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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 10-Mar-2023
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"JAF" Jazz Accordion Festival, Castelfidardo - Italy
贝尔坦戈-昆泰托春季旅游 - 欧洲
2023 Tag de Harmonika (手风琴日) - 奥地利
第15届伊斯坦布尔探戈2音乐节 - 土耳其
Grayson Masefield 在 "手风琴世界 "博物馆演出 - 美国
2023年维尔纽斯国际手风琴比赛 - 立陶宛


Nikola Djoric' First Performance of Gabriele Proy's "Rosarium" - Austria
Claudio Jacomucci International Accordion Training Course - Italy
1st All-Russian Competition "Russian Accordion & Bayan Championship" - Russia
Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events Free Listing - Cyberspace
Accordion Entertainment at 1,2,3 Dance Cruise - France


Black Pencil Baroque Trilogy Concert – Netherlands
Burak Şendağ Solo Bandoneon Concert – Turkey
Das Kollektiv Duo Tours Austria Performing “Caminando” - Austria
“Mr Accordion Man” Entertains at Father’s Day Lunch - Australia
2023 Celtic Spring Tour – Austria
2023 District Accordion Championships - Norway
CNIMA “Adults” Accordion Workshop – France
José Valadez Accordion Recital - Mexico
"Elegante Sport” Tango Concert - Argentina

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links


你为世界手风琴日做了什么 World Accordion Day? 5月6日 - 国际
Aotango: 在奥克兰博物馆的音乐会 - 新西兰

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"JAF" Jazz Accordion Festival, Castelfidardo - Italy

CASTELFIDARDO - From Friday to Sunday, the Jazz Accordion Festival returns with a full house of performances, capturing the spring and festive mood that is in the air. "This is the first festival of the year to be held under the aegis and seal of quality of the P.I.F., the International Accordion Award, offering all accordion and jazz enthusiasts three days of concerts and two JAF sessions of the highest level. A unique festival that, thanks to the imprint and research of artistic director Simone Zanchini, embodies the natural essence of jazz in the movement of the bellows and in the experimentation that once again demonstrates the sonic power of the accordion," explains councillor Ruben Cittadini.

Two locations, three artists for three events with free admission that combine originality, energy and elegance. The opening entrusted to a young emerging artist of Tuscan origin, Sara Calvanelli, on stage at the On Stage club in via Soprani on Friday at 9.30 pm. An unprecedented jazz solo concert with a deeply personal female imprint: from the tradition of ancient songs to free improvisation, an unusual mix of voice, classical accordion and electronic effects.

On Saturday at the On Stage (9.30 pm) the Roberto Gervasi trio will perform: Roberto Gervasi on accordion, Davide Inguaggiato on double bass and Fabrizio Giambanco on drums, the protagonists of "My Jazzy Accordion", a tribute to giants such as Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Bud Powell and Frank Marocco.

For the final performance on Sunday 19th, the scene shifts to the Salone degli Stemmi for the afternoon concert (6 p.m.) by French soloist David Venitucci: a performer and composer of fine quality and technique, who generates a unique and surprising world of sound with the use of loose basses.

Admission to all concerts is free. The Friday and Saturday evenings will culminate at the On Stage in the JAF Session open to guests and musicians.

Info at Pro Loco Castelfidardo 0717822987


贝尔坦戈-昆泰托春季旅游 - 欧洲

Beltango tour poster
Beltango Duo tourBeltango 五重奏将于本月开始他们的2023年欧洲春季巡演,其中包括在德国、法国、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、斯洛文尼亚、意大利、荷兰和奥地利的音乐会。

Aleksandar Nikolic(bandoneon)和Ivana Nikolic(钢琴和主唱)将从现在开始到2023年4月18日以Beltango for Two的名义进行巡演,海报右侧。



Aleksandar Nikolic(乐队 bandoneon)。
Ivana Nikolic(钢琴和主唱)。
Antonija Barna(小提琴)。
Bogdan Pejic(吉他)和
Petar Holik(低音提琴)

