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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Mar-2012
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Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Academy Award "Best Original Score" won by French Accordionist - USA
Kimmo Pohjonen CD Award Nomination, London – UK
Mirek Salmon Performs on BBC Radio 4, Bristol - UK‏
2012 Frank Marocco Accordion Event in Mesa, Arizona – USA
Discussions About Accordion Work Reported in New York Times - USA
The Music of Eugene Ettore Performed by Rita Davidson is Released - USA
Ciudad Juarez City Bans Los Tigres del Norte - Mexico
‘14 Years Ago’ – News from Japan

Future events

Irish Open Accordion Festival, County Meath – Republic of Ireland
Pascal Contet Course at CNIMA J. Mornet, Auvergne – France
Bow & Bellows @ the National Theatre, London – UK
Paulo Jorge Ferreira Concerts - Italy
Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham Tour Dates, England – UK
Volodymyr Kurylenko in The Netherlands
Romano Viazzani in ‘Transatlantic’, London – UK

New and Updated Sites

eTracks MP3 Albums Added Online this Week
Lionel Reekie eTracks MP3 Album site updated

CD Reviews

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - Melrose

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Musikmesse graphicVea el Informe de Holda Paoletti-Kampl del Frankfurt Musikmesse 2012.

La Musikmesse de Frankfurt 2012, tendrá lugar desde el miércoles 21 al sábado 24 de marzo, siendo éste último el día de demostraciones para el público. Los horarios de apertura son desde las 9.00 hasta las 18.00.

Casi todos los fabricantes de acordeón de Italia y Alemania se muestran en el pabellón 3.1 con expositores internacionales de 46 países que presentan algunos instrumentos musicales, software y hardware de la música, partituras, accesorios y servicios relacionados con la creación musical.

El sábado (día del espectador), habrá demostraciones por todos los diferentes “stand” de los fabricantes de acordeón.

Holda Paoletti-Kampl estará allí el miércoles 21 y jueves 22 de marzo y preparará un informe en vivo para los dos días del evento.




2012 6th Roland V-Accordion International Festival logoRoland Europe S.p. A. y la Corporación de Roland se complacen en anunciar el y 6º Festival Internacional Roland V-Accordion 2012 para solistas de acordeón, el 9 y 10 de noviembre en Roma, Italia. El Festival está dividido en dos partes: las Finales Nacionales que seleccionan a cada ganador nacional para participar en el 6º Roland V-Accordion el Concurso Internacional en Roma.

Las Finales Nacionales transcurren antes del 23 de septiembre de 2012 y tendrán una categoría de solista senior (mínimo 18 años) y solista junior (máximo 17 años). Sólo los solistas senior participan en las Finales Internacionales.

Las exigencias para categoría senior son:

- cualquier género de música es permitido

- cada concursante tiene que tocar dos programas diferentes. Un programa de unos 10-15 minutos y otro de unos 5 minutos.

- los concursantes no pueden usar ninguna repetición de audio interna/externa como Wave, MP3, CD, iPOD etc. (como pista de apoyo) y/o módulos externos como secuenciadores MIDI.

- los participantes sólo pueden tocar el V-acordeón y sin cantar.

La 6ª Final Internacional de V-Accordion en Roma consta de un premio excelente:

1er puesto: 5000€
2º puesto: 2000€
3er puesto: 1000€

Además las actuaciones serán retransmitidas por streaming video.

Para descargar el reglamento completo: 2012Rol-Rules

Para más información puedes enviar un e-mail al distribuidor de Roland de tu país.



DVD Cover‘Behind the Bellows” es una película documental de unos 60 minuto sobre el acordeón, producido por Steve Mobia y disponible en DVD. La película hace una variada crónica del acordeón, su historia y efecto dentro de la cultura popular.

Se incluyen entrevistas con leyendas del acordeón como Anthony Gall-Rini, Guy Klucevsek, y Dick Contino, así como con numerosas empresas fabricantes de acordeón.

