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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 22-Feb-2019
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2019年美国手风琴协会艺术节,从7月17日至21日,宾夕法尼亚 - 美国
2019年科科拉冬季手风琴音乐节成功举办 - 芬兰
Foster & Allen 的苏格兰和英格兰北部音乐会巡演
第一届手风琴家国际比赛“Vivakordeon” - 保加利亚


视频:Duet Evgenia Chirkova 和 Artem Malkhasyan
James Crabb 在2019年新西兰国际室内音乐节 – 新西兰
Video: Quinteto Versatilis and Fernando Ávila Perform Cynthia - Brazil
Giorgio Dellarole 举办音乐会和大师班 - 瑞典
Douglas Ward 最新作曲现已上线 - 英国
Accordionist Wanted in Preston – UK


手风琴家 Karen Tweed 音乐会和交流会 - 英国
Zweifel Brothers Band Entertains - USA
Cobargo Folk Festival 2019 – Australia
Annual Grand Variety Concert – Ireland
Sunday Lunch Tango Concert – England
CNIMA 交流会 - 法国
Frédéric Deschamps International Masterclass at NAO Championships – UK
1st International Accordion Competition in Montceau-les-Mines – France
International Summer Course and Accordion Orchestra Course - Switzerland


Site Updated: 2019 Coupe Mondiale Entry System Goes Live, Shenzhen - China
New Compositions by Franco Cambareri - Australia

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2019年美国手风琴协会艺术节,从7月17日至21日,宾夕法尼亚 - 美国

AAA Festival 2019
AAA logo美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 将于7月17日至21日在宾夕法尼亚州普鲁士国王的 Valley Forge 赌场度假村(Radisson酒店)举办2019年的艺术节。

嘉宾艺术家包括:Petar Maric 、Michael Bridge、Sam Reider、Mario Tacca
Mary Mancini、Vesna Mihonovic(客座指挥)、Joseph A. Natoli、Rachel Quirbach 以及 Robert Young McMahan 博士,这些人的到来肯定会使2019年的 AAA 音乐节成为一场更加令人兴奋的音乐盛会。

其他活动包括:研讨会、初级和高级节日乐团、Carrozza 奖学金以及青年爵士乐团。



2019年科科拉冬季手风琴音乐节成功举办 - 芬兰

Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival
Raimo VertainenEEFE logo我们很高兴地宣布,科科拉(Kokkola)冬季音乐会第二次获得了最佳欧洲节日奖 EFFE Label 颁发的2019 - 2020年期间奖项。


“今年的观众人数大约是5300人,”艺术总监 Raimo Vertainen 骄傲地说道,“在芬兰寒冷的冬天里,还能有这么多人前来参加,可以想象这是一项多么壮观的活动。”


嘉宾艺术家包括 Giorgio Dellarole(意大利)、Oivind Farmen (挪威)、Lars Karlsson(瑞典) 和 Esse Quintet(俄罗斯)、Trio Fratres、海报上列出的其他艺术家以及著名的芬兰艺术家和乐团。下载海报:2019Kokkola.pdf

周五,芬兰广播公司(YLE)与中央奥斯塔博尼亚室内乐团(Central Ostrobothnia Chamber Orchestra)共同播放了一场音乐会,Veli Kujala 与独奏家 Petteri Waris 合作的手风琴协奏曲进行了首演。同时,周六 Guardia Nueva 的演出也大受好评。



Foster & Allen 的苏格兰和英格兰北部音乐会巡演

Foster & Allen poster
视频:Foster & Allen 表演 Shayne Ward - Galway Girl

Foster&Allen 将于2019年3月13日至30日在苏格兰和英格兰北部巡回演出。这个爱尔兰民间音乐二重奏组是全球的明星,在40年的职业生涯中,他们发行了30张专辑,这在世界上可是绝无仅有的。

Foster 和 Allen 的故事始于七十年代,当时他们在爱尔兰各地的乡村音乐乐队演奏。 1975年,他们二人组建了一个小乐队,前往英国,在爱尔兰的音乐场馆进行了一次短暂的巡演。

1978年底,他们在爱尔兰发行了单曲“A Bunch of Thyme”,随后该曲成功进入爱尔兰音乐排行榜并成为他们的第一首畅销单曲。这首曲子曾连续40周保持在爱尔兰音乐榜单上,并在之后的13星期内重回榜首。

迄今为止,Foster 和 Allen 已经在全球范围内实现了超过2000万张专辑和视频的销售。 Foster&Allen 的表演风格和演奏出来的轻松旋律一直饱受欢迎,尤其是他们的现场音乐会。