Beltango Quinteto 喜欢表演各种传统探戈、Tango-Nuevo、当代探戈和Balkango。
Beltango 25th Anniversary



Delegates, 2023 CIA Winter Congress
Marcel Csuka, Adam Pataki以上照片:2023年冬季大会代表

Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)于2023年3月3日至5日在匈牙利的帕克斯举行了第149届代表大会冬季会议。来自美国、韩国、俄罗斯、斯堪的纳维亚和整个欧洲的17个国家的代表出席了冬季大会,大会由CIA投票成员 "Az Ifjú Harmonikásokért" Alapítvány--"为了年轻的手风琴家 "基金会主办,Olga Papp担任主席。

大会的开幕活动是手风琴家Marcell Csuka和Paks混合合唱团在美丽的Paks路德教堂举行的音乐会。马塞尔演奏了从斯卡拉蒂和拉莫到当代作曲家贝里奥、凯奇和沙里诺的作品。马塞尔毕业于布达佩斯的巴托克-贝拉音乐职业学校(Bartok Bela Vocational School of Music)和俄罗斯的圣彼得堡音乐学院(St Petersburg Conservatory Rimsky Korsakov),他擅长推广现代作品和手风琴,并与众多当代室内乐团合作演出。

在CIA执行委员会和音乐委员会会议之后,在第149届大会的开幕式上,主席 Mirco Patarini(意大利)在其开幕词中对代表们表示欢迎。其他执行官员作了报告,包括 Kimmo Mattila(芬兰-秘书长)、Alexander Selivanov(俄罗斯-音乐委员会主席)、Kevin Friedrich(美国-大使)、Harley Jones(新西兰-公共关系经理(由 Kevin Friedrich 代表他介绍)和联合主办方Sergei Krickij(匈牙利-青年手风琴家基金会)。北马其顿斯科普里的Ljubiteli na Klasicnata Muzika的Anica Karakutovska作了补充报告,她强调了作曲家 Bete Ilin 即将举行的首演以及他们庆祝CIA世界手风琴日的15周年 (World Accordion Day)。


CIA一致欢迎来自摩尔多瓦的著名团体Concertino成为新的投票成员。艺术经理Eugen Negruta和成员Sergei Paramonov Mirzac出席了会议,提交了他们的申请并接受了随后的会员资格。

Concertino代表的是一个手风琴演奏家团体,成立于2003年10月18日,其目的是将手风琴作为一种乐器推广到多种音乐风格中。Concertino的概念属于来自音乐剧和美术学院的刚毕业的音乐家,他们有野心将他们所有的音乐知识 "投资 "到一个独特和原创的项目中。他们向世界证明,手风琴是一种能够让熟练的诠释者不仅表演流行音乐,而且表演古典音乐的乐器。除了特有的活力和耐力,Concertino还可以为拥有包含古典、现代、民谣、爵士乐的创作,与国内外不同作曲家合作的曲目而感到自豪。自2017年起,Concertino手风琴乐队成为著名的国家爱乐乐团 "Serghei Lunchevici "的一部分。

CIA 收到了他们著名的CIA功绩奖的两项提名,以表彰对国际手风琴运动的杰出贡献。大会投票决定一致接受拉迪斯拉夫-霍拉克(Ladislav Horák 捷克共和国)和伦佐-鲁杰里(Renzo Ruggieri 意大利)获得功勋奖。本次大会没有收到手风琴荣誉朋友奖的提名。

主办方提供了一场额外的音乐会,由Ádám Pataki和他的综艺乐队演奏了Bartók、Közeledo、Chernikov、Vlasov、Hermosa和Piazzolla的作品,随后还去了Fritz Estate葡萄园。弗里茨庄园位于Szekszárd附近的黄金山上,几十年前是德西葡萄园的几十个宅基地之一。从早期只有两公顷的葡萄园,发展到现在的30多公顷,使该家族得以恢复远在16 35年前的百年家族酿酒传统。中国国际商会的代表和嘉宾们享受了一个盛大的夜晚,品尝了葡萄酒,享用了盛大的晚餐和传统匈牙利音乐。

这次活动以大会闭幕式和在Szedmák Maestro Pince-Borház葡萄园举行的告别午宴结束。

下一届大会将于2023年9月5日在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的比耶利纳举行,届时将举行第76 Coupe Mondiale 开始.

