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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 18-Sep-2020
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新闻头条:2020年 Coupe Mondiale 比赛 - 葡萄牙
Veikko Ahvenainen 在颁奖典礼上被授予 CIA 功勋奖 - 芬兰
每日报道:2020年 PIF Castelfidardo International - 意大利
Louis Corchia(1935-2020),新冠病毒的受害者,巴黎 – 法国
第五届克拉科夫手风琴节 - 波兰
SaxAkkord 二重奏组音乐会将在莫斯科圣彼得和保罗大教堂举行 - 俄罗斯
年度婚礼盛宴中的手风琴艺术家,宾夕法尼亚州 - 美国


Nathan Neuman 赢得2020年歌曲创作大赛 - 美国
M.M. 伊波利托夫 - 伊万诺夫表演艺术比赛及音乐节,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯
雅克·佩拉林(Jacques Pellarin)的喜剧电影特辑 - 美国
“Flogging Molly” Announce “Swagger” 20th Anniversary Celebrations, California – USA
网站已更新:CNIMA 的最新宣传片 - 法国
Accordion Café Dortmund Online Event - Germany
Maksim Fedorov 新CD发行 - 俄罗斯
视频:Patente Norteño,4人乐队 - 墨西哥


Virtual Accordion Camp III This Weekend
Black Pencil Ensemble Concerts, Almere - Netherlands
Halsway Manor Klezmer Music Weekend, Sommerset - UK
Dan Newton New CD Release Show & Live Stream - USA
特蕾西·柯林斯(Tracey Collins)参加慕尼黑啤酒节,奥克兰 – 新西兰


Tracey Collins Accordion Entertainer Updated Site - New Zealand


Kevin Friedrich 登上《北区报》(Northland Newspaper)报纸的报道 – 新西兰

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新闻头条:2020年 Coupe Mondiale 比赛 - 葡萄牙

2020 Coupe Mondiale header
国际手风琴联合会 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 已收到来自葡萄牙主办方的正式来信,信中提到,葡萄牙中央政府下令取消所有的公共活动。

因此,由葡萄牙主办方主席 João Pereirais 率领的葡萄牙组乐队成员 Mito Algarvio – 阿尔加维音乐协会(Associaçãode Accordeonistas do Algarve)正在筹备进一步的措施,将在几周内组织一系列计划在法鲁和马林堡举行的音乐会,即使现场没有观众,也要充分展示葡萄牙手风琴的风采。

CIA 执行委员会已经保证会以最大的支持和最大的力量来组织为期几天的线上活动,这种活动将以世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )的风格和形式进行,包括各类访谈、表演视频和葡萄牙艺术家音乐会的直播内容。



Veikko Ahvenainen 在颁奖典礼上被授予 CIA 功勋奖 - 芬兰

Veikko Ahvenainen and his wife and Carina Nordlund
上图:Kimmo Mattila,Seppo Lankinen,Veikko Ahvenainen 和他的妻子 Carina Nordlund 。

在这个特别的颁奖典礼上,Veikko Ahvenainen 被授予国际手风琴联合会功勋奖 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Merit Award ,以表彰其对国际手风琴运动所做出的杰出贡献。

该颁奖典礼于周末在于韦斯屈莱市政厅举行。这项简短的仪式由芬兰手风琴协会 SHL 组织,协会主席 Kimmo Mattila 和于韦斯屈莱市议会执行局副主席 Eila Tiainen 夫人发表了致辞。来自于韦斯屈莱(Jyväskylä)的维尔玛(Wilma Wiren)(16岁)进行了现场演奏。

Veikko Ahvenainen(生于1929年)是芬兰的手风琴家,他于75年前开始了他的职业生涯。六十多年来,他已经录制了超过1000首曲目,出版了大量的音乐书籍和手风琴教材。 Veikko Ahvenainen 也一直坚持在音乐会参与演奏。

Veikko Ahvenainen 于去年9月在赫尔辛基芬兰音乐厅举办了自己90周岁的庆生活动,并且与他的四重奏和客串独奏者一起为1400名到访嘉宾举办了一场精彩的音乐会。