El DVD también cuenta con clips históricos de Guido Deiro, Art Van Damme, Lawrence Welk, y Frankie Yankovic. Igualmente existen interesantes reflexiones acerca del acordeón en España y por qué nuevos caminos transita nuestro instrumento.

Para más información: moviebeast@gmail.com



Alexander Veretennikov
Grayson Masefield, Dorin GramaEl 14 y 15 de marzo se celebró el 15º Concurso Internacional “Jeunes Talents” de 2012 organizado por Gerard Chassagneux en Montrond-les-Bains, Francia

Este exitoso evento atrajo a unos cuarenta participantes de más de diez países (entre ellos Italia, Kazajstán, Moldavia, Alemania, Bosnia, China, Polonia, Serbia, Dinamarca, EE.UU. y Rusia) compitiendo por un total de € 5.000 de premios en metálico.

Junhao Mao (China) resultó vencedor en la categoría Junior Classical y los ganadores de las categorías superiores fueron Alexander Veretennikov (Clásico) y Dorin Grama (Varieté).

El jurado estuvo compuesto por artistas de diferentes nacionalidades: Bernard Albaynac (Francia), Andreas Nebl (Alemania), Franck Angelis (Francia), Xiao-Qing Cao (China), Pascal Meurge (Francia), Gorka Hermosa (España), Crystal Wang (China), Grayson Masefield (Nueva Zelanda), Jerome Chassagneux (Francia), Domi Emorine (Francia) y Alexander Selivanov (Rusia).

También hubo actuaciones de los ganadores anteriores: Dmitri Bouclier, Camille Privat, Grayson Masefield y la actuación de Alexander Selivanov con Andreas Nebl.
Grayson realizó el estreno mundial de “Ka Ka Mate Ora” la nueva obra dedicada a él y Frédéric Deschamps por el compositor Gorka Hermosa. Grayson comenzó su programa con “Fragilissimo” otra obra de Gorka Hermosa y “Tango Toccata” de Petri Makkonen estrenada en este evento el año pasado igualmente por G. Masefield. Gorka Hermosa recibió una entusiasmada ovación del público allí presente.

Para más información, e-mail Chassagneux Gérard: jeunes-talents@montrond-les-bains.fr

Foto abajo - Parte del jurado, de izquierda a derecha, Andreas Nebl (Germany), Xiao-Qing Cao (China), Domi Emorine (France), Jerome Chassagneux (France), Franck Angelis (France), Bernard Albaynac (France), Alexander Selivanov (Russia), Gorka Hermosa (Spain).
Montrond Jury


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Academy Award "Best Original Score" won by French Accordionist - USA

Ludovic BourceFrench composer, Ludovic Bource, was awarded the 2012 Academy Award for the Best Original Score for the movie, "The Artist". This was his first time nominated for an Academy Award. He also was the recipient of the Best Original Score for a Motion Picture at the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beerly Hilton in Beverly HIlls, CA on Sunday, January 15, 2012. Bource has already won a European Film Award and a BAFTA (the British Academy of Film and Television Arts). He was also named Breakout Composer of the Year in 2011 by the International Film Music Critic Association (IFMCA).

Bource, 41, grew up in Brittany and from the age of eight played accordion at local dances and weddings. His first time in the spotlight happened when he played the accordion on stage at a Bastille Day Ball in his native Brittany. At the age of 17, he switched to the piano and studied classical piano at the conservatoire with Anne Magadur and at 18 he began to study jazz.

A more extended article is available on the Accordion USA News, March edition.


Kimmo Pohjonen CD Award Nomination, London – UK

Uniko CD coverThe CD ‘Uniko’, by Finnish accordionist Kimmo Pohjonen, Samuli Kosminen, and the Kronos Quartet, has been nominated for the annual ‘Songlines Music Awards’, in the category ‘Cross Cultural Collaboration’.

The awards are organized by the London-based magazine ‘Songlines’, and the winners, to be selected by the ‘Songlines’ editorial team, will be published in the June issue, on sale from May 27th.

