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Weekly News from Around the World - 06-May-2016
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Lancement du nouveau livre ‘Accordion Anthology’ de Rob Howard, Stockport – Royaume-Uni
Results online: 12th World Music Festival, Innsbruck, 5th to 8th May 2016 – Austria
53ème concours international d'accordéon de Klingenthal 2016 - Allemagne
Concert en l'honneur du World Accordion Day, Moscou - Russie
Clôture des inscriptions pour la Semaine Internationale de l'Accordéon "Alcobaça 2016" – Portugal

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

MAA World Accordion Day Gala Concert, TV Appearances, Newspapers - Macedonia
World Accordion Day Concert in Mumbai - India
Video: Sergey Osokin April Concert, Moscow - Russia
Passing of Mort Herold (1926 to 2016) - USA
World Accordion Day Video Release: Premiere of Stas Venglevski Work - USA.
Video: Alexander Poeluev and the New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet - Russia

Future events

Piazzolla’s Tango Opera, London – UK
Mazaika Concerts, London - UK
Gianni Mirizzi Concert, San Cesareo (RM) – Italy
No 1 Ladies Orchestra Concerts, London - UK
World Accordion Day Performance – Guatemala
Sofia Ros Gonzalez Recital, Santander – Spain
Zoltan Orosz and Attila Bardoczy Concert, Budapest – Hungary
Howard (Schmenge) Chapman Gigs, Calgary – Canada
Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Germany, Netherlands
Romano Viazzani @ Classics at the Villa, Hertfordshire – UK

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Franck Angelis Solo and Duets Information - France
Updated Joe Cerrito Site: New Video, Ave Maria by Joe Cerrito
Updated Arrangement: Indifference Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA
Updated Site: Grayson Masefield New and Updated Videos - Switzerland
Updated Site, Milwaukee Accordion Club, May to August Events - USA

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Rob HowardLes news de cette semaine sont publiées le 6 mai, World Accordion Day, le jour choisi par la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) pour célébrer le dépôt de brevet de l'accordéon à Vienne, Autriche, en 1829 par Cyrillius Demien (Cyril Damian).

Accordions Worldwide a mis en lumière des événements du World Accordion Day et nous avons entendu parler de nombeux évènements au niveau international. Ma contribution personnelle cette année est la publication d'un livre, ‘Accordion Anthology’ qui est publié au Royaume-Uni et disponible sur Accordions Worldwide.

Quelle que soit la manière dont vous avez passé le World Accordion Day, j'espère que vous avez écouté votre propre musique à l'accordéon. Sous de nombreux aspects, le monde où nous vivons est un endroit sinistre et grave et ceux d'entre nous qui jouent de l'accordéon ont leur antidote personnel en ce merveilleux et incroyablement adaptable instrument.

L'espression française est si belle qui dit : Vive l'accordéon !!

Rob Howard


Lancement du nouveau livre ‘Accordion Anthology’ de Rob Howard, Stockport – Royaume-Uni

‘Accordion Anthology’ book cover‘Accordion Anthology’Le lancement du livre ‘Accordion Anthology” s'est fait le jour du World Accordion Day, dans le but de souligner l'information historique contenue dans ce livre ainsi que la signification historique du World Accordion Day.

‘Accordion Anthology’ c'est une variété d'articles et biographies relatives à l'accordéon. Ce livre est le successeur de la série “An A to Z of the Accordion” du même auteur, mais il est en plus grand format et compte des chapitres au lieu d'un ordre alphabétique.

Il compte six chapitres :
- Connaitre l'accordéon
- Des accordéons
- Articles d'intérêt général
- Revue de CDs/DVDs/Livres,
- Ecrits biographique et Hier
- Aujourd'hui et demain

Accordion Anthology est une publication de qualité, en format A4 couverture cartonnée, généreusement illustrée de 320 photos, la plupart en couleur, destiné aux fans d'accordéon.

