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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 17-Apr-2020
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iTunes 排名第一 - “Skerryvore”发布视频向NHS工作者致敬 - 苏格兰
Luigi Bruti 在疫情期间重返手风琴 - 意大利
新CD“Gorka Hermosa & Blanchard Strings”发布 - 西班牙
国际手风琴协奏曲比赛被推迟 - 克罗地亚


莱文沃斯手风琴庆典活动推迟到2021年举行 - 美国
视频:Joseph Natoli 表演他的最新作品“Alone” - 美国
回顾:Michael Bridge Xenia 线上音乐会 - 加拿大
Changes Announced to Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival, Kent - England
Outside Covid-19 Entertainment - Sweden
视频:室内音乐之疫情隔离版 - 意大利
Cancelled - 45th International Accordion Competition, Pula - Croatia


Texas Folklife Big Squeeze宣布5月1日线上决赛 - 美国
“Mr Accordion Man”在澳大利亚珀斯举办娱乐活动 - 澳大利亚
NOVAM音乐节的新日期 - 荷兰
60 Seconds of Accordion – Croatia
“巴扬和手风琴之星”音乐会,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯


最新发布! Guy Vlucetek 创作的“Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion”的原创作品
WAD免费专辑 - “Harley Plays Gary” 电子音轨专辑在线发布 - 新西兰


Romano Viazzani 合奏“伦敦探戈” 的CD评论

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iTunes 排名第一 - “Skerryvore”发布视频向NHS工作者致敬 - 苏格兰

上个星期,环球手风琴( Accordions Worldwide ) 介绍了“Skerryvore”组合(包括手风琴演奏者 Daniel 兄弟和管乐、笛乐和手风琴演奏者 Martin Gillespie 兄弟),他们专门录制了特别的单曲和视频,以此来向在一线对抗新型冠状病毒的 NHS 工作者表达敬意。


复活节过后,该乐队发表感谢称“我们非常感谢您的包容与支持,我们对于“Everyday Heroes”这首歌目前能在 iTunes 单曲榜上排名第一表示十分震惊!!”

这首单曲由 Skerryvore 的 Scott Wood 进行编曲、混音和处理控制,由手风琴家和笛乐演奏者 Martin Gillespie 编写。


Luigi Bruti 在疫情期间重返手风琴 - 意大利

Luigi Bruti视频:Lucigi Bruti 在演奏 Luciano Fancelli 的作品 “10 Km al finestrino”

Luigi BrutiRoland V-Accordion 的发展上拥有辉煌的历史,其历史内容尽在:

Roland Europe 活动停止之后, Luigi Bruti 与 Dexibell 合作设计和开发了手风琴键盘。


1992年10月,我的女儿 Anna 出生了,她并没有经历过我在早年时期和手风琴共度的美好岁月,没有经历过在录音室的做出的牺牲,没有体验过在音乐比赛中的胜利,但她却依然对我的相册照片深有感触(下图)。

我曾因 Luciano Fancelli 而赢下了1976年的“Sora”意大利冠军赛和1977年的“Recanati”国际冠军赛,而 Luciano Fancelli 的父母的一封信也引发了惊人对连锁反应,安娜也开始兴趣盎然地询问起那段时光,然后说 ‘爸爸,重新拾起手风琴吧,让我好好欣赏一下!’


我决定以现代的方式将它与其他电子设备一起编排,最后,我终于做到了。就在今天,即2020年4月10日,也即 Fancelli 诞辰92年之后,我录制了这段视频: Luciano Fancelli 以及我的女儿 Anna 共同把我引向了这个“不可能完成的任务”。
Luigi Bruti and Anna Bruti


新CD“Gorka Hermosa & Blanchard Strings”发布 - 西班牙

CD cover, back cover视频:Gorka Hermosa 与 MaríaBlanchard Strings 共同演奏其作品 Gernika .

