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Weekly News from Around the World - 24-Jun-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Международный день аккордеона-2016
Pigini - 70-тилетний Юбилей и Конкурс Видео - Италия
10-й Аккордеон Арт-фестиваль & Конкурсы, премии Орфей - Италия
«Движение сквозь границы» оркестровый концерт, Лондон – Великобритания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration Results, Washington – USA
Video: Sergey Osokin Concert, Moscow - Russia
Craven Accordion Orchestra’s New CD ‘Music’, West Yorkshire – UK
Video: Enzo Scacchia On His Diatonic - Italy
2016 Accordionists Trip to Castelfidardo, Ancona - Italy
Video: Duo Aspera, Ghenadie Rotari (accordion), Performing Cesar Franck - Italy
14 Years Ago: Stanley Darrow and Joanna Arnold marry in 2002

Будущие события

Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Germany
University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Community Accordion Ensemble - USA
Gogol Bordello’s European Tour – Poland, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Belgium
CNIMA J.Mornet Courses, Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne - France
Jenny’s Accordionists @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex - UK
Waterfront Blues Festival, Oregon – USA
Giancarlo Caporilli Concert, Rome - Italy
Brandon McPhee Concerts, Scotland – UK
Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine Accordion Course, Reims – France

Новые и обновленные сайты

Renzo Ruggieri Updated Arrrangement, Medley Disco - Italy
New Compositions: Three New Compositions by Douglas Ward - UK
Newly Available: Auckland March Composed for Accordion Orchestra
Article: Brian Berlin, Using Accordion to Teach Music in Elementary School - USA
Updated: Shopping Center Suite by Gary Daverne Updated - New Zealand
Updated: 2017 Frankfurt Musikmesse, 5th to 8th April - Germany
Frank Cambareri Composition List

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Особенности Highlights

Международный день аккордеона-2016

World Accordion Day
World Accordion Day logoМеждународный день аккордеона ежегодно проводится Международной конфедерацией аккордеонистов (CIA) 6 мая – в этот день аккордеон был впервые запатентован в 1829 году.

В этом году Международный День аккордеона отпраздновали в 27 странах: Австрии, Боснии и Герцеговине, Канаде, Китае, Хорватии, Чехии, Финляндии, Германии, Гватемале, Индии, Израиле, Италии, Латвии, Литве, Македонии, Новой Зеландии, Польше, Португалии, России, Сербии, Южной Корее, Испании, Швеции, Тайване, Турции, Великобритании, США. Спасибо всем участникам!
Подробности смотрите на: 2016WAD

Обращаемся к различным ассоциациям, группам, ансамблям и оркестрам, к исполнителям и педагогам, с просьбой и в следующем, 2017 году, активно поддерживать это международное событие, способствовать продвижению аккордеона в ваших странах.

Подумайте о том, что бы вы могли сделать для этого 6-го мая 2017 года?


Pigini - 70-тилетний Юбилей и Конкурс Видео - Италия

Pigini 70th Anniversary, Jury
Video 1: Video 2:
Massimo Pigini, Francesca PiginiСвой 70-тилетний юбилей знаменитая фирма Pigini отметила 17 июня. На вечере был выбран победитель видеоконкурса «Празднуйте 70 лет за 70 секунд с Pigini". Смотрите ролик о вечере выше – видео №1.

Жюри видеоконкурса (фото выше и ниже), в составе которого был Адриано (Bass Mechanics Dept.), Филиппо (Keyboards Dept.), Габриэлла (Finishing Dept.), Тициана (Executive Assistant Sales Dept.) выбрали победителя конкурса. Им стал Honzik, чей веселый и оригинальный ролик действительно стоит посмотреть – видео №2 (выше).

В комментарии к видео написано: "Наилучшие пожелания от Honzík из Чехии для Pigini из Италии!"

Ведущая вечера Хольда Паолетти-Кампл от AWW поздравила победителя и других участников с интересными и забавными клипами и фабрику аккордеонов и семью Pigini с достижением 70-тилетнего рубежа:

«Сегодня, спустя 70 лет – верность традициям и секреты мастерства вместе с последними техническими достижениями и мудрым управлением компании позволяют Pigini производить инструменты высочайшего качества и отмечать свое 70-тилетие как юбилей лучшей в мире фабрики аккордеонов».


