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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 01-May-2020
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AAA年度大师班和音乐会系列将在线上呈现 – 美国
Marco Lo Russo 的隔离与音乐时光 - 意大利
视频:Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Vivaldi 双重协奏曲 - 意大利


Emergency Accordion Stoop Extravaganza 活动在布鲁克林进行 - 美国
已取消的项目:洛杉矶 ATG 80周年庆典 - 美国
视频:AC-Duo 演奏Novelette二重奏,伊尔库茨克 - 俄罗斯
Accordion Monument Planned - Malta
手风琴之花星期五 - 来自各家的视频音乐会
视频:Trio Voronezh 演奏 Libertango
Diatonic and Chromatic Accordion Course Cancelled - Belgium


Daddy Squeeze线上音乐会 - 美国
Stowe Tango Music Festival's Bandoneon Intensive Workshop - USA
第一届手风琴暑期课程计划在阿姆斯特丹举行 - 荷兰
"Bayan and Accordion Stars" Concert Series, Moscow – Russia


Renzo Ruggieri更新了Acquarelli Italiani(合奏)音乐 - 意大利
网站更新:手风琴之家的新徽标和新处所 - 新西兰


回顾:Gary Daverne 视频“这就是我的生活” - 新西兰

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World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logoKevin Friedrich and Grayson Masefield自2009年以来,每年的5月6日, CIA 都一直在推广世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )。我们的第一次世界手风琴日( WAD )于2009年5月6日开始举行,这个日期标志着手风琴诞生180周年 - 自1829年5月6日,Cyrillius Demien 在奥地利维也纳首次申请了手风琴专利。

这次直播的主持人是 CIA 前主席和现任 CIA 大使 Kevin Friedrich (美国)和 CIA 音乐委员会副主席 Grayson Masefield ,同时本次直播也得到了 CIA 公共关系负责人 Harley Jones 和环球手风琴( Accordions Wordwide )员工的技术支持。

5月6日,星期三:葡萄牙 CIA 2020 Coupe Mondiale ,捷克 CIA 2020 冬季大会东道主,以及 2019年 Coupe Mondiale 的主办方中国手风琴协会。

纽约 - 凌晨4点
罗马 - 上午10点
上海 - 下午4点
奥克兰 - 晚上8点

在直播过后的两个小时后,该视频将在环球手风琴( World Accordion Day )官方网站上播出

2020年 CIA WAD 的其他节目也是如此。
5月23日星期六,纽约 – 下午2:30,罗马 – 晚上8:30,上海 – 凌晨 2:30(5月24日),奥克兰 – 凌晨 6:30 (5月24日)
6月6日星期六,纽约 – 下午 2:30,罗马 – 晚上8:30,上海 – 凌晨2:30(5月24日),奥克兰 – 凌晨6:30(5月24日)


AAA年度大师班和音乐会系列将在线上呈现 – 美国

AAA banner
Dr Schimmel美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 将于2020年7月31日至8月2日与主持人兼策展人 William Schimmel 博士(右图)一起介绍他们的2020年大师班和音乐会系列。该活动将首次在网上进行,并会于每天进行近2个小时,各时间段如下:

第1个小时-下午3点:大师班 - 讲座/讲习班

Dr. William Schimmel, one of the principal architects in the resurgence of the accordion, holds Bachelor of Music, Master of Science, and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees in composition from the Juilliard School. Schimmel's music has been featured in a number of television shows and films, perhaps most notably 'Scent of a Woman' starring Al Pacino, where Schimmel appears in the famous Tango scene.

Schimmel performs music in many genres, has commissioned and premiered hundreds of new works, has written a number of books and articles and has made numerous recordings and videos. He has served and continues to serve as Artist in Residence of The American Accordionist's Association (AAA) where he also serves as Distinguished Lecturer in Residence and member of the Governing Board.

The Seminars were brought to the AAA by Dr. William Schimmel with the idea of presenting all facets of the accordion to The New York Artistic Community, with the notion of finding ways to find new angles of expression, composition, video art, performance, dance, design, trapeze, as well as new takes on old ideas and bringing the Accordion Ancestry into fresh new light.

The response has been important in the establishment of an accordion culture in New York City and its influence has gone international.

Download flier: 2020AAAMasterClass.pdf
Masterclass poster


Marco Lo Russo 的隔离与音乐时光 - 意大利

Marco Lo RussoMarco Lo Russo 的灵感来自于受新冠病毒感人的众多患者,希望能为那些甚至无法给亲人做最后道别的人们送去安慰。


So, Lo Russo has made available the free listening of over one hundred songs of his musical production on his soundcloud channel, and in particular for childrens, 11 chapters that compose the musical tale “Fata Concetta” in Italian.

Marco Lo Russo is a teacher in Orchestration and Jazz arrangement, and accordion. He is also working on the soundtrack of two film productions, one of which is international.

