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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-May-2019
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Всемирный день аккордеона, 6 мая 2019 г. Мероприятия и отчеты
70-й юбилейный чемпионат NAO UK 2019, Ливерпуль - Великобритания
Юрий Казаков (1924-2019), Москва - Россия
Брэндон Макфи стал победителем года в Великобритании
Результаты / Отчет: Международные Аккордеонные Конкурсы 2019 г. в Клингентале - Германия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Report: 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival - China
Special Accordion Commemorates ANZAC Day – New Zealand
Grayson Masefiend in Chengdu Performing on World Accordion Day - China
Open Stage at Akkordeon Café Dortmund – Germany
Stanser Musiktage Festival – Switzerland
Accordionist Fifi la Mer Releases 2 New CD’s - UK

Будущие события

Mother’s Day Entertainment – USA
12th Annual Chamber Music Festival – UK
Cory Pesaturo at San Francisco Accordion Club – USA
2019 International Cajun & Zydeco Festival – Netherlands
1st Rousay Accordion Weekend – Scotland
2019 International Tango Festival – Germany

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)
New Stas Venglevski eSheet (pdf) Composition - USA

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Особенности Highlights

Всемирный день аккордеона, 6 мая 2019 г. Мероприятия и отчеты

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World Accordion Day logoСайт Всемирного дня аккордеона в настоящее время находится в стадии разработки и, как ожидается, будет завершен к следующему Четверг.

Программа финского телеканала AlfaTV о видео-ссылке на Всемирный день аккордеона: (будет предоставлена)

15 видеороликов, посвященных выходным дням Всемирного дня аккордеона и фестивалю Палмера, проводимому Мировом Музее аккордеонов, размещены на сайте новостей США.


70-й юбилейный чемпионат NAO UK 2019, Ливерпуль - Великобритания

NAO Banner
Annalize BodellЧемпионат NAO UK 2019 проходил в отеле Adelphi в Ливерпуле с 26 по 28 апреля. Это был особенный год для этого мероприятия, поскольку члены Организации отметили его 70-летие, и это были замечательные выходные, наполненные историей, атмосферой, дружелюбием и замечательной музыкой от всех, кто присутствовал.

На фестивале с премией NAO Associate Award 2019 была отмечена Джин Хангер за ее преданность и служение Аккордеону! Было уместно, что открытие этого мероприятия стало первой репетицией оркестра NAO Vintage (фото выше) под ее руководством.

Квалификация на CIA Coupe Mondiale 2019, которая пройдет в Шэньчжэне, Китай, в августе, проводилась с участием Аннализ Боделл (Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Music) и Александра Боделла (Virtuoso Entertainment Music).

Жюри было занято национальными соревнованиями, которые проводились в 3 местах в течение выходных.

В рамках 70-летия NAO была рада пригласить Кэролайн Хант со своей частной коллекцией из более чем 30 инструментов, и Организация собрала несколько исторических экспонатов, в том числе один (рисунок ниже) со всеми председателями NAO с 1949 года, все заслуги и Ассоциированные получатели премии, а также все заслуженные и заслуженные друзья, награжденные ЦРУ.

Другой показ включал все британские программы, охватывающие 70 лет со дня первого Дня Аккордеона, эта функция принесла некоторые замечательные воспоминания для многих.

Несколько международных кандидатов также приняли участие из Польши, Швейцарии, Израиля и Ирландии. Был проведен замечательный мастер-класс под руководством Фредерика Дешама, британской и ирландской квалификаций для участия в Международном открытом турнире CMA Trophy, а также традиционного шотландского праздника Ceilidh с Highland Fling.

Полные результаты доступны на сайте: NAO
History display


Юрий Казаков (1924-2019), Москва - Россия

Yuri Kasakov PosterЮрий Казаков был музыкальным новатором. Именно он развил баян от инструмента народной музыки до сольного академического концертного инструмента, впервые использовав в этом процессе выборную клавиатуру. Он сыграл важную роль в завоевании признания аккордеона как признанного концертного инструмента.

После окончания Второй мировой войны в 1945 году Казаков учился в Московском институте им. Гнесиных, работал в Архангельской филармонии и много гастролировал по США, играя различные программы (в том числе «Концерт для баяна с оркестром» Чайкина).

Техника и мастерство Юрия Казакова были признаны современниками и зрителями на протяжении его долгой и продуктивной карьеры как исполнителя, так и композитора, и он записал множество альбомов и DVD. Его биография была опубликована в 2006 году. Он гастролировал в тридцати странах, включая Англию, Францию, Италию, Швецию, Норвегию, Швейцарию, Японию, Канаду, Польшу, Вьетнам, Индонезию, Кубу, Чили, Мексику и т. Д.

