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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 17-Mar-2023
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"JAF "爵士手风琴节,卡斯特尔菲达多--意大利
Ladislav Horák和Renzo Ruggieri获得CIA Merit Award 优秀奖,Paks - 匈牙利
2023年切斯特民俗节 - 英国
世界手风琴日(World Accordion Day - WAD)节在 手风琴世界博物馆 (A World of Accordions Museum) - 美国
第34届年度手风琴国王和皇后音乐会 - 美国
在线。第十四届国际巴扬-手风琴比赛 "Perpetuum Mobile" - 乌克兰


CNIMA Nathalie Boucheix on Radio Grand Lac - France
2023 Che Bandoneon International Competition – USA
Accordionist Wins Gold Medal at 4th Vienna International Music Competition - Austria
Accordionist Yael Hass Entertains on "Good Deeds Day" - Israel
“Mosaic”: New Recording Release by Anthony Schulz & Rachel Scott - Australia


Concert Lesson at Civic School Paolo Soprani - Italy
ATG Presents Online: Teach Talk - USA
Ferran Martínez CD Presentation Concert - Spain
Stanislav Angelov Performs Solo Recital – South Africa
Vardos Trio Perform at Open Studio - Australia
Sylvia Pagni Performs “Mi Pasion” Concert - Italy
Accordion Orchestra Hamburg-Eimsbüttel Spring Concert – Germany
Canterbury Accordion Association Variety Concert – New Zealand
Murray Grainger Accordion Workshop – England, UK

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links


Grayson Masefield 在 "手风琴世界 "博物馆演出 - 美国
Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events Free Listing - Cyberspace
CNIMA “Adults” Accordion Workshop – France

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"JAF "爵士手风琴节,卡斯特尔菲达多--意大利

Sara CalvanelliRoberto GervasiCASTELFIDARDO。一个独特的节日,由于艺术总监西蒙娜-赞奇尼的印记和研究,在风箱的运动和实验中体现了爵士乐的自然本质,再次展示了手风琴的声音力量,"理事长解释说 Ruben Cittadini 解释说。

两个地点,三位艺术家,三个免费入场的活动,结合了原创性、能量和优雅。开幕式委托给托斯卡纳的年轻新兴艺术家Sara Calvanelli(上图左),于周五晚上9点30分在Via Soprani的On Stage俱乐部举行。一场史无前例的爵士乐独奏音乐会,带有深深的女性印记:从传统的古歌到自由的即兴创作,不寻常的声音、古典手风琴和电子效果的混合。

周六在On Stage(晚上9.30),Roberto Gervasi三重奏将进行表演。Roberto Gervasi(手风琴--上图右)、Davide Inguaggiato(低音提琴)和Fabrizio Giambanco(鼓),是 "我的爵士手风琴 "的主角,向Charlie Parker、Dizzy Gillespie、Bud Powell和 Frank Marocco 等巨头致敬。

19日星期日的最后一场演出,场景转移到Salone degli Stemmi,由法国独奏家David Venitucci(如下图)在下午举行音乐会:他是一位具有优良品质和技术的表演者和作曲家,他产生了独特和令人惊讶的声音。


信息在Pro Loco Castelfidardo电话。0717822987
David Venitucci


Ladislav Horák和Renzo Ruggieri获得CIA Merit Award 优秀奖,Paks - 匈牙利

Delegates, 2023 CIA Winter Congress
Renzo Ruggieri, Ladislav Horák以上照片:2023年冬季大会代表

Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)于2023年3月3日至5日在匈牙利帕克斯举行了第149届代表大会冬季会议,来自美国、韩国、俄罗斯、斯堪的纳维亚和欧洲大部分地区等17个国家的代表出席了会议。

CIA收到了他们著名的CIA功绩奖的两项提名,以表彰对国际手风琴运动的杰出贡献。CIA大会会议投票表决,一致接受Ladislav Horák(捷克共和国)和Renzo Ruggieri(意大利)为优秀奖。

爵士手风琴家 Renzo Ruggieri 在世界各地举办了2000多场音乐会,参加了数百场演出,作为作曲家、编曲家和教师而闻名。 他曾是PIF Castelfidardo的艺术总监,目前是他所创建的Italia Award Festival的总监。他在 "Gaetano Braga "音乐学院(意大利特拉莫)教授爵士手风琴,他的手风琴学生在许多国际手风琴比赛中获奖。