10-й Аккордеон Арт-фестиваль & Конкурсы, премии Орфей - Италия

10th Accordion Art Festival & Contests
10th Accordion Festival posterOrpheus winners10-й Аккордеон Арт-фестиваль (организатор мероприятия Ренцо Руджери), прошел 18 и 19 июня 2016 в Розето Дельи Абруцци перед широкой аудиторией в Палаццо дель Маре.

Выступили кандидаты из Литвы, России, Белоруссии, Чехии, Молдовы, и, конечно, Италии.
Вечерние концерты участием Виталия Дмитриева (Россия) и Андреа Ди Джакомо, презентовавшего своей новый альбом «Цвета Аккордеона» прошли с большим успехом.

Премия Орфей за три лучших компакт-диска 2015 года (фото справа) присуждены:
- Классическая музыка, Антонио Перуч, CD «Посвящение танго»
- Джаз, Симона Занчини, CD «Не пытайтесь повторить это»
- Международная музыка, Марко Ло Руссо/Джино Марцелли, CD "Кинематографический"

Арт-фестиваль включает входит в итальянскую систему отбора участников, претендующих на поездку на конкурс Трофей Мира 2016, который состоится в сентябре в Португалии. Это: Давиде ди Филиппо (Сеньор классик), Микеле Петронио (Юниор варьете), Джанлука Полини (Юниор варьете), Эммилио Реа (Юниор варьете), Лоренцо Босика (Сеньор варьете), Даниэле Карабетта (Сеньор варьете), Андреа ди Джакомо (Сеньор варьете), Джон Герман (Сеньор варьете), Якопо Валенте (Национальный Трофей).


«Движение сквозь границы» оркестровый концерт, Лондон – Великобритания

London Accordion Orchestra:
«Движение сквозь границы» - совместный концерт Лондонского Оркестра Аккордеонистов (ЛОА) и приглашенного Оркестра Аккордеонистов Каслтаун (музыкальный руководитель – Джон Чилтон, фото ниже), который состоится в субботу 2 июля.

ЛОА недавно вернулся с Международного Музыкального Фестиваля, проходившего в мае в Австрии, где оркестр занял второе место в своей категории.
Видео выступления в Австрии – выше. Подробнее по ссылке: 2016InsbrReport.
ЛОА исполнит программу, которая принесла ему победу, в том числе впервые в Великобритании прозвучит произведение Яна Уотсона «Клоуны», премьера которого состоялась в прошлом месяце в Австрии.

Электронная почта для получения дополнительной информации: mail@londonao.co.uk
Castletown Accordion Orchestra


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration Results, Washington – USA

Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration header
Sam Thomas, Emmanuel Gasser and Rebecca BracewellThis year’s annual Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration took place from June 16th to 19th in Leavenworth, Washington. Guest performers included Bonnie Birch, Gary Blair, Caryl Schaffter Dowell, Max Kyllonen, Rod Miller, Jelena Milojevic, Doris Osgood, Eileen Webber and many more.

Amongst the event’s performances and workshops were the Slight Confusion 4tet honoring the memory of jazz accordion great, Frank Marocco, and the premiere of the award-winning movie ‘Accordions Rising’.

The LIAC includes an accordion competition, with full results at: 2016LIAC
Sam Thomas, Emmanuel Gasser and Rebecca Bracewell (picture left) enjoyed a number of successes. Group picture below.
Leavenworth Group photo


Video: Sergey Osokin Concert, Moscow - Russia

Excerpts from a major concert by Sergey Osokin, 5th April at the Big Hall, Music School V. Kalinnikov, Moscow.

Sergey Osokin is a winner of international accordion competitions and now tutor at the Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music.

Last week we published the video of the first part of the concert. The music list for this part of the video is:
4) F. Angelis - Romance
5) F. Angelis - Boite a rhythm
6) A. Cholminov - Suite (3-Nocturne, 4-Finale)
7) A. Grunfeld - Soirée de Vienne, Op.56


Craven Accordion Orchestra’s New CD ‘Music’, West Yorkshire – UK

Craven Accordion Orchestra
The Craven Accordion Orchestra has the pleasure announcing the release of their latest CD.  This is the third CD to be produced by the Craven AO and marks 25 years of the orchestra starting as a social group to achieving first place at the NAO UK Championships. A  cocktail of musical delights feature on the CD such as ‘Music’ by John Miles, ‘Liberty Bell’ and ‘Florentina March’, film music from ‘The Magnificent Seven’ and ‘Titanic’, traditional waltzes, tangos - a real mixture for all.
The title of the new release is called ‘Music’ and the Craven AO had the pleasure to be guided by guest Musical Director Mr Bob Nevin, a renowned figure in the brass band world, throughout the recording session.

