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第58届克林根塔尔国际比赛 - 德国

Video 1. Category IV 1st Tian Jianan (China)

Video 2. Category IV 1st Tian Jianan (China) Finale

Video 3. Symmetry 1st Category V (Russia)

Video 4 Danijel Piller 2nd Category VI (Austria)

Klingenthal poster视频1. 第4类比赛第一名 田佳男 (中国)
视频2. 第4类比赛 田佳男 (中国)总决赛第一名
视频3. 第5类比赛第一名 Symmetry (俄罗斯)
视频4. 第6类比赛第二名 Danijel Piller (奥地利)

第58届 Klingenthal 国际手风琴比赛于2021年5月2日至8日在线上举行。

由于传统的(1963年开始的) Klingenthal 国际手风琴比赛因去年的疫情大流行而不得不取消, Jörg Künzl 的组织者不想再冒这个风险,所以在早期就改变了比赛的形式: 由面对面的比赛变成了在线形式的比赛。Klingenthal 再一次设定了高标准!

A heartfelt thank you goes to all participants who have prepared themselves with a lot of commitment and diligence for this traditional musical highlight in the accordion world, which the many successful and artistically very valuable video submissions impressively prove.

评委团由 Stefan Hussong 教授担任主席,成员包括 Andreas Nebl ,Claudia Buder 教授,Ulf Seifert (全部来自德国), Jacques Mornet 教授(法国),Maciej Frackiewicz(波兰), Sergey Osokin (俄罗斯), Ivano Battiston (意大利),Veli Kujala博士(芬兰),Geir Draugsvoll教授(挪威)和 Mgr. Ladislav Horák(捷克共和国),他们要评判来自17个国家/地区的84名比赛候选人。

So the new format was quite attractive and opened up the opportunity to participate for more candidates from more countries. Of course, the new possibilities of the digital world presented new challenges, but the results were consistently promising. In any case, there was no doubt about the dominance of China and Russia, both in terms of the number of participants and the number of award winners.

Nevertheless, there are always individual young artists from other countries who simply do not come from a well-developed state training system, but rather can keep up on their own initiative. The level of interpretation is anyway so high internationally that it often depends very much on a juror's individual assessment of which cultural environment he himself was shaped by.

As an Austrian, I was very gratified that Danijel Piller (see video above) was successful in the category for light music achieving a 2nd placing, following on from successes in previous years at Castelfidardo and CMA. His sophisticated technique, his feeling for different musical styles and his now very extensive competition experience has led to these successes.

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