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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 15-Feb-2019
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Weird Al 赢得2019年格莱美奖 - 美国
第三届手风琴表演国际比赛“Dizzy Accordion” - 俄罗斯
第79届 ATG 手风琴音乐节将于2019年7月24日至27日在丹佛举行 - 美国
第七届手风琴音乐节 MEHFEST 2019年 - 塞尔维亚
DHV Osterarbeitswoche(复活节周),特罗辛根 - 德国


2019年德克萨斯州全国手风琴大会报名 - 美国
Blues,Hues and Views - William Schimmel 和 Elliott Sharp 的新CD
Video: Vardo Trio of Matthew Dennett, Julien Castegnero and Simon Watts - USA
George Curletto Center and Museum for Electronic Accordions opening in Duluth – USA
GR8 IDEAS 手风琴研讨会在俄亥俄州 - 美国举行


第十五届国际双年度手风琴节 - 拉脱维亚
CNIMA 和 Eric Bouvelle 的作曲和编曲交流会 - 法国
3rd International Accordeons-nous Competition ASBL – Belgium
Frédéric Deschamps 大师班在多罗毕其 - 乌克兰
Italian Accordionist Guest at Guildford Accordion Club – England
Excursion with Lady's Bicycle! Concert- Sweden
4th Annual Charm City Django Jazz Festival – USA
Accordion Babes Calendar 2020
Sergei Teleshev 3、4月音乐会巡回演出 - 美国


New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK
最新内容:Franck Angelis 发布了两部新作品 - 法国

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Weird Al 赢得2019年格莱美奖 - 美国

手风琴家兼滑稽模仿作家 Weird Al 于2019年2月10日获得了2019年葛莱美奖最佳盒装或特殊限定版包装。他击败了被提名者 Guns N'Roses 和 Grateful Dead。

“Weird Al” Yankovic 现在是第一个以手风琴包装专辑获得格莱美奖的唱片艺术家!他的职业回顾箱集被称作“Squeeze Box: The Complete Works of ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic”。


Career of Wierd Al 英文版写自 Rita Barnea2019Grammy.pdf
Meghan Foley, Weird Al, Annie Stoll,


第三届手风琴表演国际比赛“Dizzy Accordion” - 俄罗斯

Dizzy Poster
Yuri Krikun第三届手风琴表演者国际比赛“Dizzy Accordion”将于4月5日至9日在位于西伯利亚巴尔瑙尔市的阿尔泰国家音乐学院举行,该比赛由阿尔泰国家音乐学院委员会组织,并由 Yuri Krikun 监制(右图)。这项活动旨在促进表演者对手风琴的创造力的发展,提高他们的专业技能、表演文化、艺术品味,鉴选出有天赋和有前途的表演者,完善教学技能,并普及手风琴。






第79届 ATG 手风琴音乐节将于2019年7月24日至27日在丹佛举行 - 美国

2019 ATG Festival poster
国际手风琴家和教师协会 Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) 主席 Joe Natoli 邀请所有人参加2019年7月24日至27日在丹佛举行的第79届 ATG 手风琴音乐节。

活动将包括音乐会、交流会、比赛、展览、ATG 音乐节管弦乐队表演以及节日宴会等等!

2019年的节日是“Year of the Duos(二重奏年)”,今年我们将为大家带来最好的几个手风琴二重奏,为节日提供双倍的乐趣、双倍的音乐和双倍的表演。 其中包括:Augustinas Raukauskas 和Greta Staponkute(立陶宛),Jamie Maschler 和 Gabriel Rodrigues(华盛顿,美国),Dan&Kim Christian(美国科罗拉多州),John&Madalynn Neu 和 The Wood of the Chamber of Chamber Chamberers(美国科罗拉多州)。

有关2019年艺术节的更多信息,请访问以下网站:Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG)