The Craven Accordion Orchestra is holding an open doors event on Tuesday July 5th at St Thomas Hall, Sutton-in-Craven, starting 7.45 pm. This is an opportunity to see the Craven Accordion Orchestra in the hands of Bob playing tracks from the new CD and ongoing preparation with new material.  

For further information email: cravenschoolofmusic@hotmail.co.uk


Video: Enzo Scacchia On His Diatonic - Italy

Enzo Scacchia (Italy) shows why he is renowned, with this video performing on his diatonic accordion. So many notes of music using so few keys!


2016 Accordionists Trip to Castelfidardo, Ancona - Italy

ArticleA week-long visit to Castelfidardo, organised by Peter Le Geyt, took place in May. This included visits to accordion factories, the accordion museum, and lots of music-led socialising, and was immensely enjoyed by all who went.

Another visit next year is likely. Your can read the report by Peter Le Geyt at: 2016GeytReport.pdf


Video: Duo Aspera, Ghenadie Rotari (accordion), Performing Cesar Franck - Italy

Duo Aspera, Ghenadie Rotari (accordion) and Valentina Vargiu (piano) perform "Prelude, Fugue and Variations in B minor, op. 18" composed by Cesar Franck. This video was filmed at the recital by Duo Aspera at the Auditorium of UWCAD, Duino (Italy), on the 29th March 2015.

The arrangement for piano and accordion belongs to Duo Aspera. Published on Jul 9, 2015


14 Years Ago: Stanley Darrow and Joanna Arnold marry in 2002

Joanna and Stanley DarrowThe Accordions Worldwide News for June 21st 2002 announced the marriage of the highly accomplished US accordionists Stanley Darrow and Joanna Arnold, both from New Jersey.

Accordionists Marry

Stanley Darrow and Joanna Arnold were married in a private ceremony held in St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church in Bridgeton, New Jersey on June 6th, presided over by the outstanding jazz accordionist and Priest, Monsignor Stanley Kloskowski.

The couple enjoyed a brief honeymoon at an undisclosed location before returning to resume the operations of the Acme Accordion School. Joanna will be going by the name of Joanna Arnold Darrow from now on.


Будущие события

Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Germany

Austrian accordionist Marko Kassl has the following forthcoming dates this and next month:

June 24th, 7pm and 9pm – Klangraume, Schifffahrtsmuseum, Burgplatz 30, D-40213 Düsseldorf
June 26th, 12pm – Musikschule, Lüdenscheider Str. 48, D-51688 Wipperfürth 
July 1st, 6.30pm, 7.15pm, 8pm, 8.45pm, 9.30pm – Klangraume, Besucherkanal Golzheim, Erwin-von-Witzleben-Str. 40, 40474 Düsseldorf
July 2nd, 9pm – Summerwinds Festival 2016, Erbdrostenhof, Salzstr. 38, D-48143 Münster
July 3rd, 6pm - Jazz Visions Ruhr, Villa Ru, Girardetstr 21, D-45131 Essen
July 8th, 8pm - Klangraume, Bergerkirche, Berger Str. 18b, D-40213 Düsseldorf

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Community Accordion Ensemble - USA

University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Community Accordion Ensemble poster
The UMKC Community Accordion Ensemble would like to invite you and your family to attend an afternoon of music that is fun, entertaining and diverse. The ensemble is a derivative of the UMKC Accordion Orchestra, the large group conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers for over 50 years. Upon her retirement she now plays in and makes the arrangements for this group as well. The concert will take place on Sunday, June 26th starting at
2:00 pm and is open to the public. Reserved seating for larger groups and wheelchairs can be easily accommodated for if notified in advance.

Enjoy a 1½ hour concert, under the baton of UMKC Professor Emeritus, Joan Cochran Sommers. Selections will include classical transcriptions of “Prelude & Fugue in G, BWV 541” by Bach, “Arrival of the Queen of Sheba” by Handel, “Mephisto Waltz No 1“ by Liszt, “Danse Bacchanale from Samson et Dalila” by Saint-Saens; exciting tangos by Piazzolla and Hermosa; and original accordion compositions by Venglevski and Gordzei.