Parmi les articles :
Getting to Know the Accordion; Making a start; Some Useful Contacts; Accordion Tips and Hints (written by Steve Roxton); Be a Better Player (by Rosemary Wright); Use of the Couplers (by James Sexton); Playing For Others (by Rosemary Wright); The Ken Hopkins Accordion Collection; Manfrini Accordions (Robert Rolston’s revival of a great manufacturing name); Evolution of the Accordion (by Colin, Alastair and Margaret Norton, of ScotlandAccordions.co.uk); Melodica, Accordina, Steirische Harmonica; The Accordion Concerto; The accordion and pop music; Accordion Festivals; Accordion Dynasties; Northern Ireland Open Championships; Zuckerbrod & Peytsche; Tales & Trivia; More Tales & Trivia; Polka and the Accordion; Reviews; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Les écrits biographiques comprennent six articles autobiographiques :
Jack Emblow, David Vernon, Freeland Barbour, Gordon Pattullo, John Jones MBE, Paul Chamberlain, and Pearl Fawcett-Adriano.

Les tarifs d' Accordion Anthology :
UK - £15 + £3 p/p = £18
EU - 19 Euro + 8 Euro p/p = 27 Euro
USA - 22 USD + 15 USD p/p = 37 USD

Pour plus d'information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Results online: 12th World Music Festival, Innsbruck, 5th to 8th May 2016 – Austria

12th World Music Festival, 2016, Innsbruck - Austria
Results online for the 12th World Music Festival, 5th to 8th May at: 2016InsbrReport

The results, event schedule and other information including the 28 page Invitation Booklet and Regulations, the jury list, is also online. Report pictures and video coming.


53ème concours international d'accordéon de Klingenthal 2016 - Allemagne

International Accordion Competition Klingenthal
Le 53ème concours international d'accordéon de Klingenthal se tiendra du 3 au 8 mai 2016.

Un reportage avec résultats et photos est en ligne à : 2016 Klingenthal
1st Arseniy Strokovskiy (Russia)


Concert en l'honneur du World Accordion Day, Moscou - Russie

Alexander Selivanov  and  Mikhail Bourlakov
posterLa semaine dernière a été donné un concert spécial et très intéressant mettant en valeur l'accordéon dans une salle très prestigieuse, ce qui n'était jamais arrivé auparavant. Ce concert était dédié au World Accordion Day,

Le lieu, la grande scène de la salle de concert du conservatoire d'Etat "Tchaikovsky" de Moscou, est l'une des plus prestigieuses et célèbres scènes de concert classique au monde.

Depuis 1901, pianistes, violonistes, chefs d'orchestres et chanteurs du plus haut niveau se sont produits sur cette scène fameuse. Y apparaitre juste dans un orchestre et pour un court récital est déjà un grand honneur. Donner un concert solo est unique.

Et cette scène est spécialement importante pour les accordéonistes à cause du faible nombre d'apparitions de l'accordéon dans cette longue histoire. C'était sans doute la première fois qu'avait lieu dans cette salle un concert de soirée en deux parties consacré à l'accordéon.

Mikhail Bourlakov, chargé de cours à la Gnessin, académie russe de musique, avec son ensemble "ClassicForum", a donné la première partie du concert avec des pièces d'Astor Piazzolla

Dans la seconde partie du concert, le choeur de chambre du conservatoire de Moscou et le groupe de musique de chambre "New Music" qui comprend les accordéonistes Mikhail Bourlakov et Alexander Selivanov, dirigé par Alexander Solovyov, donnait la première à Moscou de la composition "Misa a Buenos Aires" de l'argentin Martin Palmieri. Cette musique combine les genres de la messe et du tango.

La salle du conservatoire "Tchaikovsky" de Moscou compte plus de 1 700 sièges et ce soir-là, elle était comble.