Ladislav Horák是布拉格音乐学院的手风琴教授和副院长。他作为独奏家、室内乐演奏家以及交响乐团和手风琴乐团的伴奏进行演出,并经常出现在世界各国的知名音乐节上。 他是布拉格国际手风琴日的艺术总监,并首演了许多捷克和外国当代作曲家的作品,他为捷克和国际电台录制了这些作品。
Paks 2023 Winter Congress


2023年切斯特民俗节 - 英国

Chester FFHelianthus2023年切斯特民俗节将于2023年5月26日至29日在英国切斯特的Kelsall举行。


手风琴娱乐活动将由Sherburn Bartley & Sanders(Chris Sherburn负责手风琴)、The Time Bandits(Ian Jones负责手风琴)、Helianthus(上图右)和Doug Eunson & Sarah Matthews Duo(下面的照片)。

Doug & Sarah


世界手风琴日(World Accordion Day - WAD)节在 手风琴世界博物馆 (A World of Accordions Museum) - 美国

WAD concert
World Accordion Day logoWorld of Accordions Museum 手风琴世界博物馆 将举行 威拉德-帕尔默博士节 (Dr Willard Palmer Festival) 在美国威斯康星州的哈灵顿艺术中心举行。世界手风琴日(World Accordion Day - WAD)。


WAD 是由国际手风琴联合会组织的 (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes - CIA)组织的,并且非常成功,为手风琴带来了很多正面的宣传。

每个手风琴家都被要求积极支持这一活动,鼓励国家和地方的手风琴活动在5月6日或5月6日WAD之前或之后的周末发生,如果那应该是更方便的话。注册你的世界手风琴日活动:World Accordion Day


第34届年度手风琴国王和皇后音乐会 - 美国

Kings & Queens poster

表演者包括塞德里克-沃森和比尤-克里奥尔,Cedric Watson & Bijou Creole, Grupo Imagen,亚历克斯-梅克斯纳乐队,以及德克萨斯州民俗协会2023年大挤压青年手风琴比赛冠军。


自1990年以来,手风琴国王和皇后在休斯敦的米勒户外剧院展示了德克萨斯的非凡手风琴音乐。该活动通过将各社区聚集在一起,在手风琴演奏的舞蹈和根源音乐的夜晚庆祝德克萨斯的文化多样性。手风琴国王和皇后 "活动得到了德克萨斯民俗协会董事会和成员以及休斯顿市通过米勒剧院咨询委员会的支持。其他赞助和支持由Raven Grill和德克萨斯艺术委员会提供。


在线。第十四届国际巴扬-手风琴比赛 "Perpetuum Mobile" - 乌克兰

XIV International Bayan-Accordion Competition “Perpetuum Mobile”
Vladimir Zubitsky在线。第十四届国际巴扬-手风琴比赛 "Perpetuum Mobile "将于2023年5月5日至7日在乌克兰德罗霍比奇在线举行。



Vladimir Zubitsky (乌克兰-意大利)。
Raymond Bodell (英国)。
Yuriy Chumak(乌克兰)。
Frederic Deschamps (法国)。
Eduardas Gabnys(立陶宛)。
Spodris Kacans (拉脱维亚)。
Jerzy Madrawski(波兰)。
Volodymyr Murza(乌克兰)。
Yaroslav Oleksiv(乌克兰)。
Igor Sayenk(乌克兰)。
Andriy Stashevsky (乌克兰)
Ihor Vlakh(斯洛伐克)。




CNIMA Nathalie Boucheix on Radio Grand Lac - France

Nathalie BoucheixOn March 19th, 2023, Nathalie Boucheix (picture left), Director of CNIMA L'ecole de musique et d'accordeon will be live on L'Accordeon c'est ma passion (The Accordion is my Passion show) on Radio Grand Lac on 92.1FM

The program will present information about the CNIMA, future events and Nathalie Boucheix’s career and projects.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


2023 Che Bandoneon International Competition – USA

Stowe fest posterHector Del Curto.The 2023 Che Bandoneon International Competition is open to bandoneon players of all nationalities and at least 18 years of age by August 1st, 2022.

The preliminary round will be held online. The Finals of the Competition will be held in Stowe, Vermont USA from August 8th to 20th as a part of the 2023 Stowe Tango Music Festival. Artistic Director & Founder: Hector Del Curto (picture right).