关于CIA的进一步信息,请访问网站。国际协进会(CIA):国际协进会 (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes - CIA)
有关第76届 Coupe Mondiale 世界手风琴锦标赛的全部信息,请访问网站。Coupe Mondiale
照片:由Gyula Molnár提供。
CIA Executive and CIA Music Committee


2023 Tag de Harmonika (手风琴日) - 奥地利

HVO Day of Accordion
Werner Weibert2023年的手风琴日将于5月18日至21日在奥地利南施蒂利亚州的斯坦茨举行,由HVÖ Harmonikaverband Österreichs主席Werner Weibert(图片右)组织。

今年,所有国家和国际候选人都被邀请参加第30届奥地利手风琴比赛和第4届Erich Moser纪念Steirische Harmonika比赛。




第15届伊斯坦布尔探戈2音乐节 - 土耳其

15th Tango 2 Istanbul

Sexteto Cristal(下图)将在音乐节上举行音乐会,详情如下。

- 3月23日晚上8点至10点在丽思卡尔顿酒店举行剧院音乐会
- 3月24日晚上8点至凌晨5点,在文华东方酒店举行伊斯坦布尔米隆加音乐会。

Sexteto Cristal由Christian Gerber(乐队)、Michael Dolak(乐队)、Maja Hunziker(小提琴)、Rupert Dintinger(小提琴)、Fernando Bruguera(钢琴)和Anna-Maria Huhn(低音提琴)组成。

Sexteto Cristal


Grayson Masefield 在 "手风琴世界 "博物馆演出 - 美国

Grayson - USA
Video 1:
Video 2:
视频1: Grayson Masefield 写道:"由 Renzo Ruggieri 为我安排的有趣和快乐的迪斯科音乐混合曲目" - 在马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校表演。

手风琴世界博物馆 (World of Accordions Museum) 期待着欢迎 Grayson Masefield(新西兰)于2023年7月30日来到美国威斯康星州的苏必利尔,参加他的博物馆筹款音乐会。

这场音乐会将在 Hanni Strahl 音乐厅举行,该厅声学效果理想,可容纳1000人的地板和阳台层。




他与几位世界顶尖的作曲家合作,如 Franck Angelis(法国)、Gary Daverne(新西兰)、Gorka Hermosa(西班牙)和 Petri Makkonen(芬兰),为手风琴演奏和录制新的原创作品。


2023年维尔纽斯国际手风琴比赛 - 立陶宛

2023 International Accordion Competition Vilnius
Raimondas Sviackevičius,2023年维尔纽斯国际手风琴比赛将于3月23日至25日在立陶宛维尔纽斯举行,由立陶宛手风琴家协会和立陶宛音乐与戏剧学院组织。



比赛的艺术总监是雷蒙达斯-斯维亚克教授 Raimondas Sviackevicius(图左)立陶宛手风琴家协会主席,立陶宛音乐和戏剧学院手风琴系主任。



Nikola Djoric' First Performance of Gabriele Proy's "Rosarium" - Austria

Nikola Djoric
As part of his concert program "Souvenir de Baden" in the "House of Art" there, Nikola Djoric premiered "Rosarium", the latest work by the distinguished contemporary composer Gabriele Proy, who he has been working together with for many years.

After several chamber music works, "Rosarium" is now the first piece for accordion solo. “Nature is an important source of inspiration for my work as a composer. My instrumental works as well as my vocal pieces and my soundscape compositions contain many references to nature. Like "holding on to time", my compositions should spread inner peace and regain inner peace even after very dramatic passages. My approach to music is the art of listening: As a composer, I want to offer the listener an intensive listening experience - I also want to hit the nerve of the listener in the field of contemporary music." (Gabriele Proy) Since the composer lives and works in Baden, it is only natural and logical that Austria's largest rose garden, the Baden Rosarium, offered her an endless source of experiences and memories that inevitably led to her latest work and are now also documented in a convincing tonal language.

