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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 09-Feb-2024
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Joan Cochran Sommers 庆祝 90 周年 - 美国
伦敦手风琴乐团 (London Accordion Orchestra - LAO) 周年庆典 - 英国
2024 年第 86 届美国手风琴家协会 (American Accordionists' Association - AAA) 周年纪念音乐节 – 美国
你打算为世界手风琴日做些什么呢? - 全球
“伦敦探戈五重奏 London Tango Quintet” 首张 CD 在南非“Fine Music Radio”上亮相
克塞尼娅·西多罗娃 (Ksenija Sidorova) 音乐会日程 – 瑞士、土耳其、德国、比利时、奥地利和塞尔维亚
2024 International Accordion Competition Havířov – Czech Republic
IV All-Russian Festival of Contemporary Music “Lilac Blackbird”, Moscow - Russia


Accordion Concert Evening with Students of Grzegorz Stopa – Austria
2024 Accordion Youth Camp – Switzerland
Harmonika Müller GmbH Accordion Display at 75th International Crafts Trade Show – Germany
Accordionist Coba FM Radio Interviews – Japan
New CD: Finnish Accordion Concertos - Finland


“In the Passion of Tango” Concert – Bulgaria
“Cafe Accordion Orchestra” Early Valentine’s Day Concert – USA
Valentine’s Day Concerts – Canada
“Langue de Chat” February Concerts - Australia
Aotango Duo Concert on Waiheke Island – New Zealand
Orchestra Mondo "Tango Meets Gypsy" Concert – Germany
Aine McLoughlin Piano Accordion Workshops - England
2024 All Ireland Accordion Festival – Ireland
Riedlbauer's Resort Accordion Weekend – USA

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

Past News List of Links


2024 年 CIA 冬季大会,2024 年 2 月 23-25 日,瑞典孔斯巴卡
Friedrich Lips 发布的两本新电子书(pdf 和 epub) - 奥地利
CNIMA 研讨会在美国新奥尔良举行

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Joan Cochran Sommers 庆祝 90 周年 - 美国

Click each picture to see full size
Cathy, Joan Sommers, Kevin Friedrich密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校 (UMKC) 社区手风琴乐团携手庆祝其长期指挥兼教师 Joan Cochran Sommers 的 90 岁生日。

Joan 于 1960 年创立了 UMKC 手风琴项目,并领导了最负盛名的手风琴项目之一 40 多年,吸引了来自美国各地和国外的学生,在学士、硕士和博士学位项目中学习手风琴。 为了表彰她杰出的职业生涯,她在退休后被授予荣休教授称号。

琼是 1955 年第一位参加 Coupe Mondiale 的美国代表。她的学生随后在国内和国际音乐节上取得了巨大成功,几十年来在独奏、合奏、室内乐和管弦乐队比赛中赢得了无数冠军。

Joan C. Sommers 曾在多个音乐组织担任过多个职位,包括国际手风琴家和教师协会 (Accordionists and Teachers Guild International - ATG) 和国际手风琴联合会 (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes - CIA – IMC-UNESCO)。 她被中央情报局授予终身荣誉会员。

多年来,她为手风琴管弦乐团和室内乐团编排了无数作品。 琼的这些编曲已在世界各地演出。

如今,她喜欢与其他手风琴家、其他乐器家、UMKC 社区手风琴合奏团一起表演,并作为客座指挥与世界各地的各个管弦乐队一起表演。 Joan Sommers 在世界许多国家创立并领导了伟大的 CIA 世界手风琴乐团,包括美国、苏格兰、新西兰、克罗地亚、加拿大、奥地利和立陶宛,并两次在中国和意大利指挥。

Joan 与她的学生和家人度过了一个周末的活动,庆祝手风琴卓越成就 90 周年。 没有任何迹象表明她会很快放缓脚步,而且基于她繁忙的日程,她的音乐灵感将持续很多年。

