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Weekly News from Around the World - 12-Jun-2009
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Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival 2009 - Finlande
STAR WAYS 2009, Kragujevac - Serbie
Fabricant d’ accordéon honoré, London - UK
AATA Australian International Accordion Championships - Australie

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mika Vayrynen performs at the 20th Annual Sibelius Festival - Finland
Wigmore Award Concert 2009, RAM, London – UK
Accordion Orchester Klingenthal in Castelfidardo – Italy
Frédéric Deschamps Master Class at the Prague Conservatory - Czech

Future events

Marco Lo Russo‏ Concerts, Rome – Italy
‘Suono Italia’, Budapest – Hungary
Gorka Hermosa’s Diary Dates – Macedonia, Spain
‘The Best Nicht Oot in the Glen’, Scotland – UK
Miguel Afonso Performances – Canary Islands
Accordion Seminar in Castelfidardo, Ancona – Italy
Gençay Accordion Festival, Vienne - France

New and Updated Sites

Scandalli Accordions New Website Now Online
Franco Cambareri 3 new works
Gary Dahl update 1 new work
Karthause Schmülling New Book-and-Sound Editions
Online Entries For 2009 Coupe Mondiale - New Zealand
AATA Australian International Championships Daily Reports
NZAA Site Updated - New Zealand

CD Reviews


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Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival 2009 - Finlande

5th Primus Ikaalinen competitorsLe Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival a lieu du 23e au 28 Juillet. Un des points saillants de la Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival 2009 est le 5ème Ikaalinen Primus International Accordion Competition.

C'est organisé par le Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival et à la municipalité de Ikaalinen en collaboration avec la direction de l'Association finlandaise Accordéon, la CIA et de la Finlande de la chaîne de télévision nationale TV2, le Juin 26.

Le Festival Sata-Häme Accordéon Soi est reconnu internationalement comme un événement d'accordéon superbement organisée, les organisateurs principaux étant:
Kimmo Mattila - Directeur musical,
Sirpa Sippola - Directeur du Festival et de
Minna Plihtari - Responsable Presse.

Le Comité de la concurrence a sélectionné 7 concurrents qui effectuera deux virtuoses de divertissement de style morceaux de 3-4 minutes dans le temps convenable pour un concert public de divertissement, de préférence une pièce folklorique de leur pays natal.

Le candidat s'acquitteront de leurs morceaux accompagné par un professionnel de la bande et la concurrence sera diffusé en direct sur la Finlande, la chaîne de télévision nationale TV2.

Les concurrents pour 2009 sont les suivants:
Aleksandr Kolovski - Macédoine
Irina Grigorjeva - Russie
Grayson Masefield - Nouvelle-Zélande
Benoit Nortier - France
Petar Maric - Serbie
Zoe Tiganouria - Grèce
Matteo Marinelli - Italie
Le vainqueur de la Golden Accordéon 2009 - Finlande

Le jury pour 2009 est de:
Renzo Ruggieri, Italie
Frank Marocco, Etats-Unis
Kevin Friedrich, la Nouvelle-Zélande
Jörgen Sundeqvist, Suède
Frédéric Deschamps, France
Mika Väyrynen, de la Finlande

Un autre concours télévisé The Golden Accordéon sur 24ème Juin 2009 qui est le championnat finlandais de divertissement accordéon. Chaque année, depuis le premier concours en 1983, The Golden Accordion a été retransmis en direct à la télévision. Le gagnant de la compétition représentera la Finlande dans le Primus Ikaalinen concurrence.

L'argent est sur la concurrence Accordéon Juin 24. Le concours est organisé à côté du Golden Accordéon concurrence, et qui vise à juniors jusqu'à 10 ans d'âge.

L'atmosphère est détendue et encourageant pour les jeunes musiciens. Le concours a lieu depuis 1986, et est diffusé en direct à la télévision. Une caractéristique unique de ce concours est que le gagnant est décidé par le vote par téléphone.


