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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Jun-2016
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Особенности Highlights

41-й международный аккордеонный конкурс "Città di Castelfidardo" – Италия
10-й международный аккордеонный фестиваль и конкурс ‘Victoria’ – Канада
Новый CD Ксении Сидоровой ‘Carmen’, Рига – Латвия
Ежедневные репортажи и видео с Австралийского международного аккордеонного конкурса-фестиваля – Австралия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Accordion and Harmonica Museum Reopens, Trossingen – Germany
TV Performance: Marina Devyatova and Bayan-Mix - Russia
Ежедневные репортажи и видео с аккордеонного конкурса Южнотихоокеанского региона 2016 – Новая Зеландия
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Peforms Beatles Magic - New Zealand
Jovan Rnjak @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK
14 Years Ago: Accordion Master Class in Bulgaria in 2002

Будущие события

Declan Aungier Plays for Dancing – Irish Republic
New Tango Quintet to perform Piazzolla, London – UK
Elena Reekie Workshop, Sydney – Australia
Giancarlo Caporilli Concert, Recoaro Terme - Italy
Hanzhi Wang Recital, Copenhagen – Denmark
Lácides Romero ‘Duo Nuevo Mundo’ Concerts – Colombia
Tony Kearney @ Guildford AC, Surrey – UK
Karen Tweed Concerts, Teaching – Germany, Finland, UK
Accordion Mass Appeal, New York – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site, Available Again, Frank Marocco 3 CD Set & Book - Germany
New: Auckland March Solo and Duet Versions Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne
Updated Site: Chapter 19, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Frequently Midiagnosed - USA

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Особенности Highlights

41-й международный аккордеонный конкурс "Città di Castelfidardo" – Италия

41st PIF International 41-й международный аккордеонный конкурс и фестиваль "Città di Castelfidardo" пройдет с 22 по 25 сентября 2016 г. В конкурс по традиции включены категории для солистов, ансамблей и оркестров. Также состоится множество фестивальных выступлений и концертов. В 2016 году художественным руководителем конкурса-фестиваля стал Кристиан Риганелли (Christian Riganelli).

В 2016 году участие в конкурсе бесплатное (отсутствует конкурсный взнос). Все заявки на участие должны быть получены не позднее 31-го августа 2016 года.

Кроме того, первые 40 солистов и первые 90 участников всех остальных категорий получат возможность бесплатного проживания: одна ночь для итальянских участников и две ночи для участников из других стран. Полная информация в информационной брошюре с правилами.

Скачать правила на разных языках:
Русский: 2016ru
Английский: 2016PIF
Китайский: 2016cn
Французский: 2016fr
Португальский: 2016pt


10-й международный аккордеонный фестиваль и конкурс ‘Victoria’ – Канада

10th Victoria International Accordion Festival header
Специальные гости: Грейсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield, Новая Зеландия), Тянь Цзианань (Tian Jianan, Китай) и Елена Милоевич (Jelena Milojevic, Канада).

Международный конкурс аккордеонистов «Виктория 2016» состоится 30 июля. В рамках конкурса пройдут прослушивания в одной ансамблевой и 6 сольных категориях. Уже получены заявки из Европы, Южной Америки, Китая и Северной Америки. Дата окончания приема заявок – 30 июня 201 года – определяется по почтовому штемпелю.

В этом году Международный аккордеонный фестиваль-конкурс «Виктория» празднует свое 10-летие. За предыдущие 9 лет фестиваль упрочил свое положение, а самым большим достижением фестиваля является хостинг 66-ого международного конкурса «Кубок мира 2013» с участием сотен аккордеонистов со всего мира, демонстрирующих свои таланты как для зрителей в зале, так и для огромной интернет аудитории.

Гостями предыдущих фестивалей становились: Людовик Бейер (Ludovic Beier), Ансамбль ‘Concertino’, квартет ‘Quartetto Gelatto’, Фрэнк Марокко (Frank Marocco), Грейсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield), Елена Милоевич (Jelena Milojevic), Ренцо Руджиери (Renzo Ruggieri), Александр Севастьян, трио «Воронеж», Всемирный аккордеонный оркестр под управлением Джоан Соммерс (Joan Sommers). Вот лишь некоторые имена, которые восхищали публику фестиваля за прошедшее десятилетие.