March 31st: Application Deadline
April 30th: Video Submission Deadline
May 7th: Announcement of the Finalists
August 8th: Finalists arrive to Stowe
August 18th: Competition Finals
August 19th: Award Ceremony
August 21st: Departure from Stowe

Information and entry applications on the Stowe Tango Music Festival website.


Accordionist Wins Gold Medal at 4th Vienna International Music Competition - Austria

Vienna header
Leonardo RojnicLeonardo Rojnic (picture left - Croatia-Finland), student from the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland, achieved a golden medal in the Virtuoso category of Instrumentalists: 18, 19 or 20 years old at the 4th Vienna International Music Competition, held online this month.

The competition is designed to provide a large number of awards to exceptional musicians: recitals at the Musikverein and the Mozarthaus; cash prizes; five digital albums; and many Special Awards.

At least 20 musicians will perform at the Winners’ Concerts at Musikverein and Mozarthaus in April 2023.


Accordionist Yael Hass Entertains on "Good Deeds Day" - Israel

Yael HassAccordionist Yael Hass (picture right) entertained for the elderly at the Yom Club in Rishon LeZion, Israel this month as part of "Good Deeds Day".

The concert also included vocalists and a belly dancer.

Yael says: “Learning to play and the performances are so enriching, so happy and fulfilling”.


“Mosaic”: New Recording Release by Anthony Schulz & Rachel Scott - Australia

Mosaic album cover
Anthony SchulzAnthony Schulz (picture right), Vice-President of the Accordion Society of Australia (National & Victorian branch) has just released his new recording “Mosaic: Music for Cello and Piano Accordion” with Rachel Scott (cello).

Rachel and Anthony went into the studio in April 2022. They recorded pieces they'd been rehearsing and performing over the last few years - and 'Mosaic' was the result.

The album includes three tracks composed by Anthony Schulz and the album is online from international streaming sites.

Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 116 - J.S. Bach
Fugue In G Minor, BWV 578 "Little Fugue" - J.S. Bach (arr. M.B. Sibson)
Bachianas Buenos Aires - Richard Charlton
Gertrude - Anthony Schulz
Prelude and Blues - Raffaele Marcellino
Minuet in B-Flat Major, BWV Anh. 118 - J.S. Bach
In the Hall of Mirrors - M.B. Sibson
The Burning Hue - Anthony Schulz
Leo - Anthony Schulz

For details email: anthonyjschulz@gmail.com



Concert Lesson at Civic School Paolo Soprani - Italy

Concert Lesson at Civic School Paolo Soprani
Alessandro MugnozOn March 18th, 2023, during the "Week of the Accordion" organized by Alessandro Mugnoz of the "Vecchi Tonelli" Conservatory in Modena, the accordion class of the Civic School Paolo
Soprani di Castelfidardo will perform in a concert lesson in which they will talk about teaching, repertoire, arrangement etc.

Tutor Luigino Pallotta will be joined by students Elena Merli, Michele Alessandrini, Cristian and Nicolas Chiaraluce (Fisitalia family), Emma Burini and Alessia Catena who have put a lot of effort into the preparation for this concert.

Download poster for details. 2023SchoolPS.pdf


ATG Presents Online: Teach Talk - USA

ATG Talk
The Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) will hold a new online meeting series beginning on March 19th, 2023 at midday CT, hosted by Dallas Vietty and Michael Bridge.

This free event is an open discussion for accordion teachers to share pedagogical ideas, problems, and solutions.

For further information see: ATG


Ferran Martínez CD Presentation Concert - Spain

CD concert poster
Ferran Martínez will perform a CD Presentation Concert to celebrate the release of his new CD "Cara i Creu" at the Berga Església de St Joan (Church of St Joan) in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain on March 25th, 2023.

For details email: ferranacordio@gmail.com


Stanislav Angelov Performs Solo Recital – South Africa

Stanislav Angelov poster
Stanislav Angelov will perform a solo classical recital at the Evergreen Lifestyle Clubhouse, Val de Vie Estate, Paarl, South Africa on March 26th, 2023.

See poster for details.


Vardos Trio Perform at Open Studio - Australia

Vardos Trio
Vardos Trio which includes accordionist Sophia Chapman will perform at Open Studio and Creperie in Victoria, Australia on March 31st, 2023 at 6.30pm.