Вспоминая совместный визит в Англию в 1954 году, композитор и дирижер Арам Хачатурян написал следующее: «Неожиданно баян завоевал огромный успех. В руках Казакова он пел и звучал, как орган, наполняя большой зал мощными звуками. Замечательный талант музыканта и его репертуар, необычный для баяниста, сразу же сделал Казакова очень популярным человеком на Британских островах».

В 1983 году Казаков и Перл Фосетт-Адриано совершили успешное короткое концертное турне по Англии, организованное Адрианом Данте, и в следующем году был выпущен совместный CD.

Юрий Казаков скончался 6 мая 2019 года в возрасте 94 лет. Он был покойным с женой Мариной, а его похороны состоялись 8 мая в церкви Рождества Иоанна Крестителя в Москве.
Yury Kazakov


Брэндон Макфи стал победителем года в Великобритании

Hot Country Poster
Аккордеонный артист Брэндон Макфи стал обладателем награды «Лучший артист года в Великобритании по версии 2019 года». 9-й ежегодный концерт Hot Country Awards состоялся 29 апреля в отеле Slieve Russell, Ballyconnell, Co Cavan в Ирландии. «Hot Country» - это шоу в стиле кантри, посвященное лучшим художникам ирландской и американской музыки кантри.

Брэндон Макфи известен своими кантри-музыкой и традиционной шотландской аккордеонной музыкой. Смотрите видео для его популярного выступления.

Результаты / Отчет: Международные Аккордеонные Конкурсы 2019 г. в Клингентале - Германия
Brandon McPhee


Результаты / Отчет: Международные Аккордеонные Конкурсы 2019 г. в Клингентале - Германия

2019 Klingenthal International Accordion Competitions
Все результаты 56-го Клингентальского конкурса теперь доступны по адресу: 2019 Klingenthal


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Report: 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival - China

2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival
Prof. Li Cong, Crystal WangThe final day report in Ningbo is now online for this event dedicated to World Accordion Day. http://www.accordions.com/china/shanghai/2019/19april.html
with pictures and information about the 19th April "Belt and Road" Symposium and Concert in Ningbo.
Video above: Jiangbei “wind language” orchestra, Ningbo Odeum

Special Commendation:

This Ningblo concert completed all the official parts of the 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival 'Belt and Road Initiative'. This superbly organised and successful festival and tour was an awesome plan led by Festival Director Prof. Li Cong (also President China Accordion Association) and Festival General Secretary (Crystal) Wang Congyu, (also President Shanghai Musicians Association Accordion Committee).

These two extraordinary accordion teachers and superb promoters of the advancement of the accordion in China, have also created, trained and developed one of the finest accordion event organising teams. Thank you to this talented team of accordion teachers/enthusiasts. Most of all, thank you to Li Cong and (Crystal) Wang Congyu - the accordion world is most grateful to you both for all that you do for the accordion.

Finally, a thank you to all the organisations and sponsors listed below for their part in the superb event.
2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival


Special Accordion Commemorates ANZAC Day – New Zealand

Mosaic accordion
Mosaic accordionMosaic accordionThe Dargaville Museum Te Whare Taonga o Tunatahi in New Zealand recently unveiled a new exhibit, a unique, but stunning ANZAC Accordion by Dargaville based mosaic artist Kim Harrison (picture below with Kevin Friedrich). Commissioned by Kevin Friedrich, the accordion is a tribute to all New Zealand servicemen and women.

ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The soldiers in those forces quickly became known as ANZACs, and the pride they took in that name endures to this day. The New Zealand Government's Ministry of Culture and Heritage states: New Zealand soldiers distinguished themselves with their courage and skill, establishing an enduring bond with the Australians they fought alongside.

Great suffering was caused to a small country by the loss of so many of its young men. However, the 1915 Gallipoli campaign showcased attitudes and attributes - bravery, tenacity, practicality, ingenuity, loyalty to King and comrades - that helped New Zealand define itself as a nation, even as it fought unquestioningly on the other side of the world in the name of the British Empire.

After Gallipoli, New Zealand had a greater confidence in its distinct identity, and a greater pride in the International contribution it could make. The mutual respect earned during the fighting formed the basis of the close ties with Australia that continue today.

A national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand held annually on 25th April ANZAC Day service, broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations" and "the contribution and suffering of all those who have served".