В этом году юбилейный фестиваль вновь приветствует назад двух выдающихся исполнителей молодого поколения – Грейсона Мейсфилда (аккордеон) и Тянь Цзианань (баян). К ним присоединится Елена Милоевич, художественный руководитель фестиваля, которая также является победительницей международных конкурсов. Эти три исполнителя за свою карьеру завоевали в сумме более 50 международных наград, и их концерт станет запоминающимся событием.

Что касается ансамблей, на фестиваль был приглашен известный ансамбль из Молдовы ‘Concertino’, но их участие пока остается под вопросом. Впервые на «Викторию» приедет ансамбль из Чили ‘Los Del Mapocho', который представит публике чилийского традиционную музыку. В фестивале также примут участие Оркестр Аккордеонистов Британской Колумбии, Аккордеонный Ансамбль Морина Яроша (Maureen Jarosh), Ансамбль Аккордеонного клуба Виктории, Букан Букан (Bucan Bucan), Мэри Росс-Клектау ( Mary Ross-Klektau) и многие другие местные группы.

Аккордеонное Сообщество Британской Колумбии, организатор фестиваля с 2010 года, предоставил любителям аккордеона множество причин провести незабываемую неделю в красивом городе Виктория, Британская Колумбия, в период с 26 по 31 июля 2016 года. Подробное расписание мероприятий будет опубликовано в ближайшее время.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: contact@bcaccordion.ca
Grayson Masefield, Tian Jianan, Jelena Milojevic


Новый CD Ксении Сидоровой ‘Carmen’, Рига – Латвия

Ksenija SidorovaВидео: Ксения Сидорова во время выступления на фестивале 'Night of the Proms’ в Бельгии. Концерт транслировался в эфире EEN в Бельгии. Это видео содержит два номера: Кармен и ‘All Rise’.

Новый компакт-диск латвийский аккордеонистки Ксении Сидоровой "Кармен", выпущенный 3 июня, представляет собой новый, динамичный и экзотический инструментальный взгляд на оперный шедевр Жоржа Бизе, наполненный современным звучанием и оригинальным латинским духом. Ксения исполняет музыку Бизе со Стамбульским филармоническим оркестром ‘Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra’, дирижер Саша Гётцель (Sascha Goetzel).

Мелодии из самой известной в мире оперы перекрашены в пленительные восточные цвета и наполнены неотразимыми ритмами латиноамериканских танцев. Ксения Сидорова исполняет главную роль, представляя страстную трагическую судьбу этой культовой роковой женщины на своем дебютном альбоме для «Дойче Граммофон» (Deutsche Grammophon).

Ксения представила свою «Кармен» в ноябре-декабре 2014 года на фестивале 'Night of the Proms’, исполнив с симфоническим оркестром попурри на самые известные темы из оперы на основных аренах и стадионах Бельгии, Нидерландов и Германии для десятков тысяч зрителей.

Треки: Прогулка Кармен (Carmen's Walk), Сегидилья (Seguidillas), Сиеста (La Siesta), Цыганская песня (Chanson Bohème), Песня любви (Love Song), Меланхолический вечер (Soir mélancolique), Восход солнца над Севильей (Sunrise over Seville), За картами (In the Cards), Фиеста (La Fiesta), Другая женщина (The Other Woman), Испанская гордость (Spanish Pride), Цыганка (À la bohémienne), Встреча с судьбой (Date with Destiny), Размышления (Reflections), Рассвет (Daybreak), Тореадор (Toreador, Los Toreros), Тень Кармен (Carmen's Shadow).

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: sales@europadisc.co.uk


Ежедневные репортажи и видео с Австралийского международного аккордеонного конкурса-фестиваля – Австралия

AATA header
AATA posterЕжедневные репортажи с Австралийского международного аккордеонного конкурса-фестиваля 2016 года, включая фотографии, видео и результаты, можно посмотреть в Интернете по адресу: Australian International Championships.

Спонсорами репортажей выступила компания ‘Accordion House Importer/Retailer’, с 1957 года являющаяся поставщиком инструментов в Австралию, а также осуществляющая связанный с ними сервис.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Accordion and Harmonica Museum Reopens, Trossingen – Germany

Deutsches Harmonikamuseum
The German Harmonica and Accordion Museum has recently been reopened. Nearly 25,000 different harmonicas from all over the world are represented in all aspects and variations, many having a high cultural and historic value.

The ingenuity and adaption of current trends which created models like the ‘Zeppelin’ and ‘Banana’ harmonica are displayed in a modern well designed setting and are lovingly preserved by curator Martin Huffier, and make up the largest single collection in the world.

