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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Nov-2015
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10. Chinesischer Golden Bell Award für Musik, Akkordeon Wettbewerb - China
2016 "Tag der Harmonika" Forum im Kloster Gleisdorf - Österreich
Jean Corti (1929-2015), Paris - Frankreich
Zuckerbrod & Peytsche' Music Book / CD, London – UK
Fisorchestra Marchigiana 2016 Sponsorship von Pasco Italia - Italien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Ludovic Beier Concert at The Kennedy Centre, Washington DC – USA
Video: Duet ''LiubAnya" Live Performance, Kedainiai - Lithuania
Vincent Lhermet’s new CD ‘Rameau, hier et aujourd'hui’ – France
‘14 Years Ago’: First Bridlington Accordion Festival in November 2001

Future events

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand
Erika plays for dancing, Gembloux – Belgium Rob Howard
Duo Douyez Recital, Pâturage - Belgium
Finbarr Dennehy Gig, Tipperary – Republic of Ireland
Janne Rättyä Recital, Essen – Germany
Antonio Spaccarotella Masterclass, Santiago - Chile
Juan José Mosalini Workshop, Essen – Germany
Kosmos Concert, Lancashire – UK
Stockport Accordion Club Charity Concert, Macclesfield – UK
Stuart Cameron SDB Recording for BBC Broadcast, Scotland – UK
Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Christmas Concert, New York – USA
Joao Gentil Dicember Tour 2015 - Argentine

New and Updated Sites

New CD and eTracks Album "Appliques" Released by Yuri Shishkin - Russia
New Mika Väyrynen CD, Danse Macabre - Finland Accordeon Institute
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 2 New Works Released - Australia
New and Updated Site: Sergey Osokin, New CD, Performer and Teacher, Moscow - Russia
Updated Site: Semion Shmelkov 4 CD's, Moscow - Russia
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 3 New Works Released - Australia
Updated Site: Arseniy Strokovskiy International Successes and Videos - Russia
Joan Grauman CD "Accordion Potpourri" Released, Washington DC - USA

CD Reviews

CD Review: “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo

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10. Chinesischer Golden Bell Award für Musik, Akkordeon Wettbewerb - China

Tenth Chinese Golden Bell Music Award
Xu Xioanan semi-final program

Cao Ye semi-final program
10th Chinese Golden Bell Music AwardVideos Oben: 1. Platz und 2. Platz Xioanan Xu Cao Ye Halbfinale Programme.

Der 10. Chinesische Golden Bell Award für Musik, Akkordeon Wettbewerb wurde in Guangzhou vom 17. bis 25. November 2015 aufgeführt.
Tägliche Berichte mit Video, Fotos, Regeln und Ergebnisse unter: 2015 Golden Bell

Der Golden Bell ist der einzige nationale Musikwettbewerb, der von der chinesischen Regierung gefördert wird. Prof Li Cong, Präsident der China Akkordeon Assoziation (CAA)bemühte sich seit geraumer Zeit für die Aufnahme des Akkordeons in diese renommierte Veranstaltung.

Daher mehr als passend, dass Prof. Li Cong Das zum Vorsitzenden der Akkordeon Jury, neben den bekanntesten chinesischen Akkordeonlehrers, bestellt wurde.

Als Vorsitzender der Jury, lobte Cong Li die Kandidaten und kongratulierte ihre Lehrer für den guten Standard der Teilnehmer und den vielen positiven Kommentaren über die Teilnahme der neuen Akkordeon Kategorie.

Der chinesische Golden Bell Award für Musik wird außerdem auch von der China Federation für Literatur- und Kunst und dem chinesischen Tonkünstlervereins unterstützt. Alles in Allem – eine hervorragende Planung, sowohl die Akustik und Lokalitäten. Tägliche Berichte von Video, Fotos, Regeln und Ergebnisse unter: 2015GoldenBell


2016 "Tag der Harmonika" Forum im Kloster Gleisdorf - Österreich

Harmonikaverband Österreichs (HVÖIm nächsten Jahr wird der "Tag der Harnonika" m schönen Kloster in Gleisdorf vom 5.-8. Mai, 2016 (Österreich, Steiermark) abgehalten.

