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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 19-Apr-2019
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环球手风琴(Accordions Worldwide)祝大家复活节快乐
卡斯特尔菲达多的 Hotel Parco 宣布成为手风琴主题酒店 - 意大利
与交响乐团合作的国际手风琴主要演出周 - 意大利
报道:第十三届国际手风琴大赛“Ascoltate 2019” - 立陶宛
令人惊艳的2019年上海之春国际手风琴艺术节 - 中国
视频:2019年上海之春国际手风琴艺术节 - 中国


Concert in Memory of Professor the Ural State Mussorgsky Conservatoire Yuri Petrovich Klyukin - Yekaterinburg
PIF 2019 - 绘制你的手风琴 - 意大利
Closing dates for 2019 Australian International Accordion Championships – Australia
Canadian Band Concerts – UK


Zydeco Crawfish Festival - USA
Easter Accordion Concert – Malta
Brandon McPhee Concerts - UK
Wanting to Meet Accordionists in Nairobi - Kenya
Los Angeles Accordionaires Pops Orchestra Concert - USA
Accordion Recital - Mexico
2019 Annual Chester Folk Festival – UK

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环球手风琴(Accordions Worldwide)祝大家复活节快乐

Happy Easter


卡斯特尔菲达多的 Hotel Parco 宣布成为手风琴主题酒店 - 意大利

Hotel Parco
4月13日星期六,在卡斯特尔菲达多 (Castelfidardo) 的 Hotel Parco 举行了一场前所未有的精彩活动,过去几年里,许多到过卡斯特尔菲达多 (Castelfidardo) 的手风琴家和粉丝们都不止一次在这里住过。

酒店总监 Milly Cianforlini 和 Laura Davezza 决定将他们的酒店献给手风琴,并邀请手风琴制作家/制造商来参加名为“欢迎”的午后活动。音乐将由手风琴乐队 (来自马尔凯的 Tonino) 和 Paolo Soprani 音乐学校的孩子们提供。

卡斯特尔菲达多 (Castelfidardo) 的牧师“Don Bruno”出席并为该活动和这个新奇的想法献上了祝词。出席活动的还有 Roberto Ascan (市长),Ruben Cittadini (Castelfidardo 文化委员) 和 Moreno Pieroni (马尔凯文化委员) 以及参与该活动的手风琴工厂代表 AlessandriniBaffettiBeltunaBinciBugariExcelsiorFisitaliaFismenGalassiGiustozziItalcinteMoreschiMusicTechOttavianelliPaolo SopraniPasco ItaliaPiginiScandalli 和 Zero Sette。

历史学家 Beniamino Bugiolacchi 就卡斯特尔菲达多 (Castelfidardo) 的手风琴历史发表了有趣的演讲,他一如既往地热衷于让观众参与到其中。 Beniamino 很喜欢讲述有关参观过这座城市的手风琴人物的一些新故事。

该活动的主要赞助商是手风琴厂商 Fisitalia




与交响乐团合作的国际手风琴主要演出周 - 意大利

Accordion Week Poster

4月16日 - 主要有由 Igor Zubin 指挥的音乐会中几位表演者的演出。
4月17日 - 主要有由 G. Sangeniti 创作的 Quadrifoglio 和由 A. Piazzolla 创作的 Adios Nonino,独奏家 Marco Gemeli,Alredo Cornacchia 担任指挥。
4月17日 - Massimo Pigini 举办了一次关于乐器构造、分类、历史和技术相关学科研究的研讨会。
4月18日 - 由 Alredo Cornacchia 指挥,由 Friedrich LipsMirco Patarini 演奏 Podgaits、 Semionov 和 Zolatariev 的音乐。


1. Bandoneon 和 Symphony Orchestra,表演 Piazzolla 音乐,Marco Gemelli(bandoneon),指挥 Filippo Arlia。

2.手风琴和交响乐团,由 Petri Makkonen ,Marco Gemelli(手风琴),指挥 Filippo Arlia 组成的“Il Mondo Nuovo”的全球首演。