Members of this group have performed world-wide in countries including Italy, Germany, Russia, Scandinavia and New Zealand. Included members include accordionists Cathy Sue Weiss, Ron Barrow, Sherry Carroll, Kevin Friedrich, Samantha Wagner, Joan Cochran Sommers, Betty Jo Simon and Joyce Davis joined by percussionist and timpanist Matt Anderson and Jeff Seba as well as vocalist Christine Nichols.

Marvel at the brilliant artistry and musical virtuosity of Special International Guest Artist, Stas Venglevski. A native of Moldova and two-time first prize winner of bayan competition in his homeland, he is a graduate of the Russian Academy of Music in Moscow. In 1992 he immigrated to the U.S., obtained his citizenship and now lives in Brookfield, WI.

Stas Venglevski repertoire includes a broad range of classical, contemporary, ethnic and original music. He has toured the world extensively as a soloist and guest artist with many different symphonies. After this concert Stas departs for a summer of concert and teaching engagements in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. For an unusual treat, Joan Sommers will join Stas in playing duets recorded on three of his 20 CDs.

Parking is Free. Donations will be accepted at the concert to help with the group’s expenses.


Gogol Bordello’s European Tour – Poland, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Belgium

Gogol BordelloGogol Bordello, featuring accordion and violin, formed in Lower Manhattan, New York City, in 1999. They are currently on a European tour, performing as follows:

June 26th – Progresja Music Zone, Warsaw, Poland
June 27th – Studio Club, Krakow
June 28th – Barba Negra Track, Budapest, Hungary
June 30th - Solothurn, Switzerland
July 3rd – Arti Vive Festival, Moderna, Italy
July 5th – Owl Festival Trento, Italy
July 6th – Two Days a Week Festival, Vienna, Austria
July 7th – Pohoda Festival, Trencin, Slovakia
July 8th – Rock Zottegem Festival, Zottegem, Belgium


CNIMA J.Mornet Courses, Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne - France

CNIMA J.Mornet
There are accordion courses, for all ages, styles and levels, in July and August at CNIMA-J. Mornet. Further details are on the CNIMA J.Mornet website www.cnima.com

The courses take place from July 11th to 16th, Jul 18th to 23rd, and August 8th to 13th and 15th to 20th.

CNIMA J.Mornet is the well-known accordion school founded and run by Professor Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix.

CNIMA J.Mornet is based at Les Ludines, 63950 Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne, situated in the south of France. There is easy access to CNIMA by highways A71, A75 and A89, and a train station locally where the CNIMA’s team will pick up.

For further information email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Jenny’s Accordionists @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex - UK

Harlow Accordion Club PosterThe award-winning orchestra Jenny’s Accordionists, founded by the late Jenny Neal, perform as guests at Harlow Accordion Club on Thursday June 30th, 7.30pm. Admission is £7 in advance, £7.50p at the door. The club organiser is Jean Hanger. In support will be a spot from the Harlow Accordion Band (MD Jean Hanger).

Harlow Accordion Club meets at the Links Social Club, Parsloe Rd, Harlow, Essex CM19 4RT.

For further information email: jeanhanger@icloud.com


Waterfront Blues Festival, Oregon – USA

Waterfront Blues Festival
Chubby CarrierThe annual Waterfront Blues Festival, featuring many Cajun and Zydeco artists, takes place in Portland, Oregon, from July 1st to 4th.

The guest performers include Chubby Carrier (picture left) and the Bayou Swamp Band, Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys, California Honeydrops, Tedeschi Trucks Band, ZZ Ward, JJ Grey & Mofro, Jimmie Vaughan and the Tilt-a-Whirl Band, Maceo Parker, Femi Kuti and the Positive Force, Curtis Salgado Band, The Soul Rebels, Samantha Fish, and more.

For further information email: damray@europa.com


Giancarlo Caporilli Concert, Rome - Italy

Giancarlo CaporilliGiancarlo Caporilli performs in concert on Friday July 8th, 8.30pm, at the Nuovro Tuscolo Sporting Club, via della batteria di porta furba, Rome, Italy.

The poster shows the date as July 2nd, but the concert has been re-scheduled.

Giancarlo Caporilli is Professor of Accordion at the Conservatory in Rome.