For further information email: pap@hoedown.com


Mirek Salmon Performs on BBC Radio 4, Bristol - UK‏

Mirek Salmon on BBC Radio 4
Mirek Salmon, an accordionist from Bristol, appeared on BBC Radio 4's ‘Broadcasting House’ on Sunday, presented by Paddy O'Connell, and performed onstage in front of a live audience at St George’s Concert Hall in Bristol. The show was broadcast live to over 2 million listeners!

Mirek had to play excerpts from ‘Wallace & Gromit’, Chopin's ‘Minute Waltz’, and the ‘Imperial March’ from ‘Star Wars’ to correspond to the various guests appearing on the show. Mirek played throughout the show and finished it off with a rendition of The Archers theme tune to usher in the Sunday omnibus, something his mother, listening at home, particularly enjoyed!

You can still catch the episode on the BBC iplayer until March 25th at this link

Mirek, a student of Karen Street, is a very versatile and busy jazz accordionist. He performs with ‘Moscow Drug Club’ and also with a new project ‘Bluesette’. They will be performing at London's Le Quecumbar, the UK home of gypsy jazz on Monday May 14th.


2012 Frank Marocco Accordion Event in Mesa, Arizona – USA

FMAE 2012 group photo
Joan and Dan GraumanThe annual Frank Marocco Accordion Event (FMAE) event took place at the Arizona Golf Resort in sunny Mesa, Arizona, February 16th to 20th. 50 accordionists from around the world gathered from 14 states, 2 Canadian provinces, and Italy.

Unfortunately, due to illness, Frank Marocco was unable to attend and Stas Venglevski assumed the role of FMAE Orchestra Conductor, soloist, workshop presenter, plus more!

Stas Venglevski composed a beautiful orchestral piece, ‘Memories of Joe’, to honor the memory of the late Joe Smiell. Its World Premiere was performed at the Saturday evening concert by 11 FMAE participants, who had played under Joe's baton over the years.

On the final evening concert, attended by about 400 people, the accordion being presented in high quality in many combinations. Thank you to FMAE organizers Joan and Dan Grauman (picture right) for their excellent organisation and enthusiastic dedication for our favorite instrument….. the accordion!

A more extensive article of the event with full lists of the workshop presenters and the performers has been published in the March USA News.


Discussions About Accordion Work Reported in New York Times - USA

Michael Ward-Bergeman and Osvaldo GolijovThe following is segments from a recent article in The New York Times:

Osvaldo Golijov (picture lower left), one of today’s most sought-after composers, was said to have borrowed excessively from a work for accordion and ensemble, ‘Barbeich’, by Michael Ward-Bergeman (picture top left), a composer, accordionist and close friend.

‘Sidereus’, the subject of this fracas, is a nine-minute overture by Golijov. Osvaldo Golijov, however, said that both works, as well as a string quartet he recently wrote, were partly derived from several discarded minutes of a film score that the two composers collaborated on. That movie was ‘Tetro’, a 2009 film directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Osvaldo Golijov has the film credit for original score, although, he said, Mr. Ward-Bergeman helped out on sections.

“There was this beautiful material,” Mr. Golijov said. “It didn’t work for the movie, but it worked for music. We decided both: ‘Let’s grab it. Each one can do what he wants.’ ” He said that the two had worked so closely on the scene that it was impossible to separate who wrote what. “Joint ideas, joint material, same room,” he said.

Plagiarism? Excessive borrowing? The normal creative process?


The Music of Eugene Ettore Performed by Rita Davidson is Released - USA

Rita DavidsonA new eTracks Rita Davidson Album titled "The Music of Eugene Ettore" has been released. This coincides with the 90th anniversary of the birth of Eugene Ettore (1921-1985).

Rita Davidson writes: “For the first time, the music of Eugene Ettore is available worldwide to accordionists. As you listen to these virtuoso selections, you will realize the great value and musical contribution that he made to accordion repertoire.”

Eugene Ettore, former president of the American Accordionists' Association, wrote over 300 compositions at all levels including works for solo, duet, ensembles, band, and orchestra. In addition to being an accordionist, he was a professional French Horn player, having played in many symphony orchestras.