STAR WAYS 2009, Kragujevac - Serbie

One competitor and Igor Ivkovic
Jury Viatcheslav Semionov and Roman Jbanov and the winnersLe 6e Concours international pour jeunes accordéonistes, STAR MANIERES 2009, a eu lieu récemment à Kragujevac, en Serbie. Plus de 80 participants en provenance de Grèce, Bulgarie, Macédoine, Montenego, la Croatie, la Slovénie, et de nombreuses villes de Serbie ont pris part en 5 catégories pour accordéon solistes.

Le concours et des concerts ont eu lieu à l'Hôtel Sumarice Gymnasium et le Concert Hall de Kragujevac.

Le jury comprenait Viatcheslav Semionov - Russie, Domi Emorine - France, Roman Jbanov - Russie / France, Danijela Gazdic Kljajic - Bosnie et Herzégovine, et Radomir Tomic et Vojin Vasovic - Serbie.

Au cours de la compétition, Aleksandar Andjelkovic - Vainqueur de la STAR WAYS 2008, et le Paris Moscou Duo, Domi Emorine et Roman Jbanov, Viatcheslav Semionov, et les gagnants de la compétition effectué 4 excellents concerts.

Les gagnants du concours ont été:
Catégorie Ia - Marko Basara, Serbie
Catégorie Ib - Nikola Terzic, Serbie
Catégorie Ic - Maria Dafka, Grecee
Catégorie Ia - Marija Desislava Dimitrova, Bulgarie
Catégorie IIb - Stefan Todorovic, de la Serbie
Catégorie IIC - Mladen Milosevic, la Serbie
Catégorie III - Igor Ivkovic, Serbie
Catégorie IIIb - Aleksandar Jovancic, de la Serbie
Catégorie IIIc - Aleksandar Nikolic, Serbie
Catégorie IV - Bojan Cubra, de la Serbie
Catégorie V - Milos Katanic, Serbie

Le concours était parrainé par le fabricant accordéon Pigini, de l'Italie, et la Banka Komercijalna, de Beograd.

STARWAYS La prochaine compétition aura lieu au cours de la dernière semaine de Mars 2010, avec deux nouvelles catégories - pour les ensembles de musique de chambre et des orchestres d'accordéon. Toutes les informations sur les règles et tous les autres détails au sujet de la concurrence sera disponible à partir de Septembre 2009 sur le site de Music Center Ad Libitum - Kragujevac.


Fabricant d’ accordéon honoré, London - UK

Massimo PiginiLe London Royal Academy of Music de sa distribution des honneurs en 2009 au début de personnes dans la profession de la musique, a reçu un honoraire de l'Académie Royale de Musique (ARAM Hon.) de Massimo Pigini, Directeur de l'Accordéon Pigini Accordions Factory. Lors de la cérémonie du 13 Mai 2009, ce qui a été présidée par Lord Burns, président de l'administration, la citation inclus: --

"Massimo Pigini est président de l'Accordéon Pigini Accordions Factory à Castelfidardo, en Italie. Il a, par le biais de sa collaboration avec le leader mondial des professeurs et des solistes, a joué un rôle essentiel dans l'instrument de développement universitaire au cours des 30 dernières années.

La recherche va de pair avec les travaux en cours dans les conservatoires de musique du monde entier et sur la plate-forme de concert. Le nouveau "Mythos" concert d'accordéon, est un témoignage de la qualité de PIGINI de maîtres-artisans.

L'Académie aura l'honneur de posséder "Mythos" numéro 30 en Septembre 2009. Seuls 33 seront faits et de la demande de l'un est très élevé. Comme l'un des premiers centres d'enseignement de l'accordéon dans le monde, l'Académie a eu la chance d'avoir un ami comme Massimo Pigini.".

Après la cérémonie, les membres de la classe d'accordéon joué un solo de Massimo et son épouse Silvia, qui a été très appréciée et témoigne de la très haut niveau atteint. Elle a été suivie par un dîner dans un restaurant local, avec les principaux clients et Massimo Silvia Pigini.