Diese alle 2jährige Veranstaltung umfasst die 27. Wettbewerbe der Akkordeon Solisten, Duos, Ensembles (Kammer und Weltmusik Kategorien) und Orchester, die 23. diatonischen Wettbewerbe (Steirische Harmonika), den 18. Wettbewerb für Volksmusik-Ensembles und den 12. Wettbewerb für Mundharmonika (solo, Ensembles und Orchester).

In Erinnerung an Erich Moser gibt es einen weiteren Wettbewerb für die steirische Harmonika, der zum 2. Mal am Programm steht. Um mehr Bewerber anzuziehen, wird erstmals ein besonderer "Entertainment-Wettbewerb" (Entsprechende Klassen zum Wettbewerb für klassisches Akkordeon) eingefüht.

Das lokale Akkordeonorchester "Ars Harmoniae" (ehemalige Gewinner der Innsbrucker Festwochen) und die bekannte österreichische Gruppe "Dobrek BISTRO" wird für die Abendunterhaltung sorgen.
Der "Tag der Harmonika" wird durch den Harmonika Verband Österreichs (HVO, Österreich organisiert.
Nennungsschluss ist der 18. März 2016.
Wettbewerbskategorien und Règlements, sowie vollständige Informationen auf: 2016TAG


Jean Corti (1929-2015), Paris - Frankreich

Jean CortiJean CortiVideo Oben:
1. Heads Straight / Jean Corti "Der Alte" @ Zenith Paris am 16. November 2011
2. Zaza Fournier und Jean Corti interprätieren „Liebhaber eines Spieles“ von L'Express, 22. Juni 2009

Jean Corti, geboren Jean Cortinovis 1929 in Bergamo, Italien, zog als junger Akkordeonist nach Frankreich und wurde Mitglied einer Nachkriegs Musette Bühne. Im Laufe seiner Karriere war er Akkordeonist in einem Militärbordell (in der Mitte der 1940er Jahre), und später ein Bassist des Französisch Sängers / Komponisten George Brassens.

Er arbeitete in den 60er Jahren eng mit Jacques Brel als Begleiter zusammen und spielte mit ihm in ca 300 Konzerten pro Jahr und komponierte die Musik für Songs wie "Madeleine" und "The Old". Corti und Brel tourten im Jahr 1965 zusammen durch die Sowjetunion.

Corti wurde später in den 70er Jahren Nachtclubbesitzer, spielte aber weiterhin mit vielen bekannten Künstlern, darunter die beliebte Pariser Band The Heads Gerade und Akkordeonisten wie Jo Privat, Marc Peronne und Armand Lassagne.

Im Jahr 1997 komponierte er die Musik für den Oscar nominierten Film 'The Old Lady und die Tauben ". Im Jahr 2001 veröffentlichte er sein erstes Solo-Akkordeon Album "Couka ' auf die zwei weitere," Versatile "(2007) und" Fiorini' (2009) folgten.

Ein beliebter und von seinen Kollegen höchst respektierter Künstler.


Zuckerbrod & Peytsche' Music Book / CD, London – UK

'Zuckerbrod & Peytsche’
Jean CapriceDas Musik Buch "Zuckerbrot & Peitsche" enthält eine CD (via Amazon verfügbar -- und anderen Interneportalen) mit Musik komponiert und gespielt vom Akkordeonist / Autor Jean Caprice, die auf seine romantischen Roman gleichen Namens basiert. Der Roman ist eine Liebesgeschichte, die sich vor langer Zeit in Paris, Moskau und Marseille abspielte.

Die zehn Kompositionen evozieren alle Paris und Moskau der 30er Jahre, einschließlich Cafés und Restaurants mit Akkordeonmusik inmitten der rauchigen und versoffenen Atmosphären der damaligen Zeit. Alle Stücke mit Mollakkorden strukturiert - zaubern mentale Bilder hervor und sind "Hintergrundmusik". Auf der CD sind alle 10 Werke von Jean Caprice gespielt.