His great involvement in symphonic music is reflected in his virtuoso compositions which not only showcase the capabilities of the accordion but also have a distinctly orchestral flavor. His unique compositions challenge the musicianship and technique of the performer while they provide a musical treat for all to hear.

Rita Davidson is preparing further recordings which will include: The Manhattan Concerto (3 movements), Springtime Caprice, Prelude and Scherzo, Accordion Miniatures, Five O'Clock Rush, Spanish Holiday.

Rita Davidson is seeking information, photos, etc. for the Eugene Ettore historical website. Please email her: Ritabelll@aol.com

Click Rita Davidson Album to read the tracks list and hear sound samples.


Ciudad Juarez City Bans Los Tigres del Norte - Mexico

Los Tigres del Norte
Ciudad Juarez, the capital of Mexico's Chihuahua state has indefinitely banned the famous norteno group Los Tigres del Norte from playing in the city after the band sang ballads glorifying drug traffickers during a weekend concert.

There have been other attempts in Mexico to ban the ballads known as "narcocorridos," but seldom have they affected a mainstream group as popular as Los Tigres. The band has been a mainstay of norteno music for decades, with hits like ‘Contrabando y Traicion’ (Contraband and Betrayal) and ‘Jefe de Jefes’ (Boss of Bosses).

"The musical group will not get permits for future shows in the city limits, until such time as authorities decide otherwise," the city said in a statement. The Chihuahua city government said the band violated a three-month-old city ordinance prohibiting songs that glorify traffickers, and that the concert's organizers would be fined "at least 20,000 pesos" ($1,585).


‘14 Years Ago’ – News from Japan

Mie MikiThe Accordions Worldwide news for March 23rd 1998 included a brief report of an accordion concert on board a street car in Tokyo, which presumably was an unusual event, albeit popular. We wonder who played, and if there was ever a repeat? The following week, Japanese accordion virtuoso Mie Miki, nowadays domiciled in Germany and continuing to be very active, performed in concert in Tokyo.

Contributed by Izuru Shinmyo

On Sunday March 8th at 1.30pm a concert entitled ‘Motoko and Sonora Accordion Concert’ was held in a Tokyo Street Car while it was running from Waseda to Sannowa Bridge and back to Waseda, Japan. Enthusiastic passengers enjoyed the entertainment in this unusual venue.

On Friday March 20th at 7pm, Mie Miki performed accordion works to an appreciative audience at Kazarusu Hall, Ochanomizu, Tokyo, Japan.


Future events

Irish Open Accordion Festival, County Meath – Republic of Ireland

2012 All Ireland posterThe annual Irish Open Accordion Festival (incorporating the 41st All Ireland Accordion Festival) takes place from March 30th to April 1st at the Newgrange Hotel, Navan, County Meath (about 40km north of Dublin). The event is organised by the Irish Accordion Association.

The competition will include a full range of solo, duet, ensemble and orchestral categories, for all ages.

The special guest artist is Cory Pesaturo, from the USA, winner of the 2009 CIA Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion category and the 2011 Primus Ikaalinen Festival in Finland. Cory will be the main competition adjudicator and will be playing in the Saturday night concert.

Other participants in the concert will be the Reunion Orchestra and the highly talented Katie Kavanagh, performance student at the Royal Irish Academy of Music. The concert will be followed by a Ceili.

For further information email Yvonne Chilton: chilton_accordion@hotmail.com


Pascal Contet Course at CNIMA J. Mornet, Auvergne – France

CNIMA seminar poster
Pascal Contet leads an accordion techniques course from April 23rd to 28th at CNIMA J.Mornet, Les Ludines, 63950 Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne. Other courses to be held at CNIMA J. Mornet are listed above too.

The course includes full board at CNIMA J.Mornet, in the beautiful area of the Auvergne.