AATA Australian International Accordion Championships - Australie

AATA bannerRapports quotidiens de la AATA Australian International Accordion Championships y compris les photos et les résultats complets sont en ligne.
report_2009_june_6th et report_2009_june_7th.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mika Vayrynen performs at the 20th Annual Sibelius Festival - Finland

Mika VayrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen performed on four concerts at the recent Loviisa Sibelius Festival. The 20th anniversary of this annual event, the opening concert on June 3rd was broadcast live on national radio, with a recording of the broadcast available until July 3rd. Mika0609yle

At this concert, Mika performed the World Premiere of Jouni Kaipainen´s ‘Placido Op.68’, for solo accordion, with the work receiving many positive reviews.

On June 4th, Mika performed works by Bernhard Molique with world renowned pianist Alexander Melnikow. On June 5th Mika switched to bandoneon perform Tango with Norwegian musicians including Atle Sponberg (violin) and Knut Erik Sundqvist (Double Bass), a concert which drew excited response from the audience. For the final concert on June 6th, Mika performed movements of Leos Janacek´s Suite ‘On an Over-Grown Path’.

Currently Mika is recording his upcoming CD in Ikaalinen, followed by a studio recording of Kaipainen’s new work at the NBC Studios back in Helsinki.


Wigmore Award Concert 2009, RAM, London – UK

Ksenija SidorovaThe Wigmore Award Concert, May 18th 2009, supported by Friends of the Royal Academy of Music, which accordionist Ksenija Sidorova shared with two other young artists, soprano Angela Bic and pianist Stefan Ciric, proved to be a brilliant display of young musical talent.

Ksenija began her part of the programme by playing the Overture from J S Bach’s ‘Overture and Partita in French style (BWV831)’. This concerto-like work with its lengthy fast bravura passages following its Grave/Maestoso opening, was faultlessly performed and demonstrated mastery of a difficult work. With the audience warmed to her, Ksenija then played Arne Nordheim’s ‘Flashing’ (1986).

Contemporary composers’ experimentation with some of special musical possibilities of the accordion do not always prove popular with audiences. On this occasion Ksenija Sidorova succeeded in making the audience listen to this work, with its long crescendos and diminuendos on held notes, with rapt attention in the renowned acoustics of the Wigmore Hall.

The work is adapted by the composer as a solo from the cadenza of his accordion concerto, ‘Spur’, and is a piece that could not be played on any other instrument but an accordion. It was received at the end with great enthusiasm.

As her final contribution to the programme Ksenija played Alfred Schnittke’s ‘Revis Fairy Tale Suite’, adapted from the composer’s one act ballet ‘Sketches’. Some of the pieces in this suite are in the composer’s so-called ‘polystylistic’ manner and make playful use of well-known tunes of Haydn, Mozart and Tchaikovsky.

Transcription of this work for accordion also makes full use of the accordion’s unique features – huge coupling and interval range, bellow shakes, bent notes to produce humour, crescendo/diminuendo with held notes etc. It earned a roar of approval at the finish.

The other artistes in this concert also demonstrated huge talent. Stefan Ciric played Chopin’s ‘Scherzo No3 in C sharp minor’ and Ravel’s ‘La Valse’ with enormous pianistic bravura, and Angela Bic soprano (accompanied by Robin Davis) gave a splendidly accomplished performance of Brahms’ ‘Lutheran Bible settings Op 121’.

From the accordionist’s viewpoint it was wonderful to hear an accordion artiste who could match such outstanding talent in London’s Wigmore Hall, a venue sometimes described as one of the world’s ‘museums of music.’


Accordion Orchester Klingenthal in Castelfidardo – Italy

The Accordion Orchester Klingenthal, together with an official delegation of their city hall, came to visit their partnership town Castelfidardo. 4 days full with events and exciting touring was on their program, which took them to visit the archaeological museum in Ancona, which is the biggest in the centre of Italy.

The famous caves of Frasassi, the holy Basilica of Loreto, and of course of great interest to all members of the orchestra, was the visit in the Castelfidardo Accordion Museum. Another highlight during their stay was a live TV-appearance during the RAI 3 news edition on Saturday at 2pm. Wonderful weather for the first days, with plenty of sunbathing and 2 evening concerts made their journey to Italy complete.

