pierrots’ - Yvette Horner, ‘Le Vie Est Belle’ - Hector Delfosse, ‘Rose Marie Polka’ - Yvette Horner, ‘Carousel Waltz’ - Hector Delfosse, ‘Coin De Rue’ - Tony Murena, ‘Mon Premier Amour’ - Yvette Horner, ‘La Der Des Ders’ - Frechel & Alexander, ‘Under The Bridges of Paris’ - L'Accordéoniste, ‘Fleur Du Tyrol’ - Yvette Horner, ‘I Love Paris’ - Daniel Deauville, ‘Chanson D'Amour’ - Paris Express, ‘Milord’ - Café Accordien Du Paris, ‘C'est Magnifique’ - L'Accordéoniste, ‘Paris Je T'ai Retrouvé’ - Jaques Vlecken & Son Ensemble Musette; Disc 2 – ‘Swing Valse’ - Gus Viseur Et Son Orchestre, ‘Le Joyeux Vagabond’ - Tony Murena Et Son Ensemble, ‘Polka Des Virtuoses’ – Marceau, ‘Indifférence’ - Tony Murena, ‘Mon Amant de Saint Jean’ - Lucienne Delyle & Orchestre Jacques Metehen, ‘La Sautillante’ - Etienne Lorin, ‘Dans Les Musettes De Paris - Germaine Béria & Les Vagabonds Mélomanes, ‘Chant De Berger’ - Edgard Detrait & Marceau, ‘C'est La Java’ - Robert Trognée Et Son Orchestre, ‘Viens À L'Exposition’ - Orchestre Montmartrois Constantino & L Raiter, ‘Impression’ - Henri Momboisse, ‘Sur Le Trottoir’ - Joseph Ghia, ‘Bogota’ - Jo Privat, ‘Un Mauvais Garçon’ - Henri Garat & Emile Prud 'Homme, ‘Night’ - Albert Huard Et Son Orchestre & Emile Stoll, ‘Reginella’ - Fredo Gardoni, ‘Voulez Vous Mes Roses’ - Henri Momboisse Et Son Orchestre, ‘Pour Te Prouver Que Je T'aime’ - Les Vagabonds Mélomanes & Girard, ‘L'Oasis’ - Michel Péguri - Michel Péguri, ‘Anomalie’ - Gus Viseur - Gus Viseur


Video: Petar Maric and Vuk Jovanovic playing Asturias by Isaac Albeniz.

Petar Maric and Vuk Jovanovic playing Asturias by Isaac Albeniz.


Future events

Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Group at Bean Runner Cafe - USA

Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca
Mario Tacca & Mary Mancini are featured at The Bean Runner Cafe (201 S. Division Street, Peekskill, NY), this Friday, April 27 at 8pm.

They write: Be sure to come early and enjoy some of The Bean Runner's delicious food choices. Joining us on stage will be David Winograd on bass and Ricci Saracino on drums. Don't miss this fun evening!

Make your reservations by calling The Bean Runner Cafe at 914.737-1701.


David Venitucci and Annick Cisaruk Concert, Paris – France

David Venitucci and Annick CisarukAccordionist David Venitucci, from Grenoble, and the singer Annick Cisaruk perform together in cabaret at The Constable, 55 Rue Des Archives, Paris, on Monday April 30th, 8pm.

For further information email: myriam.lothammer@agencepari.fr


Ludovic Beier @ Carnegie Hall, New York – USA

Ludovic BeierDjango Festival Allstars PosterFrench jazz accordionist Ludovic Beier performs in a concert on May 1st, 8pm, at the Carnegie Hall in New York with the Django Festival Allstars to celebrate the guitar legend Django Reinhardt with performances of his most popular works as well as original music by the band, inspired by Ellington, Armstrong, and violinist partner Stephane Grappelli.

The concert on Tuesday May 1st, titled ‘Forever Django: Passing the Family Torch’, is in support of the Django Festival Allstars’ upcoming album, ‘Attitude Manouche’. The concert is being presented by Pat Philips-Stratta, the actor Leonardo DiCaprio and his father, the writer and performance artist George DiCaprio.

Django Reinhardt (1910-53) was a Belgian-born Romani jazz guitarist and composer, widely regarded as one of the great musicians of the 20th Century. He was the first notable jazz talent to emerge from Europe and remains very significant. He performed and recorded as joint leader with Stephane Grappelli of the Quintet of the Hot Club of France in the 1930s and 40s, and was one of the jazz world’s great innovators, and has been much imitated. Reinhardt sometimes collaborated with accordionists, most notably Gus Viseur.