Renzo Ruggieri 的“La Vita Delle Cose”,指挥 Renzo Ruggieri ,手风琴家 Marco Gemelli。


报道:第十三届国际手风琴大赛“Ascoltate 2019” - 立陶宛

Ascoltate 2019 program cover第十三届国际手风琴大赛 “Ascoltate 2019” 于2019年4月5日至7日在立陶宛考纳斯举行。查看照片和视频:2019Ascoltate


大约300名参赛者在国际评审团面前参与了这一场井然有序的活动,其中包括(节目顺序):Mirco Patarini (意大利),Kazys Stonkus (立陶宛),Vladislav Pligovka (白俄罗斯),Aleksej Kuznecov (俄罗斯),Nerius Bakula (立陶宛),Piotr Skowronski (波兰),Povilas Velikis (立陶宛),Arturs Noviks (拉脱维亚),Volodymyr Ivanets (乌克兰)。

下图:比赛总监 Mindaugas Labanauskas 和 Ascoltate 2019年艺术总监 Gražina Lukošiene。
Mindaugas Labanauskas and Gražina Lukošiene


令人惊艳的2019年上海之春国际手风琴艺术节 - 中国

Header: 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival
Promotional Clip - Daytime:

Promotional Clip - Evening:
International performers picture在线查看堪称完美的2019年4月13日和14日上海之春国际手风琴艺术节的主要内容:

2019Shanghai 包括40多个儿童组合视频和数百张图片。下周将举办“一带一路”倡议手风琴音乐会巡回演出,来自俄罗斯、塞尔维亚、立陶宛和摩尔多瓦等“一带一路”国家的知名手风琴表演者将与研讨班和教师发展论坛一同表演。



首届上海之春国际手风琴艺术节举办于2006年,且上海地区的手风琴节有着悠久的历史。您可以在以下网址阅读有关过去相关事件的信息: 2006 Shanghai | 2008 Shanghai | 2009 Shanghai | 2011 Coupe Mondiale | 2017ShanghaiConcert | 2018Shanghai
Sponsors: 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival


视频:2019年上海之春国际手风琴艺术节 - 中国

Header: 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival
Video 1:

Video 2:
Video 3:
2019年上海之春国际手风琴艺术节的更多相关视频。查看4月13日和14日的详细照片和视频请点击: 2019Shanghai





2019Shanghai 的报道囊括了40多个儿童团队的视频和数百张演出照片。



Concert in Memory of Professor the Ural State Mussorgsky Conservatoire Yuri Petrovich Klyukin - Yekaterinburg

On Thursday, April 25 at 18:00 in the small Prokofiev hall of Ural State Mussorgsky Conservatory will be held a concert in memory of Professor Yuri Petrovich Klyukin. There are playing students of the class of the National Artist of the Russian Federation Professor Viktor Romanko.

Winners of Russian and international competitions Danil Sharaviev, Timur Shafigulin, Alexander Vokhmyakov, Denis Kushnarev, Maxim Rakhmatullin take part in the concert. The program will include works by composers M. Moshkovsky, A. Shostakovich, A. Repnikova, V. Zolotarev, V. Semenov, V. Zubitsky, E. Derbenko, A. Byzova, F. Angelis and others.

Free admission


PIF 2019 - 绘制你的手风琴 - 意大利

PIF logo
2019年 PIF 音乐节的主题是“曾几何时......手风琴”。今年,除了鼓励作曲家为手风琴和管弦乐队创作作品以外,该活动还将包括一个新的项目:PIF 2019 绘制你的手风琴 (Draw your Accordion)。

PIF 2019 的理念是激发和引导新一代的人们喜欢上手风琴和簧管乐器家族。上一代人把乐器视为一种“超级”受欢迎的东西,这种感觉对于今天的年轻人来说是很难理解的。进行“绘画”竞赛的想法是近乎完美的,因为它针对的是年轻人或者说是我们的下一代。绘画的设计必须遵循节日主题,至少要包括一个手风琴的图样,来邀请候选人观赏,见面,然后记住。



最终的获奖者将获得“Castelfidardo手风琴”奖,并会被邀请参加将于2019年9月18日至22日在卡斯特尔菲达多 (Castelfidardo) 举行的“手风琴国际奖”活动。

PIF poster


Closing dates for 2019 Australian International Accordion Championships – Australia

AATA banner
Prof. Wang HongyuPrimoz ParovelThe competition closing date for entries into the 2019 Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival held at Club Marconi, Sydney, NSW is May 1st, 2019.

