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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 28-May-2021
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第三届巴扬和手风琴全俄音乐比赛在克拉斯诺亚尔斯克举行 - 俄罗斯
第25届世界全音阶手风琴锦标赛 – 克罗地亚
Wow民间音乐节,卡斯特尔菲达多 - 意大利
在线:2021年澳大利亚国际手风琴锦标赛和音乐节将举行 - 澳大利亚


美好的庆祝活动:Linda Soley Reed 的虚拟终身成就奖 - 美国
视频:Joseph Natoli 的作品 Gratitude(致我亲爱的朋友 Linda Soley Reed)- 美国
在线:第12届 Italia 奖世界手风琴比赛将于2021年6月1日开始 - 意大利
Milos Milivojevic 在曼彻斯特演出 - 英国
Julia Gordon 苏格兰音乐筹备 - 苏格兰
视频:Tony Kovatch 表演 “Shadowplay” - 美国


Coba在山梨电视台现场表演 – 日本
现场直播:Victor Prieto 在纽约表演“A Musical Voyage” - USA
现场表演:“Music at Fulla”音乐会 – 斯洛伐克
线上:Hamidreza Nematollahi 在布鲁克林手风琴俱乐部做客 – 美国
“Scythian”开启“Roots&Stones Tour” - 美国
坎特伯雷手风琴协会“Jam Session” – 新西兰
Michal Karban在 欧登塞的 Odeon 音乐剧院演出 - 丹麦


手风琴五重奏组演奏“The Lion Sleeps Tonight” - 乌克兰


Updated: Accordion Russia News
已更新:2021年南太平洋和新西兰手风琴锦标赛和音乐节将举行 - 新西兰

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第三届巴扬和手风琴全俄音乐比赛在克拉斯诺亚尔斯克举行 - 俄罗斯

第三届巴扬和手风琴全俄音乐比赛将于2021年11月3日至9日在俄罗斯克拉斯诺亚尔斯克举行,由 FGBUK 主办 – “联邦音乐和节日节目管理局 Rosconcert”。



• 视频预选赛(不超过20分钟)
• 带有赋格的复调作品(套曲),至少三个声部。
• 2. D. Scarlatti。从他的奏鸣曲中选择
• 3. Virtuoso音乐会作品(民乐旋律,综合表演等)

• 第一轮 - 长达30分钟的节目
• 由不少于两部分组成的套曲(奏鸣曲、组曲、partita 等)
•2. 1970年之前(含)的作品
•3. 1970年之后的作品

•第二轮 - 25至30分钟的自由曲目,包括19世纪至20世纪上半叶的俄罗斯古典作品。

•第三轮 - 谢尔盖耶娃(T. Sergeyeva)。巴扬(手风琴)和室内乐团的协奏曲。




第25届世界全音阶手风琴锦标赛 – 克罗地亚

25th Diatonic Comp

本次活动由Umag市、意大利 Maiolati Spontini (AN) 意大利乐器协会、意大利圣贝内代托音乐协会(AP)和意大利 recaro Terme (VI)音乐协会共同举办。

• 初级
• 高级
• 50岁以上





Wow民间音乐节,卡斯特尔菲达多 - 意大利

Wow festival banner
Wow programWow民间音乐节将于2021年5月28日至5月30日在意大利的卡斯特尔菲达多 (Castelfidardo) 举行。


5月28日:下午5点至7点在市政厅与 Riccardo Tesi 进行大师班。

晚上7点在共和国广场(Piazza della Repubblica)与Ethno Pro二重奏组(Alessandro Gaudio和Salvatore Pace)餐前音乐会。

5月29日:下午3点至5点在市政厅与Riccardo Tesi举行大师班。

Roberto Lucanero 管风琴班的学生的现场表演,下午5:30至6:30

包括 Alessandro D'alessandro (手风琴)和 Antonella Costanzo (声乐)的餐前音乐会在晚上7点举行

5月30日:上午10点至12点30分与 Riccardo Tesi 在 Salone degli Stemmi 举行大师班

即兴乐队从上午10点开始在卡斯特尔菲达多 (Castelfidardo) 演出。


下午6点,大师班学生与 Riccardo Tesi 一起的现场表演。

晚上7点包括 Riccardo Tesi 二重奏组(手风琴)和 Maurizio Geri (吉他)的餐前音乐会



在线:2021年澳大利亚国际手风琴锦标赛和音乐节将举行 - 澳大利亚

AATA logo, Tatjana Marx
Tatjana Marx (图左)组织的2021年澳大利亚手风琴教师协会 Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) 国际手风琴锦标赛暨音乐节今年将再次在线上举行。