第七届手风琴音乐节 MEHFEST 2019年 - 塞尔维亚

Mehfest Poster
Duo NeblDuo Nebl 成员 Andreas Nebl (手风琴)和 Frank Nebl(单簧管)将于4月12日在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德 Megatrend 大学举行的第7届手风琴音乐节 - MEHFEST的开幕音乐会上进行演出。 他们的节目包括 Sonate G-Moll(C.Ph.E. Bach),Allegro Rustico(Gubaidulina)和 Divertimento KV 439b(莫扎特)。

该节日将于4月12日至14日由 Milos Civic 组织承办,其中包括为独奏家、室内合奏团和管弦乐队而设立的手风琴比赛。 参赛选手将由来自塞尔维亚和国外的知名教授组成的专家评审团进行评判。




DHV Osterarbeitswoche(复活节周),特罗辛根 - 德国

DHV Osterarbeitswoche header
Deutsche Harmonika-Verband(DHV)诚挚地邀请您来参加其备受好评的培训活动,即Osterarbeitswoche(复活节周)。 如何制作音乐、具有创造力、教育并交流思想 - 这就是 DHV Osterarbeitswoche 所能为大家提供的。

目标群体 - 成人乐队的指挥,希望成为指挥的人,管弦乐和合奏演奏者,青年领袖,初级教练,口琴演奏家。


导师包括:Thomas Bauer,Andreas Nebl ,Hans-GüntherKölz,WolfgangRuß,Silke D'Inka,Carmen Hey,Kathrin Gass,Eva-Maria Gebauer,Manfred Kappler,Martina Kluge,UlrikeMülle,Robin Schmidt 等。




2019年德克萨斯州全国手风琴大会报名 - 美国

NAA banner
2019年全国手风琴大会将于3月6日至9日在德克萨斯州 Richardson 的 Hyatt Regency 酒店举行,该活动由国家手风琴协会 National Accordion Association (NAA) 组织承办。


报名于2月7日开放。 大会的表演者将从对2019年报名表感兴趣的人中选出。 酒店预订需要在2月15日之前完成。

NAA 网站发现有趣的事吧。 2019年新增:Wear Your Cap or Hat!
2019年准备工作1:了解您的2019年表演者! 看看你认识多少。

详情请联系 NAA 主席 Norman Seaton:NatlAccordion@SBCGlobal.net
NAA Presenters


Blues,Hues and Views - William Schimmel 和 Elliott Sharp 的新CD

William SchimmelWilliam Schimmel 博士(手风琴), Elliott Sharp (吉他) 和 Del Arte Ancuman (Mandocello) 共同录制了一张以 Blues 为中心的新CD。该CD包含"Roots"和"Contemporary departures" - 总是会回到主要的"Scourcginalle of The Blues"。

该CD的官方发布日期为2019年3月19日,但您也可以在 Amazon.com 进行预订上。该专辑也提供数字版下载。
1 "Breaking News"
2 "Clickbait"
3 "Blues in the Box"
4 "Armenia Intake" (after Scrapper Blackwell)
5 "Not a bug, It's an Amphibian"
6 "MetrOcala Modulators"
7 "Always a Ray of Sun in The Blues, Never in The Tango"

在新年前夕,Schimmel 博士与纽约爱乐乐团 (New York Philharmonic) 合作,在一场以著名女高音歌唱家 Rene Fleming 为主角的的音乐会上同台演出。 Schimmel 博士还陪同 Fleming 女士参加了百老汇的《旋转木马》(Carousel) 演出,而这张专辑获得了格莱美奖提名。

今年1月,Schimmel 博士在纽约的 Prototype Festival 上演奏了 Philip Venable 的一部新歌剧,名为“4.48 Psychosis”,这部歌剧根据 Sarah Kane 的剧作改编,讲述了她生命的最后时刻。演出在 Baruch 学院举行。该剧最初来自伦敦,这次是美国首映。它在纽约各大报纸和协奏曲中都好评如潮。Net 特别提到了 Schimmel 博士,称他为“The Venerable Bill Schimmel”

