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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 12-Apr-2019
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环球手风琴 (Accordions Worldwide) 祝您复活节快乐
报告:法兰克福 Musikmesse 2019年在线 - 德国
Mathias Rugsveen 在挪威 Nordstrand 音乐比赛中获得一等奖
2019年 Val Tidone 国际音乐大赛截止日期-意大利
Grayson Masefield,阿拉巴马州手风琴家协会免费音乐会 - 美国


维尔纽斯国际手风琴比赛结果 - 立陶宛
报道:“Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们” 第12届午后音乐庆典已在线上发布 - 新西兰
南美手风琴节 - 阿根廷
Special Outreach Project at “A World of Accordions Museum” - USA
New CD by The Freemonts “The Failure Cabaret”


Tango Project “Milonga De Cuatro” Concert – New Zealand
French Night with Café Accordion Orchestra - USA
Stockport Accordion Club Concert – UK
Fairbridge Festival – Australia
Accordion Orchestra Spring Concert – Austria
41st Annual Squeezebox Jamboree – USA
Irish Music Band Concert - UK


Friedrich Lips新CD发布--俄罗斯、奥地利
New Compositions by Franco Cambareri - Australia

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环球手风琴 (Accordions Worldwide) 祝您复活节快乐

Happy Easter


报告:法兰克福 Musikmesse 2019年在线 - 德国

Musikmesse building
法兰克福 Musikmesse 2019的完整照片和视频目前已可上网查看:Frankfurt2019 图库链接

上方视频:Matthias Matzke(德国)展示 Bugari-Evo 表演 “All is hell that ends well”(距离地狱仅两步)。

Beltuna Accordions S.r.l.
Bugari ArmandoBugari Evo
Cagnoni Srl
Dino Baffetti di Baffetti G. & C. snc
Dallape (访问)
Harmonikas s.r.o.
Italcinte (访问)
Mengascini (访问) mengascini@tiscalinet.it
MusicTech di Sabbatini Claudio & C. snc
Orla Srl
Pasco Italia Srl E Soprani Moreschi
Pigini Srl
Scandalli Accordions Srl
Zero Sette


Mathias Rugsveen 在挪威 Nordstrand 音乐比赛中获得一等奖

Nordstrand 音乐比赛是一项针对年轻人才的独奏比赛,选手包括挪威很有前途的古典音乐表演者。 上方视频中 Mathias Rugsveen 表演的曲目是 Vladislav Solotaryov 的“Rondo Capriccioso”。

手风琴家 Mathias Rugsveen 是2019年比赛的获奖者,他是 Skullerud Ungdomsskole 的一名学生,自打5岁起,他就开始学习手风琴演奏。 他也曾多次参加挪威和国外的音乐会和比赛。

2017年,他分别在车里雅宾斯克(Chelyabinsk)、顿河畔罗斯托夫(Rostov on Don)和挪威人才比赛中摘得桂冠。 别看年纪不大,在希恩(Skien),他还获得了最佳演讲奖。 2018年,他先后在顿河畔罗斯托夫市 Storefjell 的 Fjordcadenza 和 Castelfidardo 中赢得了比赛。


2019年 Val Tidone 国际音乐大赛截止日期-意大利

Val Tidone banner
Livio Bollani第22届 Val Tidone 国际音乐比赛将于6月7日至16日在 Val Tidone 举行。 该活动的艺术总监是 Livio Bollani (左图)。 今年的活动将包括六项国际音乐比赛,涉及包括手风琴在内的各种乐器、独奏和乐团演奏,表演类别也丰富多样,例如有古典和现代乐、流行乐、摇滚乐、世界乐和爵士乐等。

所要颁发的奖项将准备给古典和现代乐、“Val Tidone” 青年人才比赛、“Egidio Carella” 作曲比赛和 “Tidone Folk” - 民间音乐特别奖。

作曲家 - 2019年4月15日
表演者 - 2019年4月30日



Grayson Masefield,阿拉巴马州手风琴家协会免费音乐会 - 美国

Grayson Masefield世界级冠军 Grayson Masefield 将于2019年5月18日星期六在美国亚拉巴马州(Alabama)芒廷布鲁克(Mountain Brook)的 Brookfield Baptist 教堂举行音乐会。演出时间为在下午1点,且音乐会表演将于晚上7点重播。


Grayson Masefield 是首个赢得世界古典、Virtuoso和数字手风琴类别国际比赛的手风琴演奏家。

多年来,Grayson 受邀在多国进行演出,所到国家包括法国、西班牙、德国、英国、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、意大利、美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、立陶宛、马其顿、葡萄牙、中国、瑞士、奥地利、新西兰、澳大利亚和芬兰。