Eine separate CD gibt es mit dem Titel "Zuckerbrod & Peytsche ', in der Jean Caprice einige der Werke aus dem Musik-Buch präsentiert.

Jean Caprice ist ein in London ansässiger Akkordeonist, Singer / Songwriter, Komponist und Schriftsteller. Geboren wurde er in Hamburg, Deutschland und seinen Roman hat er im Jahr 2014 in den Alpen geschrieben. Veröffentlicht wurde er auf Deutsch von Jean Caprice und steht als eBook zur Verfügung. In kürze auch Englisch und Französisch erhältlich.

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: jens@los-octopussytos.com


Fisorchestra Marchigiana 2016 Sponsorship von Pasco Italia - Italien

Fisorchestra Marchigiana
Pasco Italia (Paolo Soprani, Moreschi, E Soprani) zeichnet als Sponsor des Akkordeonorchsters Marchigiana für die Saison 2016.

In diesem Orchester, aus der Gegend Castelfidardo, spielen junge Musiker aus der ganzen Region Marken. Neben Akkordeonisten auch Schlagzeuger, Gitarristen und Keyboarder.

Mit ihrem Ursprung in den Marken, tragen sie dazu bei, mit ihren Auftritten für wichtige nationale Verbände, das gesamte Gebiet sowohl auf nationaler als auch internationaler Basis zu vertreten und zu unterstützen.

Ihr nächstes Konzert ist in Numana (AN) am 5. Dezember (siehe Plakat oben) im Anlass zum 50. Jahrestag der "Marinari d'Italia" (der italienischer Verband der Seefahrer
Für weitere Informationen, konsltieren Sie bitte die Webseite des Orchesters oder via E-Mail: info@fisorchestramarchigiana.it


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Ludovic Beier Concert at The Kennedy Centre, Washington DC – USA

Review by Robert Michael Oliver, DC Metro Arts

Dorado Schmitt and the Django Festival All-Stars last week performed at The Kennedy Center, featuring the accordion/violin duo Ludovic Beier and Pierre Blanchard. With Dorado Schmitt on lead guitar the show began with Schmitt’s composition ‘Miro Django’.

He was accompanied by Doudou Cuillerier on rhythm guitar and Xavier Nikq on bass, and immediately a gypsy soul filled the auditorium. Soon Ludovic Beier and Pierre Blanchard came on stage, and when they did words took a holiday.

Ludovic Beier’s accordion created sounds that reinvent the instrument. During one of his original compositions, ‘Sad and Beautiful’, he played the accordina, a small hybrid of an instrument somewhere between the accordion and the harmonica, and the piece’s title could not be more appropriate.

The sheer delight of the 80 minutes this concert lasted won’t fade easily with time. For an encore these six fabulous musicians from France gave the audience a moment of silence, remembering the horrors of the terrorist attacks in Paris.


Video: Duet ''LiubAnya" Live Performance, Kedainiai - Lithuania

Duet ''LiubAnya" live performance in Kedainiai (Lithuania), At the celebration "Ledu Svente 2014". Published on Jan 22, 2015. For further information email: accoduet@mail.ru


Vincent Lhermet’s new CD ‘Rameau, hier et aujourd'hui’ – France

‘Rameau, hier et aujourd'hui’ (Rameau, yesterday and today) is the title of a new CD by French accordionist Vincent Lhermet, on the Klarthe label (Harmonia Mundi distribution).

This recording contrasts 11 works by the 18th Century composer Jean-Philippe Rameau with 5 new works by Tomas Bordalejo, Philippe Hersant, Martin Iddon, Florent Motsch and Mikel Urquiza, premiered in 2014 on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Rameau's death.

Released on November 13th, ‘Rameau, hier et aujourd'hui’ presents the works of Rameau with some contemporary compositions, in order to underline the universality of a music which continues to be relevant to this day.

