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Review: Classic Kyiv Duo Concert @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK

Kyiv Duo
The Black Country Accordion Club organiser Lou Ambrose writes: Once again this fabulous duo, the Classic Kyiv Duo, made the journey to visit this country and our club for a very special concert. 

We all look forward to Igor and Oleksiy calling to see us during their annual tour and all the preparations were made in advance for this fund raising event. As we anticipated we had almost a full house and everything was in place for the grand raffle and the anticipated auction. Thanks to the generosity of members and a local businessman we had a good selection of goods ranging from a vacuum cleaner, whiskey, champagne down to a dancing duck.

Ray Izod opened the proceedings with a selection of popular tunes. He now makes a fairly regular appearance at the club and now seems to be settling in as one of our regular entertainers.
So, Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoiets, known as the Classic Accordion Duo began their concert. These guys still devote their tour to the Hipokrat Society and we know that by now what a wonderful job this charity does. The expected interval very quickly arrived indeed and as soon as everyone had enjoyed the refreshments the fundraising began.

The draw for the Tote and the Raffle were soon over and the auction began, and thanks to everyone who made the effort to donate the goods and prizes do seem rather inadequate. Well done one and all. The Duo completed the second half of their repertoire to a standing ovation once again. ‘The Flight of the Bumblebee’ and their version of ‘The Waltz of the Flowers’ had drawn the most enthusiastic round of applause that evening.
The evening was a great success with an excellent turnout with a number of new faces in the audience and we were very pleased to donate the sum of £742 to a very worthy cause.

On Monday August 28th, 8pm, our guest is the versatile accordionist Jovan Rnjak, with Roy Nock on the drums.
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