This new original composition for accordion was embedded in works by Couperin, Bach, Beethoven, Rameau, Scarlatti, Liszt/Schubert, Piazzolla and Galliano. With the sound spectrum of the accordion, Djoric explores previously unknown timbres in a repertoire that was not written for this instrument, although he does not make any arrangements, but rather remains faithful to the original musical text. This approach, often unusual for accordionists, has earned Djoric a great deal of respect and recognition in the general music world. Appearances as a soloist and chamber musician on such important concert stages as the Musikverein in Vienna, the Cologne Philharmonic, the Konzerthaus in Berlin, the Gasteig in Munich, the Beethovenfest in Bonn and many others were the logical consequence. Chamber music occupies an important place for Nikola Djoric. With the cellist Valentin Erben (Alban Berg Quartet) he founded the duo "Ex Equo" and with the baritone Bo Skovhus he created a special interpretation of Schubert's Winterreise.

One critic attested to Djoric "poetry, power, passion, devotion, control...", all attributes that he also demonstrated on this evening to enrapture his audience with storms of enthusiasm!


Claudio Jacomucci International Accordion Training Course - Italy

An International Training and updating course on accordion practice focused on the principles of the Alexander Technique will be held at the Conservatorio G.B.Pergolesi in Fermo, Italy from May 17th to 19th, 2023, tutored by Claudio Jacomucci and organised by Erasmus+.

Course topics will include ergonomics (instrument types, sitting, placing and supporting the instrument, securing the instrument, strap systems), techniques (tone production, bellows technique, finger technique, fingering), learning process (learning how to learn, hearing and listening, tempo and metronome, training technical skills, learning a new piece, daily practice, phrasing and breathing, interpretation, imitation, stage fright).

The deadline for submitting applications is April 21st, 2023.

Download course information in Italian and English here: 2023Jacomucci.pdf


1st All-Russian Competition "Russian Accordion & Bayan Championship" - Russia

Competition poster
The 1st All-Russian competition "Russian Accordion & Bayan Championship" will be held in Tyumen, Western Siberia, Russia from April 26th to 28th, 2023.

Founders and organizers of the competition are Charitable Foundation "Golden Gates of Siberia" and Autonomous non-profit organization "Center of Musical Art" (ANO "Muzis").

The competition will be held with the support of the Tyumen City Administration, Gnessin Russian Academy of Music and the CIA International Confederation of Accordionists (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes).

As part of the competition, selection will be made for the delegation to participate in the International Competition "World Cup" from September 5th to 9th, 2023 in Bielina, Bosnia and Herzegovina with financial and organizational support from the Golden Gates of Siberia Charitable Foundation and ANO.

Students from children's music schools, children's art schools, pre-professional educational programs and in general developmental educational programs will be able to take part in the competition. Students from institutions of secondary vocational education and higher professional education, as well as Russian professional performers up to 32 years old are also eligible.

Applications close on April 5th, 2023. Applications must be sent by email to: rusaccordionists@gmail.com

Download competition rules here: 2023All-Russian.pdf


Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events Free Listing - Cyberspace

Yellow pages banner
All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events for 2018 in the Accordion-YellowPages.com website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available.

The Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages and also on the USA News, Diatonic News and Russia News.

Huge numbers of readers, about 5,000 visitors per day, view also the Future Events calendar display, so all accordion event organizers are reminded to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed.

Any internet challenged organizers may email their event details: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com


Accordion Entertainment at 1,2,3 Dance Cruise - France

1,2,3 cruise
Mickael Richard will provide accordion entertainment on board the Costa Toscana from May 27th to June 3rd, 2023.

The cruise will leave from Marseille, France for eight days of “1,2,3 Dance” which will include dance classes, dance evenings and entertainment.

See poster for details.