1) Pièces de clavecin avec une méthode (Le rappel des oiseaux),
2) Pièces de clavecin avec une méthode (La villageoise),
3) Esquisses d'échecs: ouverture française,
4) Pièces de clavecin en Concerts (L'Agaçante),
5) Pièces de clavecin en Concerts,
6) Rappels,
7) Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin (L'Égyptienne),
8) Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin (L'Enharmonique),
9) Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin (Les sauvages),
10) D'un sang qu'elle poursuit
11) Pièces de clavecin avec une méthode (Tambourin),
12) Suite en Mi Mineur (Gigue en Rondeau),
13) En rappel,
14) Suite en Mi Mineur (Musette et Rondeau 1),
15) Suite en Mi Mineur (Gigue en Rondeau II),
16 Tarentelle

Vincent Lhermet (born 1987) is a graduate of the Sibelius Academy of Helsinki in Finland. He also studied with Claudio Jacomucci, Stefan Hussong, Jacques Mornet, Janne Rättyä and Olivier Urbano, and his competition successes include winning the 19th International Arrasate-Hiria Competition in Spain in 2006. Vincent Lhermet performs internationally as a soloist with orchestras and ensembles, and is a Professor at the CRR in Boulogne-Billancourt and the Poles Artistic Teaching Superiors of Lille and Paris/ Boulogne-Billancourt.

For further information email: lhermet.vincent@gmail.com


‘14 Years Ago’: First Bridlington Accordion Festival in November 2001

Gervasio MarcosignoriThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending November 23rd 2001 included an article about the first Bridlington Accordion Festival, held in Yorkshire. This event replaced a series of annual festivals at Caister in Norfolk, which began in 1986 thanks to the vision of Malcolm Gee (1939-97). Loreta Rolston, who took over organizing these festivals following the sad and untimely death of Malcolm Gee, moved Caister to Bridlington, as it were, in 2001.

First Bridlington Festival – England
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The first Bridlington Accordion Festival, organized by Loreta Rolston, held at the Spa Bridlington from November 8th to 11th, was an outstanding success. Over 500 people attended a variety of concerts and workshops that were available for all grades of players. A ‘feast’ of players from all over the world entertained including Gervasio Marcosignori and Daniele Ravaglia (Italy), Fintan Stanley (USA), Gary Blair (Scotland), plus accordion orchestras from Scotland, Ireland, and England.

Special guests Councillor Mrs Kingston and consort, and Marco Galeazzi (Cemex in Italy) attended the Saturday evening concert.

The event was so successful that over 200 people have already confirmed bookings for next year's event, which will be held from November 17th to 20th 2002.


Future events

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta conducted by Lionel Reekie will perform at St Georges Church, Takapuna, 28th November 6-7 pm.


Erika plays for dancing, Gembloux – Belgium Rob Howard

ErikaOn Saturday November 28th, 6.30pm, Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie play for dancing at the Centre Cultural, Gembloux, Belgium.

On Monday November 30th, 1.30pm, Erika will be presenting her new CD, ‘Fête de l'accordéon’ – her 28th album – on Radio Plein Sud 93.5FM.


Duo Douyez Recital, Pâturage - Belgium

Olivier DouyezOn Saturday November 28th, 9pm, Olivier Douyez (accordion) and his son Loris Douyez (violin) perform a recital at the Maison du Peuple, 1 Place du Peuple, Pâturage, Belgium.

Olivier Douyez, Professor of Accordion at the Royal Conservatory of Mons, is one of Belgium’s most accomplished classical accordionists. He was very successful in competitions, winning first place at festivals in Venezuela, Vichy, Brussels, Charleroi, and Geneva. He has also performed on TV and radio, made recordings.

For further information email: olivier.douyez@gmail.com


Finbarr Dennehy Gig, Tipperary – Republic of Ireland

Finbarr DennehyShand Morino accordionist Finbarr Dennehy, from County Cork, plays for dancing in The Premier Ballroom, O'Donovan Rossa St, Thurles, County Tipperary, on Sunday November 29th, 7.30pm.