在2020年线上比赛成功举办之后, AATA 将再次通过视频在线提交的方式为海外选手提供比赛项目。




欲了解更多详情,请浏览 AATA 网站或咨询电子邮件:tats64@gmail.com



美好的庆祝活动:Linda Soley Reed 的虚拟终身成就奖 - 美国

AAA Header
Linda Soley Reed下载24页的小册子 Celebrating Linda Soley Reed - 来自她的朋友们的致敬,以纪念她的2021 AAA 终身成就奖。 Celebrating Linda Soley Reed 可用的PDF格式可在这里下载,请欣赏。

After months of careful planning, gathering outstanding musical and verbal tributes, endless meetings and phone calls between the committee members, Linda’s heartfelt virtual Lifetime
Achievement Award celebration was presented Sunday, May 23 to a very appreciative Zoom audience. Friends, colleagues and relatives from all over the world attended — what a touching sight — to honor the American Accordionists’ Association’s 2021 award recipient, Linda Soley Reed.

我要感谢我的同行委员会成员们, AAA 的主席 Joseph Ciccone 博士,Don Gerundo 和 Marilyn O’Neil 为筹备 Linda 的当之无愧的奖项所做的不懈努力。I would also like to thank our amazing emcee, Manny Bobenrieth, who worked with us for weeks, helping anywhere he was needed. Dominic Karcic came onboard to assist those having problems with Zoom — a very necessary and appreciated job!

At Linda’s personal request, Dr. Robert Young McMahan and Dan Mastroianni wrote pieces in her honor, which were premiered at the event. Due to time constraints, only excerpts from these compositions were featured. Others who played and recorded for Linda were Joe Cerrito, Mario Tacca, Eddie Monteiro, Don Gerundo, Frank Busso, Sr., Dr. Joe Ciccone, Manny Bobenrieth, Guy Klucevsek, Mary Tokarski, Frank Toscano and Alexander Poeluev. Speakers were Dr. Joe Ciccone, Joan Cochran Sommers, Harley Jones and Kevin Friedrich.

I know I speak for everyone of us when I say that this entire production was a total labor of love to honor a remarkable woman and great friend who has given “her all” to the AAA for decades! Sadly, Linda’s health began to decline earlier this year. We are grateful to Linda’s family for their assistance in presenting Sunday’s event to Linda in her hospital room. In Linda’s words, “I absolutely loved it!”

In closing, here are the beautiful words of AAA Board member, and Linda’s close friend, Marilyn O’Neil:

“Throughout the process of working alongside my AAA colleagues, I kept reflecting on the story of my relationship with this extraordinary woman. I know full well many of you have known our Linda since childhood. She walked into my life with that history inside of her; all the contributions that all of you made that make her the person she is today.

What did I see and hear in my mind’s eye? I saw Linda conducting our CAA Orchestra, growing our group from infancy to adulthood, educating us, honing our skills. I heard the laughter, felt the warmth, endured the challenges we faced and enjoyed the great times we had. I saw her leadership, her caring, her unwavering devotion to the CAA. I felt her love. I feel it still.

As our AAA “Mother”, as Joe Ciccone aptly describes her, Linda’s combination of skills as a leader, a creator and as an accordionist continue to influence the direction our organization has taken to keep our beloved instrument alive.

As long as the accordion is in my life, the Lifetime Achievements of Linda Soley Reed will reside in me.”

In closing, I would like to request that everyone keep our beloved Linda Soley Reed in your thoughts and prayers!


视频:Joseph Natoli 的作品 Gratitude(致我亲爱的朋友 Linda Soley Reed)- 美国

Joseph NatoliJoseph Natoli 是一位专业的手风琴家和作曲家, ATG 的前任主席和 IDEAS 的副主席。Joseph Natoli 的这项新作品的标题为“Gratitude(感恩)”,同时是为了“献给我亲爱的朋友 Linda Solely Reed ”。

音乐可从 JANPress 出版物获得。感谢 Joseph Natoli 。


在线:第12届 Italia 奖世界手风琴比赛将于2021年6月1日开始 - 意大利

Italia award
Bravissimo awardRenzo Ruggieri, Friedrich Lips第12届意大利大奖赛将于今年在线上举行,比赛由 Artpro Association (Art Promotion Association)与 Voglia d'Arte 俱乐部合作举办。

The event begins on June 1st, 2021 and Art director Renzo Ruggieri advises that as the event will be held online this year due to Covid-19, they will feature the competition classes only as viewers want a “fast and effective show”.