There is also a huge permanent display of some 500 square metres with a large variety of piano and diatonic accordions, as well as the history of these fabulous instruments. One can see the construction of the instruments and the history of their cultural development. The museum tour ends with an attractive multi-media room where movies, documentaries and lectures are also given.

A visit includes the story of Matthias Hohner, his rise to fortune and the assimilation of his numerous competitors. The museum (Deutsches Harmonikamuseum) is housed at the former factory building on the original Hohner factory site, Hohnerstraße 4/1, 78647 Trossingen, Germany.

For further information email: harmonika-museum@t-online.de


TV Performance: Marina Devyatova and Bayan-Mix - Russia

Marina Devyatova and "Bayan-Mix" performing "Oh, Mom"
Published on May 8, 2016.


Ежедневные репортажи и видео с аккордеонного конкурса Южнотихоокеанского региона 2016 – Новая Зеландия

Daily Reports: 2016 South Pacific and New Zealand Championships and Festival
Ежедневные репортажи, включая видео, фотографии и результаты, с аккордеонного фестиваля-конкурса Южнотихоокеанского и Новозеландского региона 2016 года, который состоится в ближайшие выходные, 4 и 5 июня, будут доступны онлайн по адресу 2016SouthPac.


Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Peforms Beatles Magic - New Zealand

Video: To conclude the Finale Concert of the 2016 South Pacific Accordion Championships, held last weekend, was the Auckland Accordion Symphonietta conducted by Lionel Reekie performing Beatles Magic, arranged by Gary Daverne.


Jovan Rnjak @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK

Jovan RnjakMonday May 23rd was a very pleasant sunny day thus creating a nice relaxing atmosphere for the evening concert with Jovan Rnjak. Jovan has been to our club before so we were familiar with his singing and playing and especially with his face as he always looks relaxed and smiling. The concert began with him singing a selection of popular songs that we were familiar with and able to join in.

After the interval Ray Izod took to the stage and played a selection of what I call ‘Accordion Classics’ which went down very well with our members. We do not hear many of the classics these days but Ray enjoys playing them and has certainly improved on his repertoire since he retired from his job. I still miss the old days of the accordion when accordion music ruled and tunes such as ‘The Waltz of the Flowers’, ‘Entry of the Gladiators’ and the many Souza marches were performed on a regular basis.

As announced, Jovan returned and began to play many of my favourites including ‘Czardas’ and ‘Dark Eyes’. He then changed to singing popular Tom Jones songs and finished with the old favourite sing-along tunes - Jovan is an excellent accordionist.

Our club has decided to go ahead with a recruiting campaign to attract new members and hopefully some young members. A whole page in a local magazine plus inviting new members to join and to encourage them, Barry Smith has made an offer of free lessons and the loan of an accordion. The loan of an accordion also applies to members.

The Black Country Accordion Club meets on alternate Mondays, 7.30pm, at The Rowley Regis Disability Centre in Rowley Regis, near Birmingham. Future dates include accordionist and comedian Alan Stott on June 27th, and the Kyiv Duo, on tour from the Ukraine, on July 25th.

For further information email: lumicprod@aol.com


14 Years Ago: Accordion Master Class in Bulgaria in 2002

The Accordions Worldwide News for June 7th 2002 included news of an accordion master class held in Bulgaria. This event made history as the first event of its kind held in a President's apartment – see below.

Successful Accordion Master Class – Bulgaria
Contributed by Diana Stancheva, Accordion Magic

A six day accordion master class, directed by Yugoslavian teacher, performer and composer Zoran Bojanic took place recently in the magnificent hall of the hotel complex ‘Kamenitza’ in Plovdiv, organized by the Bulgarian Organization of Accordionists.

Over 25 accordionists and teachers from seven Bulgarian towns participated in the event. Being an excellent professional, and with his modesty, tact and generosity, Zoran Bojanic won the love of everybody and gave all of them knowledge and aesthetic pleasure. Due to an error the original venue was double booked for the final two days of the seminar, so the hotel complex generously offered the President's apartment of the hotel and the master class continued there.

It is believed that this is the first time in the world that an accordion master class has been held in a President's apartment!