The concert evening in the Astra Theater was a great pleasure for all participants. A vidoclip made by Beniamino Bugiolacchi (city hall/culture curator) and Aldo Belmonti (President of the local Pro Loco) showed the story from the beginning of the partnership between the towns Klingenthal and Castelfidardo, with many moments of the ceremony and the most important features of the German city. On Sunday evening a concert took place in Loreto.

Photos show -
The Orchestra with Gerhard Plesch on the mouth harmonica and Karl L ipsius performing on the keyboard /top image
The Orchestgra getting ready for the live-TV appearance on RAI3
Speeches made by Mirco Soprani, the Mayor of Castelfidardo (Image below)and Manfred Gàbler (image middle/left), Vice Mayor of Klingenthal, on stage with Holda and Beniamino Bugiolacchi, who presented the evening.
Orchestra Director Karl L ipsius presenting an homage to the Accordion Museum www.accordions.com/museum.htm" target="_blank">www.accordions.com/museum (Mr. Vincenzo Canali) (image middle/right)

(All photos by: Photo Nisi)


Frédéric Deschamps Master Class at the Prague Conservatory - Czech

On June 6, as part of his Master Class World Tour, Frédéric Deschamps was a guest of the Prague Conservatory. For 2 hours, he revealed to about 100 accordion teachers from across the Czech Republic and guests for the occasion, the result of his 15 years of educational research concerning accordion tuition and performance.

Frédéric Deschamps rarely moves without some of his best students, in order to make known and to contribute to the beginnings of their concert careers. Thus, Jérome Richard, Phil Bouvier, Cyril Blanchard, Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales and many others have taken their first steps on the international scene.

This time, Frédéric Deschamps had chosen to bring in his luggage, the New Zealander Grayson Masefield, a student in his class for 3 years, winner of the Trophée Mondial Variety and Category “D – Classical” Castelfidardo 2008, 2nd prize at Klingenthal and Spoletto 2009, and winner of the Piano Accordion category in Spoletto 2009.

The teachers and students attending the concert all quickly stood up to give Grayson Masefield a standing ovation at the end, and were asking for more. Program: Mozart Scarlatti, Semionov, Angelis, but also the variety played on his Fun Flash Piano Hohner with arrangements by Jérome Richard, Richard Galliano, Claude Thomain, André Astier, etc..

The next series of Master Classes by Frédéric Deschamps will be held in China in Beijing and Tianjin from 1 to 9 July. Guest artists will once again be Grayson Masefield who deserves so much, and also Petar Maric, 1st prize at 2009 Klingenthal Variety and 2009 Spoleto Variety and Classical.

Photo 1 - Grayson Masefiled and Ladislav Horak, Professor at the Conservatory of Prague and Organizer of the Master Class.

Photo 2 - Master Class Frederic Deschamps.
For followers of the teaching sequence, you can recognize the position of chair involving the right arm forward and the belt around the thighs so as not to impair the opening of the bellows.


Future events

Marco Lo Russo‏ Concerts, Rome – Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo? performs as follows during June:

June 15th, 11.30am - Press Conference for the 45th Pontino Music Festival, Palazzo Caetani, Via delle Botteghe Oscure, Rome
June 17th, 9pm – with Simone Di Pasquale, Daniela Ayala and a company of dancers from Lia Ruscica, at the Teatro Ambra Jovinelli, Rome
June 23rd, 6pm – Piano di Montoro inferiore, Avellino

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


‘Suono Italia’, Budapest – Hungary

From June16th to18th, the ICE (Italian Institute for commercial affairs) organises in the Zenetörténeti Múzeum, 1014 Budapest, an ‘Italian Festival’, with the Title ‘Suono Italia’.

The program includes concerts which range from classical to jazz, featuring harps, guitars, saxophones, wind instruments, violin, piano, percussion, contrabasse to accordion, the latter involving stage appearances by Italian artiste Mirco Patarini.

For further information email: budapest@ice.it


Gorka Hermosa’s Diary Dates – Macedonia, Spain

Gorka HermosaSpanish accordionist Gorka Hermosa in the next month appears as follows:

June 18th to 21st - Jury member at the International Contest ‘Ohrid Pearls’, Macedonia

June 25th, 26th and 27th – concerts with the singer María Berasarte in FNAC Donostia, Irun and FNAC Bilbao, Spain, respectively.