Clôture des inscriptions pour la Semaine Internationale de l'Accordéon "Alcobaça 2016" – Portugal

International Week of Accordion La semaine internationale comprend le 21ème trophée national ainsi que le 2ème concours international d'accordéon les 13,14 et 15 mai. Ces championnats incluent des sections solo, duo, trio et orchestre.

Téléchargez l'affiche-programme (à droite), formulaire d'inscriptions et réglement du concours à 2016Alcobaca.pdf

La clôture des inscriptions est le 6 mai 2016

Aníbal Freire est le Président de l'Accordion Association of Alcobaça, Portugal.

Pour plus d'information email: info.asacord@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

MAA World Accordion Day Gala Concert, TV Appearances, Newspapers - Macedonia

Macedonian Association of Accordionists concert posterThe Macedonian Association of Accordionists “Ljubiteli na klasicna muzika” Skopje is delighted to invite you to the World Accordion Day Gala Concert which will be held at Macedonian National Theatre Skopje on May 8th.

Performing are renowned accordion artists from Macedonia and accordion students from the class of Prof. Zorica Karakutovska performing works by Mozart, Derbenko, Bete Ilin (picture below right), Semjonov, Piazzolla and others.

The international project "May 6th World Accordion Day" is supported by the Macedonian Association of Accordionists with various events and successful realization of concerts at home and abroad.

This year, for the eighth time, the association organizes a solemn concert marking the celebration of the International holiday and birthday of the instrument accordion. The project is supported by the national program of the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Macedonia.

An article with the information about the eighth World Accordion Day, being held on the 187th birthday of the accordion, will be published in all main newspapers in Macedonia. During this week, President of MAA, Prof. Zorica Karakutovska, will promote the event appearing live on the National TV programs.

View the report of these activities on World Accordion Day in the coming days.
Bete Ilin, Professor Zorica Karakutovska


World Accordion Day Concert in Mumbai - India

Look at World Accordion Day for full details of the concert by Brij Narain Mathur with an orchestra comprised of top musicians from the Indian Film Industry.


Video: Sergey Osokin April Concert, Moscow - Russia

Excerpts from the latest concert by Sergey Osokin, 5th April at the Big Hall, Music School V. Kalinnikov, Moscow. Excerpts of this concert were also published last week.

Sergey Osokin is a past winner of international accordion competitions and now tutor at the Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music.

Sergey Osokin concert program was:
C.Thomain – Shopping &Shocking valses
A.V.Damme – Deep purple, My Blue Heaven
P.Whiteman – Whispering
S.Osokin – Spring valse
M.Ferrero – Averse
J.F.Baez – El Nino, Nikita, Lilichka
K.Weill – Mack the Knife
A.Astier – L’Aqualon
A.Zfasman - Unhappy Meeting

Further video excerpts from this concert will be published new week.
Three CD's available online at: Sergey Osokin


Passing of Mort Herold (1926 to 2016) - USA

Mort HeroldMort Herold passed away peacefully at age 90 on May 1, 2016 in Cape Cod, MA.

Some highlights of his career:
Mort Herold was a founding member of the Chicago Accordion Club.

After the WWII, Mort appeared in his own radio show on WCFL,"Rhapsodies in Velvet" for two and a half years.

In 1948 he gave a solo accordion concert in the Chicago Opera House before a capacity audience of 1800 persons, concluding with the premier of Galla-Rini's first Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra with members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Mort served as adjudicator and performing artist for numerous state accordion festivals, lectured at the MENC, and founded the accordion department at Vandercook College, and he served as president of the ATG, for many years.

Picture below, left to right: Mort Herold with some very well known accordion friends, Lou Coppola, Frank Marocco, Manny Bobenrieth and Dr. Carmelo Pino. This picture was taken in June 2006 just prior to Frank Marocco receiving his AAA Lifetime Achievement Award.
Photos are courtesy of Lou Coppola.

A fuller obituary written by Lou Coppola is published in the USANews, 1st May 2016 edition.
Mort Herold, Lou Coppola, Frank Marocco, Manny Bobenrieth and Dr. Carmelo Pino.


