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Ludovic Beier @ Carnegie Hall, New York – USA

Ludovic BeierDjango Festival Allstars PosterFrench jazz accordionist Ludovic Beier performs in a concert on May 1st, 8pm, at the Carnegie Hall in New York with the Django Festival Allstars to celebrate the guitar legend Django Reinhardt with performances of his most popular works as well as original music by the band, inspired by Ellington, Armstrong, and violinist partner Stephane Grappelli.

The concert on Tuesday May 1st, titled ‘Forever Django: Passing the Family Torch’, is in support of the Django Festival Allstars’ upcoming album, ‘Attitude Manouche’. The concert is being presented by Pat Philips-Stratta, the actor Leonardo DiCaprio and his father, the writer and performance artist George DiCaprio.

Django Reinhardt (1910-53) was a Belgian-born Romani jazz guitarist and composer, widely regarded as one of the great musicians of the 20th Century. He was the first notable jazz talent to emerge from Europe and remains very significant. He performed and recorded as joint leader with Stephane Grappelli of the Quintet of the Hot Club of France in the 1930s and 40s, and was one of the jazz world’s great innovators, and has been much imitated. Reinhardt sometimes collaborated with accordionists, most notably Gus Viseur.

Ludovic Beier learned the accordion from his father and benefited from being part of a musical family. He was brought up in the French tradition of the instrument and developed his jazz accordion skills. He has a spirited, adventurous style, and performs on the French and European scene with some of the top players of the Django/Swing jazz style including Angelo Debarre, Dorado Schmitt, Florin Niculescu, etc.

Beier also composes and arranges, and has his own quartet, to perform his "cool and Latin" French jazz. He has an impressive technique and also a great dose of lyricism with a band that keeps him at full stretch.
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