Incorporating mirrors to reflect people’s spirit, the ANZAC Accordion also includes: Red Poppy (after being inspired by the sight of Poppies growing in battle-scarred fields after the First World War, the Red Poppy was adopted as a symbol of Remembrance); Purple Poppy (representing animals in war); White Poppy (representing all people and Peace); Black Poppy (representing anyone affected by war, including civilians); Red Cross (representing Medical personnel); Hammerhead (representing courage and strength); Wings (representing the Air Force); Rope (representing the Navy); Soldiers (representing the Army) and New Zealand Music (representing the spirit of the Maori Battalion for which the accordion was the official instrument).

The instrument is complimented by custom designed bellows from Galassi Bellows in Castelfidardo, Italy. The bellows feature three red ANZAC Poppies on one side and a collage of New Zealand published and composed sheet music pertaining to WWI and WWII on the other.

The instrument is displayed in the Dargaville Museum’s Military Exhibit and compliments the current Accordion Gems, A Master Collection of Accordions Through Time housed in the Museum’s Music Wing.
Kim and Kevin


Grayson Masefiend in Chengdu Performing on World Accordion Day - China

Grayson Masefiend posterMay 6th: On Monday afternoon Grayson Masefield and Rachel Xu gave a demonstration of the accordion at the Montpellier International Primary School. It was an Accordion Orchestra Founding Event, involving the 40 new members from the school.

May 7th: On Tuesday Grayson gave a presentation/master class at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, accordion and modern keyboard department, organised by Associate Professor Xia Gang.

A Fun Event was then held at the Modern Keyboard Arts/Accordion Micro Museum and an evening concert was held at the Exuberant English School opened with a performance by Rachel Xu and followed by Grayson Masefield.


Open Stage at Akkordeon Café Dortmund – Germany

Video The Akkordeon Café Dortmund celebrates his 10th anniversary on June 4, 2018.
The Akkordeon-Café-Dortmund is an Open Stage Event taking place on the 1st Monday of the month at 7pm at the Café in the “Fritz Henßler Haus” Cultural Center, Geschwister-Scholl-Str 33, Dortmund.

The Akkordeon Café presents all kinds of accordion music such as Cajun and Zydeco, French Musette, German folk music and shanties, Tango, Country, Pop, Irish Folk, Forro, Cumbia, traditional Balkan tunes, as well as contemporary classical music.

Musicians, accordionists, harmonica players, mouth organ artists, soloists, duos and trios, bands with accordion, orchestras and music students are welcome to perform on stage. The venue is supported by a professional PA and light show or players can perform on an acoustic instrument if preferred.

Last year (2018) the event celebrated its 10th anniversary. See video for clips of their celebrations. For further information email Stefan Lipke: akkordeoncafedortmund@gmail.com


Stanser Musiktage Festival – Switzerland

Stanser Poster
The Stanser Musiktage Festival was held in Stans, Switzerland from April 30th to May 5th. The event featured a variety of soloists and groups entertaining including the group “Éan” (pictured below) which includes accordionist Roman Bausch. “Éan” is Irish Gaelic and means bird. This fits in with the airy and light Irish folk music of this Swiss Quartet.

The Albin Brun Quartett which includes accordionist Patricia Draeger entertained with an emotional range of music based on the high pulse of contemporary life, and also gives room to today's longing for simplicity and depth.

The Roland-von Flüe Echo Quintett includes Julian von Flüe (accordion) and Roland-von Flüe (saxophone and clarinet) plus other backing instruments, who play a variety of folk music.
Ean group


Accordionist Fifi la Mer Releases 2 New CD’s - UK

Accordionist and vocalist Fifi la Mer, based in London, has just released 2 new CD’s entitled “Oh la la Ensemble Volume 1” and “Oh la la Ensemble Volume 2”.

These entertaining new albums include cheeky and humorous lyrics and the songs are all arranged by either Fifi la Mer or members of her ensemble. Fifi, accompanies herself on accordion and plays many French chansons and Standards across both two fun albums. She is aided and abetted by Colin Oxley (guitar), Julian Bury (double bass and tenor sax), Alex Garnett (clarinet, tenor sax, and vocals), and Olly Wilby (clarinet and tenor sax).

Tracks: Volume 1 include Charleston, Pigalle, C’est si bon and Yes sir, that’s my baby.

Tracks: Volume 2 include La complainte de la butte, Puttin’ on the Ritz and Orpheus in the underworld/Can-Can.

For further details phone Stephanie Mair: 07970 444 381
CD covers


Будущие события

Mother’s Day Entertainment – USA

The Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble which includes accordionist Mario Tacca (Music Director) and Mary Mancini (vocals) will entertain at a Mother’s Day event at the Taormina Restaurant, 59 Hudson Avenue, Peekskill, New York. The event, which will be held on May 16th at 6.30pm will include a fantastic evening of great live music and fabulous food!