同样在1月份,Schimmel 在德国巡回表演了 Elliott Sharp 的歌剧 “Port Bou” - 与他一同的还有 Jenny Lin (钢琴)和 Nicholas Isherwood,Bass Baritone。表演在波恩及周边城市举行。

2019年2月3日,Schimmel 和以色列爱乐乐团合作,且在 Zubin Mehta 的指挥下,在卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie Hal)进行了演出。他和乐队一起,为 Itzhak Perlman 的探戈 “Por Una Cabeza” 伴奏,这正是 William Schimmel 在电影 "Scent of a Woman" 中与 The Tango Project 一起开创的探戈,主演是 Al Pacino (获得过奥斯卡奖)。

欲了解更多信息:accordion bill@gmail.com


Video: Vardo Trio of Matthew Dennett, Julien Castegnero and Simon Watts - USA

Video: Minor Swing by The Vardo Trio of Matthew Dennett, Julien Castegnero and Simon Watts. Gypsy jazz style music, published in 2017.


George Curletto Center and Museum for Electronic Accordions opening in Duluth – USA

AWAM Banner
A World of Accordions Museum proudly announces plans to expand its physical outreach into Duluth, MN, through a second museum site specializing in the evolution of electronics in accordion manufacture.

This expansion was predicated by the massive collection of George Curletto (Washington, D.C.) donated to AWAM in November, 2018. The museum can now present an accurate overview of the technological evolution of the instrument that has been largely neglected by accordion historians.

The number of instruments in this genre has now reached a point where the correct set-ups require more space than they currently have available so they chose to reopen the original home of AWAM in west-Duluth. The 1908 building, designed by Swedish architect Lundquist, is qualified as a state/national historic site and will be advanced as an area attraction. Cosmetic and other improvements to the former church building are expected to be completed in 2019.

The photo below shows a portion of the current display in “Sue Spencer and Friends Electronics Room.” This exhibit will stay as part of the main “A World of Accordions Museum” display as a representation of the electronic accordion instruments
AWOAMuseum exhibits


GR8 IDEAS 手风琴研讨会在俄亥俄州 - 美国举行

GR8 IDEAS Accordion Symposium
上方视频:Cory Pesaturo 在 GR8 IDEAS 上表演。

新西兰专业手风琴家及指挥家 Brian Holden 最近前往美国参加由 Joe Natoli(上图)和 Michael Soloway 在俄亥俄州 Warren 举办的 GR8 IDEAS 研讨会。


此次活动包括一个名为 GR8 IDEAS 的新乐团的内部音乐会以及 Cory Pesaturo 和 Michael Bridge 的“疯狂即兴”。 活动以由 Bryan Holden 指挥的新 GR8 IDEAS 乐团(和歌手)的最后一场公开音乐会为结束,表演曲目包括 Joe Natoli 编排的《祈祷(The Prayer)》。

下图是 GR8 IDEAS 合奏团,Brian Holden 担任指挥。
GR8 IDEAS ensemble



第十五届国际双年度手风琴节 - 拉脱维亚

第十五届国际双年度手风琴音乐节将于3月7日至9日在拉脱维亚的林巴日 (Limbazi) 举行。

节日参与者包括独奏表演家和音乐团体,他们是分别来自俄罗斯(Nikita Vlasov)、意大利(Samuel Telari)、丹麦(Passion Duo)、爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚(Natalia Melnikovich,Riga Saxophone Quartet 和 Altera Veritas)的国际比赛获奖者。

来自拉脱维亚的“Milonga”三人组(手风琴、小提琴和钢琴)也将展示表演,他们曾分别在 Svetlana Stavitskaya 和由 Svetlana Stavitskaya 和 Vladimir Ushakov(俄罗斯) 组成的手风琴二人组的指导下成为了国际比赛的获奖者。他们的演出时间为3月7日和9日。