Brandon McPhee Concerts, Scotland – UK

Video above: Track from Brandon McPhee's latest CD recording 'Scottish Champion'. Here he demonstrates a set of reels - McGuires Welcome To Fermanagh, Billy McGuire's Reel, Wing Commander Donald Mackenzie's Reel, Roberta's Reel'. Video published on Nov 24, 2015

Accordionist Brandon McPhee, with his band, performs three concerts in early July, as follows:

Wednesday July 6th, 7.30pm – The Maltings, Berwick
Thursday July 7th, 7.30pm – Ayr Town Hall
Friday July 8th, 7.30pm – The Buccleuth Centre, Langholm


Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine Accordion Course, Reims – France

Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine, known professionally as the Paris-Moscow Duo, lead an Accordion Course from July 11th to 16th. The venue is the Ecole de musique Diapason, 26 rue Alain Colas, 51450 Bétheny, Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France.

The course is open to players of all ages and standards, in a warm and friendly environment. The course is organised by the music school Diapason and Pierre Laval.

For further information email: info@pierre-laval.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Renzo Ruggieri Updated Arrrangement, Medley Disco - Italy

Medley DiscoRenzo Ruggieri has updated his arrangement of Catalog: rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo). Those who have already purchased, please email musicforaccordion@yahoo.com for a free updated copy.

This is a virtuoso performance arrangement ideally suited for competitions and concerts.


New Compositions: Three New Compositions by Douglas Ward - UK

Douglas WardCharnwood Publishing has released three new compositions by Douglas Ward.

DW933 Bootstrap Tango: Standard: Grade 5 Approximate playing time: 3 min 10 sec. Written in D minor in 4/4 time, after an introduction which includes a bar in 6/4 time, the first section proceeds as a normal tango, with a characteristic accompanying bass that sets and keeps its rhythmic flow. The treble is kept busy, with melody notes sustained over canonic harmony phrases underneath. The end of the first section then morphs into a more romantic section, in D Major, with its very hummable theme, and similar rhythmic basses. It then reverts to D minor, but with a different, second singing 16-bar theme before a repeat of the D Major section, and then (almost) the original theme in D minor, plus a little flourish at the end. It is ideally suited to Stradella bass instruments.

DW934 Precipice: Standard: Grade 8+, Written in the keys of G and E Major, with excursions into F# major and B minor, there are varying degrees of complexity within what looks at first to be a simple piece. Unlike much of today’s music, this piece presents the listener with several melodic motifs that can be remembered, and the player with musical and instrumental challenges that require both technique and interpretative skills. Time Signatures Used: 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/8, 8/4, and 14/8

DW935 Tributaries: Standard: Grade 6, Approximate playing time: 3 min 0 sec. Written in E minor in 4/4 time, the composition starts by commanding attention, and is followed by several rubato bars. This is followed by an eight-bar melody with basses that require left hand dexterity when moving from Em to Eb7. The second section has a fugue-like motif – the first four bars of which have a staccato directive, the second four bars are in a looser semi-legato form; the eight bars are then repeated one octave higher. An eight bar bellows-shake section follows, and this leads into a slightly faster 15-bar section before a recap to the original theme and melody leading to an accelerating finish.

Purchase online with secure server credit card Paypal system.


Newly Available: Auckland March Composed for Accordion Orchestra

Gary DaverneAuckland March for Accordion Orchestra is now available online.
Score only - Catalog ED0043A_D
Set of Parts only - Catalog ED0043B_D Parts available are:
1st Accordion, 2nd Accordion, 3rd Accordion, 4th Accordion, 5th Accordion, 6th Accordion, Bass Accordion, Bass Drum, Kit drum, Percussion (glockenspeil), Snare & Cymbal, Timpani.

Auckland March for accordion orchestra had its world premiere performance at the 2009 Coupe Mondiale in Auckland City. The work was performed by the World Accordion Orchestra III conducted by Gary Daverne for two works and Joan Sommers for two works.
Pictures and report: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2009/nz_report_orchestra.htm

Recording with sound samples at: coupe2009

Auckland March is available as an
accordion solo - Catalog ED0275_D
an accordion duet - Catalog ED0059


Article: Brian Berlin, Using Accordion to Teach Music in Elementary School - USA

Brian BerlinThis is an article written by AAA Historian Joan Grauman about a most interesting program for young people being run at Carleston Elementary School near Houston, Texas by Brian Berlin (picture left).

This promotion of accordion and music education for young people could be a great way to encourage more young accordionists. To learn more, read the article (English), video and pictures at: http://www.accordions.com/articles/using_accordion.aspx

Picture below, Joan Grauman talking and playing for the school class.