Ludovic Beier learned the accordion from his father and benefited from being part of a musical family. He was brought up in the French tradition of the instrument and developed his jazz accordion skills. He has a spirited, adventurous style, and performs on the French and European scene with some of the top players of the Django/Swing jazz style including Angelo Debarre, Dorado Schmitt, Florin Niculescu, etc.

Beier also composes and arranges, and has his own quartet, to perform his "cool and Latin" French jazz. He has an impressive technique and also a great dose of lyricism with a band that keeps him at full stretch.


Erika plays for dancing – Belgium

Erika Dancing PosterThe ever popular musette accordionist Erika performs for dancing on Sunday May 1st, 2pm until 5pm, at Place De Mole, 1420 Braine-L’Alleud, Belgium.

Braine-l'Alleud is a Walloon municipality in the Belgian province of Walloon Brabant, about 20 kilometres south of Brussels.

Erika Honorez comes from a musical family, and received her first accordion at the age of 5 years. Her teacher was Franz Lebrun from the Brussels Conservatory, and she studied the theory of music and classical music, and then specialized in the musette genre.

Since 1981 Erika has been performing, composing, and recording. She has appeared several times on radio and TV in Belgium and France, and has recorded many CDs and DVDs, which are available through her website.

For further information email: erika@erika.be


Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival Ceilidh, Scotland – UK

Poster Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival CeilidhThe Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival presents a May Day ceilidh on Sunday May 6th, 2pm to 5pm, to the music of the Steven Carcary Scottish Dance Band, the Scott Band Dance Band, the Gavin Piper Duo, and Steven Carcary’s Accordion School. The ceilidh takes place at the Reid Hall, Castle St, Forfar, Angus DD8 3AE, Scotland.


Accordion Pops Orchestra Concert, New Jersey – USA

Accordion Pops Orchestra Concert,The Accordion Pops Orchestra (MD Al Terzo) performs a ‘World Accordion Day’ concert on Sunday May 6th, 3pm, at the Cultural Arts Center, 721 Cranbury Rd, East Brunswick, New Jersey. The concert features special spots by Cody McSherry - accordion, Andrea Maurer - flute, and Klajdi Cerriku – accordion.

The Accordion Pops Orchestra's origins can be traced to 1970, when it was organized by the Accordion Teachers' Association of New Jersey, and conducted by Dr. Jacob Neupauer of Philadelphia. In 1984 the orchestra was reorganized under the direction of the late Eugene Ettore, who was succeeded by Daniel Desiderio. Al Terzo took over as conductor in May 2011. The orchestra has 25 plus members and performs a repertoire of light classical, Broadway, big band and popular music. It has entertained audiences at concert halls, county fairs, festivals, schools, and playhouses in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York.

For further information email: alterzo@hotmail.com
Cody McSherry


Romano Viazzani Ensemble Tango Show, Birmingham – UK

Romano Viazzani Ensemble
The Romano Viazzani Ensemble, with special guests vocalists Jacqui Tate and Joanna Strand, perform in concert on Sunday May 6th, 8pm, (World Accordion Day) at Pizza Express, Brindley Place, The Water’s Edge, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2HL.

The Romano Viazzani Ensemble has gathered in its ranks some of the finest musicians from the world of classical, jazz and Latin American music to bring to its audiences Tango-inspired music using an instrumental line-up similar to Astor Piazzolla’s famous quintet. With this combination of Corinna Hentschel on violin, Romano Viazzani on accordion, John Bailey on piano, Jonathan Preiss on guitar, and Yaron Stavi on double bass they not only perform the music of Piazzolla as it was originally intended but also use this combination of sounds to bring us new music as well as traditional Argentine and European Tango, and other associated music.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


10th Agora International Summer Course, Adelboden – Switzerland

10th Agora International Summer CourseThe 10th Agora International Summer Course which will be held this year in Adelboden, Switzerland, from August 6th to 10th 2018 and will focus on contemporary creation. Full details at: 2018Agora.pdf

The Agora association, founded by Marie-Andrée Joerger, Vincent LHermet and Sylvain Tissot, aims at promoting the accordion and participating to its dissemination on an international level. Its activities concern the development of the accordion pedagogic repertoire (solo and chamber music), the organization of master classes, concerts, seminars and other pedagogical projects.

The Agora events, which are held throughout the year allow young accordionists to deepen their instrumental, musical and language skills by meeting international teachers and artists of the highest level.