Black Pencil Baroque Trilogy Concert – Netherlands

Black Pencil
Black Pencil (picture above) which features accordionist Marko Kassl, will peform a concert entitled “Baroque Trilogy” at the Castle Middachten in De Steeg, Gelderland, Netherlands on March 12th, 2023 at 3pm.

Their program will feature “the music of 3 geniuses who were connected in different ways: Bach, Telemann and Vivaldi. Bach's Art of Fugue alternates with colorful Concerto Grossi by Vivaldi and Telemann's exuberant Ouverture-Suites".

Vivaldi: Concerto Grosso in C minor RV 555
Bach: Siciliano in G minor BWV 10 31
Telemann: Overture in B flat major 'Les Nations' TWV 55:B5

For details email: info@kasteelconcerten.nl


Burak Şendağ Solo Bandoneon Concert – Turkey

Burak Şendağ
Burak Sendag will perform a solo bandoneon recital at the Mozarthaus in Ankara, Turkey on March 12th, 2023 at 7.30pm.

His program will include works by Piazzolla, Troilo, Gardel, Pugliese plus Sendag’s own compositions and interpretation.

For details email: buraksendag@gmail.com


Das Kollektiv Duo Tours Austria Performing “Caminando” - Austria

Kollektiv Duo poster
As unusual as the combination of accordion and flute may seem, Raphael Brunner (accordion) and Juan Carlos Díaz (flute) use their skills to multiply this cast into a collective musical experience.

Their diverse concert activities have already taken the young musicians to places such as the Luxemburg Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna Concert House, Concert and Theater St. Gallen and Radial System V in Berlin. In addition, their musical profession enabled them to tour Europe, Latin America and Asia.

So far 3 CDs (Timeless, No Limits & Platano) with works from the classical, modern, folklore, jazz, tango-nuevo and own compositions have been released.

The current musical program "Caminando" is shaped by the experiences that the young
musicians have made on their travels through the world and tells about the search for the personal musical identity of the artists.

“Caminando” is the Spanish word for running. One hears Colombia, feels Taiwan, experiences France, is penetrated by Greece and impressively feels the power of the various rhythms and melodies. World music, jazz and classical music meet here and merge into refreshingly new original compositions. Well-known pieces are also reinterpreted by the artists and performed with playful ease. With their skills, their joy of playing and their respect for the diversity of cultures, they create the feat of genre fusion and a new level between classic and folklore. Their mutual understanding and music as a universal language create a boundless unity.

"We never play a work as it is written, but always bring our own ideas and soul into the music." (Das Kollektiv)

Their tour schedule will include the following concerts:
16.3. Sparkassen Lounge Neunkirchen, 7.30 pm
17.3. Akkordeonfestival Wien, Bühne Purkersdorf, 7.30 pm
18.3. St. Andrä im Lavanttal, Musikcafé – Live, 6.30 pm
19.3. Schloss Albeck (Albeck Castle), 11 am and at the Harmonikazentrum in Graz, 7.30pm


“Mr Accordion Man” Entertains at Father’s Day Lunch - Australia

Father's Day lunch
Mr Accordion Man“Mr Accordion Man” (Frank Miranda – picture right) will entertain at a Father’s Day Lunch at the Abruzzo & Molise Sporting Club WA in Perth, Western Australia on March 19th 2023, at midday.

Mr Accordion Man will be “squeezing with the Rhythm n Groove band”.

For details phone: 0415 781 514


2023 Celtic Spring Tour – Austria

Bands on tour

Video 1: The “Cairngorm Ceilidh Band” (Scotland).
Video 2: Airboxes playing Bultkets.

The “Cairngorm Ceilidh Band” (Scotland) and “Airboxes” (Belgium) are currently on a concert tour of Austria through to March 18th, 2023.

Both groups will entertain at the Schutzhaus Zukunft in Vienna on March 13th at 7.30pm.

The “Cairngorm Ceilidh Band” features Amy Henderson (accordion & vocals), Ewan MacPherson (guitar, banjo & vocals) and Russell Murray (violin & percussion).

