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“The Year of the Duo” at 79th Annual ATG Accordion Festival – USA

ATG Poster
Joan Cochran SommersThe 79th annual ATG Festival will feature “The Year of the Duo” and they have some outstanding duos to delight, entertain, and mesmerize you. This year’s event will be held in Denver, Colorado from July 24th to 27th at the Double Tree Hotel, 7801 E. Orchard Rd, Green-wood Village, Denver, Colorado under the direction of ATG President, Joe Natoli.

Duo performances will be given by Kim and Dan Christian who will be bringing their special brand of technical and artistic entertainment with spicy and original arrangements for which they are well-known.

John and Madalynn Neu will delight you with not only their own brand of meticulously technical and diverse arrangements but will also be performing with their string octet called “Voice of the Wood Chamber Players.”

Jamie Maschler and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues will play Brazilian rhythms and jazz for you with their fresh and fully energetic passion for this beautiful and captivating music.

Finally, Augustinas Raukauskas (accordion) & Greta Staponkute (viola), are recent Coupe Mondiale winners who will amaze you with incredible musicianship, performing as if they were one person.

To further support the “Year of the Duo”, Joe Natoli will be performing a new piece for accordion duo entitled “Friendship” with Kenn Baert.

Soloist Betty Jo Simon (former ATG president and current board member) will also be performing. She may not be a “duo” but she can make her Roland digital accordion sound like an entire orchestra!

Additionally, a new work by Joe Natoli commissioned by the AAA this year will also be performed at the ATG on Friday July 26th. It is called “Child’s Play (A Tribute)” and is written for 2 accordions, cello, and a large contingent of percussion, conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers (picture left - renowned conductor, former ATG President and Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri-Kansas City). Joan will also conduct the popular ATG Orchestra and all accordionists attending the festival are invited to participate, no matter what age or ability. The Festival Orchestra will perform on the Saturday evening Gala Concert.
For further orchestra details email: joansommers@kc.rr.com

The event will also include a Friday (July 26th) afternoon Original Music Concert, and a series of workshops on a diverse set of important topics. In addition a competition will be held with solo categories such as American Salute, Jazz, Polka, Tango, Pop, Entertainment as well as duet, ensemble and orchestra classes.

Download or print the 2019 ATG competition rules, categories and entry information: 2019ATGCompetitionRules.pdf
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