你可以从 Grayson 那里欣赏到多样的音乐,包括各种正式音乐会作品以及通俗音乐。在他的三张专辑以及 Youtube 上的130多万场演出中,你也可以听到他广泛表演的各式曲目。

他曾与几位世界顶级作曲家合作过,如 Franck Angelis (法国),Gorka Hermosa (西班牙),Petri Makkonen (芬兰) 和 Gary Daverne (新西兰),去演奏和录制新的手风琴原创作品。

欲了解更多信息,联系 Frank Caravella 请致电 256-710-4133,或发送电子邮件至:frank_j_c@yahoo.com
Grayson Masefield albums



维尔纽斯国际手风琴比赛结果 - 立陶宛

Vilnius trophys
Tarptautinis Akordeonistu Konkursas 维尔纽斯国际手风琴比赛于3月21日至23日在立陶宛维尔纽斯举行。比赛由立陶宛手风琴家协会和 Raimondas Sviackevicius (比赛艺术总监、立陶宛手风琴家协会主席和立陶宛音乐和戏剧学院手风琴部主任) 组织承办。



A组独奏第1名:Zenaida Ottich(俄罗斯)
B组独奏第1名:Eliza Mariotti(俄罗斯)
C组独奏第1名:Jonas Vozbutas(立陶宛)
D类独奏第1名:Krzysztof Polnik(波兰)
E类独奏第1名 - 没有年龄限制:Ratoi Radu(摩尔多瓦)
F1类二重奏第1名:Vasilisa&Zenaida Ottich(俄罗斯)
F2类15岁及以下 室内乐第1名:Jonas Vozbutas 和 Orinta Lukauskaite(立陶宛)
H类室内乐第1名:来自波兰的 Agata Krystek(小提琴)和 Dawid Rydz(手风琴)二重奏组

国际评委会成员包括:Stefan Hussong(德国),Geir Draugsvoll(丹麦),Matti Rantanen(芬兰),Klaudiusz Baran(波兰),Alfred Melichar(奥地利),Djordje Gajic(苏格兰),Luu Quang Minh(越南), Giuseppe Scigliano(意大利),Raimondas Sviackevicius(Lithania),Artem Nyzhnyk(俄罗斯),Zoran Rakic(塞尔维亚),Daniel Lis(波兰),Angel Marinov(保加利亚),Elzbieta Rosinska(波兰),Jiang Bolong(中国),Ewa Grabowska (波兰),Ricardas Sviackevicius(立陶宛),Maciej Frackiewicz(波兰/德国),Eduardas Gabnys(立陶宛),Jurijs Ryzovs(拉脱维亚),Wei Bijun(中国),Dariusz Baszak(波兰),Zhu Chunling(中国)和Raymond Keith (法国)。




Vivakordeon header
Milan Lazic第一届国际手风琴家大赛“Vivakordeon”于4月5日至7日在位于索非亚(Sophia)市的保加利亚音乐厅举行。

该大赛由 Daniela Dikova 与保加利亚手风琴家 Krassimir Sterev(均来自Ardenza基金会)共同创办,旨在为业余手风琴演奏家和19岁以下的手风琴演奏家提供专业指导,以鼓励所有致力于手风琴创作的人表达他们对音乐创作的热爱。

第一年龄组:Dimitar Peshev(第1名),Yoan Tashkov(第2名),Toma Dermendzhiev(第3名)
第二年龄组:Valentin Todorov(第1名),Ivan Tolstoguzov(第2名)
第三年龄组:Milan Lazic(第1名),Aleksandar Popovic(第2名),Drago Garic(第3名)

评委会成员 Krasimir Sterev、Konstantinos Raptis 和 Branco Dzinovic 将 “Vivakordeon”奖授予给 了:Milan Lazic(如图)

比赛结尾阶段,索非亚保加利亚音乐厅内举行了一场“Vivaniano”庆典音乐会,特邀艺术家 Milan Lazic 进行了表演。


报道:“Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们” 第12届午后音乐庆典已在线上发布 - 新西兰

Dargaville concert logo
Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们” 第12届午后音乐庆典(12th Anniversary Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich & Friends )的相关报道和照片已可在线上查看。该报道包括2019年3月31日综艺节目的信息,其中包括来自新西兰和澳大利亚的手风琴家和演艺人员。 该节目被称为“Music from the Stage and Screen”。

