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Alex Meixner 4月在他的客厅进行表演 - 美国

Alex Meixner现在我们都被限制在家里了,也不能够出去听现场音乐会,而手风琴家 Alex Meixner 通过互联网的方式将他的音乐传递给了我们所有人。 为 Alex 的活泼、乐观和积极的表现点赞。 忘掉麻烦,尽情享受 Alex 演奏的波尔卡音乐吧!

Meixner’s formative musical studies were on piano and piano accordion, but he quickly branched out on drums, diatonic button accordion, bass and trumpet, his college major. This instrumental versatility is combined with a musical background that has included intense studies and performance of jazz, classical, pop, polkas and many ethnic folk music genres with some of the leading artists in the world.

His talents in music and comedy were featured on the Tonight Show on NBC. His “Polka Freak Out” CD with Bubba Hernandez garnered a Grammy nomination in December 2007. Alex has performed as a solo artist and with numerous touring ensembles. In 2016 Alex collaborated with the notable advertising agency, BBDO, to produce the infamous Hormel Pepperoni commercials contributing to a successful sales campaign and contract renewals. At the end of 2016, he recorded with comedy phenomenon, Jack Black, for the major motion picture, ”The Polka King, ” that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017. Alex’s reputation for professionalism and quality performance attracted additional commercial opportunities including performing on radio commercials for Ford Trucks and the soundtracks for numerous episodes of Moonshiners on the Discovery Network.

Alex has performed on over 50 albums, including 17 as a leader or soloist. His performance with his Father on Canadian Polka King, Walter Ostanek’s, “Music and Friends” won a Grammy Award. His album Polka Freak Out, a collaboration with Bubba Hernandez, was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2007. He has also recorded with a vast number of diverse artists as a soloist or sideman including avant-garde accordionist/composer Guy Klucevsek, Grammy winner Brave Combo, TexMex Rock icon The Krayolas and Irish entertainer Seamus Kennedy.

His latest recording as a leader is “You Asked for It!”, a live concert DVD and CD of The Alex Meixner Band released in 2016.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com
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