国际手风琴家和教师协会 (Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International - ATG) 将于 2024 年 7 月 23 日至 27 日在堪萨斯城举办年度比赛和音乐节,以庆祝 Joan 的 90 岁生日。 上面的海报。 主要活动将在 UMKC 举行,压轴演出是 Joan 指挥一支由 90 名演奏者组成的节日管弦乐队! 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.atgaccordions.com

World Accordion Orchestra


伦敦手风琴乐团 (London Accordion Orchestra - LAO) 周年庆典 - 英国

Click poster to see full size
LAO伦敦手风琴管弦乐团 (London Accordion Orchestra - LAO - 左图) 将与 Haarlem 手风琴管弦乐团 (Haarlems Accordeonorkest - 荷兰 - 下图) 在 Notting 的 Tabernacle 指挥一场联合音乐会 'Bellows Across Borders' 音乐会,以此开始他们的 25 周年庆祝活动 2024 年 4 月 7 日下午 2 点,英国伦敦希尔。


这也是 LAO 的“Bellows Across Borders”音乐会十周年,第一场音乐会是 2014 年与纽伦堡 Akkordeonorchester 在圣约翰史密斯广场举行的音乐会。
Haarlems Accordeonorkest


2024 年第 86 届美国手风琴家协会 (American Accordionists' Association - AAA) 周年纪念音乐节 – 美国

AAA Fest
美国手风琴家协会 (American Accordionists' Association - AAA) 很高兴地宣布其 86 周年纪念音乐节将于 2024 年 7 月 12 日至 14 日在美国费城地区宾夕法尼亚州 West Conshohocken 举行。


今年音乐节的一些令人兴奋的改进将包括延长展览室开放时间、适合更广泛表演水平的音乐节管弦乐队曲目、减少所需酒店住宿总数的统一时间表、为独奏和合奏爱好者提供的表演时段以及更多美食活动 促进节日参与者之间的友情。

请密切关注 AAA 网站,了解酒店折扣代码、客座艺术家作品和其他节日公告。


你打算为世界手风琴日做些什么呢? - 全球

World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logo您打算为世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )做些什么来推广您的国家的手风琴呢? 世界手风琴日是在5月6日,也就是1829年手风琴获得专利的日子。

CIA 于2009年开始设立了世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day ),并取得了显著的成功,为手风琴带来了许多积极的宣传。这件活动的关键部分是世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )网站。


每个人都可以在网站上登记他们的世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )活动,并向网站发送他们的活动报告。

活动不论大小。欢迎所有庆祝世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )的手风琴活动。这是 CIA 对手风琴的推广,每个手风琴爱好者都可以参与并帮助将我们的手风琴世界融合在一起并大力推广手风琴。


“伦敦探戈五重奏 London Tango Quintet” 首张 CD 在南非“Fine Music Radio”上亮相

London Tango Quintet
London Tango Quintet CD南非的“Fine Music Radio”很快将播放“London Tango Quintet”(手风琴家Milos Milivojevic)的新首张CD。

该广播电台在开普敦前滩的 Artscape Theatre Complex 进行广播,是南非唯一的古典和爵士调频广播电台。


该 CD 收录了阿根廷探戈作曲家 Astor Piazzolla 的曲目、Horacio Salgan 的音乐和其他探戈经典作品,以及 David Gordon 创作的两首曲目。


克塞尼娅·西多罗娃 (Ksenija Sidorova) 音乐会日程 – 瑞士、土耳其、德国、比利时、奥地利和塞尔维亚

Ksenija Sidorova
克塞尼娅·西多罗娃 (Ksenija Sidorova) 公布了她即将于 2024 年 2 月 22 日至 5 月 23 日举行的音乐会日程。她将在瑞士、土耳其、德国、比利时、奥地利和塞尔维亚举办音乐会。



2024 International Accordion Competition Havířov – Czech Republic

2024 International Accordion Competition Havířov
The 2024 International Accordion Competition Havírov will be held at the Havírov Elementary School of Art in Havírov, Karviná District, Czech Republic on May 3rd and 4th, 2024 organised by the Akordeonové sdružení Cech, Moravy a Slezska (Accordion Association of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia).