查看报道: 2019Dargaville


南美手风琴节 - 阿根廷

Fernando Avila
南美手风琴节于3月22日和23日在阿根廷圣菲省的圣豪尔赫 (São Jorge) 举行。

来自阿根廷、智利和巴西的手风琴演奏家参加了该活动,其中也包括 Fernando Ávila (如图)。Fernando 演奏了他自己的两首作品 - Tango Bolero 和 Aragana,以及 Analu a Child's Smile
(Albino Manique 作品) 和 Take Ten (Frank Marocco 作品)。


Special Outreach Project at “A World of Accordions Museum” - USA

AWAM banner
Tracey GibbensTracey Gibbens, an intrepid volunteer (pictured), has undertaken to preserve the availability of AWAM’s shellac/vinyl 78 rpm recordings by first outfitting their “Listening Lab” area with appropriate turntable equipment. Recognizing that recordings of early accordionists and their repertories are rarities and that most risk remaining unheard by larger audiences, his next step was to spend countless hours cataloging and re-recording 50+ records in CD format.

He hopes that scholars and aficionados will be inspired into further investigations through the ease of internet transmissions (as allowed by copyright regulations).

The AWAM’s lateral-cut 78s of 1912-1950s performances were purchased in the 1980s from Scandinavian-enthusiast Oscar Lindberg (Minneapolis). These offer Northern European folk music performed in authentic styles by émigrés whose sometimes-familiar names are found in music editions in their library files. These include Duchow, Erickson, Franzen, Olson, Patek, Schrammel, two Sundquists, Tollefsen, Turpeinen, Wilfahrt, and many more. Other discs offer early recordings of celebrity artists like Biviano, Carozza, the Deiros, Desiderio, Galla Rini, Magnante, Molinari, Pecon, Van Damme, Yankovic, and more.

This project is nearing completion. Listings are available upon request. The original 78s are stored in protective boxes and remain in the AWAM library.


New CD by The Freemonts “The Failure Cabaret”

The Freemonts
A new CD by The Freemonts entitled “The Failure Cabaret” will be released on April 26th along with a live cabaret that will be performed in Longmont, CO, USA on April 25th and 27th.

The duo includes Stephanie Dodd (accordion and vocals) and Justin Badger (guitar and vocals). The CD is recorded with only guitar, accordion, vocals and a tiny bit of kick drum. Every song tells a poignant story through intelligent texts that are soulful and relate to real human emotions.

The Fremonts performed at the Harrington ARTS Center for 2018 World Accordion Day. Their unique style, amenable to traditionalists as well as young moderns, received high praises from audience members as well as experts.

The album will be available on Spotify, iTunes & all other streaming services.



Tango Project “Milonga De Cuatro” Concert – New Zealand

Tango Project poster
The Tango Project “Milonga De Cuatro” will perform a concert at Lewis Eady Limited, 75 Great South Road, Remuera in Auckland on April 14th at 2pm. Group members include accordionist Lian Jones with Natalia Meyta (piano and vocals), Irina Lgotkina (violin) and Marija Durdevic (contrabass).

Argentinian Tango Nuevo is the main focus of Tango Project “Milonga De Cuatro”. The group believe this type of modern tango music will pull at the emotions and no one could stay insensitive or distant.

Their program, which was chosen so the audience can hear each musical instrument as a soloist and enjoy the beauty of its sound and colour, includes “Four Seasons of Buenos Aires”, “Libertango” , “Kicho”, “Soledad”, “Escualo”, “Triunfal”, “Yo soy Maria” (by Piazzolla) and “Por una cabeza” (Gardel). Many of the pieces were arranged especially for the group by Natalia Meyta.

For further concert information email: natmeyta@gmail.com


French Night with Café Accordion Orchestra - USA

CAODan Newton's Cafe Accordion Orchestra presents “French Night” at Vieux Carre, 408 Saint Peter St, Saint Paul, Minnesota on April 16th at 7pm.

The group is led by Dan Newton (accordion and vocals) with Eric Mohring (mandolin, violin and vocals), Erik Lillestol (bass and vocals), Robert Bell (guitar and vocals) and Joe Steinger (percussion). They play an eclectic mix of valse-musette, swing, ballads, tangos, cha chas, cumbia and more, delivered with French flare, Latin heat and Bohemian attitude.

For further details email: daddysqueeze@daddysqueeze.com


Stockport Accordion Club Concert – UK

Jean & ThereseJean Dauvin (France) and Steve Roxton (UK) are currently on a tour of England. On Wednesday April 17th, 7.30pm, they will perform in concert at the Stockport Accordion Club, Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1NF. Admission is £5, pay at the door.