Veikko Ahvenainen是芬兰手风琴协会的名誉会员。几年前,芬兰共和国总统授予了他 Pro Finlandia 奖。

下周 Veikko Ahvenainen 将迎来他的91岁生日。
下图:Vilma Wiren 的表演。图片由 Risto Aalto 版权所有。


每日报道:2020年 PIF Castelfidardo International - 意大利







Louis Corchia(1935-2020),新冠病毒的受害者,巴黎 – 法国

Louis Corchia
Video 1: La Roulotte 2001
Video 2: Medley Tango
LC bandoneonLouis Corchia,法国最受欢迎的小型手风琴家之一,也是著名的手风琴演奏者。 他来自一个音乐家家庭,父亲是手风琴家 Primo Corchia (1913-1997)。

1951年,路易斯·科尔基亚(Louis Corchia)赢得了在伦敦举行的首届 CMA Trophee Mondial 的冠军。 同年,他在于巴黎举行的 CIA Coupe Mondiale 比赛中排名仅次于 Maurice Vittenet 。

Corchia 的职业生涯非常成功,他建立了自己的舞蹈乐队,并曾在美国,苏联,日本和其他国家演出过。 他录制了许多唱片,拍摄过一些音乐视频,并创作并编排了许多音乐。

His favourite party piece was his arrangement of the ‘Sabre Dance’, a usual feature of his concert performances, and he was also renowned as an exponent of playing tangos.

Louis Corchia was a contemporary of Yvette Horner, Andre Verchuren, Marcel Azzola, Maurice Larcange, Aimable, Joss Basselli, and is considered to be the last of the great players of his era. He passed away peacefully in Vincennes, Paris, from coronavirus at the age of 85, and is survived by his wife Jeannine. Louis Corchia has been widely mourned by accordionists all over France and beyond. RIP.


第五届克拉科夫手风琴节 - 波兰

Festival banner
第五届克拉科夫手风琴节将于2020年10月4日至11日在波兰克拉科夫举行,该节日由 Art Forum Foundation 组织,并由 Maciej Zimka,Joanna Czuk 和 Rafal Czuk 共同协办。


The festival concerts will be divided into 9 musical categories:
Contemporary Music – Premieres
Early Music
Chamber Music
Film Music
World Music
Jazz Music
Vocal-Accordion Music
Improvised Music – Intermediate
Instrumental Theater

The aim of the festival is to present the versatility of the accordion in classical and contemporary music, as well as in other genres such as jazz, world music, vocal-accordion music or tango nuevo.

Download the festival program here: 2020KrakowProgram.pdf

For details email: krakowski.festiwal.akordeonowy@gmail.com


SaxAkkord 二重奏组音乐会将在莫斯科圣彼得和保罗大教堂举行 - 俄罗斯

包括 Arseniy Strokovskiy (手风琴)和 Ivan Dyma (萨克斯风)在内的 SaxAkkord Duo 乐队将于9月20日晚7点在莫斯科的圣彼得大教堂和保罗大教堂举行音乐会。

他们的节目名为“穿越时代:巴赫,维瓦尔第和皮亚佐拉”,届时将邀请到的特别嘉宾包括 Igor Goldenberg (管风琴)和伊万·戴玛( Ivan Dyma )的学生。 参加者将能欣赏到 J.S. 巴赫(Bach),维瓦尔第(A. Vivaldi),杰斯温(J.Gershwin),加利亚诺(R. Galliano)和皮亚佐拉(Piazzolla)的乐曲。

Ivan Dyma is a multi-saxophonist, soloist of The GATC I.S.V. Obraztsova, lecturer at the Institute of Music A.G. Schnittke, winner of the All-Russian and International competitions, artist of the theater "The Firebird", and artist of Yamaha Company. He has performed successfully in the concert halls of New York (USA), Badenweiler, Essen, Karlsruhe (Germany), Bogota (Colombia), Tel Aviv (Israel), Druskininka (Lithuania), as well as various Russian cities. He participated in the prestigious International Festivals of Jazz and Classical Music, played together with B. Berezovsky, A. Schilloper, V. Chekasin, F. Mastrangelo, A. zagorinsky, collaborated with composers A. Eshpay, Yuri Chugunov, M. Watters, A. Kozlov and others.