World Accordion Day Video Release: Premiere of Stas Venglevski Work - USA.

Look at World Accordion Day for full details.

Video of University of Missouri-Kansas City Accordion Chamber Ensemble performing premiere of“Blue Swan and Fuga for Accordion Ensemble" composed by Stas Venglevski. ATG promoting Original Music on World Accordion Day.

Members of the University of Missouri-Kansas City Accordion Chamber Ensemble (left to right): Cathy Weiss, Betty Jo Simon, Ron Barrow, Kevin Friedrich, Samantha Wagner, Joyce Davis, and Joan Sommers, who serves as director as well.


Video: Alexander Poeluev and the New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet - Russia

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 1: Alexander Poeluev and the New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet plus the Circus Studio perform Basso Ostinato by Victor Vlasov.

Video 2: Alexander Poeluev and the New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet plus the Circus Studio perform Oblivion by Astor Piazzolla.

27 March "Accordion Fringe" concert during the 2016 International Competition and Festival "Accordion Plus" from 26th to 30th March 2016 in Rostov-on-Don, organised by the International Music Centre "Harmony".

Aram Rustamyants (piano), Andrew Machnev (saxophone), Vitaly Perov (bass), Gregory Deratsuev (drums), Exemplary circus studio "RIAN", director - Elena Kuzmina Arsentevna.

Concert artist Alexander Poeluev lives in Rostov-on-Don and is a former Coupe Mondiale winner, who has performed extensively in many different countries of Asia, South Pacific, North America and Europe. CD at: apoeluev01

The International Music Centre "Harmony" are hosting the 2016 Coupe Mondiale in Rostov-on-Don from 11th to 17th September 2016.

Thank you to "Harmony" and Vladimir Bershov for providing the videos.


Future events

Piazzolla’s Tango Opera, London – UK

Piazzolla’s Tango Opera poster‘Maria de Buenos Aires’, an opera written by Astor Piazzolla, will be performed in The Vaults, Leake Street, Waterloo, London SE1, on six dates in May and June. Tickets £25.

The dates include May 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, and June 3rd and 4th. Doors at 10pm – Performance starts at 10.30pm. For those who would like to tango into the wee hours there will be an after party till 2am.

The advance publicity says: Descend into the Vaults and mingle with the lowlife of old Buenos Aires: thieves, card sharps, pimps and whores. The Narrator will relate the story of the maestro of the bandoneon, Piazzolla’s muse, María, a prostitute born in the slums “one day when God was drunk … with a curse in her voice.” Maria is seduced by the rhythms of the tango and soon becomes “the most sorcerous singer and lover” in Buenos Aries. But her “fatal passion” arouses the wrath of the languishing Piazzolla, who, driven to madness by Maria’s unrelenting freedom, conspires with a group of robbers and brothel madames to murder her. After her death, her Shadow returns to haunt the sordid streets she once walked, and only then does Piazzolla realise the error of his ways: “Maria is music!” A modern day Passion Play, full of religious allusions and black humour, set to a soundtrack of tangos, milongas and waltzes.

This intimate 90-minute masterpiece featuring an 11 piece orchestra will be presented in the setting of an abandoned carnival. After the performance guests who, like María herself, refuse to depart the scene will be invited to tango into the small hours at our after show party.


Mazaika Concerts, London - UK

The duo MazaikaThe duo Mazaika – Igor Outkine (accordion, vocals) and Elizabeth Harrison (violin) – perform a ‘Spring Masquerade’ concert on Saturday May 7th, 7pm until 11pm, at Cecil Sharp House, 2 Park Rd, London. Their program includes music by Vivaldi, Strauss, Henry Mancini, pop songs, and much more.