For details phone: +39 340 94 04 250


视频:Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Vivaldi 双重协奏曲 - 意大利

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi巴扬演奏家 Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi(意大利阿特萨,左图)已与弦乐演奏家一起演奏了巴扬乐曲中的 Vivaldi 双重协奏曲。

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi(巴扬)
Andrés Gabetta(小提琴独奏)
Rob Rutkauskas(小提琴)
Eurydice Vernay(小提琴)
Marco Massera(中提琴)
Marcello Scandelli(大提琴)
Davide Nava(低音)以及
Andreas Hecker(大键琴)。



Emergency Accordion Stoop Extravaganza 活动在布鲁克林进行 - 美国

上方视频记录了 Paul Stein 演奏并谈论他的经历的过程。

手风琴家 Paul Stein(如下图)目前正处于疫情隔离状态,但同时他也想做点什么来鼓励他的邻居们。 所以……他拿出手风琴开始了演奏。



The concerts help to raise people’s spirits, encourage staying at home and social distancing, and applaud the healthcare and other essential workers who are risking their lives to protect and support the rest of us. The AP story was published this week by over 200 news outlets throughout the United States, from large national media like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today to local newspapers and TV stations in small towns and cities in all parts of the country. The story was also picked up by news outlets in Australia, Canada, Croatia, England, Lebanon, Roumania, South Africa, Taiwan, and United Arab Emirates.


已取消的项目:洛杉矶 ATG 80周年庆典 - 美国

cancelledATG poster我们曾预计于今年8月5日至9日在洛杉矶举行的宏大的80周年庆典已被取消。 但我们依旧希望您能在2021年7月20日至25日在美国伊利诺伊州位于利西的凯悦酒店举行的下届音乐节上参加 ATG 活动。



Accordions Rising
Roberta Cantow致所有的手风琴音乐爱好者。 您是否看过 Roberta Cantow 的精彩的《手风琴的崛起》纪录片呢( Accordions Rising Documentary )? 购买或观看这部纪录片是庆祝5月6日世界手风琴日 World Accordion Day (WAD) 的好办法哦。

“Accordions Rising” offers entertaining interviews, anecdotal commentary and both formal and informal music performances from celebrated accordionists, composers, and bands working in America today.

The film provides a tapestry of fascinating individuals, their attitudes, deep passions, and above all else, profound dedication to the instrument. You will learn that these musicians have an audience, from some of the hippest hideaways to the most sought after mainstream venues. The film makes clear that the accordion world includes everything from wacky and kitsch to sophisticated, serious, meditative and post-modern.

有关如何查看/购买该影片的完整信息,请访问:Accordions Rising Documentary


视频:AC-Duo 演奏Novelette二重奏,伊尔库茨克 - 俄罗斯

视频: Gary Daverne 在2020年国际视频比赛和手风琴音乐推广中获得了金奖。

Gary Daverne 创作的 Novelette 由来自俄罗斯伊尔库茨克的 AC-Duo 演奏。 这个有才华的二重奏组成立于2015年,由 Sergei Fukalov(手风琴)和 Alexander Petrov(萨克斯风)组成。


Accordion Monument Planned - Malta

accordion monumentAccordionist Philip Agius has made a model (picture left) of a monument he plans to erect in Malta. He is requesting expressions of interest from any accordion firms interested in sponsoring this project.

He is not requesting any money at this stage, just proposals of sponsorship.

If you would like to help please email: intia680@gmail.com


手风琴之花星期五 - 来自各家的视频音乐会

accordion babe
5月1日,Renee de la Prade(手风琴之花 Pin-Up 日历的编辑)在他们的社交媒体页面上开始了每周一次的手风琴之花直播音乐会系列。 邀请所有过去,现在甚至将来的手风琴之花们参加。

概念:手风琴美女们在他们的家里演奏30分钟的音乐会,每个星期五整日交错,直到隔离结束,他们可以进行定期演出。 每位演奏者都可以在直播期间发布其 Paypal /捐赠链接,以便他们可以在演出期间获得一定收入。



视频:Trio Voronezh 演奏 Libertango

Trio上面的视频:Voronezh 三重奏组演奏了 Astor Piazzolla 创作的“Libertango”,视频发布于2020年4月19日。三重奏组包括手风琴家 Sergei Teleshev,Valerie Petrukhin(巴拉莱卡)和 Vladimir Volokhin(多马拉)。

They named themselves after the working-class city from which they studied and perfected their craft, a city of over a million people, and approximately 350 miles south of Moscow.

In 1995, Trio Voronezh sprang onto the international stage after they were discovered playing classical favorites and folk tunes in a Frankfurt, Germany subway station!


Diatonic and Chromatic Accordion Course Cancelled - Belgium

cancelledposterThe accordion course for diatonic and chromatic accordionists which was to be held in Aubechies, Hainau, Belgium on May 21st and 22nd, 2020, regrettably has now been cancelled. The course was organised by tutors Diou Flo - Florence Pinvidic and Florence Glorion.