Accordionist Arseniy Strokovskiy is a graduate of the Schnittke Institute of Music and a fellow of the German DAAD (Higher School of Music in Wurzburg). Winner of numerous international competitions in many countries of the world (Germany, Spain, Finland, Italy, China, Australia, New Zealand, etc.), as well as Russian international competitions "Bayan, Accordion, Harmonica" (Moscow), "Vivat, Bayan!" (Samara), and Accordion Plus (Rostov-on-Don).

Igor Goldenberg (organ) is a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory in composition, piano and organ classes. He is a member of the Russian Composers Union and the founder of the Sebastien Ensemble, which features the performance of historical works. Trained with leading foreign professors, including M. Hazelbek (Austria), J. Guillau (France), P. Kee (Holland), E. Koiman (Holland), K. Wolf (Germany), L. Lohman (Germany), J. Trummer (Austria), K. Coito (Switzerland), he graduated from the High School of Music in Lausanne with the diplomas "Master - Concert Performer" and "Master - Soloist". He has taken part in numerous concerts and festivals in Russia and abroad and as an organist he worked with such conductors as V. Fedoseev, M. Pletnev and S. Sondeckis.

For concert details email: adyma@yandex.ru


年度婚礼盛宴中的手风琴艺术家,宾夕法尼亚州 - 美国

wedding feast poster
Kermit雷丁 Liederkranz 德国歌唱与体育协会将于2020年10月1日至3日在美国宾夕法尼亚州的雷丁举行年度庆典。

今年的活动将庆祝第一届慕尼黑啤酒节 – 巴伐利亚王子路德维希王子与1810年萨克森·希尔德堡豪森公主 Therese 的婚礼。

Squeezebox 博士 - 柯米特·奥林格(Kermit Ohlinger)每晚都会在娱乐节目的开幕式上进行表演! (右图)。有关晚间表演者的详细信息,请查看上面的海报。

打扮得疯狂些,穿成您最喜欢的慕尼黑啤酒节角色。您可以穿 Trachten 的服装,或者把它提升一个档次,您可以打扮成19世纪初的婚礼宾客来参加。组织者将有他们自己的路德维希王子和特蕾丝公主,他们正在计划按照日程和主题重新表演!



欲咨询详情请发送电子邮件至: info@readingliederkranz.com

Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen and Prince Ludwig of Bavaria



Nathan Neuman 赢得2020年歌曲创作大赛 - 美国

winner poster

视频1:内森·诺曼 (Nathan Neuman) 的获奖作品“传递下去”
视频2:内森的第三首曲子 - “下一步”

内森·诺曼(Nathan Neuman)的歌曲 “Pass it On” 赢得了国际波尔卡协会2020年青年作曲家大赛的冠军。

内森(Nathan)的歌曲《下一步》(The Next Step)与艾莉·兰格(Alli Lange)共同创作完成,并获得了第三名。 二人最初在两年半前开始创作这首歌曲,但直到他们被通知可以参加比赛时才完成或发行。

环球手风琴 (Accordions Worldwide) 祝贺这两位音乐家。


M.M. 伊波利托夫 - 伊万诺夫表演艺术比赛及音乐节,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯

Russia header



Participants in the qualifying rounds from regions where COVID-19 travel restrictions are in force can take part in the qualifying rounds of the competition using video recordings.

A Gala concert of winners will be held on November 7th at the cultural and educational center "Charge" concert hall in Moscow.

Masterclasses, presentations and lectures dedicated to the legacy of M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov will be held during the festival.

In addition, the contestant who performs the best work of M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, will receive an award of 35 thousand rubles.

Applications close on September 23rd, 2020.