The event will be held on June 8th and 9th, organised by the Australian Accordion Teachers Association Inc (AATA).

This year, President Tania Lukic-Marx is thrilled to announce two masterclasses by internationally respected accordion teachers. Prof. Wang Hongyu (picture left – China) is the Artistic Director of the Harbin International Accordion Art Week (Harbin 2018) which attracts competitors and jury from many different countries.

Slovenian accordionist Primoz Parovel (picture right) is a guest adjudicator and will also give a masterclass. An international competition winner, tutor at Academy of Music in Ljubljana in Slovenia, he recently completed a recording of Scarlatti sonatas that has been released by Sony Music.

Guest performers from Poland “Modern Trio” will entertain with their world class blend of accordion with guitar and vocals. This promises to be a highlight of the AATA Gala Concert.

For further view the website at: Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA)


Canadian Band Concerts – UK

Canadian folk music group “Le Vent du Nord” (which includes Réjean Brunet on vocals and diatonic button accordion) entertained at Victoria Hall, Bradford, UK on April 12th as part of their UK tour. The group, who have been getting rave reviews, then performed at Guildhall Arts Centre in Grantham on April 13th and Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone on April 14th before returning home.

They play traditional Québécois music, as well as original numbers in this style, in French.
Le Vent Du Nord



4月4日,Akitadeon-Orchester Wesseling 在 Anita Brandtstaeter 的组织下,在韦瑟灵 (Wesseling) 举办了他们的第19届名为 “Gemeinsam musizieren mit der Quetsch“ 的乐团音乐会和研讨会。

在 Elena Taran 的指挥下,该活动以三个不同的学生乐队表演作为开始(下图)。参与的学生分别来自 Musikschule Emotio,Akkordeon-Spielkreises Niederkassel 和 Akkordeon-Orchesters Wesseling。

这些年轻的表演者演奏了 Jürgen Schmieder 的两首作品,这两首曲子最初是为手风琴独奏家而创作的,且由 Ronny Fugmann 改编为了适合管弦乐队演奏的曲目。

乐队的研讨会成员包括之前参加过的手风琴家以及从未在乐队参与演出过的一些新人。他们为手风琴乐队呈现了两种截然不同的原创作品 - “Scherzinetto in C Major”(由 Alois Breitfuß 创作)和“Madison Square Dance”(由 Johan Nijs 创作)。

观众随后欣赏了最年轻的成员 Julia Keil 的独奏表演,接着是由 Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling(由 Anita Brandtstäter 担任指挥)带来的最后一场表演,演奏曲目包括“Por una Cabeza”(Carlos Gardel 作品),“Choral and Rock Out” (Ted Huggen 作品)、“Rock‘n Roll is King” (Electric Light Orchestra 作品) ,“My Way” (Frank Sinatra 作品) 以及 Christan Bruhn 和 Willi Ostermann 的德国金曲。
Workshop orchestra



Zydeco Crawfish Festival - USA

Zydeco Poster
The 2019 Zydeco & Crawfish Festival will be held at Waterway Village, 225 E. 24th Ave in Gulf Shores, AL on April 20th, 2019. The festival promises hot, juicy, lip-smacking crawfish throughout the day while dancing to the infectious rhythms of some of the best Zydeco bands from around the South. There will be arts and crafts vendors as well as children's activities offering nonstop fun for all ages.

Zydeco groups including accordionists are Rusty Metoyer & Zydeco Krush (10am), Lil Nate and the Zydeco Big Timers (11.30am), Dwayne Dopsie & the Zydeco Hellraisers (1.15pm), Chubby Carrier (2.45pm) and Step Rideau (4.30pm).

Admission is free. For further details email: info@harleysports.com


Easter Accordion Concert – Malta

Malta concert poster
An Easter accordion concert will be held at the Parish Hall, Guardamangia, Tal-Pieta on April 23rd at 7pm organised by Philip Agius.