Janne Rättyä Recital, Essen – Germany

Janne RättyäJanne Rättyä, from Finland, performs a recital with cellist Alexander Gebert on Monday November 30th, 7.30pm, at the Kammermusiksaal, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen. The recital includes works by J.S. Bach, Terry Riley, Magnus Lindberg, and Uljas Pulkkis.

Janne Rättyä, widely regarded as one of the leading classical accordionists of his generation, studied at the Sibelius Academy with Matti Rantanen and at the Folkwang Hochschule Essen with Professor Mie Miki. He has been Professor for Classical Accordion Studies at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Graz, Austria, since 2003. He appears under the German-Austrian CD label VMS and the Japanese Octavia Records label.


Antonio Spaccarotella Masterclass, Santiago - Chile

Antonio Spaccarotella
Antonio Spaccarotella Masterclass in Santiago, Chile on the 1st December. Details on the poster above.


Juan José Mosalini Workshop, Essen – Germany

Juan José MosaliniBandoneon player and composer Juan José Mosalini leads a workshop on Tuesday December 1st, from 10am, at the Folkwang Akkordeonklasse, Kammermusiksaal, Campus Essen-Werden, Essen, Germany.

Juan José Mosalini (born 1943), from Argentina, specializes in tango nuevo and since 1977 has lived in France, where he has performed and taught. In 1999 he founded the first bandoneon course in Europe at the Conservatory in Gennevilliers. As a composer, he has also written film scores including ‘Double Face’ and ‘Le 4ème Pouvoir’ and ‘Das Autogramm’.


Kosmos Concert, Lancashire – UK

The trio Kosmos concert perform in concert on Wednesday December 2nd, 7.30pm, for the Clitheroe Concerts Society at the Lecture Theatre, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Sixth Form Centre, York Street, Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 2DJ.

Kosmos are Harriet Mackenzie (violin), Meg Hamilton (viola) and Miloš Milivojevic (accordion). Serbian born Miloš Milivojevic is a first prize winner at international competitions in Germany, France, Italy and Denmark.

In Serbia he studied with Vojin Vasovic, and with Owen Murray at the Royal Academy of Music in London, where he graduated and was awarded with Dip RAM. In 2007 he became the first accordionist ever to win the RAM Club Prize at the Academy and in the 2008 was the Winner of the prestigious Derek Butler London Prize at the Wigmore Hall, London.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Stockport Accordion Club Charity Concert, Macclesfield – UK

Pearl Fawcett-AdrianoThe Stockport AC Band (MD Derek Stubbs), and soloists Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Helen Rich, and Mike Richards (guest accordionist from the North Staffs Accordion Club) all perform in concert at the Broken Cross Club, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8TU, on Friday December 4th, 7.45pm. All proceeds from this concert go to the East Cheshire Hospice.

Since 1999 Stockport Accordion Club has this fund raising concert in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice. The organizer is SAC member John Jones MBE.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Stuart Cameron SDB Recording for BBC Broadcast, Scotland – UK

Stuart CameronThe Stuart Cameron Scottish Dance Band will be recording a BBC Radio Scotland ‘Take The Floor’ outside broadcast on Thursday December 10th in Kinlochard Village Hall, Stirling FK8 3TL, Scotland. Tickets are available from the ‘Take The Floor’ website.


Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Christmas Concert, New York – USA

Mary Mancini & Mario TaccaOn Friday December 11th, 7pm, Mary Mancini (soprano) and Mario Tacca (accordion and piano) will perform their annual Candlelight Christmas concert at the Assumption Church, Msgr Ansbro Way, Peekskill, NY. Also involved in this joyous and glorious celebration of Christmas are the angelic strings of the Victor Lionti String Quartet, and those fine accompanists Dave Winograd (bass) and Randy Smith (percussion).

The promotional flyer for the concert has all the info one needs to book tickets.