Будущие события

Declan Aungier Plays for Dancing – Irish Republic

Declan AungierAccordionist Declan Aungier plays for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Friday June 10th - Arch Ballroom, Tallow, County Waterford
Saturday June 11th – Kilcurry Community Centre, County Louth
Sun:- 3-6 West County Hotel Ennis Co.Clare
Sunday :- 9:45-12:15 Fitzpatricks Clonmore Co.Tipperary
Monday:- Gandon Inn Emo Co.Laois
Sunday June 12th, 3pm until 6pm – West County Hotel, Ennis, County Clare
Sunday June 12th, 9.45pm until 12.15am – Fitzpatricks, Clonmore, County Tipperary
Monday June 13th – Gandon Inn, Emo, County Laois

Born in 1970, Declan Aungier studied the piano accordion from the age of 9, became interested in Irish/Scottish traditional music at age 13, and became All-Ireland Under 18 Piano Accordion Champion in 1987. He switched to the 5-row Continental button accordion, and now works mainly as a solo entertainer, with many albums to his credit, providing music ranging from Country and Irish, some Irish traditional music, jazz and swing, and music from the present day. Equally skilled on keyboards, piano and guitar, Declan is also church organist in his home village of Rathangen, County Kildare.

For further information email: declan@declanaungier.com


New Tango Quintet to perform Piazzolla, London – UK

Declan Aungier
Romano Viazzani (accordion), John Bailey (piano), Yaron Stavi (double bass), Corinna Hentschel (violin) and Jonathan Preiss (guitar) have formed a new Tango quintet which will make its debut at The London Encounter, ETC venues, 155 Bishopsgate, London on Saturday June 11th.

The ensemble will play in the musical part of the cultural event called ‘Music and the ‘other’’, which starts at 7.30pm. They will be performing the whole of Astor Piazzolla’s ‘Ángel Suite’ (Milonga del Ángel, Muerte del Ángel,  Resurrección del Ángel). It is hoped that this will be the first of many tango-oriented concerts in the future. Romano Viazzani recorded this suite on a CD as solo accordion pieces, but this is the first time any of the musicians involved, who have all played in tango before, have performed it in with the original line-up Piazzolla scored for (if you allow a bit of artistic licence for the accordion playing the bandoneon part).

Yaron Stavi frequently plays double bass with no less than Richard Galliano himself, and Corinna Hentschel had her own Piazzolla Ensemble in her native Germany.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Elena Reekie Workshop, Sydney – Australia

Elena Reekie WorkshopElena Reekie, from New Zealand, holds a workshop aimed at developing improvisational skills and harmony, and applying them in instrumental music.

This workshop takes place during the 2016 Australian International Accordion Championships, taking place on Saturday June 11th and Sunday 12th at the Club Marconi, 121-133 Prairie Vale Rd, Bossley Park, Sydney.

For further information email: tats64@gmail.com


Giancarlo Caporilli Concert, Recoaro Terme - Italy

Giancarlo Caporilli ConcertGiancarlo Caporilli performs in concert on Sunday June 12th, 4pm, at the Teatro Comunale, Recoaro Terme, Italy.

Giancarlo Caporilli is Professor of Accordion at the Conservatory in Rome.


Hanzhi Wang Recital, Copenhagen – Denmark

Hanzhi WangAccordionist Hanzhi Wang performs a solo recital on Wednesday June 15th, 6.30pm until 7.30pm, at the Studio Hall, The Royal Danish Academy of Music, Denmark

Her program will include
JS Bach - 3 movements from ‘Partita No.2 in C Minor’
Sofia Gubaidulina – ‘De Profundis’
Martin Lohse – ‘Passing 1’, ‘Menuetto’, ‘Passing 3’
Edvard Grieg – ‘Lyric pieces’
Moritz Moszkowski – ‘Etincelles’
Richard Galliano – ‘Fou Rire’, ‘Tango Pour Claude’

Hanzhi Wang (born 1990), from China, is considered to be one of the shining stars among the young upcoming generation of classical accordionists. She tours all over the world as a soloist and chamber musician, and has made several TV and radio appearances in many countries.

She has won some of the most important international competitions, including Beijing, Klingenthal in Germany, Arrasate in Spain, and Castelfidardo in Italy. Hanzhi Wang has also become very popular amongst contemporary composers, and some have dedicated their works to her, including Martin Lohse (Denmark) and James Black (UK).


Lácides Romero ‘Duo Nuevo Mundo’ Concerts – Colombia

Lácides Romero ‘Duo Nuevo Mundo’The highly accomplished Duo Nuevo Mundo - Lácides Romero (accordion) and Francisco Rivera (clarinet) - perform a series of concerts in northern Colombia this month, as follows:

June 16th - Valledupar
June 21st - San Andres Islas
June 22nd - Cartagena
June 23rd - Barranquilla
June 24th - Santa Marta
June 28th - Riohacha
June 30th - Montería

Their programme includes classical music by Handel, Dvorak, and Rossini, plus Cuban Contradance music, Braziklian Choro pieces, and Colombian traditional music.