July 8th - concert with the clavecinista Silvia Márquez in the Festival of Music and Dance, Granada, performing works by Bach, Scarlatti, Falla, Piazzolla, Remiro, Tiensuu, and Prin.

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


‘The Best Nicht Oot in the Glen’, Scotland – UK

Jim Mackay Dance Band
Jordan the PiperA weekly variety concert featuring the best in Scottish entertainment takes place every on Tuesday during July and August, 8.30pm, at the Theatre, Aviemore. The artistes performing include 11 year old champion Jordan the Piper, the Claire Bryce Dancers, and the Jim Mackay Dance Band – featuring three generations of accordionists. The show’s compére is well known accordion entertainer Graeme Mackay.

On Tuesday June 23rd, 8.30pm, there will be a free preview night of the show.

For further information email: graeme@mackaymusic.co.uk


Miguel Afonso Performances – Canary Islands

Accordionist Miguel Afonso performs at venues on the Canary Islands as follows:

June 26th - La Atalaya (The Watchtower)
27th - Santa Brígida
29th - Festival Folk Canarias, Moya and the Valle de Agaete

Miguel Afonso, a great enthusiast for the songs and tunes of the Canary Islands, performs popular and traditional music. His band includes Diego Martin - flute/ soprano sax /percussion, Ernesto Rössger - guitar, Mel Rodriguez – percussion, Oscar Afonso - percussion/vocals, Manolo Peñate – electric guitar/vocals, plus singers and dancers.

For further information email: info@miguelafonso.net


Accordion Seminar in Castelfidardo, Ancona – Italy

Alessandro MugnozAn Accordion Seminar is to take place in Castelfidardo, from July 3rd to 5th, featuring conferences, lectures, demonstrations and tuition. The event involves active contributions from Sergio Scappini, Alessandro Mugnoz, Gervasio Marcosignori, Francesco Visentin, and Eugenia Cherkasova.

For further information email: info@nuovocdmi.it


Gençay Accordion Festival, Vienne - France

The 14th Gençay Accordion Festival takes place in Gençay, Montmorillon, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, on Sunday July 26th, from 2pm onwards. Accordionists performing include RenéGrolier and his Orchestra, Madeline Alanic, Denis Salesse, Pascal Michaud, Chantal Soulu, Pascal Loubersac, Benoit Nortier, Pascal Terrible, Fabien Veyriras, and Sébastien Farge.


New and Updated Sites

Scandalli Accordions New Website Now Online

The new, updated Scandalli website is now online. The site has been extensively revised and has many new features.

As well as the usual product information, visitors will be able to see and hear performances by Scandalli artists and soon many of the register tones (sounds) of individual accordions also.

The news section will be regularly updated with both past and future event information as well as new product launches. Visitors can also subscribe to the to the mailing list which will provide all this news on a timely basis.


Franco Cambareri 3 new works

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 3 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Ciccio’s Tarantella, catalog:cfranco95', 'Mexican Rock, catalog:cfranco96' and 'Sambalero, catalog:cfranco97'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl update 1 new work

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, update 1 new works for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Just Because Polka, catalog:DH0037'. Samples of these music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Karthause Schmülling New Book-and-Sound Editions

Karthause Schmülling New Book-and-Sound Editions selling a new Book about Frank Marocco and 3 CD's by Frank Marocco. Sound samples online. Purchase online.


Online Entries For 2009 Coupe Mondiale - New Zealand

The Site for the 2009 Coupe Mondiale in New Zealand, 25-30 August has been updated. Online entries available, registration special price closes 30th June 2009.


AATA Australian International Championships Daily Reports

AATA Australian International Championships Daily Reports are online from the event held 6th and 7th June 2009.


NZAA Site Updated - New Zealand

The New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) website has been updated with Daily Reports of its recent South Pacific Accordion Championships and information about a social event on 20th June 2009.


CD Reviews


Claudio Jacomucci CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Wonderlands” by Claudio Jacomucci


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