For further information email: mariobtacca@hotmail.com


Joao Gentil Dicember Tour 2015 - Argentine

Joao Gentil


New and Updated Sites

New CD and eTracks Album "Appliques" Released by Yuri Shishkin - Russia

Appliques CD header
Yuri Shishkin Album AppliquesThe new Yuri Shishkin CD and eTracks Album titled "Appliques" is available online, Catalog: yshishkin07

Appliques album contains 58:44 minutes of music and the insert says: "Appliques" is the rarest program I have ever performed. It is a classical musician's experiment. This experiments success is due to ......

Track list is:
Polyphony Appliques (from Jazz History) by Oleg Gorchakov
1. Ragtime, Oleg Gorchakov 1:26
2. Fugue Blues, Oleg Gorchakov 2:31
3. Fugue Swing, Oleg Gorchakov 2:06
4. Prelude Be-bop, Oleg Gorchakov 1:20
5. Fugue Be-bop, Oleg Gorchakov 1:02
6. Ballade, Oleg Gorchakov 2:42
7. Fugue Jazz-rock, Oleg Gorchakov 2:11
8. Finale, Oleg Gorchakov 4:18
9. Valse-Caprice, Viatscheslav Semionov 5:12
Starotcherkassk's Suite by Galinka Gontarekno
10. Voiska Donskogo, Galinka Gontarekno 2:52
11. Conversation (Pereklichki), Galinka Gontarekno 1:27
12. Foxy Lady (Plutovka), Galinka Gontarekno 2:32
13. Suffering, Galinka Gontarekno 2:44
14. At Razin's Chains, Galinka Gontarekno 3:42
15. A Fair, Galinka Gontarekno 4:11
16 Hoe-Down Scene from the Ballet "Rodeo", Aaron Copland 3:12
17 Rhapsody in Blue, George Gerswhin 14:52

Appliques is the 7th album released by Yuri Shishkin. Other CD and eTracks albums are:
- Towards The Sun, Catalog: yshishkin01
- Images, Catalog: yshishkin02 CD sold out
- Favourites, Catalog: yshishkin03 CD sold out
- Shishkin Plays Semionov, Catalog: yshishkin04
- Pictures at an Exhibition, Catalog: yshishkin05 CD sold out
- Libretto, Catalog: yshishkin06


New Mika Väyrynen CD, Danse Macabre - Finland Accordeon Institute

Mika Väyrynen Danse Macabre CD coverFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen has released his latest CD recording 'Danse Macabre', featuring a variety of works including original works he has commissioned for the accordion, transcriptions and original works. 

Tracks list:
1. Sonata in B Minor (from the Sonata Triad) Herman Galynin (1922-1966) 3.54
2. Adagio No.1, Op. 102 (2014) Aulis Sallinen (b. 1935) 4:38
3. Preludes and Fugues, Op. 95 (2009) Aulis Sallinen (b. 1935) 9:20
4. From Lyric Pieces Edward Grieg (1843-1907) 10:52
5. Peer Gynt Fantasy (2013) Paavo Korpijaakko (b.1977) 10:03
6. Three Finnish Folksongs (2011) Folk/Mika Väyrynen 7:38
- The Sky is Blue and White
- Obtrobothnian Polska (in memoriam Juha Nikkola)
- Little Folksong
7. The Sound of Ice (2013) Pasi Lyytikäinen (b. 1975) 9:34
8. Vocalise Op. 34, No. 14 Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) 6:18
9. Danse Macabre Camille Saint-Saëns (1985-1921) / Vladimir Horowitz, arr. Mika Väyrynen 7:58

Picture left: CD cover, and below that, Mika Väyrynen recent recital at the 2015 Coupe Mondiale in Finland.

The CD Danse Macabre, Cat No. faicd26 is available online.  The Danse Macabre albums is also available as an eTracks mp3 download, Cat No. faicd26eT for only €9. Other Mika CD's and eTracks albums are available from the site: Finnish Accordeon Institute


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 2 New Works Released - Australia

cfranco199 - Walking SticksFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions this week:
cfranco199 - Walking Sticks
cfranco200 - Colours of Autumn
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.


