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Joan Grauman CD "Accordion Potpourri" Released, Washington DC - USA

Accordion Potpourri CD by Joan Grauman
30 second sound clips:
2. In Walked Wolfie
4. Svadba Makedonska
7. French Fried
Joan GraumanOver the years, Joan Grauman has been recorded often for documentary films, live concerts, accompanying other artists' CDs. Just recently, Joan decided to record her own CD "Accordion Potpourri". Joan's aim was to pick simple and beautiful melodies that sound so good on the accordion.

The CD project has been a family affair with Joan doing the artwork for the CD cover, son-in-law Don as audio engineer, daughter Emily accompanying Joan on percussion for two of the tracks, and husband Dan doing layout.

Joan Grauman, by the age of 22, had a degree in piano performance and music education, and was the director of the Columbia International Folk Dancers. She then learnt the accordion accompanying Balkan/Gypsy band, BAMCO for 18 years, and also performed in Klezmer and Bavarian groups.

Since 2004, Joan has been the Vice-President and music director of the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society (WMAS) and the director of its performing group, the Potomac Accordion Ensemble. She is on the Governing Board of the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) and is its Historian.

The cost of the CD is $15 for orders from the US, Canada and Mexico or $19 for orders from all other countries. All proceeds from the sale of the CDs will go to support the youth orchestra and ensemble activities sponsored by the American Accordionists' Association.

Further information to purchase is at: www.squeezinart.com/accordionpotpourri.html
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