The competition will be held in one-round, with age group categories as follows:

• 1st category: contestants born in 2017 and 2015 repertoire in the range of 2 – 3 min.
• 2nd category: contestants born in 2014 and 2013 repertoire in the range of 2 - 4 min.
• 3rd category: contestants born in 2012 and 2011 repertoire in the range of 3 - 5 min.
• 4th category: contestants born in 2010 and 2009 repertoire in the range of 4 - 7 min.
• 5th category: contestants born in 2008 and 2007 repertoire in the range of 6 - 9 min.
• 6th category: contestants born in 2006 and 2005 repertoire in the range of 9 - 10 min.
• 7th category: contestants born in 2004 and 2003 repertoire in the range of 10 - 12 min.
• 8th category: contestants born in 2002 and 2000 repertoire in the range of 12-14 min.

• free choice of pieces (individual parts from a cyclic song are accepted)
• play from memory is mandatory
• the evaluation will also take into account the overall competition performance and its diversity.

The five-member jury will consist of accordion experts and pedagogues. The order of contestants will be alphabetical and the competition schedule will be published no later than one week before the competition.

Applications close March 15th, 2024.

Email for entry information: accordioncompetition@email.cz


IV All-Russian Festival of Contemporary Music “Lilac Blackbird”, Moscow - Russia

Lilac Blackbird - MoscowGrigory FriedAccordionists are invited to take part in the IV All-Russian Festival of Contemporary Music “Lilac Blackbird”.

The event is dedicated to the composer Grigori Fried (1915-2012 – picture right), Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Moscow composer, artist, writer, public figure, veteran of WW!!.

“The Lilac Blackbird” is the title of a novel by Grigori Fried, his last book. The bird is a symbol of the bird of happiness.

The festival will run from February to April 2024 both live and online in Moscow, Russia.

For details phone: 8 (495) 705-61-71



Accordion Concert Evening with Students of Grzegorz Stopa – Austria

Grzegorz Stopa class
Video: Concert was broadcast as a live stream.
Download the January 25th, 2024 concert program here: 2024GStopaProgram.pdf

After the music universities in Graz and Linz, the "Music and Art Private University of the City of Vienna" was the third educational institution in Austria with a major in "accordion".

Since 2005, Grzegorz Stopa has sought cooperation with other international centers and many accordion students have chosen to study with him in Vienna. Many of his graduates, such as Nikola Djoric or Bogdan Laketic, have meanwhile made international careers with their projects.

The program of the January 25th, 2024 concert evening of the Grzegorz Stopa class included works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Rebecca Saunders, Ottorino Respighi, Domenico Scarlatti, Peter I. Tchaikovsky, Andrzej Krzanowski, Joseph Haydn, Marius Binder and Francis Poulenc


2024 Accordion Youth Camp – Switzerland

Click picture to see full size
accordeon chThe 2024 Accordion Youth Camp will be held at the Ferienhaus “Bruder Klaus” in Lungern, Switzerland from April 8th to 13th, 2024 organised by accordeon.ch.

The camp is for accordionists born in 2014 or later (10 years and under) and will feature a “week full of music, games and fun! In smaller level groups as well as in the large camp orchestra, you will discover exciting pieces of music, learn a lot of new things and enjoy being together with other children and young people. Games, sports and leisure also have an important place.”

A concert will be held on the last day of camp which will feature music rehearsed by the young students.

Download camp details at: 2024YouthCamp


Harmonika Müller GmbH Accordion Display at 75th International Crafts Trade Show – Germany

75th International Crafts Trade Show
The 75th International Crafts Trade Fair (Internationale Handwerksmesse - IHM) will be held at the Munich Exhibition Center in Germany from February 28th to March 3rd, 2024 organised by GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH.

