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Martynas @ Dartington International Summer School, Devon – UK

Martynas LevickisThe accordion will featured at the Dartington International Summer School this year. Martynas Levickis, from Lithuania, will be teaching accordion classes, and Amy Thatcher, accordionist and clog dancer, will be teaching a folk course with Kathryn Tickell (Northumbrian piper, fiddler and singer).

The Summer School takes place on the Dartington Estate near Totnes in Devon, with its mediaeval courtyard and glorious gardens. It runs for 4 weeks from July 30th to August 26th and attracts an amazing variety for music-lovers of all ages and abilities. The first session of the morning gives the choice of singing in the big choir or playing in the orchestra of the week, and the rest of the morning and afternoon are filled with classes and informal music-making, then at 5.15pm the concerts start, finishing with a late night one at 10pm or thereabouts. Booking is for one or more weeks. The principle is that, if you pay to attend the week, you can participate in any of the courses, attend all the concerts, and sit in and watch any of the workshops and masterclasses. You will probably know immediately what your first interest is, but then you can join in anything else you can fit into your timetable! A Dartington visit is never quite what you expect, and you always have to make some difficult choices! 
Week 2 is the folk week (with quite a bit of baroque music going on as well). Amy and Kathryn will have the whole of each afternoon for their course. They will also be giving the main evening concert on the Sunday, and the class will give an afternoon concert later in the week.  There will be a folk choir in the morning, led by Sally Davies and the week will end with a Ceilidh on the Friday night.
Martynas is coming in week 3, which will have a more classical and Latin American flavour. Each afternoon, he will run an accordion workshop and be one of the tutors in a Bossa Nova and Tango workshop looking at the works of Jobim and Piazzolla. He will also be giving a solo recital and a Tango Nuevo concert with the other tutors. The big choir that week will be singing Haydn’s Nelson Mass, and the week will end with a Tango Ball.
The courses offer great opportunities to develop one’s own playing and to make music with other instruments. The cost depends on the accommodation you choose - from camping to a high-quality room in the mediaeval courtyard. The prospectus is available on request.

For further information email: summerschool@dartington.org
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