Qualifying rounds:
Gatchina, Leningrad Region - September 25, 26, 27, 2020
Rostov-on-Don - 6, 7, 8 October 2020
Kostroma - October 16, 17, 18, 2020
Moscow - November 2, 3, 5, 2020
Final round:
Moscow - November 6, 2020
Gala concert of laureates:
Moscow, Zaryadye Concert Hall - November 7, 2020

For details email: fond.rii.zayavka@gmail.com


雅克·佩拉林(Jacques Pellarin)的喜剧电影特辑 - 美国

Jacques Pellarin视频:雅克·佩拉林(Jacques Pellarin)的“鸢尾花”

雅克·佩拉林(Jacques Pellarin)的作品《鸢尾花(Fleur de Bossa)》将在女演员米歇尔·菲佛(Michelle Pfeiffer)主演的新喜剧电影《法国出口 (French Exit) 》中亮相! 全球首演将于2020年10月11日在纽约电影节上举行。

“French Exit” is an upcoming surreal comedy film directed by Azazel Jacobs, based on the novel of the same name by Patrick deWitt, who also wrote the screenplay.

The film will be released on February 12th, 2021.


“Flogging Molly” Announce “Swagger” 20th Anniversary Celebrations, California – USA

Swagger CD coverFlogging Molly gift packVideo: Flogging Molly Live performance of The Worst Day Since Yesterday" (Live in San Diego) from the album “Swagger”.

To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of their first studio album “Swagger”, Flogging Molly (which includes Matt Hensley on accordion & concertina) are pleased to announce a special, limited edition vinyl box set featuring a remixed & remastered version of the album. The vinyl box set will be limited to 5000 units and available worldwide from Friday, October 23rd. Pre-orders began on Thursday, September 17th, 2020.

In celebration of their re-issue, the band from Los Angeles, California, USA livestreamed a free “Halfway To St. Patrick’s Day” all-acoustic, full-band performance on September 17th.

The new album will also feature a bonus version of "Sentimental Johnny", a bonus LP featuring three live songs recorded in 2001 at Denver's famed Bluebird Theatre plus a Traditional Irish Set (recorded with Steve Albini in "one take with no overdubs"), a never-before-seen DVD documentary from 2000 including a full live performance, an expanded Lyric Booklet featuring photos from the band's personal collection, Flogging Molly logo vinyl slip mat, embroidered patch and four badge Swagger button pack (see picture above right).

Frontman Dave King “would like to thank you all for the last twenty years of wonderful memories, and hopefully many more to come."

For details email: floggingmolly@5bam.com


网站已更新:CNIMA 的最新宣传片 - 法国


Accordion Café Dortmund Online Event - Germany

DortmundThe Accordion Café Dortmund had planned to begin their monthly "Open Stage" events at the Fritz Henssler Haus in Dortmund, which features a relaxed evening with hits of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s & 80’s. However, their September events had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 regulations.

Instead, they decided to give three online Accordion Café Dortmund Schlagerabend concerts so everyone could enjoy some accordion music.

Unfortunately their Accordion Café in October and November 2020 will not take place either. Further information to come re December, 2020.


Maksim Fedorov 新CD发行 - 俄罗斯

CD Maria马克西姆·费多罗夫(Maksim Fedorov)刚刚发行了一张新CD,名为“玛丽亚:手风琴和吉他的八种探戈”(Maria: Eight tangos for bandoneon and guitar.)。

该CD是 Maksim 自己制作的班德琴和吉他曲的集合,包括 Piazzolla,Gardel 和 Bacalov 等阿根廷探戈乐队。



视频:Patente Norteño,4人乐队 - 墨西哥

band accordionist来自墨西哥新莱昂州佩斯奎里亚市的四人乐队“PatenteNorteño”表演 “Se Vende Esta Casa” ,请欣赏。
Patente Norteño



Virtual Accordion Camp III This Weekend

Virtual Accordion Camp
The Virtual Accordion Camp III will take place online this weekend. The event will include a variety of workshops and concerts on September 19th.

Karen Tweed will run a workshop entitled “How to make a simple tune sing” and “It’s all Bass and Bellows”.

Alex Cumming will run a workshop “How to sing while playing the accordion” and Rachel Bell will run a workshop called “The Bal Folk Scottish”.

These will be followed by a social hour, then an evening concert.

See poster above for details.


Black Pencil Ensemble Concerts, Almere - Netherlands

Black Pencil
Black Pencil will perform two concerts at Goede Rede in Almere, Netherlands on September 25th at 4pm and 8pm.

The concert is entitled “The Best Of…..” and will include music from the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries of Dowland, Morley, Byrd, J.S. Bach and Vivaldi combined with contemporary works by Kate Moore.