For further information email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Bow & Bellows @ the National Theatre, London – UK

Bow & BellowsOn Friday March 23rd, 6.15pm until 7.45pm, the duo Bow & Bellows play and sing in the National Theatre foyer,

Bow & Bellows are Martina Schwarz (accordion) and Sally Davies (violin).

For further information email: schwarzmartina@hotmail.com


Paulo Jorge Ferreira Concerts - Italy

Paulo Jorge Ferreira & Carlos Alves
Portuguese accordionist Paulo Jorge Ferreira visits Italy in the next week, playing as follows:

March 23rd, 8.45pm - AltaVilla Vicentina, Vicenza
March 24th, 8.45pm - Teatro Delle Garbere, Trento
March 25th, 11am - Museo Delle Scienze, Trento

Paulo will be performing with clarinetist Carlos Alves, and playing works by Buschmann, Berge, Ferreira, Hofmann and Galliano.
For further information email: pjorgef@hotmail.com


Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham Tour Dates, England – UK

The popular Scottish duo Phil Cunningham (accordion) and Aly Bain (fiddle) are on tour again, and their dates include:

March 24th, 7pm – The Union Chapel, Compton Ave, London N1 2XD
March 25th, 8pm – Ariel Centre, King Edward V1 College, Ashburton Rd, Totnes, Devon
March 26th, 7.30pm – National Centre for Early Music, Church Walmgate, York YO1 9TL
March 29th, 8pm – Colston Hall, Bristol
March 30th, 8pm – Sale Waterside Arts Centre, Greater Manchester M33 7ZS
March 31st, 8pm – Turner Sims Concert Hall, Southampton SO17 1BJ
April 1st, 7.30pm – Hitchin Folk Club, The Sun Hotel, Herts SG5 1AF
April 4th – Lakeside Arts Centre, University Park, Castle Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 2RD
April 5th, 7.30pm – The Sage, Gateshead NE8 2JR

Further dates to be announced.

For further information email: phil@philcunningham.com


Volodymyr Kurylenko in The Netherlands

The highly accomplished accordionist Volodymyr Kurylenko from the Ukraine is currently on tour in The Netherlands and performs next week, as follows:

March 28th, 12.45pm – Oude Kerk, Dorpsstraat 59, Netherlands
March 28th, 8.30pm - Wim Beeren Jazz Society, Café Van Bracht, Kerkstraat 9
April 1st, 3pm - Magisch Theatertje, Molenweg 4, Amby, Maastricht

For further information email: bayan.ukraine@gmail.com


Romano Viazzani in ‘Transatlantic’, London – UK

Romano ViazzaniOn Sunday March 25th, 6pm, accordionist Romano Viazzani accompanies singer Joanna Strand in ‘Transatlantic’ at The Forge, 3-7 Delancey St, Camden, London, NW1 7NL.

Joanna Strand presents a jazz – cabaret show in two acts featuring the music of composers that have crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

For further information email: contact@forgevenue.org

Three CD's available by Romano Viazzani.


New and Updated Sites

eTracks MP3 Albums Added Online this Week

Lips Album coversLips Album coversNew eTracks MP3 Albums have been added this week:

New Rita Davidson Album of The Music of Eugene Ettore

Friedrich Lips now has 12 eTracks MP3 albums online


Lionel Reekie eTracks MP3 Album site updated

Lionel Reekie album coverLionel Reekie, well known accordionist, vocalist and TV performer, has performed extensively throughout North America, Asia and Europe, now has a new site selling eTracks MP3 album.

The Lionel Reekie eTracks MP3 files are available for download. Priced at only € 0.70 a track with most albums costing € 8.00 or less its great value. Sample sound files on site.

Tracks are:
1. Quando Quando
2. It's Now or Never
3. Cubanola
4. Love is all Around
5. Let's Twist Again
6. I Swear
7. Love is in the Air
8. Rave on
9. Unchained Melody
10. Lambada
11. My Way


CD Reviews

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - Melrose

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - MelroseCD Reviews Index for the Review of Kein Schöner Land CD, Italian and English, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Artists are Manfred Leuchter and Ian Melrose.


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