Daddy Squeeze线上音乐会 - 美国

Dan Newton下周手风琴家 Dan Newton(Daddy Squeeze)将通过社交媒体演奏多首乐曲。

5月5日下午6点:Café 手风琴音乐将包括法国小号奏鸣曲

5月8日下午4:30:路易斯安那州的欢乐时光! – 该节目将包括流行的路易斯安那音乐!

5月11日中午12点:传统音乐 - Dan将在午餐时间演奏来自欧洲和美洲的传统音乐。

Dan thanks his supporters and is looking forward to when he can start playing in person again.

For more information email: daddyqueeze@yahoo.com


Stowe Tango Music Festival's Bandoneon Intensive Workshop - USA

Stowe headerHector del CurtoThe Stowe Tango Music Festival's Bandoneon Intensive Workshop will be held from August 10th to 16th in Vermont, USA and is open for bandoneon students of all levels.

Led by bandoneon player Hector Del Curto (picture right), the one week program consists of daily technique classes, workshops, a bandoneon orchestra, private lessons and performance opportunities.

Technique classes focus on instrument management, fingering, and other techniques that will narrow the gap between musical intention and execution. The workshops will help students acquire knowledge and experience in stylistic and interpretative skills. In addition, students will have the opportunity to apply their skills through master classes and performance.

For details phone: 802-779-9669


第一届手风琴暑期课程计划在阿姆斯特丹举行 - 荷兰

Summer course poster第一届手风琴暑期课程将于2020年8月17日至21日在 Biezenmortel 举行(距阿姆斯特丹机场仅1小时路程),同时也面向12岁以下的学生。

在五天内,所有参与者将与 Vincent van Amsterdam 和/或 Yuri Shishkin (俄罗斯)一起根据各自需要量身定制五堂私人课程。 此外,他们还将为所有参与者提供每日小组课程。

在第一届 Van Amsterdam 夏季课程上,组织者十分荣幸地邀请到了俄罗斯手风琴独奏家 Yuri Shishkin 。 在大师班周中,他将与年轻的一代分享他的知识,并与参加该课程的手风琴家们交流想法。



"Bayan and Accordion Stars" Concert Series, Moscow – Russia

The second concert in the "Bayan and Accordion Stars" concert series will be held on December 6th, 2020 at 7pm in Moscow, Russia.

The concert series, which includes three concerts, all held at the Chamber Hall of the Moscow Philharmonic Conservatory begins on November 2nd, 2020. Details on that concert were reported in Accordions Worldwide Weekly News: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=17-Apr-2020&lang=en#art16381

The December 6th concert will include a performance by Joseph Puritz (bayan - picture above), Andrey Ustinov (presentation and interview) and Cecilia Bignall (cello).

Their program will includes works by Scarlatti (Sonatas in D minor and F minor), Bach, Gubaidulina and Shostakovich.

The 3rd and final concert in this series will be held on March 7th, 2021.

For further information email: info@meloman.ru



Renzo Ruggieri更新了Acquarelli Italiani(合奏)音乐 - 意大利

rrenzo520 CoverRenzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri 更新了他的 Acquarelli Italiani(合奏)作品,现在包括:
以及 手风琴独奏和弦乐团(总谱和各声部)
以及 手风琴独奏和手风琴乐队(总谱和各声部)

pdf格式的乐谱 rrenzo520 可以在线购买,仅售50欧元。

Acquarelli Italiani was born in 2003 for accordion and symphonic orchestra, later it was adapted for solo accordion (in same musical editions). It is a tribute to the composition "Acquarelli Cubani" by the brilliant Luciano Fancelli but basing its development on the rhythm of the "tarantella". The arrangement also contains a “written improvisation” that the soloist can customize.

rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani(仅独奏)


网站更新:手风琴之家的新徽标和新处所 - 新西兰

New Accordion House logo
Maurice JonesMaurice Jones 管理的手风琴之家进口商/零售商( Maurice JonesAccordion House Importer/Retailer )已经开始使用了由其女儿 Alanah Jones 设计的新徽标,并更新了其网站,以推广他们最近所搬到的新场所。

地址是:5 Penning Road,Milford0620。电话号码保持不变,+ 64 94898316。
TitanoPigini 手风琴的经销商。



回顾:Gary Daverne 视频“这就是我的生活” - 新西兰

Gary DaverneGary Daverne ONZM 最近发布了一份图片幻灯片展示,“这就是我的生活”,主要关于这位新西兰作曲家、管弦乐队指挥和唱片制作人的光辉一生。 Gary 于1996年被任为获得新西兰功绩勋章的官员。从1975年组建奥克兰交响乐团开始,他就一直担任着音乐总监/指挥,直到2010年退休时,他被任命为荣誉音乐总监。

Daverne has also conducted many major orchestras around the world and is also New Zealand's most prolific composer and arranger of music for the accordion.

The video includes pictures of accordionists that have performed with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra including New Zealanders Tracey Collins, Kevin Friedrich, Harley Jones and Stephanie Poole as well as Mary Tokarski and Betty Jo Simon (from USA).



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