Updated: Shopping Center Suite by Gary Daverne Updated - New Zealand

Shopping Center Suite coverShopping Center Suite by Gary Daverne has been updated:
ED0038_D - Shopping Center Suite (Solo - 5 pieces)

or purchase individually:
ED0038A_D - 1. Come Shopping from Shopping Center Suite
ED0038B_D - 2. In the Book Store from Shopping Center Suite
ED0038C_D - 3. Supermarket from Shopping Center Suite
ED0038D_D - 4. Coffee Shop from Shopping Center Suite
ED0038E_D - 5. Play Station from Shopping Center Suite

Purchase online with secure server credit card capture by Paypal, the worlds largest online payments system.


Updated: 2017 Frankfurt Musikmesse, 5th to 8th April - Germany

Frankfurt Musikmesse building
Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events update: 2017 Frankfurt Musikmesse will open its doors from Wednesday 5th to Saturday 8th April. The hours of opening will also be slightly modified for 2017 to be open from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm on all days of the fairs.


Frank Cambareri Composition List

The full list of Frank Cambareri compositions to date.

cfranco001 - Fiesta Spagnola
cfranco002 - Fisarmonica Inamorata
cfranco003 - Guitar Bolero
cfranco004 - Lovers Waltz
cfranco005 - Moonlight Cat
cfranco006 - Mr Groovy
cfranco007 - Cafe Arabesque
cfranco009 - Cielo Azul (Blue Sky)
cfranco010 - Accordion Magic
cfranco011 - Corrida de Toros (The Bullring)
cfranco012 - A La Francois
cfranco015 - El Pistolero
cfranco016 - Paris En Fete
cfranco017 - Rumba Indiavolata
cfranco018 - Souveir De Paris
cfranco019 - Tango De La Noche
cfranco020 - Valse Des Fleurs
cfranco021 - Brazilian Carnival
cfranco022 - Crazy Polka
cfranco023 - Rio By Night
cfranco024 - Passion In Flames
cfranco025 - Spunky Adam
cfranco026 - Unforgettable Tango
cfranco027 - Cafe Musette
cfranco029 - Passione Mediterranean (Mediterranean Passion)
cfranco030 - Petite Waltz (Little Waltz)
cfranco031 - Summer Breeze
cfranco032 - Swedish Skating Waltz
cfranco033 - Zingarella (Gypsy)
cfranco034 - Accordion Tango
cfranco037 - Samba Loca (Crazy Samba)
cfranco038 - Woodpeckers Polka
cfranco039 - Fiesta A Siviglia
cfranco045 - Erica
cfranco046 - Flamengo Cha Cha
cfranco047 - Granpa’s Dance
cfranco048 - La Arana Negra
cfranco049 - Shuffle ‘n’ Rock
cfranco050 - The Busy Typist
cfranco051 - Carmelina
cfranco052 - Italian Romance
cfranco053 - Midnight Blues
cfranco054 - Romantic Swing
cfranco055 - Sentimental Touch
cfranco056 - Wedding Waltz
cfranco057 - Gigolino
cfranco058 - La Giostra
cfranco059 - La Polketta
cfranco060 - Maestoso
cfranco061 - A Night in Paris
cfranco062 - Elena
cfranco063 - Angelina
cfranco064 - Blue Lake (Lago Blu)
cfranco065 - Don Miguel
cfranco067 - Russia by Night
cfranco068 - Tango Apasionado (Passionate Tango)
cfranco069 - Cafe Lamour
cfranco070 - Latin Fire (Fuego Latino)
cfranco071 - Mambo Vibes
cfranco072 - Cumbia Dancer
cfranco074 - Desperado Ballad
cfranco076 - La Bandida (The Bandit)
cfranco078 - Fantasia Gitana
cfranco079 - Musette De Paris
cfranco080 - Valse D’Amour
cfranco081 - Viva El Joropo
cfranco082 - Valse A La Carte
cfranco083 - Nostalgia
cfranco084 - Nostalgic Feelings
cfranco085 - Autumn Rose
cfranco086 - Sicilian Festa
cfranco087 - Lovers Bolero
cfranco088 - Café De Lite