Agora courses are open to accordionists of all ages, and are suitable for all levels of ability and the many different musical styles. The languages of instruction are English, French and German.

The friendly atmosphere of the courses will allow everyone to have fun with their instrument and to share many musical experiences. Beyond the study of the instrument, leisure activities will be proposed to students in the evening.

For the 10th anniversary of Agora in 2018, the courses will focus on musical creation: commission of a new work by composer Martin Matalon, accordion composition competition, many premieres in the festival.

For further information: 2018Agora.pdf


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Renzo Ruggieri Releases La Vita Delle Cose for Symphonic Orchestra and String Orchestra - Italy

Music coverRenzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri released La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things) for accordion and symphonic orchestra in November last year. The work is "not classic, not jazz and not world... it's crossover music" according to Renzo Ruggieri. Video above.

Because it is sometimes very difficult to have a full symphonic orchestra, Renzo Ruggieri has now made available, the parts for a string orchestra, so the player, without changing his accordion part, can perform with a string orchestra (smaller ensemble) or symphonic orchestra.

Catalog rrenzo514 - La Vita Delle Cose sheet music is available in eSheet pdf format, previously 82 pages - now 150 pages, able to be emailed to you. Full score and single parts for: accordion solo (for free bass but adaptable for standard bass), 2 flute, 2 oboe, 2 clarinet, 2 french horn, 2 Cornet, 2 trumpet, 1 trombone, 2 percussion, Ist Violin, 2nd Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass.

Renzo Ruggieri writes: "The composition has been dedicated to Marco Gemelli who was soloist in world premiere of International Accordion Week, Conservatory Nocera Terinese, 24 April 2017 with the Calabria Philharmonic Orchestra."

"La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things): Things do not have life. But things tell of life by their existence and through this they acquire it. Five moments built with solutions that combine the composer's jazz, world and classical experiences and which need the sonority of the solo accordion also called upon to improvise.

The flow of life is symbolised by a march increasingly rich in melodic-rhythmic events (things), up to the final climax."

Available online, view sample pages, Catalog rrenzo514, purchase with credit card, amazing value, only Euro 50 or USD$ equivalent.


Updated Site: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionPrinted books are in stock. The site at kslips03 has been updated to include that printed copies are in stock and that a book review by Willoughby Ann Walshe has been added to the site.


Updated Site: A Brief History of the American Accordionists’ Association Composers’ Commissioning Committee - USA

AAA header
Dr. Robert Young McMahanElsie M BennettJust added to the new AAA website. Dr. Robert Young McMahan (picture left), Chair, AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee writes about Elsie M. Bennett (nee Blum, picture right) and the history of AAA Commissioning.

Over 60 new works have been commissioned by the AAA over the years to make an important contribution to accordion repertoire.

Click here for full article: AAA Composers’ Commissioning History.


Erinnerung an Gary Dahl (1937 bis 2017), Seattle - USA

Gary DahlIn den letzten 10 Jahren, durch den Verkauf von Musik über das Internet und der Produktion von eBooks, wurde Gary Dahl einer der weltweit beliebtesten Akkordeon Arrangeure. Leider ist er im Dezember verstorben. Unten finden Sie einige Auszüge aus dem Gary Dahl Nachruf von Toby Hansen, dem ehemaligen Schüler und Freund und Lehrer.

"Am 1. Dezember 2017 verlor die Akkordeonwelt eine ihrer Koryphäen, Gary Dahl. Gary ging ruhig im Schlaf nach Hause. Während seines Lebens schuf er ein Erbe musikalischer Exzellenz?

Gary Dahl hat uns alle mit einem monumentalen Erbe an musikalischen Arrangements, Lehrmaterial, Aufnahmen und gut ausgebildeten Akkordeonisten hinterlassen ... "

Lesen Sie den vollständigen Nachruf um das interessante Leben des beliebten Arrangeurs: Gary Dahl


Updated Site: Video of Popular Libertango Arrangement - Italy

Ivano BattistonThe video of this very popular sheet music Libertango composed by Astor Piazzolla, arranged by Ivano Battiston has been updated.

An extremely popular arrangement by Ivano Battiston
Catalog: battiston101 7 Euro eSheet, sent to you by email
about which Battiston writes: My Libertango arrangement wants to have the features of a concert piece. The accordion is used in many of its expressive and virtuous possibilities and this arrangement is also rich in quotes from Piazzolla himself (Adios Nonino, Que Vendré, Escualo, Angel's Muerte).


Karthause-Schmülling Publications Added To Online Catalog - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling publications are being added to the online catalog.