Competition categories include: Classic, Virtuoso, Diatonic for age groups from 10 years to 16 years as well as Junior, Senior, Amateur soloists, groups and professional soloists and groups.

此处下载英语和意大利语版本的比赛项目的完整列表以及评委团名单:2021Premi.pdf 国际评审团主席是 Friedrich Lips

Special planned online events as follows:
• June 10th: Opening ceremony which will focus on a special and original category entitled “Art Accordion” that will feature original "art" videos such as paint, video-game, theatrical song, cartoons etc.
• June 13th: Award ceremony of Student competition categories
• June 17th: Award ceremony of Professional competition categories
• June 20th: Closing ceremony which will feature the “Winner of the Winners” and the winner of the “Bravissimo” Italia Award (picture above left).

Competition events will be online on Facebook and Youtube and links will be posted on Accordions Worldwide.

For further information email: renzoruggieri65@gmail.com


Milos Milivojevic 在曼彻斯特演出 - 英国

Milos MilivojevicVideo: Muzika iz serije Otpisani (Music from the series Written Off)

Milos Milivojevic 于5月27日在英格兰曼彻斯特的 Ancoats 的圣彼得教堂与当代合奏团 Psappha 一同进行了演出。

Their program included:
Athanasia Kontou - Systole/Diastole (in a heartbeat) (World premiere)
Bethan Morgan-Williams - Traces of a Disco
Anthony Gilbert - Rose Luisante
Ryan Latimer - Slink and Stride (World premiere)
Hans Abrahamsen - Three Little Nocturnes
Helmut Lachenmann - Toccatina
David John Roche - New work (World premiere, Psappha commission)


Julia Gordon 苏格兰音乐筹备 - 苏格兰

Julia GordonJulia Gordon, entertainer, teacher and arranger, has a tutor book and a large catalog of Scottish arrangements that have received very complimentary reviews. The music is in pdf format able to be emailed to you. The full catalog will be loaded online in the coming weeks.

Julia Gordon 写道:“您是否有注意到为苏格兰手风琴准备专业的高质量的乐谱是很难的一件事?或是复刻低音和旋律的乐谱?又或是展现专业音乐家所使用的修饰音和和声的乐谱? ”

New releases this week:
jgordon-eAK - Accordion Keys tutor book
jgordon102 - The Boatman
jgordon132 - Wild Mountain Thyme
jgordon139 - Tha Mo Ghaol Air Aird A' Chuain
jgordon160 - The Iona Boat Song
jgordon175 - Westering Home
jgordon177 - Dark Lochnagar
jgordon182 - The Skye Boat Song
jgordon211 - The Mist-Covered Mountains Of Home
jgordon244 - Hector The Hero
jgordon325 - Mairi's Wedding


视频:Tony Kovatch 表演 “Shadowplay” - 美国

Tony Kovatch 在本月发布了一段有关他的新作《Shadowplay》的视频。 特别感谢他出色的摄影师 Kimberly Sorensen !

The video features the Brooklyn Bridge in the background.

Tony is a member of the “Pyrensia” quartet of accordion, violin, guitar, and upright bass that plays gypsy jazz and originals tunes inspired by the music of Django Reinhardt.

They performed their first live show following Covid-19 lockdowns on May 18th, 2021 in Lambertville, New Jersey, USA.



Coba在山梨电视台现场表演 – 日本

视频:名为“Coba's Bocca dellaVerità#2”的实时视频节目的第二版,其中包括 Coba 用日语对音乐编曲和表演的探讨。

Coba performed live on Yamanashi TV on May 27th, 2021 on the program “Rock on to You”, which was the 7th in a special musical series.

Coba will follow this up with a live performance at an event entitled “Showtime” at the Tokyo Electron Nirasaki Cultural Hall Small Hall in Nirasaki City, Yamanashi Prefecture on June 5th, 2021.

For details phone: 0570-550-799


现场直播:Victor Prieto 在纽约表演“A Musical Voyage” - USA

Victor PrietoVictor Prieto (accordion) and Oleg Osenkov (bass) will perform “A Musical Voyage” concert at Sounds of the City in New York, USA on June 5th, 2021 at 7.30pm.

“As a New York-based accordionist and a native of Galicia, Spain, Victor naturally combines sounds and ideas from different genres.”

The Artists’ Charity is the Salvation Army.