On Monday May 9th, Mazaika perform their annual ‘Victory Day’ concert at Pushkin House, 5A Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2TA. This is an evening of songs, poetry and foot-tapping nostalgia to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. There will be many favourite 1940s songs and tunes from Mazaika Duo, and the most memorable war poetry performed by Tatiana Schofield and Elena Dobson.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Gianni Mirizzi Concert, San Cesareo (RM) – Italy

Gianni MirizziGianni Mirizzi performs in concert on Saturday May 7th, 9pm, at the Teatro Auditorium ‘Giulanco’, Viale dei Cedri, San Cesareo (RM), Italy.

Gianni Mirizzi began his musical studies at the age of 8, initially driven by a family tradition. One of his greatest influences is Pino Di Modugno, who inspired him to love the accordion even more. He participated in several accordion competitions, winning several first places, and studied technique with Giancarlo Caporilli. Mirizzi has performed at festivals in several European countries.


No 1 Ladies Orchestra Concerts, London - UK

No 1 Ladies Orchestra posterNo 1 Ladies Orchestra (Jane Ward) perform concerts on Saturday evening May 7th, 8pm, and on Sunday afternoon May 8th, 2.30pm, at The Old Church, Church St, Stoke Newington, London N16 9ES.

The No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra was founded in 2010 by accordionist Karen Tweed, bringing together female accordion players from all corners of the UK, with a shifting line-up of up to sixteen performers. This all-squeezing, cake-loving, tea-drinking band of lovely talented ladies has enthralled audiences across the country, in village halls, ballrooms, festivals, fetes, parties, piers and pavilions. With the unexpected sounds of multiple accordions played with sensitivity, versatility and a unique style of charming idiosyncrasy, many an accordion-phobe has been made to think twice!


World Accordion Day Performance – Guatemala

The Club del Acordeón de Guatemala, consisting of 13 accordionists, will perform in honour of World Accordion Day by performing on Monday May 9th, 6.30pm, at the Club Italiano de Guatemala, 2A Avenida 9-95, Guatemala City.

For further information email: gonzalezgt@gmail.com


Sofia Ros Gonzalez Recital, Santander – Spain

Sofia Ros Gonzalez posterSofia Ros Gonzalez performs a classical recital for her Conservatory graduation on Thursday May 12th, 8pm, at Espacio Joven, Cuesto del Hospital, Santander, Spain. Her program includes music by J.S. Bach, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Piazzolla, and Galliano.


Zoltan Orosz and Attila Bardoczy Concert, Budapest – Hungary

Zoltan Orosz and Attila Bardoczy poster
Accordionist Zoltan Orosz and vocalist Attila Bardoczy perform together on Thursday May 12th, 7pm, at the Ëgoist Café, 1054 Budapest.

Zoltan Orosz studied both the accordion and the organ at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest, and later at the Franz Liszt College, Budapest. He has since pursued a very successful international career as an accordionist, with several recordings to his credit.

For further information email: info@harmonika.hu


Howard (Schmenge) Chapman Gigs, Calgary – Canada

Howard (Schmenge) ChapmanCanadian accordionist Howard (Schmenge) Chapman performs this month, as follows:

Friday May 13th, 6pm to 9pm – Austrian-Canadian Club, 3112 - 11st NE Calgary
Friday May 20th, 6pm to 9pm – Austrian-Canadian Club, 3112 - 11st NE Calgary
Saturday May 28th, 6pn to 10pm - Lorenzo’s, Enderby BC

Howard (Schmenge) Chapman, from Calgary Alberta, has played the accordion since 1960, and in 1968 began teaching accordion and guitar. Howard was classically trained and attended the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto from 1974 to 1976 where he received Grade 10 on accordion. Since then Howard (Schmenge) Chapman has performed professionally in and around the Calgary area in a variety of venues and music festivals, and served as the Musical Director for the Kelly Jay Benefit and the Amos Garrett Benefit both held in Calgary.