Solo performances will be given by Emanuel Rapa (Irish Jig Medley and España Cañí), Angie Spiteri Hogan (La Donna e Mobile, Canon in D and Over the Waves), Joseph Farrugia (Risveglio Valzer, Italian Suite and Rosamunde), Joseph P. Grima (Por Una Cabeza and La Mer), David Attard (La Partida and Under Paris Skies), Samuel Gatt (Marine's Hymn), Martin Despott (Maltese Medley and Zorba the Greek) and Andrew Micallef (Indifference and Scherzo).

In addition the Santa Maria Accordion Band conducted by Marthese Busuttil Cassar will entertain with a variety of pieces such as Game of Thrones, William Tell, The Sound of Silence and Libertango.

This concert is free of charge. For further information email: ntia68@go.net.mt


Brandon McPhee Concerts - UK

Brandon McPhee Poster
One of Scotland’s leading entertainers, Brandon McPhee will perform with his group “Brandon McPhee Band” at the Dunadry Hotel, 2 Islandreagh Drive, Dunadry on April 26th.

The following day (April 27th) he will give a Scottish 'n' Country Show at the Portadown Town Hall, Portadown.

Brandon has won almost every “button-box” competition in the Scottish National calendar, crowning his achievements by gaining the coveted Senior Traditional Scottish Accordion Championship the day before his 18th Birthday! He has also won the Royal National Mod Senior Gold Medalist title in 2012, 2013 &2014, and the Scottish Button Box Accordion Championship in 2012, 2013 & 2014.

He has worked with well known country music artists such as Daniel O’Donnell, Philomena Begley and Foster & Allen. He has toured all over the UK and Ireland and has a growing catalogue of both Traditional Scottish and Country Music Albums (Pan Record label).

For further concert information phone: 01955 602 646


Wanting to Meet Accordionists in Nairobi - Kenya

Harley JonesHarley Jones, Public Relations Officer for the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) is travelling to Nairobi, Kenya for a few days arriving 25th April and would like to meet with accordion teachers or professional accordionists.

Please contact by email: harleyjones.nz@yahoo.com to arrange meeting.


Los Angeles Accordionaires Pops Orchestra Concert - USA

Pops Orchestra
The Los Angeles Accordionaires Pops Orchestra will entertain at the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Fellowship Hall in Santa Barbara, California on April 28th.

Under the direction of Janet Hane (performer, teacher and conductor), the orchestra will perform a program of light-classical, Broadway, big band, and pop music. The sound is symphonic and audience members often mention they had no idea “all those accordions could sound so wonderful together”. The group consists of accordions, digital accordions, bass accordion, bass guitar, trombone, timpani and drums.

Donations are welcome at the door. The event is sponsored by: AIMS (Accordion International Society of Santa Barbara).

For further information: accordionconnect@sbcglobal.net


Accordion Recital - Mexico

José Alfonso ValadezAccordionist José Alfonso Valadez Alanis will give a recital at 8pm on May 2nd at the Museo de Historia Municipal de Allende, Calle Benito Juárez, Centro de Allende, 67350, Nuevo León in México.

His program will include pieces by Rossini, Gounod, Tchaikovsky, Offenbach and others.

Admission is free.

For further details email: joseavaladez@prodigy.net.mx


2019 Annual Chester Folk Festival – UK

Chester banner
Askew sistersThe 2019 Annual Chester Folk Festival will be held in the village of Kelsall, about 8 miles from Chester (UK) from May 24th to 27th. The event will include concerts, workshops, children’s events, dance displays, ceilidhs, sessions and a craft fair.

Performers include the Askew Sisters (Hazel and Emily – picture right) who have become known as two of the foremost performers and interpreters of English folk music. Their live performances brim with the depth and connection not only of two sisters, but also of two musicians who have been immersed in folk music all their lives. Alongside this, both women are also skilled multi-instrumentalists and players of dance music, using fiddles, melodeons, concertina and cello.

Concertina player, Steve Turner is known as a pioneer of highly sophisticated English concertina song accompaniments, stretching the boundaries of traditional forms, with one of the best voices in the business.

On the final festival day (May 27th), Andy Cutting will hold a Melodeon Workshop.

For further festival information email: info@chesterfolk.org.uk


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