4月24日, Gorka Hermosa 将免费在 Spotify 平台上传他的新CD “Gorka Hermosa & Blanchard Strings” 。

该CD包含由 Gorka 创作并与 Pigini Spain 合作发行的所有曲目。

Gorka 对伴奏由 Blanchard 弦乐完成,包括 Cristina Cubas 和 Laura Villar(小提琴), Ruben Menéndez(中提琴),Miguel Díez(大提琴)和 Javier Mayor(低音提琴)。

曲目包括:Gernika,Neotango Concerto(Enea,Anatango,Milonga del Vent,Galliano en Santiago),伊比利亚(Iberia)的四支舞(Brehme,SaudadeÁrtica,Zelaia,Paco)。


国际手风琴协奏曲比赛被推迟 - 克罗地亚

IACC postponed




组织者希望重新将比赛日期尽快提上日程。 有关信息,请发送电子邮件至:office@accordioncompetition.com



莱文沃斯手风琴庆典活动推迟到2021年举行 - 美国

Leavenworth Logo视频:Gary Blair 演奏“The Leavenworth Polka”

在最近的几天里,莱文沃斯国际手风琴庆典( The Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration )委员会广泛讨论了有关COVID-19的情况,并达成了共识,谨慎地取消了2020年活动并将重新安排在2021年。


手风琴家 Gary Blair 说:“很遗憾地听到他们不得不取消今年在华盛顿州的莱文沃斯节的消息。 我已经参加过这个贴心的节日无数次了……这是我的作品“Leavenworth Polka”,献给所有使这个节日如此特别的辛勤工作的委员会和志愿者们。”


视频:Joseph Natoli 表演他的最新作品“Alone” - 美国

手风琴家 Joseph Natoli 先生演奏了他的最新作品“孤独”(创作于2020年4月13日)。 Joe说:“今晚我不得不写下这首歌,因为那些因新冠病毒而不得不离开这个世界的人们让我真的极度悲伤。 愿上帝给他们和他们的家人以安抚。 该作品“孤独”是为了纪念那些在2020年疫情中丧生并独自离开这个世界的人。”

Joe Natoli, is a professional accordionist and composer and also President of ATG and a co-dirrector of the IDEAS Symposium held in November 2019. Joseph Natoli has been a performer and advocate of the accordion since the age of seven. His education includes Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in music theory and composition from the University of Toronto and international competition success with 2nd place, Coupe Mondiale in 1972.

Joseph Natoli started his musical career primarily as a performer, but had always been interested in composition, and has focused on his compositional craft even more in recent years. Joe has written many original pieces in all musical styles and genres for standard and free bass accordion, including his latest 2017 pieces, Children’s Suite for accordion solo, and Smooth (a Latin jazz piece for solo or accordion quintet). All are available from janpressmusic@yahoo.com
Joseph Natoli


回顾:Michael Bridge Xenia 线上音乐会 - 加拿大

Xenia concerts上方视频: Michael Bridge 线上音乐会。

On April 6, 2020, Michael Bridge presented his first Xenia online video concert broadcast from his living room in Canada. The concert, which came with a downloadable program booklet was followed by a Q&A.

Michael 使用了两个手风琴表演了该节目,上半部分使用了他的原声手风琴,下半部分则是他的电子手风琴。 他的节目不仅令人赏心悦目,而且很具有教育意义。 Michael 讲解了这两种手风琴之间的区别,并对每种选择提供了简短但内容丰富的介绍。 Michael 的态度温和友善,作为一名表演者,可以说他非常受人喜欢。 我觉得迈克尔好像只在和我一个人对话。

Michael 的节目包括:
Spanish Dance no. 5 ”Andaluza” Enrique Granados
Italian Concerto I. Allegro, J.S Bach
Fench Suite no. 5 in G major VII. Gigue , J.S. Bach
Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen
Daichovo Horo, Trad. Bulgarian
Palladia, Karl Jenkins
Misty, Joe Garland
1812 Overture, P. I. Tchaikovsky

Xenia Concerts Inc. 的目标是提供高品质的音乐和艺术表演、演讲和教育计划。 感谢 Michael 的高质量表演,我期待着未来他能有更多的表演。
Michael Bridge


Changes Announced to Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival, Kent - England

HallOrganisers of the Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival have announced that in line with other similar organisations, the 2020 Sevenoaks Three Arts Festival due to take place at Walthamstow Hall School in Sevenoaks, Kent, England in June has been cancelled.