cfranco089 - Mariscada
cfranco090 - La Baiana
cfranco091 - La Joya (The Jewel)
cfranco092 - Maria Luiza
cfranco093 - Moments of Sadness
cfranco094 - Tender Feelings (Sentimento Amoroso)
cfranco095 - Ciccio’s Tarantella
cfranco096 - Mexican Rock
cfranco097 - Sambalero
cfranco098 - Jamaican Rhumba
cfranco099 - Sonia’s Mambo
cfranco100 - Strings of Fire
cfranco101 - Zio Antonio
cfranco102 - Sea of Roses
cfranco103 - Island Dreamer
cfranco104 - 3 C’s Bossa
cfranco105 - Tango For Two
cfranco106 - Looney Bossa Nova
cfranco107 - Danza Gitana
cfranco108 - Calypso Beach Party
cfranco109 - Italian Jig
cfranco110 - Fifi #2
cfranco111 - Rio Negro
cfranco112 - El Meneaito Do Brazil
cfranco113 - Ella's Ballad
cfranco114 - Angelique
cfranco115 - Distant Cries
cfranco116 - Flamenco Nights
cfranco117 - Tears of Flower
cfranco118 - Au Revoir
cfranco119 - A La Musette
cfranco120 - Dama Da Noite
cfranco121 - Bahia Negra
cfranco122 - Bossa Antiqua
cfranco123 - Pico Do Papagaio (Parrot Beak)
cfranco124 - Spanish Carnival
cfranco125 - Gypsy Flame
cfranco126 - My Symphony
cfranco128 - Belle Musette
cfranco129 - Dancing Clown
cfranco130 - Moon Tango
cfranco131 - Tango De Rua
cfranco132 - Andalucian Sky
cfranco133 - Chicken Polka
cfranco134 - Coco Loco
cfranco135 - Granada By Night
cfranco136 - Let's Jive
cfranco137 - Ojos De Agua
cfranco138 - Ombra Latina
cfranco139 - Dancing Dolls
cfranco140 - Salut D'Amour
cfranco141 - Tears Of A Clown
cfranco142 - Buzzing Bee
cfranco143 - El Gato Negro
cfranco144 - Swing With Me
cfranco145 - Smooth Rockin
cfranco146 - Adios Alegria
cfranco147 - Ole' Amigos
cfranco148 - Brasilia
cfranco149 - Calabria in Festa
cfranco150 - Capricciosa
cfranco151 - Cool Breeze
cfranco152 - Cool March
cfranco153 - Dizzy Polka
cfranco154 - Don't Boogie Me
cfranco155 - Euroa Polka
cfranco156 - Grecian Holiday
cfranco157 - Gypsy Fiesta
cfranco158 - Los Cubanos
cfranco159 - Foggy Lane
cfranco160 - Marching Parade
cfranco161 - Papa's Blues
cfranco162 - Play 'n' Simple
cfranco163 - Samba De Rua (Street Samba)
cfranco164 - A Lonely Soul
cfranco165 - Burnt Heart
cfranco166 - A la Zingaresca
cfranco167 - Ay Caramba
cfranco168 - Blue Belle Blues
cfranco169 - Bolertango
cfranco170 - Cumbia Mania
cfranco171 - Fiesta Latina
cfranco172 - La Belle Vie
cfranco173 - La Danza Allegra
cfranco174 - Love Me Softly
cfranco175 - Mystic Feelings
cfranco176 - Samba del Fuego
cfranco177 - Saudade
cfranco178 - Slippery Slide
cfranco179 - Spring Fantasy
cfranco180 - Amortango
cfranco181 - Jolly Puppet
cfranco182 - Mediterranean Dance
cfranco183 - Parisian Sunset
cfranco184 - Tango Bar
cfranco185 - Salsa Fusion
cfranco186 - Viva el Toro
cfranco187 - In Loneliness
cfranco188 - Rumba de Rua
cfranco189 - Colombian Rose
cfranco190 - Cafe Seville
cfranco191 - Capriccio Cubano
cfranco192 - Danza Guapa
cfranco193 - U Ciucciariellu (The Little Donkey)
cfranco194 - Cocolito Beach
cfranco195 - Fantasia Rumbesca
cfranco196 - Nonno Ciccio's Tango
cfranco197 - Gringo Vibes
cfranco198 - Time 4 Salsa
cfranco199 - Walking Sticks
cfranco200 - Colours of Autumn
cfranco201 - L'ultima Bachata
cfranco202 - Samba Rumbesca
cfranco203 - Danza Carnavalesca
cfranco204 - Simplicity
cfranco205 - The Gondolier


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