Airboxes features the duo of Guus Herreman and Bert Leemans who are “considered the "gold standard" in folk music in Belgium” and released their debut album recently. They were nominated for “Most Promising Band” and “Best Album” at the Flanders Folk Awards 2021.

See poster for details.
Tour Schedule


2023 District Accordion Championships - Norway

Norway Comp
The 2023 District Accordion Championships will be held at the Brønnøysund Community Center in Brønnøy, Norway on March 24th and 25th, 2023, organised by the Nordstrømmen and Velfjord Accordion Club (picture below).

For details email: baagra01@online.no
Nordstrømmen and Velfjord accordion clubs


CNIMA “Adults” Accordion Workshop – France

CNIMA logo
Jacques Mornet and Nathalie BoucheixThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold an “Adults” Accordion Workshop from March 27th to 31st, 2023, tutored by Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix (picture left).

The workshop has been adapted to the specific problems that adults face with smaller class numbers. This is an ideal workshop for “beginners or to get back to the accordion as an adult in a friendly atmosphere”.

Subjects covered include holding the instrument, bellows and sound control, different touches, musicality etc.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


José Valadez Accordion Recital - Mexico

José Valadez poster
José Valadez will give an Accordion Recital at the Almma Academia Musica & Art (Almma Academy) in Monterrey, Mexico on March 29th, 2023 at 8.30pm.

His program will include works by Tchaikovsky, Minkus and Grieg among others.

Entry is free of charge. For details email: joseavaladez@prodigy.net.mx


"Elegante Sport” Tango Concert - Argentina

Seven piece group “Elegante Sport” will perform a Tango Concert at the Bebop Club in Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 29th at 8pm.

The group, which includes Nicolas Velazquez (bandoneon) will perform pieces from their upcoming album plus new compositions.

For details email: info@bebopclub.com.ar


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale Release of 2023 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations
2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article



你为世界手风琴日做了什么 World Accordion Day? 5月6日 - 国际

World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logo你为世界手风琴日(World Accordion Day - WAD)做了什么,以促进手风琴在贵国的发展?世界手风琴日(WAD)是在5月6日,也就是手风琴在1829年获得专利的日子。

世界手风琴日是由国际手风琴联合会(Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes - CIA)在2009年发起的,并且非常成功,为手风琴带来了大量的正面宣传。这个活动的一个关键部分是世界手风琴日网站 (WAD)。


每个人都可以在 WAD 网站上注册他们的 WAD 活动,并在活动结束后向该网站发送一份活动报告。



Aotango: 在奥克兰博物馆的音乐会 - 新西兰

Aotango Live at the Museum
视频。Aotango - 奥克兰博物馆音乐会的宣传片

新西兰著名的五重奏Aotango在一场由新西兰一些顶级人才参加的演出中,带你体验探戈的演变,准备好让你目不暇接。奥克兰爱乐乐团(APO)首席小提琴家安德鲁-比尔(Andrew Beer)、新西兰三重奏钢琴家索米-金(Somi Kim)在Fazioli三角钢琴上演奏,世界冠军手风琴家格雷森-梅斯菲尔德 (Grayson Masefield) 、APO首席贝斯手戈登-希尔(Gordon Hill)和著名爵士吉他手山姆-斯温德尔(Sam Swindells)。

音乐会将于2023年3月12日下午6点30分在奥克兰博物馆位于帕内尔的Te Ao Marama South Atrium的迷人环境中举行。Tuitui Museum Bistro & Café将在整个晚上提供美味的食物和饮料选择。

一个世纪的探戈 "分为两幕,追溯了这种充满活力的风格的起源和不同的表现形式。在演出过程中,听一听探戈是如何通过非洲、欧洲、南美洲和中美洲的影响而演变的,它们通过里约热内卢进入布宜诺斯艾利斯的港口--最受欢迎的是 "El Choclo"、"Por una Cabeza "和 "La Cumparsita"--最后是阿根廷作曲家阿斯托尔-皮亚佐拉的革命性的新探戈风格。

Aotango concert poster


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