13 Gaiety Theatre AYR 01 292 288235
14 Webster Memorial Theatre ARBROATH 01 241 435800
15 Motherwell Concert Hall MOTHERWELL 01 698 403120
16 The Maltings BERWICK-ON-TWEED 01 289 330999
17 The Sands Centre CARLISLE 01 228 633766
18 FTH Theatre FALKIRK 01 324 506850
19 Perth Concert Hall PERTH 01 738 621 031
20 Carnegie Hall DUNFERMLINE 01 383 602302
21 Howden Park Centre LIVINGSTON 01 506 340700
22 Elgin Town Hall ELGIN 01 343 543778
23 The Tivoli Theatre ABERDEEN 01 224 641 122
24 Eden Court Theatre INVERNESS 01 463 234234
26 The Barrowland Ballroom GLASGOW 0141 552 4601
27 The Grand Theatre LEEDS 08 44 848 2700
28 The Grand LANCASTER 01 524 64695
29 Thwaites Empire Theatre BLACKBURN 01 254 685500
30 The Civic Theatre ROTHERHAM 01 709 823621


第一届手风琴家国际比赛“Vivakordeon” - 保加利亚

Vivakordeon, Bulgaria header
Daniela Dikova第一届手风琴家国际比赛“Vivakordeon”将于4月5日至7日在索非亚Aksakov街1号保加利亚音乐厅举行。

该活动由 Daniela Dikova 与保加利亚手风琴演奏家 Krassimir Sterev (均来自Ardenza基金会)共同创立的。比赛面向业余手风琴演奏家和19岁以下的专业手风琴演奏家,旨在鼓励所有致力于手风琴创作的人表达他们对音乐创作的热爱。

国际评审团将由来自不同国家的知名音乐教师组成,并将为获奖者颁发“Vivakordeon”大奖。 获奖者将被邀请参加将于4月7日举行的 Vivapiano Gala 音乐会。

报名截止日期为2019年3月20日。比赛规则及参赛资料的俄文及英文版本: 2019Vivakordeon.pdf



视频:Duet Evgenia Chirkova 和 Artem Malkhasyan

Video 1: Paco composed by Gorka Hermosa
Video 2: short excerpt from concert
ChirkovaDuet Evgenia Chirkova 和 Artem Malkhasyan 在圣彼得堡艺术学院举行音乐会。 视频发布于2019年1月13日


James Crabb 在2019年新西兰国际室内音乐节 – 新西兰

James Crabb在苏格兰出生的手风琴家 James Crabb 于1月31日至2月9日在新西兰南岛纳尔逊市的纳尔逊音乐艺术中心举行的2019年国际室内乐音乐节上演出。

该音乐会名为“Swedish Fantasy (瑞典幻想)”。他的节目包括瑞典作曲家 Torbjörn Lundquist 为手风琴和弦乐四重奏创作的潇洒且有爵士风味的 ‘Bewegungen’,以及舒伯特为小提琴和钢琴而作的有着高亢的开场旋律和活泼的诙谐曲 (Scherzo) 的A大调二重奏。

James Crabb 于1995年至2010年在哥本哈根丹麦皇家音乐学院担任古典手风琴教授,并在奥地利格拉茨的音乐与戏剧艺术大学担任长期做客教授。

他现在是澳大利亚 Four Winds 音乐组织和艺术节的艺术总监。 Crabb 曾作为独奏家与许多乐团合作演出过,包括 BBC 交响乐团、BBC 苏格兰、悉尼和墨尔本交响乐团、伦敦爱乐乐团和伦敦交响乐团。


Video: Quinteto Versatilis and Fernando Ávila Perform Cynthia - Brazil

Quinteto Versatilis and Fernando Ávila performs the Frank Marocco's composition, Cynthia named after one of his daughters.

Fernando Ávila is an accordion player, composer and accordion teacher. In 2016, he graduated in the Bachelor's degree in music – Habilitation Popular Music – at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil where he is currently a student of the graduate program in music, working towards his master's degree in the area of musicology/ Ethnomusicology. He continues his accordion studies with Professor Oscar dos Reis.


Giorgio Dellarole 举办音乐会和大师班 - 瑞典

Giorgio Dellarole意大利手风琴家 Giorgio Dellarole 教授本周在瑞典海讷桑德(Härnösand)的 Härnösand Folk School 举办了一场音乐会和大师班。 该活动吸引了来自全国各地的学生,并通过演奏巴赫,斯卡拉蒂和弗雷斯科巴尔迪的作品还原了巴洛克式表演。

Giorgio 目前将前往意大利的帕尔马,举办下一周的大师班。



Douglas Ward 最新作曲现已上线 - 英国

Charnwood Publishing
Douglas Ward英国著名作曲家及演奏家 Douglas Ward 发布了两部新作品,且由 Charnwood 出版社出版。

DW952 Clown in a Pickle
DW953 Horseplay

DW950 Backstage Waltz
DW951 Conundrum

Douglas Ward 现在列出了80多种电子表单和纸谱的作品和编曲,目前这些可从 Charnwood Publishing Douglas Ward 获得。样例音乐页面已上线。可用信用卡在线购买。


Accordionist Wanted in Preston – UK

An experienced accordionist is wanted for a band in the Preston and Fylde areas. The group currently consists of a bass player and female lead singer. They both love the sound and feel of the accordion and believe it would enrich the material they want to perform. The group have also advertised for a lead guitarist too.