Sheet Music Index List (Continued)
Catalog - Name
0017 - Ein bunter Melodienstrauss
0018 - Vier Tanzsuiten
1536 - Der Tanz (Bass)
1537 - Walzer (Partitur)
1538 - Walzer (Akkordeon 1)
1539 - Walzer (Akkordeon 2)
1540 - Walzer (Akkordeon 3)
1541 - Walzer (Akkordeon 4)
1542 - Walzer (Bass)
1543 - Langsamer Walzer (Partitur)
1544 - Langsamer Walzer (Akkordeon 1)
1545 - Langsamer Walzer (Akkordeon 2)
1546 - Langsamer Walzer (Akkordeon 3)
1547 - Langsamer Walzer (Akkordeon 4)
1548 - Langsamer Walzer (Bass)
1549 - Air (Partitur)
1550 - Air (Akkordeon 1)
1551 - Air (Akkordeon 2)
1552 - Air (Akkordeon 3)
1553 - Air (Akkordeon 4)
1554 - Air (Bass)
1555 - Tokkata (Partitur)
1556 - Tokkata (Akkordeon 1)
1557 - Tokkata (Akkordeon 2)
1558 - Tokkata (Akkordeon 3)
1559 - Tokkata (Akkordeon 4)
1560 - Tokkata (Bass)
1561 - Voruta (Partitur)
1562 - Voruta (Akkordeon 1)
1563 - Voruta (Akkordeon 2)
1564 - Voruta (Akkordeon 3)
1565 - Voruta (Akkordeon 4)
1566 - Voruta (Bass)
1567 - Dnjepr-Walzer (Partitur)
1568 - Dnjepr-Walzer (Akkordeon 1)
1569 - Dnjepr-Walzer (Akkordeon 2)
1570 - Dnjepr-Walzer (Akkordeon 3)
1571 - Dnjepr-Walzer (Akkordeon 4)
1572 - Dnjepr-Walzer (Bass)
1573 - Habanera (Partitur)
1574 - Habanera (Akkordeon 1)
1575 - Habanera (Akkordeon 2)
1576 - Habanera (Akkordeon 3)
1577 - Habanera (Akkordeon 4)
1578 - Habanera (Bass)
1579 - Habanera (Drums)
1580 - Toccata diavolesca (Partitur)
1581 - Toccata diavolesca (Akkordeon 1)
1582 - Toccata diavolesca (Akkordeon 2)
1583 - Toccata diavolesca (Akkordeon 3)
1584 - Toccata diavolesca (Akkordeon 4)
1585 - Toccata diavolesca (Bass)
1586 - Meditation (Partitur)
1587 - Meditation (Akkordeon 1)
1588 - Meditation (Akkordeon 2)
1589 - Meditation (Akkordeon 3)
1590 - Meditation (Akkordeon 4)
1591 - Meditation (Bass)
1592 - Lambada concertante (Partitur)
1593 - Lambada concertante (Akkordeon 1)
1594 - Lambada concertante (Akkordeon 2)
1595 - Lambada concertante (Akkordeon 3)
1596 - Lambada concertante (Akkordeon 4)
1597 - Lambada concertante (Bass)
1598 - Fünf Aphorismen (Partitur)
1599 - Fünf Aphorismen (Akkordeon 1)
1600 - Fünf Aphorismen (Akkordeon 2)
1601 - Fünf Aphorismen (Akkordeon 3)
1602 - Fünf Aphorismen (Bass)
1603 - Nostalgia (Partitur)
1606 - Gotische Suite (Partitur)
1607 - Gotische Suite (Akkordeon 1)
1608 - Gotische Suite (Akkordeon 2)
1609 - Gotische Suite (Akkordeon 3)
1610 - Gotische Suite (Akkordeon 4)
1611 - Gotische Suite (Bass)
1612 - Rondo capriccioso (Partitur)
1613 - Rondo capriccioso (Akkordeon 1)
1614 - Rondo capriccioso (Akkordeon 2)
1615 - Rondo capriccioso (Akkordeon 3)
1616 - Rondo capriccioso (Akkordeon 4)
1617 - Rondo capriccioso (Bass)
1618 - Die vier Jahreszeiten (Partitur)
1619 - Die vier Jahreszeiten (Akkordeon 1)
1620 - Die vier Jahreszeiten (Akkordeon 2)
1621 - Die vier Jahreszeiten (Akkordeon 3)
1622 - Die vier Jahreszeiten (Akkordeon 4)
1623 - Die vier Jahreszeiten (Bass)
1624 - Nostalgia (Akkordeon 1)
1625 - Nostalgia (Akkordeon 2)
1626 - Nostalgia (Akkordeon 3)
1627 - Nostalgia (Akkordeon 4)