This year’s event will be held under the motto "Craftsmanship that makes your life more beautiful".

Exhibitors include Harmonika Müller GmbH who will display their range of accordions along with over 60 trades and industries offering visitors a comprehensive overview of the performance, quality and innovative strength of the skilled crafts sector.

The fair includes several performance and special shows where craftsmen from different countries present current topics, new products and outstanding works.

For details email: kontakt@ghm.de


Accordionist Coba FM Radio Interviews – Japan

Coba FM radio
Accordionist Coba has been invited to appear on FM Radio program) "Yoshi Ube's Sessions" which will be broadcast from February 10th to 16th, 2024 on JFN (Japan) stations nationwide.

The program welcomes guests from various genres such as artists, musicians, movies, fashion and art, to discuss music.

Broadcast date and time for each station:

FM Aomori 2/11 (Sun) 24:00~25:00
FM Akita 2/11 (Sun) 24:00~25:00
FM Yamagata 2/11 (Sun) 28:00~29:00
Date fm 2/10 (Sat) 5:00~6:00
FM GUNMA 2/11 (Sun) 13:00~13:55
FMRebroadcast 2/11 (Sun.) 28:00~29:00 (Mon. 4am)
Radio Berry 2/11 (Sun) 27:00 ~ 28:00
TOKYO FM 2/16 (Fri) 5:00~6:00
FM Toyama 2/11 (Sun) 18:00-19:00
FM Ishikawa 2/11 (Sun) 24:00~25:00
FM Fukuoka 2/11 (Sun) 28:00~29:00
FM Gifu 2/11 24:00~25:00
FM Mie 2/11 (Sun) 24:00~25:00
FM Shibuya 2/11 (Sun) 24:00~25:00
Kiss FM 2/11 (Sun) 25:00 ~ 25:55
FM Hiroshima 2/11 (Sun) 25:00~26:00
FM Yamazaki 2/10 (Sat) 18:00-19:00
FM Yamaguchi 2/10 (Sat) 5:00~6:00
FM Kagawa 2/11 28:00~29:00
FM Kagoshima 2/11 (Sun) 19:00~19:55
FM Kochi 2/11 (Sun) 7:00pm~20:00
FM Shibuya 2/10 (Sat) 5:00~6:00
FM Kumamoto 2/10 (Sat) 5:00~6:00
FM Shibuya 2/11 (Sun) 24:00~24:55


New CD: Finnish Accordion Concertos - Finland

Finnish Accordion Concertos CD
Video: Information on the new CD entitled “Finnish Accordion Concertos” by the players and composers.

A New CD of Finnish accordion concertos will be released on February 12th, 2024 in Finland. This is the first CD of Finnish accordion concertos and contains three concertos commissioned by the Kokkola Accordion Festival and Chamber Orchestra.

Download the CD booklet at: 2024AccordionConcertoCD.pdf



“In the Passion of Tango” Concert – Bulgaria

Click picture to see full size
Renzo RuggieriThe ClassicArt String Quartet & Ensemble will present a concert entitled “In the Passion of Tango”, held at the Chamber Hall "Bulgaria" in Sofia, Bulgaria on February 10th, 2024 at 7pm.

The event will feature accordionists Veronika Todorova and Renzo RuggierI, who will perform “unique and inspiring works”.


“Cafe Accordion Orchestra” Early Valentine’s Day Concert – USA

CAOValentines DayThe “Cafe Accordion Orchestra” will perform an early Valentine’s Day concert at Crooners Supper Club in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, on February 11th, 2024 at 5.30pm.

The group which includes accordionist Dan Newton, will present "The Glory of Love" with a program of songs “about love in all its forms…loves won, loves lost, old fashioned love and new-fangled love as well”.

For details phone: (763) 760-0062


Valentine’s Day Concerts – Canada

Royal Cajun Band
Valentine’s Day is almost upon us and we have two concerts in Canada to help celebrate the event:

• On February 14th, The Royal Cajun Band will perform three sets at the Princeton Pub in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 8pm to 11pm. See poster above.