Howard did the background music on accordion, playing 2 French pieces, in the TV movie ‘Heart Full of Rain’, which was filmed in the Calgary area. Howard also has been in the TV series ‘Hell On Wheels’ Season One playing a 19th Century accordion as well as Season Three playing guitar, and in the movie the ‘Klondike’ where he played a 19th Century accordion in a 10 piece band.

For further information email: howardchapman954@gmail.com


Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Germany, Netherlands

Marko KasslAustrian accordionist Marko Kassl has the following forthcoming forthcoming dates:

Friday May 13th, 8pm – Klangbrucke Aachen, Kurhausstr. 1, D-52062 Aachen, Germany
Thursday May 26th, 10.45pm – De Doelen, Schouwburgplein 50, NL-3012 CL Rotterdam
Saturday June 4th, 6.30pm/8.45pm – Nachtaktiv, Schouwburgplein 50, NL-3012 CL Rotterdam

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Romano Viazzani @ Classics at the Villa, Hertfordshire – UK

Romano ViazzaniAccordionist Romano Viazzani entertains at this year’s ‘Classics at the Villa’ car show, held on Sunday May 22nd, 9.30am until 4.30pm, at Villa Scalabrini, Green Street, Shenley, Hertfordshire WD7 9BB.

Romano Viazzani is very excited to be playing a variety of music from opera, Neapolitan serenades, tango, Italian and American standards and jazz on accordion alongside John Bailey on piano, Nick Pini on double bass, Richard Jones on violin, Jason Reeve on drums, with the beautiful operatic voice of Anna Greco at this event

‘Classics at the Villa’ is organised by a group of Italians passionate about cars and food. This fantastic event is set on 25 acres of attractive gardens distinguishes itself due to its Italian food offering and the fact that all money raised goes to charity. So come along and expect a warm Italian welcome. All makes and models are welcomed from Supercars to classic cars, bikes, campervans, specials, etc.

For further information email: info@classicsatthevilla.com


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Franck Angelis Solo and Duets Information - France

Franck AngelisUpdated information about Franck Angelis (picture left) and about his solo and duet compositions:

ang556 Impasse (Solo)
ang557 Hommage A Paco (Duet)
ang558 Impasse II (Duet)
ang559 Toccata (Duet)
ang560 Haiti (Duet)
ang561 Haiti (Solo)
ang562 Comastor (Duet)
ang563 Moscou-Paris (Duet)
ang566 Hommage A Paco (Solo)
ang567 Beijing 2011 (Solo)


Updated Joe Cerrito Site: New Video, Ave Maria by Joe Cerrito

Joe CerritoUpdated site with new video. Joe Cerrito (accordion) and Alex Dilan (organ) accompanying soprano Michelle Giglio in Ave Maria by Giulio Caccini.


Updated Arrangement: Indifference Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

Indifference arranged by Gary DahlGary DahlUpdated Arrangement: Indifference arranged by well known teacher, performer and arranger Gary Dahl. Catalog: DH0076 View sample page.

Any clients who have already purchased this music may email for the updated arrangement which will be provided by email to you without charge.


Updated Site: Grayson Masefield New and Updated Videos - Switzerland

Grayson MasefieldGrayson  Masefield, multi Coupe Mondiale champion, has had the video page of his website updated with new videos in mp4 format. www.accordions.com/gmasefield/

Videos for viewing include original works for accordion, transcriptions (solo and chamber music) and entertainment works.

New publicity pictures online. www.accordions.com/gmasefield/


Updated Site, Milwaukee Accordion Club, May to August Events - USA

Milwaukee Accordion Club
Updated Site: Milwaukee Accordion Club with meetings for the next few months:

Monday - May 23, 2016, Mac Members Perform.
Monday - June 27, 2016 Ryan Kautzer and his Yankovic Tribute Band are visiting from Wisconsin.
Monday - July 25, 2016 Yard Dog Charlie from the swamp of South West Florida with his belnd of Canjun, Zydeco, blue grass and country.
Sunday - August 21, 2016 is the Mac Annual Picnic and Jam.


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