The accordion section which includes competition classes for accordions and concertinas was due to be held on Sunday 7th June with adjudicator Raymond Bodell.

Although the main Festival is cancelled, organisers are running some competitive elements this year in a more limited form on a digital basis. Classes will continue to be available in a variety of instruments including the accordion as follows.

Own Composition classes: These are available in all sections. Entrants are encouraged to consider this creative option, even if they had not previously. Compositions should be e-mailed to the Secretary by 31st May, and will be assessed and marked by an adjudicator by 15th June. In addition, the entrant may wish to submit a video recording of the item being recited, sung or played by themselves or a nominated substitute.

Video recordings: Performances can be captured on any digital medium such as a smartphone and uploaded onto a secure site. The section adjudicator will view, assess and mark the performances by 15th June.

The closing date for the entries described above is extended to 9th May, 2020. Own compositions and video recordings should be submitted by 31st May, 2020.

Competitors who have already entered the Festival may choose to send a video recording, or receive a full refund by contacting the Secretary.

For further information phone: 01732 458 586

Picture below: 2019 prizewinners
2019 prizewinners


Outside Covid-19 Entertainment - Sweden

Sweden entertainment
Accordionist Lennart Baeckman hasn’t let Covid-19 stop him from entertaining in Mariestad, Sweden. He has continued to play sing-a-longs at elderly homes outside with good safety distances. A successful arrangement in all simplicity despite the current circumstances!


视频:室内音乐之疫情隔离版 - 意大利

Ghenadie Rotari视频:Valentina Danelon(小提琴)和 Ghenadie Rotari(手风琴)演奏 Matteo Falloni 的

Accordionist Ghenadie Rotari (picture left) and Valentina Danelon (violin) last played together in 2012 and this year seemed like a good time to start performing again, but then the world came to a halt because of Covid-19.

So they decided to do their own version of Matteo Falloni's "Jewel" and record it this way – see video above. It's a new experience for both.

Ghenadie says, "The idea to record the piece in this way comes from the will to do music together from the safety of our own homes in these difficult times. The entire world might have come to a halt but music didn't and it keeps us going".


Cancelled - 45th International Accordion Competition, Pula - Croatia

Dom Hrvatskih braniteljaThe 45th International Accordion Competition was due to be held at Dom Hrvatskih branitelja in Pula, Croatia from April 22nd to 25th, 2020.

Igor Krizman, President of the 45th International Accordion Competition organizing committee has announced “with deep regret we inform you that due to the dramatic development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that has led to the cancellation of public events around the world……we too are forced to cancel the 45th Pula International Accordion Competition for the year 2020.

Respecting first and foremost your months of long artistic preparation for the competition, as well as complete efforts to organize your arrival and stay in Pula, and long tradition of the event, we have delayed the decision to cancel the competition to the maximum. We have considered various options for postponing the competition and at the same time followed the development of the situation, however, we came to the conclusion that... due to the uncertainty of the further development of the coronavirus pandemic, the only reasonable decision is to completely cancel the competition for this year.”

Organisers are looking forward to meeting you all in Pula in 2021.



Lockdown joke



Texas Folklife Big Squeeze宣布5月1日线上决赛 - 美国

Big Squeeze由Texas Folklife举办的第14届年度 Big Squeeze 手风琴比赛将于今年在线举办其流行的Big Squeeze 决赛活动。 Big Squeeze 决赛最初是为在德克萨斯州布洛克州立历史博物馆举办的现场青年手风琴比赛和音乐会而设计的,现在将通过线上视频播放的形式进行。

The 2020 Big Squeeze season began in February in Pasadena, Texas and spanned across the state seeking young accordion players in each of the traditional Texas accordion music genres including conjunto, polka, Cajun and zydeco. In March, the competition shifted the remaining programming and competitions to online entries.