1628 - Nostalgia (Bass)
1629 - Nostalgia (Electronium)
1630 - Nostalgia (Drums)
1631 - Nostalgia (Set of Parts)
1632 - Menuett (Set of Parts)
1633 - Gebet (Set of Parts)
1634 - Herbstlied (Set of Parts)
1635 - Introduktion (Set of Parts)
1636 - Menuett (Set of Parts)
1637 - Der Tanz (Set of Parts)
1638 - Walzer (Set of Parts)
1639 - Langsamer Walzer (Set of Parts)
1640 - Air (Set of Parts)
1641 - Tokkata (Set of Parts)
1642 - Voruta (Set of Parts)
1643 - Dnjepr-Walzer (Set of Parts)
1644 - Habanera (Set of Parts)
1645 - Toccata diavolesca (Set of Parts)
1646 - Meditation (Set of Parts)
1647 - Lambada concertante (Set of Parts)
1648 - Funf Aphorismen (Set of Parts)
1649 - Gotische Suite (Set of Parts)
1650 - Rondo capriccioso (Set of Parts)
1651 - Die vier Jahreszeiten (Set of Parts)
1652 - Walzer (Set of Parts)
1653 - Suite "Aus Holbergs Zeit" (Set of Parts)
1654 - Walzer (Partitur)
1655 - Walzer (Akkordeon 1)
1656 - Walzer (Akkordeon 2)
1657 - Walzer (Akkordeon 3)
1658 - Walzer (Akkordeon 4)
1659 - Walzer (Bass)
1660 - Walzer, Nocturne, Mazurka (Set of Parts
1661 - Tango (Set of Parts)
1662 - Badinerie, Menuett (Set of Parts)
1663 - Concerto furiant (Set of Parts)
1664 - Korrelationen (Set of Parts)
1666 - Suite "Aus Holbergs Zeit" (Partitur)
1667 - Suite "Aus Holbergs Zeit" (Akkordeon 1)
1668 - Suite "Aus Holbergs Zeit" (Akkordeon 2)
1669 - Suite "Aus Holbergs Zeit" (Akkordeon 3)
1670 - Suite "Aus Holbergs Zeit" (Akkordeon 4)
1671 - Suite "Aus Holbergs Zeit" (Bass)
1678 - Walzer (Partitur)
1679 - Walzer (Akkordeon 1)
1680 - Walzer (Akkordeon 2)
1681 - Walzer (Akkordeon 3)
1682 - Walzer (Akkordeon 4)
1683 - Walzer (Bass)
1696 - Tango (Partitur)
1697 - Tango (Akkordeon 1)
1698 - Tango (Akkordeon 2)
1699 - Tango (Akkordeon 3)
1700 - Tango (Akkordeon 4)
1701 - Tango (Bass)
1703 - Badinerie, Menuett (Bass)
1704 - Badinerie, Menuett (Partitur)
1705 - Badinerie, Menuett (Akkordeon 1)
1706 - Badinerie, Menuett (Akkordeon 2)
1707 - Badinerie, Menuett (Akkordeon 3)
1708 - Badinerie, Menuett (Akkordeon 4)
1709 - Concerto furiant (Partitur)
1710 - Concerto furiant (Akkordeon 1)
1711 - Concerto furiant (Akkordeon 2)
1712 - Concerto furiant (Akkordeon 3)
1713 - Concerto furiant (Akkordeon 4)
1714 - Concerto furiant (Bass)
1715 - Concerto furiant (Elektronium)
1716 - Korrelationen (Partitur)
1717 - Korrelationen (Akkordeon 1)
1718 - Korrelationen (Akkordeon 2)
1719 - Korrelationen (Akkordeon 3)
1720 - Korrelationen (Akkordeon 4)
1721 - Korrelationen (Bass)

RUS 001 - Drei Miniaturen, Farewells, Partita
RUS 002 - Bilder aus alter Zeit
RUS 003 - Frühlingsbilder
RUS 004 - Divertimento


CD Reviews

CD Review: Two CD's Reviewed, Performer Bjarke Mogensen

CD cover: CD Cover: Mogensen - LohseCD Reviews Index to read the Review of
1. "Bjarke Mogensen plays Domenico Scarlatti" CD
2. "Mogensen – Lohse: Mobile, Works for Solo Accordion" CD

Review in Italian and English languages.

Review by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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