For further information email: lacidesromero@gmail.com


Tony Kearney @ Guildford AC, Surrey – UK

Tony KearneyOn Friday June 17th, doors open at 7.30pm, the Guildford Accordion Club welcome Ireland’s Tony Kearney, a Shand Morino accordion entertainer as their guest. The organizer is John Cumiskey.

Don't forget to bring your accordions for our Playalong session.

Venue: The Ripley Village Hall, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF. Refreshments included in the admission charge.

All are welcome at this friendly and popular accordion club, who have now celebrated their 25th anniversary.

For further information email: anita.boothby@guildford-accordion-club.org.uk


Karen Tweed Concerts, Teaching – Germany, Finland, UK

Nick Wiseman, Karen Tweed
Accordionist Karen Tweed this and next month, as follows:

Friday June 17th, 7pm – duo with button accordionist/fiddler Nick Wiseman-Ellis at Kombüse 53° Nord, Hauptstraße 28, 21787 Oberndorf, Germany. Tickets: 11€ adv./13€ on the door.
Monday June 27th to Friday July 1st - Karen Tweed & Timo Alakotila teaching and in concert, Haapavesi Summer School, Finland
Saturday July 2nd - 5pm - Karen Tweed & Timo Alakotila in concert, Haapavesi Festival
Saturday July 9th – Karen Tweed & Timo Alakotila in concert, Rääkkylä Kihaus Festival
Monday/Tuesday July 11th/12th - Karen Tweed & Timo Alakotila at the Kaustinen Festival
Saturday July 16th and Sunday July 17th – Lakhsmi Trio (Anna Sacchini - sitar and harp, Karen Tweed – accordion, Mirko Vignali – guitar) at Rhythm Tree Festival, Isle of Wight
Tuesday July 19th and Thursday 21st – teaching in Worcester; information via Karen Tweed’s website

Karen Tweed, born in England but now living in Ireland, is steeped in Irish traditional music and has recorded and performed in this genre for many years. She also performs in other genres, and has featured on over 30 CDs. She won 5 All Ireland titles on piano accordion and melodica in the late 1970s/early 80s, performed with the Poozies, and is the main piano accordion tutor at the World Music Centre, University of Limerick, and a regular tutor for the Bmus Degree in folk and traditional music at Newcastle University and at The Sage, Gateshead.


Accordion Mass Appeal, New York – USA

Mass Appeal Accordions is an event taking place on Tuesday June 21st, 6-7pm, in Carroll Park, Brooklyn, New York. Throughout the day there will be solo accordionists and groups with accordion players performing, leading up to the Mass Appeal at 6pm when players will gather together to perform en masse. The music performed will be ‘Cantus for Benjamin Britten’ (Arvo Part), ‘High Summer-Brood V’ (Peter Flint), ‘Vegetative States’ (Peter Flint), and ‘Chusedl No. 6’ (Sy Kushner). A rehearsal is planned for June 20th in Brooklyn.

Music for this event is posted at robertduncanmusic.com.
For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site, Available Again, Frank Marocco 3 CD Set & Book - Germany

Frank Marocco Book coverNow available again is the Frank Marocco 3 CD set and a beautifully presented book titled "Jazz On The Road, Volume 1-3" Catalog: ks550

The book describes Frank Marocco's musical life in extensive texts enriched with many never-before published photos and significant interviews.

The author is accordionist, conductor and music historian Thomas Eickhoff.


New: Auckland March Solo and Duet Versions Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne

Gary DaverneComposer, conductor, arranger Gary  Daverne OMNZ has released his duet composition Auckland March for sale online.

This work is for standard bass. View sample page. Purchase with credit card online.

Catalog No: ED0059

This work is composed so that the solo version of Auckland March is the same as the first accordion of the duet work, so the person learning the 1st part can also perform the work solo. Auckland March solo version: ED0275_D

Updated Site: Gary  Daverne Homepage and eTracks (mp3) Page


Updated Site: Chapter 19, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Frequently Midiagnosed - USA

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', book coverChapter 19 of the book "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica PT CMP NZRP is now released.

Chapter 19 is headed: Frequently misdiagnosed medical conditions of the arm and hand - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Information about all the chapters now available at: John Bonica

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters, 19 chapters released so far. Special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase: John Bonica


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