Latvia Festival Poster


CNIMA 和 Eric Bouvelle 的作曲和编曲交流会 - 法国

CNIMA header
Eric Bouvelle法国知名手风琴家 Eric Bouvelle(如图)的作曲和编曲交流会将于3月4日至8日由来自 Saint-Sauves 的 CNIMA 主任 Nathalie Boucheix 安排组织。


延伸出16种或更多样的 “invented” 旋律,例如: 主歌 - 副歌 - 桥段,选择出一种结构。


有关详细信息,请访问 CNIMA 网站或发送电子邮件至:cnima@wanadoo.fr


3rd International Accordeons-nous Competition ASBL – Belgium

The 3rd International Accordeons-nous Competition ASBL will be held from April 25th to 28th in Mons, Hainaut Province organised by the Arts2 (Royal Conservatory of Mons) and the City of Mons.

The competition includes categories in various age groups for chamber music, world music and variety. In addition this year there will be an “Accordeon-nous” Award for accordionists over 8 years of age. The winner will receive a cash prize, plus concert opportunities at the 2019 PIF in Castelfidardo, the 2019 Alcobaco Festival in Portugal and at the 2020 Accordion-nous event.

The jury will be chaired by Michel Stockhem (Director Arts2 Royal Conservatory of Mons) and consist of concert players, conservatory teachers and national and international guests.

Entries close on April 19th. Competition Rules and entry information at: 2019AccordeonNous.pdf

2018 Winners pictured below.
2018 winners


Frédéric Deschamps 大师班在多罗毕其 - 乌克兰

Frédéric Deschamps Masterclass Poster法国教师 Frédéric Deschamps 将于5月3日下午2点至6点在乌克兰利沃夫地区的多罗毕其举行的第十二届国际巴杨 - 手风琴比赛“Perpetuum Mobile”中开办大师班。

Frédéric Deschamps 是一位知名的教师,他用高超技术不断培养着国际比赛的冠军,他也曾在世界上许多国家开办过大师班。



Italian Accordionist Guest at Guildford Accordion Club – England

FabioItalian accordionist Fabio Turchetti will entertain at the Guildford Accordion Club in the Ripley Village Hall, Ripley, London on March 15th. He plays and sings his own compositions, jazz standards, tributes to tango and to Italian music.

Fabio has released over 30 CD’s and played in various festivals including the Philippine Jazz Festival in Manila and the Madrid Jazz Festival. He has also performed concerts in Los Angeles, New York, London and Paris.

Over the years the Guildford Accordion Club have had guests from Russia, China, Italy, France, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Finland and Canada, plus many fine players from all over England.

For further details email: anita.boothby@guildford-accordion-club.org.uk


Excursion with Lady's Bicycle! Concert- Sweden

Stockholm concert poster
Accordionist Matti Andersson will perform a concert entitled "Excursion with a Lady's Bicycle!" with Nils-Erik Sparf (violin) at the Stallet Världens Musik, Stallgatan 7, 111 48 Stockholm on February 17th.

The music was written by Lars Hollmer, a much-loved songwriter, artist, and accordionist who has now passed away. The duo wish to make a CD and perform concerts in his memory.

The works focus on modern improvisational music, where Hollmar collaborated with improvisation musicians from all over the world.

For further details email: stallet@rfod.se


4th Annual Charm City Django Jazz Festival – USA

Django poster
The Django Jazz Festival will be held in Charm City, Baltimore, Maryland on February 22nd and 23rd. The event will include a Django Fest Workshop by the duo Passarinho (which features accordionist Dallas Vietty and Bryce Milano on mandolin).

The duo was formed because of their shared passion for instrumental music from around the world. They enjoy playing gypsy jazz (the music of Django Reinhardt) and quickly discovered a variety of common musical interests from Bulgaria to Brazil.