They play an eclectic blend of Americana/Folk/Blues and Jazz (Jazz swing & some Gypsy swing). If you are interested please email: prodigalannie@gmail.com



手风琴家 Karen Tweed 音乐会和交流会 - 英国

Karen Tweed poster
手风琴家 Karen Tweed 本月在英格兰巡回演出信息如下:
2月21日:布里斯托尔音乐会 - 电子邮件:info@newroombristol.org.uk
2月22日:剑桥民间俱乐部音乐会 - 电话:+44(0)16 38 603986
2月24日:诺里奇 Carberry 咖啡厅音乐会 - 电子邮件:earache-pulse@hotmail.co.uk
2月25日:萨里的克罗伊登民间俱乐部音乐会 - 电话:020 866 0 5919
2月27日:伍斯特 The Dragon Inn音乐会,特邀嘉宾 Monkwood Green Trio - 电子邮件:a.rothery001@gmail.com或karenstweed27@gmail.com

Karen Tweed 已经发行了7张CD,并提供私人手风琴教学课程,以及手风琴表演技巧教学,合奏编排和作曲。 她还会指导二重奏和合奏团体,以提高他们的表现和编排能力。


Zweifel Brothers Band Entertains - USA

The Zweifel Brothers Band will entertain at the Milwaukee Accordion Club meeting on February 25th at Knights of Columbus Hall in Milwaukee. Brothers Keith and Mike play a variety of polkas, foxtrots and waltzes, plus ballroom type variety music.

They have played together for 54 years, both as a band called “Stateline Playboys” who played country and rock music, before becoming the Zweifel Brothers.

For further details email: skylinerguy@gmail.com


Cobargo Folk Festival 2019 – Australia

Sharon ShannonDanielVideo: Skerryvore perform "The Rut", accordionist Daniel Gillespie.

The Cobargo Folk Festival 2019 will take place at the Cobargo Show Grounds, Bermagui Road in Cobargo, New South Wales from March 1st to 3rd.

The event promises a great line-up of artists including accordionist Sharon Shannon (picture left) from Ireland who plays a mix of traditional Irish with reggae, country, First Nation American, bluegrass, rap, dance, African and French Canadian pieces.

Twice winners of Scotland’s Traditional Music ‘Live Act of the Year’ Award (2016 & 2011) is the band “Skerryvore” with accordionist Daniel Gillespie (picture right). This group plays a unique fusion of folk, rock and Americana pieces that represents all the different personalities and upbringing of the 8 band members who come from different regions of Scotland.

Accordionist Emily-Rose Šárkova is a member of the ensemble “Chaika” (picture below) that performs uniquely original compositions and re-imaginings of traditional songs. They are influenced by a range of musical genres from contemporary jazz to the Balkans.

For further festival details email: info@cobargofolkfestival.com
Chaika ensemble


Annual Grand Variety Concert – Ireland

Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra
The Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra will hold their Grand Variety Concert 2019 in St. Peter’s Church of Ireland, Drogheda, on March 2nd 2019. This year’s concert will feature a wide variety of young talent from all over Ireland and some international guests including traditional musicians from the Dundalk Institute of Technology (Dundalk), the Chapel Street Band (Slane), contemporary and Irish traditional dancers and the Fabulous Maguire Family (from Wicklow) who have performed all over the world and were special guest performers at last year’s concert.

In addition there will be recitals from the Royal Meath Accordion Beginner and Intermediate Orchestras. The night promises to be “one not to be missed”.

For further details email Gerry Kelly: royalmeathao16@gmail.com


Sunday Lunch Tango Concert – England

Romano Viazzani EnsembleThe Romano Viazzani Ensemble will entertain at the historic Pizza Express Jazz Club in Soho, London on March 10th. The event is a lunchtime Tango performance and the ensemble will give a sneak preview of some of their new compositions to be featured on their future album “London Tango” along with some Piazzolla works and traditional tango too.

Patrons can enjoy their lunchtime pizza while listening to the ensemble which includes Romano Viazzani (accordion), Corinna Hentschel (violin), Yaron Stavi (double bass), Jonathan Preiss (electric guitar), John Bailey (piano) and vocalists Joanna Strand & Jacqui Tate.