Jean Dauvin is a former World and European Accordion Champion, and also happens to be both the Deputy Mayor of Avranches in Normandy and the holder of a black belt in judo. Steve Roxton spent many summer seasons entertaining holiday makers in Jersey with his music and songs. Jean Dauvin's wife Therese (pictured right) sings in the style of Edith Piaf, and usually adds some Piaf songs into the show.

Performances will also be given by The Stockport Accordion Band, the all-female quartet Accordion Spice, and soloist Helen Rich.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Fairbridge Festival – Australia

Goodtunes session
The Fairbridge Festival will be held in Fairbridge Village, South West Highway, Pinjarra, Western Australia from April 26th to 28th.

The event is an annual family-friendly celebration of folk, world and roots music in a traffic-free, self-contained, heritage-listed village and includes almost 100 acts.

Performers include quartet I Viaggiatori (The Voyagers – pictured below) is a bit of an Aussie world/folk supergroup which features accordionist David De Santi. They play a charming combination of Italian standards, original songs by Mazzella and a touching version of ‘Waltzing Matilda’.

Accordionist David De Santi will also run a “Good Tunes Session”. He has been accumulating ‘good’ tunes for over 30 years and wants to share them! Be ready for a musical tour around Australia, Italy, Quebec, Scotland, Scandinavia, Spain, France, Ireland, England and beyond! Sheet music available or use your ear to join in.

Mànran, which features accordionist Gary Innes will play at the festival opening and again throughout the event, entertaining with a combination of folk-rock, trad-rock and Celtic-rock.

“Bluegrass Slowjam” will organise and run an acoustic bluegrass slow jam, playing standard bluegrass at a friendly pace in a relaxed, inclusive environment.

For further festival information email: event@fairbridgefestival.com.au
I Viaggiatori


Accordion Orchestra Spring Concert – Austria

Spring poster
The Akkordeon Orchester Viel-Harmonie Salzburg will hold their Spring Concert on April 28th at Bachschmiede 5071 Wals, Jakob Lechner Weg 2-4 organised by Horst-Christian Tanzer.

The concert entitled “From A to Z” will include works based on the alphabet such as A - Aria (J. S. Bach) and Z - Zorba's Dance (M. Theodorakis). In addition they will play classics such as Carmen (G. Bizet) and The Thieving Magpie (G. Rossini).

For further concert information email: h.tanzer@sturmberger.at


41st Annual Squeezebox Jamboree – USA

Restaurant banner
The 41st Annual Squeezebox Jamboree will be held at Rex's Innkeeper Restaurant, 301 N Century Avenue, in Waunakee, Wisconsin on April 28th from noon to 4.30pm.

The restaurant runs regular music events and this is one polka party you don't want to miss!
Entry is free of charge and refreshments are available throughout the day.

For further details email: Master@itis.com


Irish Music Band Concert - UK

The Fureys
The Fureys accordionistIrish music band “The Fureys” will entertain at the Muni Edwardian Theatre, Albert Road, Colne in Lancashire on May 18th.

Well known for their hit songs 'I Will Love You', 'When You Were Sweet 16', 'The Green Fields of France', 'The Old Man', 'Red Rose Café' and many others, The Fureys will keep lovers of Irish music entertained all night long. Two of the band's singles have been number one hits in Ireland, and two of their albums charted in the United Kingdom.

For concert details phone: 01 282 661 234



Friedrich Lips新CD发布--俄罗斯、奥地利

Quodlibet CD header
Quodlibet CD cover, Friedrich Lips曲目:

1. Mikhail Bronner (*1952) "Katuv“ for bayan, piano and symphony orchestra 37:18 with Symphony Orchestra of the Gnesin Academy RAM conducted by Andrey Lebedev.

2. Suite (1951) Alexander Kholminov (1925-2015) Song 3:44
3. Scherzo 2:49
4. Nocturne 3:37
5. Final

6. Efrem Podgaits (*1949) Odessa-Quodlibet (dedicated to Friedrich Lips) 6:40
Friedrich Lips


New Compositions by Franco Cambareri - Australia

Music sampleFranco CambareriThree new compositions by Franco Cambareri of Australia have been released.

cfranco241 - Fantasia Lunatica
cfranco242 - Nostalgic Moments
cfranco243 - Triste Autunno

View sample page online, pdf format music sent to purchaser by email.


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