For further festival details email: info@creativealliance.org


Accordion Babes Calendar 2020

Accordion Babes 2020
Artwork and planning is now underway for the 2020 edition of the Accordion Babes calendar. The calendar was first published 11 years ago and this year’s theme is: Accordion Babes 2020: Women of the Future: or: An Instrument Beyond Time.

The projected timeline for the 2020 calendar deadlines and dates are:

Art deadline for photos and songs: March 31st
Fundraiser period: April 15th-May 15th
Print date: June 1st

Photos can be funny, cute, strong or centerfold-type sexy! Age is no barrier as there is no age limit or a perfect body-type as the idea is to promote accordion music. (Photo of Marlene Dietrich above).

The calendar editor is a female street-performer/bookworm who plays a 2-row Irish system button accordion and considers herself a folk-rocker-nerd. She has been playing accordion professionally for 18 years and publishes the calendar because it feels good to do something she loves, makes people happy, and to help shift our culture to being more friendly, open, and fun.

For further information email: editor@accordionpinupcalendar.com


Sergei Teleshev 3、4月音乐会巡回演出 - 美国

Sergei Teleshev Poster美国的手风琴家、编曲家和作曲家 Sergei Teleshev 将于3月和4月前往美国进行巡回演出。 Sergei 是三人组 Voronezh 和 Valinor 四重奏的成员,并在北美多次举办音乐会。 在搬到美国之前,Sergei 在俄罗斯沃罗涅日的音乐学院接受过严格训练。

3月1日:Oakland, OR
3月3日:Paso Robles, CA
3月5日:Borrego Springs, CA
3月9日:Harlingen, TX。
3月11日:Elko, NV
3月17日:Austin, TX
3月21日:Ponca City, OK
3月22日:Borger, TX
3月24日:Las Cruces, NM
3月26日:Silver City, NM
3月28日:El Paso, TX
3月30日:Waco, TX
4月5日:Marysville, OH
4月7日:Severna Park, MD
4月9日:Orloville, CA
4月10日:Grants Pass, OR
4月11日:Roseburg, OR
4月12日:Longview, WA
4月16日:Cottage Grove, OR




New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK

Charnwood Publishing
Douglas WardTwo new works have been released by well known UK composer and performer Douglas Ward, published by Charnwood Publishing.

DW950 Backstage Waltz
This waltz is written in Eb major and starts with a four-bar introduction. This is followed by the next eight bars which take the treble melody through a tuneful dance, with phrasing, slight tempo changes, and dynamic variations. An eight-bar short middle section introduced both major and minor bass chords. This is followed by a reinstatement of the melody, which leads into a slightly unorthodox ending in that the waltz momentarily turns into a foxtrot in 4/4, before the final bar in 3/4.

DW951 Conundrum
This composition, in A minor, starts with a bold concert-like announcement as its introduction, but after four bars changes to an emotional motif for several bars. Suddenly a speedy, turbulent allegro con brio section takes over, with an abundance of off-beat accenting in both treble and basses, and dynamic markings. This is followed by a section that suddenly stumbles into an almost dream-like state of emotions and feelings, played rubato, followed by a treble cadenza, and a lead-up to a major key. It then recapitulates to the allegro con brio theme before aiming at the build-up towards the ending. This involves a four-bar bellows shake, followed by a 24-note rising chromatic run, with a surprise ending that is typical of an Argentinian tango. The composition requires accurate coordination of treble, basses and bellows, plus phrasing, dexterity and personal musical interpretation

DW952 Clown in a Pickle
DW953 Horseplay

Douglas Ward is now listing over 80 compositions and arrangements of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing Douglas Ward. Sample music pages online. Purchase with credit card online.


最新内容:Franck Angelis 发布了两部新作品 - 法国

Franck Angelis非常受欢迎的法国作曲家 Franck Angelis 已经出版并向国际市场发售了两部新作品:
ang568 - Spleen (独奏)查看信息和示例页面
ang569 - Fantaisie (独奏)查看信息和示例页面



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