Reservations are essential. For details phone: 914-739-4007
Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble


12th Annual Chamber Music Festival – UK

Kosmos Ensemble
The 12th Annual Sacconi Chamber Music Festival will be held from May 17th to 19th in Folkestone, Kent, UK. This year the Kosmos Ensemble will perform at the festival on May 18th at the Quarterhouse, Tontine Street, Mill Bay, Folkestone, Kent.

The ensemble includes classical accordionist Miloš Milivojevic, Harriet MacKenzie (violin) and Meg Hamilton (viola). They will play mix of classical and world music with works by Brahms, Dvorak and Sarasate.

To celebrate over 10 years of playing together, Kosmos are preparing to make a disc of studio recordings featuring favourite iconic tunes that have been extremely popular with audiences across the UK and Europe.

For further concert information email: kosmos@kosmosensemble.com


Cory Pesaturo at San Francisco Accordion Club – USA

Cory PesaturoAccordionist Cory Pesaturo will entertain at the San Francisco Accordion Club, Chetcuti Community Room, 450 Poplar Ave, Millbrae, California on May 19th at 2pm.

2009 Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion winner and with accoustic accordion, winner of Primus Ikaalinen. Cory Pesaturo is a graduate of the prestigious New England Conservatory of Music and a popular entertainer.

His extensive resumé includes appearances at the White House for President and Mrs. Clinton on 4 different occasions, starting when he was only 12 years old.

For further concert details email: info@sfaccordionclub.com


2019 International Cajun & Zydeco Festival – Netherlands

ZydecoZity poster
The 2019 International Cajun & Zydeco Festival “Zydecozity” will be held from May 24th to 26th in Raamsdonksveer, Geertruidenberg, North Brabant.

The Zydeco Playboys (picture below) will perform on May 24th at the Main stage and 25th on the Swamp stage. This is the 5th time the group has entertained at this event, which is one of the biggest in Holland.

The band, which includes accordionist Oliver Kraus, enjoy playing a mix of zydeco, Cajun, rhythm & blues, Latin and Texmex music.

See poster above for details or email: info@zydeco.de
Zydeco Playboys


1st Rousay Accordion Weekend – Scotland

Karen TweedThe 1st Rousay Accordion Weekend will be held from May 31st to June 2nd organised by accordionists Karen Tweed, James Grieve and Ellen Grieve. This exciting new venture will be held on the beautiful island of Rousay in the Orkney Isles and the weekend will combine fascinating walks and talks by local experts with three days of workshops, dancing, music sessions, and concerts.

Workshops will be lead by Karen Tweed (picture left), James Greive (picture below) and Ellen Grieve. The workshops will be based around various ability levels from newer players to experienced players and will focus on different playing styles and tunes from Orkney, Shetland, Ireland, Scandinavia and beyond!

There will also be the opportunity for students to try their hand at playing for a Scottish Ceilidh and an informal music session which will allow everyone to swap tunes.

The weekend will also feature a musical performance from Karen Tweed and James Grieve in the state-of-the-art building; The Space, which has been converted from an old church to a beautiful venue and recording studio.

For further details email: info@karentweed.com
James Grieve


2019 International Tango Festival – Germany

Sexteto MilongueroThe 2019 International Tango Festival will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany from June 6th to 10th organised by Siempre Tango e.V. The event will include guest Tango stars from Buenos Aires to create a program that will include performances by dance couples, bands/orchestras and 7 DJs.

Performances will be given by “Sexteto Milonguero” (Argentina - picture left), which includes Ignacio Claramonte on bandoneon. This group play traditional tangos of the golden era, jazzy Piazzolla, Milonga, Zamba, Chacarera and Chamamé. Their sensitive arrangements as well as their own compositions give them a distinctive sound.

“Tango en Vivo”(picture below) includes bandoneonist Ivan Talanin who founded the ensemble. Ivan became well known as the bandoneonist with the orchestra Solo Tango, where he was first bandoneonist for many years.

This new ensemble performs music by musicians from the post-epoca de Oro era, such as Maderma. You can be very excited about this ensemble, their music is known to be captivating.

For further details email: info@siempre-tango.de
Tango en Vivo


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) has updated its website with the 2019 examination dates and 2019 entry fees and entry forms.


New Stas Venglevski eSheet (pdf) Composition - USA

Stas VenglevskiNew music: Stas Venglevski piece Butterfly Swing (duet)
New Stas Venglevski eSheet (pdf) compositions sent to you by email.
Catalog: vstas059 Butterfly Swing (duet)

Recent releases
Catalog: vstas057 Sunshine Return, accordion (solo)
Catalog: vstas058 In the Garden, accordion (solo)
View samples pages of the music and listen to sample sound files.


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