The trio will perform a program of Romany, Hungarian and Eastern European music.

For details email: vardos@hotmail.com


Sylvia Pagni Performs “Mi Pasion” Concert - Italy

Pagni poster
Video: Sylvia Pagni performs “Mi Pasion” clip.

Sylvia Pagni will perform a concert entitled “Mi Pasion” at the Teatro Auditorium Giovanni Paolo II in Pescara, Italy on April 1st, 2023 at 9pm.

Sylvia Pagni will be joined by Andrea Aloisi (violin), Alì Namazi and Laura Amadei (Bar Tango Rome) and actor Flavio Baldes.

See poster for details.


Accordion Orchestra Hamburg-Eimsbüttel Spring Concert – Germany

Accordion Orchestra Hamburg-Eimsbüttel logoThe Accordion Orchestra Hamburg-Eimsbüttel (conducted by Stefanie Perl-Kindel) will hold their Spring Concert at the Aula Gymnasium Dörpsweg (Dörpsweg High School Auditorium) in Dorpsweg, Germany on April 2nd, 2023 at 4pm.

Their program comprises of a “musical journey across Europe”. Entry is free of charge but donations are welcome.

For details phone: +48 23 906 42 11


Canterbury Accordion Association Variety Concert – New Zealand

CAA poster
The Canterbury Accordion Association will hold a Variety Concert at the Church Corner Methodist Centre in Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand on April 2nd, 2023 at 3pm.

Performers include the Christchurch Accordion Orchestra conducted by David Thorne and guest entertainers.

See poster for details.


Murray Grainger Accordion Workshop – England, UK

Murray Grainger Accordion Workshop poster
Murray Grainger will hold an Accordion Workshop in Misson, Nottinghamshire, England, UK on April 16th, 2023.

Have you ever wondered how the professionals take a simple short tune of only a few bars and turn it into an exciting rich and varied piece? If so, then this course is for you!

The workshop entitled “Tune development and arrangement on the accordion” will cover “how to develop tunes into a more interesting and varied arrangement. Murray will be looking at the use of ornamentation, harmonies, rhythmic elaboration and variation, as well as how the left hand can help you to take a simple tune and shape it into the arrangement you have always wanted.”

All teaching materials will be provided before the day, both sheet music and audio recordings of the repertoire. Attendance is by booking only, space is strictly limited so it is recommended to book as soon as possible!

For details email: mail@mgrainger.co.uk


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2022 Coupe Mondiale Release of 2023 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations
2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article



Grayson Masefield 在 "手风琴世界 "博物馆演出 - 美国

Grayson - USA
Video 1:
Video 2:
视频1: Grayson Masefield 写道:"由 Renzo Ruggieri 为我安排的有趣和快乐的迪斯科音乐混合曲目" - 在马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校表演。

手风琴世界博物馆 (World of Accordions Museum) 期待着欢迎 Grayson Masefield(新西兰)于2023年7月30日来到美国威斯康星州的苏必利尔,参加他的博物馆筹款音乐会。

这场音乐会将在 Hanni Strahl 音乐厅举行,该厅声学效果理想,可容纳1000人的地板和阳台层。




他与几位世界顶尖的作曲家合作,如 Franck Angelis(法国)、Gary Daverne(新西兰)、Gorka Hermosa(西班牙)和 Petri Makkonen(芬兰),为手风琴演奏和录制新的原创作品。


Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events Free Listing - Cyberspace

Yellow pages banner
All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events for 2018 in the Accordion-YellowPages.com website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available.

The Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages and also on the USA News, Diatonic News and Russia News.

Huge numbers of readers, about 5,000 visitors per day, view also the Future Events calendar display, so all accordion event organizers are reminded to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed.

Any internet challenged organizers may email their event details: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com


CNIMA “Adults” Accordion Workshop – France

CNIMA logo
Jacques Mornet and Nathalie BoucheixThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold an “Adults” Accordion Workshop from March 27th to 31st, 2023, tutored by Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix (picture left).

The workshop has been adapted to the specific problems that adults face with smaller class numbers. This is an ideal workshop for “beginners or to get back to the accordion as an adult in a friendly atmosphere”.

Subjects covered include holding the instrument, bellows and sound control, different touches, musicality etc.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


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