Black Pencil consists of Marko Kassl (accordion), Jorge Isaac (recorder), Matthijs Koene (panflute), Esra Pehlivanli (violin) and Enric Monfort (percussion). It is a unique group with a wide repertoire.

Bookings are essential due to Covid-19 seating distances and this is why the ensemble are performing 2 concerts.

For details email: info@goederedeconcerten.nl


Halsway Manor Klezmer Music Weekend, Sommerset - UK

Susi Evans (clarinet) and Szilvia Csaranko (accordion)
Szilvia Csaranko (accordion - picture above left) and Susi Evans (clarinet - picture above right) will hold a Klezmer Music Weekend at Halsway Manor National Centre for Folk Arts in Somerset, UK from October 2nd to 4th, 2020. The duo invite musicians to explore this celebratory, soulful and melodic music from the nineteenth century Jewish Eastern Europe.

Attendees will go at their own pace, learning tunes and gaining confidence with the modes, ornamentation, rhythms and accompaniment that give klezmer music its unique flavour. Play in small ensembles, be part of the Halsway Klezmer Orchestra and learn steps for the dances that the music accompanies. There will also be a tutors’ performance and plenty of opportunity for jamming in the bar!

Susi Evans & Szilvia Csaranko are passionate about the tradition of klezmer music. They perform internationally as a clarinet and accordion duo and are dedicated to teaching klezmer workshops for students of all levels.

For details email: office@halswaymanor.org.uk


Dan Newton New CD Release Show & Live Stream - USA

Dan NewtonAccordionist Dan Newton will celebrate the release of his new album “Out of My Dreams” with a live online stream on Monday October 5th.

This will be followed by a live performance in the beer garden at the Waldman Brewery and Wurstery in St Paul, MN, USA (weather permitting).

Bookings are essential due to Covid-19 social distancing regulations. Phone: 651-222-1857


特蕾西·柯林斯(Tracey Collins)参加慕尼黑啤酒节,奥克兰 – 新西兰

Tracey Collins特蕾西·柯林斯(Tracey Collins)将于2020年10月10日下午3点在麦芽餐厅和慕尼黑啤酒节酒吧进行表演。

在奥克兰西林恩(West Lynn)举行的年度活动将包括德国香肠烧烤,全天供应的1L斯坦因啤酒,一场最佳服装比赛以及Tracey精彩的手风琴音乐。

有关详情,请致电:09-360 9537



Tracey Collins Accordion Entertainer Updated Site - New Zealand

Tracey CollinsVery popular accordion entertainer Tracey Collins has updated her website at:
Tracey Collins

Video above Tracey performing at an outdoor French themed occasion.



Kevin Friedrich 登上《北区报》(Northland Newspaper)报纸的报道 – 新西兰

Kevin Friedrich
“Weekend Lifestyler” 报纸的记者 Andy Bryenton 在上周末的2页文章中记录了手风琴家 Kevin Friedrich 的相关报道。 Kevin 每年会有两次机会从他所在的纽约的家旅行到新西兰的达格维尔(Dargaville,New Zealand)。他在达格维尔那里度过了他早年的生活,也为当地社区组织多次音乐会,以支持达格维尔博物馆。

This year, however, Covid-19 meant that the concert had to be cancelled. Since then, Kevin has stayed in New Zealand and was even able to put on a smaller free mini-concert to thank the local community and essential workers for their help and support during the virus lockdown.

The Dargaville Museum is also home to Accordion Gems by Kevin Friedrich - A Master Collection of Accordions through Time. This is the only exhibition of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere.

From ancient Flutinas, of nearly the original accordion patent date 1829, to electronic instruments, small children’s to full size concert models, button and piano accordions and many others, the display profiles the fascinating evolution of the accordion. See picture below of some of the exhibits.

Kevin is hopeful that the Covid-19 Government virus rules will allow his Christmas Extravaganza concert to go ahead at the Museum Lighthouse Function Centre on November 22nd, 2020 before his return to the USA.

报纸文章pdf 所在地址链接:WeekendLifestyler.pdf
Museum exhibits


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