For details email: info@victorprieto.net


现场表演:“Music at Fulla”音乐会 – 斯洛伐克

Ana Krsmanovic (accordion) and Zuzana Zamborska (piano) will perform in duo at a “Music at Fulla” concert held at the Galeria L’udovita Fullu in Ružomberok, Northern Slovakia on June 5th, 2021 at 6pm.

Their program will include works by Ján Meisl, Martin Lohse, Uroš Rojko, Bashkim Shehu, Peter Machajdík and Tatjana Sergeeva.

For details phone: 044 245 21 11


线上:Hamidreza Nematollahi 在布鲁克林手风琴俱乐部做客 – 美国

BSC logoHamidreza Nematollahi (来自伊朗德黑兰)和他的儿子 Sepehr(音译)将于2021年6月6日在布鲁克林手风琴俱乐部举行的线上会议上作为嘉宾参加座谈会。会议将于纽约时间中午12:30分开始。

Mr. Hamidreza is a composer and singer with more than 20 years of experience in teaching accordion and singing in Iranian and international styles. In his presentation, he will introduce some Iranian traditional tunes.

For details email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


“Scythian”开启“Roots&Stones Tour” - 美国

Dan“Scythian” will begin their “Roots & Stones Tour” with a performance at the Blue Ridge Music Centre Outdoor Amphitheater on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Galax, Virginia, USA on June 5th, 2021 at 7pm.

The band, which includes accordionist Dan Fedoryka (picture left) have announced the show will also be recorded for future presentation.

Safety Guidelines for concert attendees as follows:
Organisers of this socially distanced concert will be taking several precautions to make the experience as safe as possible for visitors. Those who have a fever, cough, aches and pains, loss of smell or taste, difficulty breathing, or are sneezing and coughing, are asked to please stay at home.

Concert attendees must maintain six feet of distance between groups throughout the evening, including when standing in line and selecting seating locations in the amphitheater; and when in high traffic areas, concertgoers must wear a mask to protect others.

Added precautions may slow entry to the amphitheater, so arriving early is encouraged.

For details email: scythianmail@gmail.com


坎特伯雷手风琴协会“Jam Session” – 新西兰

CAA flyerCAA坎特伯雷手风琴协会将于 2021年6月13日下午3点举行他们的年中“即兴演奏会”。 该活动将在新西兰基督城的圣史蒂芬教堂举行。

Everyone is welcome to bring their instruments and/or singing voices!

For details email: jkperry@xtra.co.nz


Michal Karban在 欧登塞的 Odeon 音乐剧院演出 - 丹麦

Michal KarbanMichal Karban 将于2021年6月22日举办一场“大师音乐会”,在那里他将在丹麦国家音乐学院完成他的硕士学业。该活动将在丹麦欧登塞的 Odeon 音乐剧院举行。

Entry is free of charge.

Michal’s varied program includes works by Mozart, Lundquist, Nørgård, Nordheim, Angelis and Piazzolla.

Guest performers include accordionists Markéta Laštovicková and Marie Cejnová as well as Emilia Blaszczyk (violin), Benjamin Helweg Brask (piano), Vera Agnete Larsen (double bass) and Mathias Kofoed Mortensen (guitar).

For details phone: +420 778 796 885



手风琴五重奏组演奏“The Lion Sleeps Tonight” - 乌克兰

视频:来自乌克兰 Uzhgorod 音乐学校 2021 的一群学生正在与他们的老师 Katerina Selelio 一起演奏 Solomon Linda 的“狮子今晚睡觉(The Lion Sleeps Tonight)”,他们玩得很开心。




GD poster
Gary Daverne2022年国际作曲家国际音乐视频比赛将表演新西兰作曲家 Gary Daverne 的音乐作品。






Updated: Accordion Russia News

Russia banner
The Accordion Russia News has been updated


已更新:2021年南太平洋和新西兰手风琴锦标赛和音乐节将举行 - 新西兰

NZAA banner
已发布于线上:6月5日至6日在奥克兰 Belmont School 路4号 Rose Rose 中心举行的2021年南太平洋和新西兰手风琴锦标赛和音乐节 (NZAA) 活动时间表。

The 2021 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Association Championships and Festival, due to Covid travel restrictions, will be open to only New Zealand residents or NZ passport holders.

A variety of age group classes for soloists, duos, trios, ensembles and orchestras will be available. Covid restrictions meant that non NZ residents and non NZ passport holders were not allowed to come to New Zealand.


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