The winners will each receive a prize package and future performance opportunities. The live event will also feature recorded musical performances and additional programming elements.

Picture below: Eduardo Garza 2019 Big Squeeze winner.
Eduardo Garza


“Mr Accordion Man”在澳大利亚珀斯举办娱乐活动 - 澳大利亚

Mr accordion man手风琴先生,Frank Miranda 先生,将于4月18日星期六在西澳大利亚州珀斯的莫利(Morley)的车道上招待食客们。


有关详细信息,请致电:+61 413 052 999


NOVAM音乐节的新日期 - 荷兰

NOVAM posterNOVAM(Nederloadse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica)已将他们在希尔弗瑟姆山巷的 Muziekcentrum van de Omroep 的管弦乐节推迟到2020年9月27日。

迄今为止,已有22个管弦乐队报名了该活动,并且该活动仍在接受报名中。 邀请所有爱好者参加。



60 Seconds of Accordion – Croatia

posterAccordionist Martina Jembrisak has sent out a Call for Scores. She has requested composers write a piece for accordion or bandoneon solo that is no longer than 60 seconds.

There is no entry fee or deadline and multiple entries are welcome. She suggests that composers send their scores during the Covid-19 quarantine. All chosen compositions will be played on social networks.

For details email: jembrisakmartina@gmail.com


“巴扬和手风琴之星”音乐会,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯

Maria Vlasova

音乐会将包括 Maria Vlasova (手风琴 - 上图),Andrey Ustinov(介绍和访谈),Sviatoslav Lips(钢琴,大键琴)和 Victor Sych(鼓)。

Their program will include works by Busoni, Bach, Gubaidulina, Denisov, Schnittke and Popov such as Chaconne in D minor, From Dusk to Light (1994), Concerto Grosso No 3 and Flores Malum for accordion solo (World Premiere).

For details email: info@meloman.ru



最新发布! Guy Vlucetek 创作的“Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion”的原创作品

Album coverGuy Klucevsek 所作的“Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion”现在可以在线上购买。 详细阅读 Joan Grauman 关于这本“令人愉快且着迷的书”的评论,这套书包含了 Guy Klucevsek 所写的24本书,内容适用于各类水平的手风琴家。

Joan Grauman 的全部信息,包括音乐样本的链接和在线购买的信息,网址为:VignettesArticle



Russia News banner
俄罗斯手风琴新闻( Russia News )已更新,现已可以在线上查看


WAD免费专辑 - “Harley Plays Gary” 电子音轨专辑在线发布 - 新西兰

Harley Plays GaryHarley Jones 在过去几年里录制的 Gary Daverne 所作曲目的最新mp3专辑。录音包括 Gary Daverne 的个人独奏、与新西兰交响乐团的合奏、二重奏以及三重奏作品。这些录音已经被编进了最新的电子音轨 mp3专辑 Harley Plays Gary ,您可以在官方网站上找到。

该免费专辑的发行旨在庆祝5月6日的世界手风琴日 World Accordion Day (WAD) 。由 Gary DaverneHarley Jones 提供的新mp3专辑可供大家免费永久使用,获取时间截止至5月7日。您也可以使用中文发送电子邮件获取免费专辑,请将您的电子邮件发送至: musicforacc.com@yahoo.com

为了这次推广,许多其他的曲目,如"Harmonious Blacksmith"、"Flight of the Bumble Bee"、"Le Cou Cou"等曲目都被添加到了这次世界手风琴日的庆祝活动中。

点击链接查看完整的音乐信息,包括音乐样本在内: Harley Plays Gary



Romano Viazzani 合奏“伦敦探戈” 的CD评论

Romano Viazzani EnsembleRob Howard 在上个月由 Romano Viazzani 合奏团发行的首张专辑“伦敦探戈”上写下了CD评论。 CD Reviews Index

该乐队计划在英国伦敦发行一张专辑发行音乐会,但由于 Covid-19,该专辑的发行日期不得不无限期推迟。


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