New and Updated Site: Sergey Osokin, New CD, Performer and Teacher, Moscow - Russia

Il Dolce Dolore CD by Sergey OsokinThe new Il Dolce Dolore CD by Sergey Osokin (accordion) features four major works performing with Nadezhda Tokareva (violin) and Andrey Berezin (violoncello):

1. Trio No. 1 Op. 9 for violin, cello and accordion (1986) Timo-Juhani Kyllönen 21:38
2. Dream Garden for Violoncello and bayan (1997) Mikhail Bronner 10:28
3. Fantasy in the Memory of Alfred Schnittke (1998) Efrem Podgaits 10:10
4. Il Dolce Dolore for violoncello and bayan (1990) Sergey Berinsky 10:40
Total time: 54:19

Sergey Osokin is a tutor at Schnittke's Moscow State Institute of Music and has been performing in many countries, including recently in China and Lithuania.

Il Dolce Dolore is available as a CD (posted to you) or as eTracks mp3 download available online at: Sergey Osokin

Site updates include the pages about two albums:
os601 Eternal Returning CD and eTracks album
os602 Il Cinema Per Sempre CD and eTracks album


Updated Site: Semion Shmelkov 4 CD's, Moscow - Russia

Semion Shmelkov CD coverSemion Shmelkov CD coverSemion Shmelkov 4 CD's and updated CV and site information.

4 CD's available at:
shmelkovcd01 The Poem CD

shmelkovcd02 Sempre Majore! (Flute and Bayan) CD

shmelkovcd03 Evening Love Ditties (Bayan) CD

shmelkovcd04 l'amour CD and eTracks mp3 album


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 3 New Works Released - Australia

Nonno Ciccio's Tango (solo)Franco Cambareri has released three new works:
Catalog No: cfranco196 - Nonno Ciccio's Tango (solo)
Catalog No: cfranco197 - Gringo Vibes (solo)
Catalog No: cfranco198 - Time 4 Salsa (solo)
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.


Updated Site: Arseniy Strokovskiy International Successes and Videos - Russia

Arseniy StrokovskiyArseniy Strokovskiy has enjoyed major international competition successes in 2015 with:

- 1st prize - The VI International Festival and Competition "Accordion plus" in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, March 2015.

1st prize - The XIII National Competition "Vivat, Bayan!" in Samara, Russia, May 2015.

- 2nd place, September in the Castelfidardo Premio category. Video on his site of his performance with the symphony orchestra for the final round.

- 3rd place, October in the 68th Coupe Mondiale category in Finland. Video on site of Arseniy Strokovskiy performing his 3rd round program.


Joan Grauman CD "Accordion Potpourri" Released, Washington DC - USA

Accordion Potpourri CD by Joan Grauman
30 second sound clips:
2. In Walked Wolfie
4. Svadba Makedonska
7. French Fried
Joan GraumanOver the years, Joan Grauman has been recorded often for documentary films, live concerts, accompanying other artists' CDs. Just recently, Joan decided to record her own CD "Accordion Potpourri". Joan's aim was to pick simple and beautiful melodies that sound so good on the accordion.

The CD project has been a family affair with Joan doing the artwork for the CD cover, son-in-law Don as audio engineer, daughter Emily accompanying Joan on percussion for two of the tracks, and husband Dan doing layout.

Joan Grauman, by the age of 22, had a degree in piano performance and music education, and was the director of the Columbia International Folk Dancers. She then learnt the accordion accompanying Balkan/Gypsy band, BAMCO for 18 years, and also performed in Klezmer and Bavarian groups.

Since 2004, Joan has been the Vice-President and music director of the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society (WMAS) and the director of its performing group, the Potomac Accordion Ensemble. She is on the Governing Board of the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) and is its Historian.

The cost of the CD is $15 for orders from the US, Canada and Mexico or $19 for orders from all other countries. All proceeds from the sale of the CDs will go to support the youth orchestra and ensemble activities sponsored by the American Accordionists' Association.

Further information to purchase is at: www.squeezinart.com/accordionpotpourri.html


CD Reviews

CD Review: “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo

“So Far, So Close” CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo – Alessandro Tampieri (violin), Giorgio Dellarole (accordion). Review by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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