• On February 16th, The Gram Partisans will perform at the Britannia Community Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. This group features accordionist Alan Zisman. See poster below.
The Gram Partisans


“Langue de Chat” February Concerts - Australia

Langue de ChatThe “Langue de Chat” quartet, which includes Anthony Schulz (accordion), Kiara Hachefa (vocals), Jack Pantazis (guitar) and Anton Schulz (double bass), will perform two concerts this month in Australia as follows:

• February 17th, 2024 at 7.30pm: The Coolroom, Northern Arts Hotel in Castlemaine, Victoria

• February 23rd, 2024 at 6.30pm: Open Studio, Northcote, Victoria

“There’s something about the melodic, breathy tones of the accordion that transports the listener to another place or time. Maybe a bal-musette in Paris, a youthful romance in Rome, a distant memory of a Melbourne dancehall or a railway station in Berlin. This is where Langue de Chat with chanteuse voice, cajoling guitar, earthy double bass and of course, piano accordion lie in wait in the misty shadows of a distant, tender memory.”


Aotango Duo Concert on Waiheke Island – New Zealand

Andrew BeerGrayson MasefieldTickets are selling fast for the Aotango Duo concert at the Waiheke Musical Museum on Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand on February 18th, 2024.

Duo members, violinist Andrew Beer (Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra concert master - picture above) and accordionist Grayson Masefield (multiple world champion, teacher and concert artist - picture right) are both members of the Aotango Quintet, which has enjoyed much success throughout New Zealand.

The audience will also get the opportunity to join in a conversation with these engaging performers at the end of the concert.


Orchestra Mondo "Tango Meets Gypsy" Concert – Germany

Orchestra Mondo
Orchestra Mondo will perform their next "Tango Meets Gypsy" concert at the Stadeltheater in Lauingen, Bavaria, Germany on February 18th, 2024 at 6pm.

Group members Anja Baldauf (accordion), Dennis Wendel (double bass), Raffael Muller (guitar) and Stefan Baldauf (drums) will “inspire with jazz from the 30s and 50s and guarantee an enjoyable concert”. They will feature pieces from their CD "Tango Meets Gypsy".

See poster for details.


Aine McLoughlin Piano Accordion Workshops - England

Aine McLoughlinAine McLoughlin (picture left) will hold a series of piano accordion workshops at the London Irish Centre in London, England during February and March 2024.

The folk music workshops for Level 2+ players will specialise in alternative left hand accompaniments for Irish, English and Scottish folk tunes.

• February 24th at 3.15pm
• March 16th at 3.15pm
• March 23rd at 3.15pm
• March 30th at 3.15pm

For details email: info@londonirishcentre.org


2024 All Ireland Accordion Festival – Ireland

All Ireland festival
The 2024 All Ireland Accordion Festival will take place at St Kilian’s School in Mullagh, County Clare, Ireland on April 28th, 2024.

The event, organised by the Irish Accordion Association, will feature an “Orchestral and Conducting” masterclass and “The Art of Ensemble Playing” by facilitator Robert Houlihan.

For the first time in over 50 years, the 2024 event will be non competitive.

To enter contact Yvonne, email on poster.


Riedlbauer's Resort Accordion Weekend – USA

Riedlbauer's Resort Accordion Weekend
The Accordion Weekend ‘24 will be held at Riedlbauer's Resort in Round Top, New York, USA from May 17th to 19th, 2024.

Bring and play your accordion and stay at the resort for half price.

See poster for details.