For further details phone: 020 7439 4962


CNIMA 交流会 - 法国

CNIMA logo
Jacques MornetChristina RossiNathalie Boucheix 策划的 CNIMA 将于4月15日至19日举办两场交流会:第一场是 Jacques Mornet 的“The melody (secrets of interpretation)”(左图),它将介绍如何赋予音符生命力,并要确保音乐论述表现出对白,激发情感,并给演绎者和听众带来欢乐。

第二个交流会是 Christine Rossi 的“手风琴音乐会”(图片右侧),为了考试、比赛或只是为了好玩,你有准备室内乐作品吗? Christine Rossi 被认为是古典和当代手风琴的重要表演者之一,同时也是一位杰出的教师。




Frédéric Deschamps International Masterclass at NAO Championships – UK

NAO header
Fred Deschamps posterRenowned French teacher Frédéric Deschamps will give an International masterclass at the National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) UK accordion championships which will be held at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool from April 26th to 28th, 2019.

You can download from the NAO site the:
Adelphi Hotel Booking Form
Online UK Championship Entry Form
Online UK Championship International Entry Form

This year’s festival will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Organisation. The website also has some of the NAO's history, from the first Accordion Day in 1935, the formation of the NAO in 1949, the hosting of 5 CIA Coupe Mondiale World Competitions ……

Part of the competitions will feature the CIA Qualifications for the forthcoming 72nd Coupe Mondiale to be held in Shenzhen, China.

For further details email: naouk@btinternet.com


1st International Accordion Competition in Montceau-les-Mines – France

Montceau-les-Mines graphicThe 1st International Accordion Competition Montceau-les-Mines will be held from 11th to 14th July at the Montceau-les-Mines Town Hall in the city of Montceau-les-Mines.

The competition is open to all age groups and all accordion systems (button and piano). Categories include classical soloist, contemporary soloist, pop music soloist plus accordion groups and accordion with other instruments. There will also be a special category “City of Montceau-Les-Mines Prize” for competitors who have achieved a high level of performance and musical excellence. The winner in each category will receive a trophy plus a monetary prize.

There is no charge for the public to attend the competition performances.

Registrations close on May 30th, 2019. Competition Rules and Entry form at: 2019Montceau.pdf

For further details email: ecoledemusique@montceaulesmines.fr


International Summer Course and Accordion Orchestra Course - Switzerland

Agora header
Marie-Andrée JoergerVincent LhermetThe Agora association, founded by Marie-Andrée Joerger, Vincent Lhermet and Sylvain Tissot aims at promoting the accordion and helping young accordionists to deepen their instrumental, musical and language skills by meeting international teachers and artists of the highest level.

The organisation runs masterclasses, concerts, seminars and other pedagogical projects throughout each year for accordionists of all ages and all abilities. The languages of instruction are English, French and German.

This year’s courses include an International Summer Course and International Accordion Orchestra Course. Both will be held from August 5th to 9th at the Gartenhaus beim Hotel Hari, in Adelboden (CH).

The courses will include individual tuition, group tuition, specialised movements and leisure activities, with a final concert on August 9th which will include guest performers.

Tutors include accordion professors Marie-Andrée Joerger (picture left) and Vincent Lhermet (picture right), Bjarke Mogensen, Céline Rivoal and Sylvain Tissot,

The deadline for applications is May 30th, 2019.

For further information email: rencontres.agora@gmail.com



Site Updated: 2019 Coupe Mondiale Entry System Goes Live, Shenzhen - China

Coupe Mondiale 2019 header
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo MattilaSite Updated: CIA Secretary General Kimmo Mattila announces that the 2019 Coupe Mondiale online entry system is now open for entries to the 72nd Coupe Mondiale from the 2019 General Competition Rules page: 2019CM-Rules

CIA President Mirco Patarini invites all (41) CIA members to register delegates to the 142nd International Congress of Delegates which meets twice in Shenzhen.

President Patarini invites competitors from all nations to please lodge their entries and praised the generous China/Shenzhen Government sponsorship which has afforded the opportunity to award 50 contestant subsidies towards airfare and free room and board. Subsidy applications must be received by 20 May 2019 so make your application today!!

The 72nd Coupe Mondiale will be held from 12-17 August, 2019 in Shenzhen, China hosted by The Accordion Association of Chinese Musicians' Association (CAA). President Li Cong and his Organising Committee (picture below) welcomes everyone to enjoy famous Chinese hospitality and wonderful music in the modern Xixiang Music Valley facility in Shenzhen.

The festival will feature competitions as follows:
• 71st Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Junior International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Chamber Music - Classical
• Chamber Music - World Music

Entry closing date is 30th June 2019 and all entry and hotel information is online at: Coupe Mondiale
2019 Shenzhen China Organising Committee


New Compositions by Franco Cambareri - Australia

Spicy Salsa musicFrank CambareriThree new compositions by Franco Cambareri of Australia have been released.

cfranco238 - A Bumbling Bee
cfranco239 - Spicy Salsa
cfranco240 - Blu Dolphin

View sample page online, pdf format music sent to purchaser by email.


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