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v梦想成真后的40年 - 1980 Coupe Mondiale

1980 Coupe Mondiale letterhead
Coupe Mondiale booklet cover记录1980年的相关历史报道、图片和比赛结果的网站:1980CoupeMondialeHistory

“我们可以在新西兰举办 Coupe Mondiale 吗?对新西兰和手风琴而言,这会是一件重要的事吗?” 20世纪70年代末,奥克兰著名律师 Gerald Ryan 向新西兰手风琴协会 New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) 的一组委员会成员提出了这些问题。他的几个孩子也在学习该乐器。 在 Harley Jones 和他的父亲艾伦(Allan)的鼓励下,他们俩都与海外手风琴组织建立了广泛的联系,这首先成为了一项可行性的研究,最后发展成为一个确定的项目。

The New Zealand offer to host the Coupe Mondiale in Auckland was presented to the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) in March 1979 at the Winter Congress and provisionally accepted. It was obvious that competitors, especially those from Europe, would have to travel further than they were accustomed, to take part in a Coupe Mondiale held in New Zealand. Even on the few occasions the Coupe Mondiale had been held in the USA, it had posed financial problems for European competitors. Travel cost was a major obstacle to a bid to host the event in New Zealand.

The acceptance was confirmed when at the "Summer Congress" of 1979 in Cannes, France, Harley Jones and David Lilico presented a promotional film of New Zealand, and gave assurance of an air fare subsidy of $1000 per competitor, with a similar amount offered to several executives of the CIA. This was actually increased to $1500 at the time of the Coupe Mondiale and a smaller subsidy of $600 was provided for all delegates attending.

The 1980 event was the first time the Coupe Mondiale had been held in the South Pacific and was also the first international music competition ever held in New Zealand.

Now, reflecting upon this milestone event in New Zealand and in CIA history, a review of the event has been published to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the staging of the Coupe Mondiale in New Zealand. Very few pictures and documents are available from this time, however all such materials have been correlated to make this souvenir review.

1980 was the first Coupe Mondiale that famous French teacher Jacques Mornet attended and to this day he always reflects that 1980 was was one of the finest Coupe Mondiales he enjoyed attending.

有趣的是,那时竞争的大多数手风琴家都继续在手风琴界保持积极的作用。作为第9名的获胜者,我自己能够与 CIA 主席 Karl Majer 博士亲自握手,我从来没有想过我会有幸成为 CIA 主席为大家服务。我的新西兰伙伴 Marcel Riethmann 现在担任新西兰奥克兰音乐教育中心的主席, 而 Dan Mastroianni 这一生都在担任音乐家,作曲家,手风琴家和钢琴家,澳大利亚职业选手 Nerida Farmer 和 Catherine Day Jackett 在家乡能继续进行着他们忙碌的手风琴表演和教学事业。 Alain Musichini(法国)继续赢得 Coupe Mondiale 冠军,并且与 Bal Musette 一起成为法国最受欢迎的表演者之一,Peter Soave(美国)也赢得了Coupe Mondiale 大奖,并成为手风琴和巴扬界最受人尊敬的音乐会艺术家之一,Krystof Olczek(波兰)现在是一位集聚创作力的作曲家和手风琴家,在格但斯克音乐学院教授手风琴课,进行室内合奏并教授一门名为“ 20世纪音乐表演实践”的兼修课程。 Alfred Melichar 是奥地利林茨布鲁克纳大学的手风琴教授, Christianne Bonnay (法国)是摩纳哥音乐学院的手风琴教授,获奖者 Werner Glutsch 在特罗辛根的 Hohner 音乐学院任教。

1980 Historical website Report, Pictures and Results at: 1980CoupeMondialeHistory
For reviews of other Coupe Mondiale festivals, please visit: Coupe Mondiale
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