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

Past News List of Links

2023 Coupe Mondiale 2023 Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports 2023 Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports, Video
World Accordion Day Information 2023 World Accordion Day, 6th May each year
Articles Articles Index page
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2023  2023 PIF Castelfidardo Daily Reports, Video
2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports
Interviews Interviews Index page
2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report
Bayan and Accordion Festival, Moscow 2023 XXXV International Festival, Moscow  News and Daily Reports and videos
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
News article about Beniamino Bugiolacchi Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
Accordion Study Produces Community Benefits Accordion Study Produces Community Benefits Article Link
Playing the Accordion Benefits Your Brain Playing the Accordion Benefits Your Brain News Link



2024 年 CIA 冬季大会,2024 年 2 月 23-25 日,瑞典孔斯巴卡

CIA Winter Congress header
Jörgen Sundeqvist欢迎来到 2024 年 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 冬季大会和第 151 届代表大会将在瑞典孔斯巴卡举行。

冬季大会由 CIA 投票会员 Sveriges Dragspelares Riksförbund (SDR)/瑞典手风琴协会主办,主席:Per Romin 和 CIA 副主席:Jörgen Sundeqvist。 日期为:2024年2月23日至25日. 迄今为止已有超过 24 名代表注册。 请各位代表抓紧报名。




Friedrich Lips 发布的两本新电子书(pdf 和 epub) - 奥地利

Click each book cover to see full size
Friedrich LipsHerbert ScheibenreifFriedrich Lips Productions 经理 Herbert Scheibenreif 博士现已发布两本 pdf 电子书(或 epub 格式),作者为 Friedrich Lips,可以通过电子邮件发送给客户。

It Seems Like Yesterday 看起来就像昨天的猫 (英文版): 9951-3-7 售价 22 欧元,通过电子邮件发送给客户。
Als wäre es gestern gewesen(德语版)目录号: 9951-2-0 售价 22 欧元,通过电子邮件发送给客户。

这两本印刷书的作者为 Friedrich Lips,于 2023 年 11 月 24 日发行。
It Seems Like Yesterday 看起来就像昨天的猫 (英文版):9951-1-3 35 欧元或美元加邮费
Als wäre es gestern gewesen Cat(德语版):9951-0-6 35 欧元或美元加邮费

Herbert ScheibenreifFriedrich Lips 的两本新书《It Seems Like Yesterday》英文版和《Als wäre es gestern gewesen》德文版的出版商和译者。 这两本书是 Friedrich Lips 的最新出版物,其中包括令人难以置信的 50 张 CD、3 种语言的 6 本书以及大量教育论文。

《It Seems Like Yesterday》的作者弗里德里希·利普斯 (Friedrich Lips) 讲述了命运将他与伟大的音乐家——教师、作曲家、指挥家、表演者——联系在一起的故事。 作者拥有明亮的文学天赋,通过详细的分析文章、回忆录、小草图,为他的同时代人、现在在世的人以及过去十年中去世的人创作了生动的创意肖像,谈论了那些使他成为现实的事件。 艺术家的生活如此丰富。

本书对于每一个学习和演奏当代手风琴音乐的人都有很大的帮助。 毫无疑问,对课堂作业感兴趣的是作者的众多 CD 的注释。

网上提供的其他弗里德里希·利普斯 (Friedrich Lips) 作品有:
31 张 Lips CD: Friedrich Lips, CD3Packs, CD6Packs, CDPack
手风琴演奏猫的艺术 The Art of Accordion Playing:kslips00
为手风琴猫编曲古典音乐的艺术 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion :kslips03
巴扬演奏猫的艺术 Die Kunst des Bajanspiels:kslips01
为手风琴猫编曲古典音乐的艺术 Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon:kslips02

下图:31 Lips CD封面
Lips CD covers


CNIMA 研讨会在美国新奥尔良举行

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CNIMA directors Natalie and JacquesCNIMA (法国) 今年将在美国新奥尔良 Maison St. Charles 的 Salon de la Bonne Fete 举办两场钢琴手风琴和半音阶按钮手风琴研讨会。



Jacques MornetNathalie Boucheix 拥有 60 多年的经验,培训了数百名各个年龄段的专业人士、世界冠军和热情的业余爱好者。



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