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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 05-Apr-2019
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视频两则,法兰克福 Musikmese 2019 – 德国
中国作品在维也纳的欧洲首映式 - 奥地利
2019年南太平洋手风琴锦标赛和音乐节的闭幕日期 - 新西兰
第三届国际手风琴周 - 意大利
2019年 Wazemmes 手风琴节 - 法国


Friedrich Lips 大师班在埃武拉 - 葡萄牙
Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich and Friends – New Zealand
Eugene De Bellis去世 - 美国
Closing dates for 2019 Val Tidone Music Competitions – Italy
Polyphonia 乐团音乐会 - 留尼旺岛
Kosmos Trio Tours Scotland
Claudio Jacomucci 的新CD “Orpheus Ballad”


Guest Matthias Matzke at Harmonika-Club Neckarsulm e.V. Concert - Germany
CNIMA Accordion Accompaniment Workshop - France
Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble Concerts – USA
Royal Academy of Music Graduate Concerts – England
Guest Accordionists at Guildford Accordion Club - UK
Music Composition Weekend - UK
Park Slope Community Garden’s Annual Spring Festival – USA

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Musikmesse building
Beltuna Accordions S.r.l.
Bugari Armando and Bugari Evo
Cagnoni Srl
Dino Baffetti di Baffetti G. & C. snc
Dallape in visit
Harmonikas s.r.o.
Italcinte in visit
Mengascini in visit mengascini@tiscalinet.it
MusicTech di Sabbatini Claudio & C. snc
Orla Srl
Pasco Italia Srl E Soprani Moreschi
Pigini Srl
Scandalli Accordions Srl
Zero Sette



视频两则,法兰克福 Musikmese 2019 – 德国

这两则视频都来自法兰克福 Musikmese 2019 (Frankfurt Musikmesse 2019)

视频1:MusicTech 庆祝其成立15周年。Gennaro Ruffolo (意大利)和 Paolo Miles (意大利)演示 MusicTech 手风琴。

视频2:在 Musikmesse 漫步时,我碰巧遇到了著名的教师、乐队演奏家和著名的 Beltango 五重奏的领导者 Aleksandar Nikolic (塞尔维亚),所以我请他演奏了一首 Scandalli 乐队的作品,因为在这首曲子的创作过程中,他也作出了重要的贡献。

因为 Beltango 五重奏的吉他手 Bogdan Pejic 的加入,就有了这个一拍即合的二重奏组合。吉他则是从附近的一个吉他展览中借用的。快快点开视频欣赏这段表演吧!

下图:Gennaro Ruffolo (意大利)和 Paolo Miles (意大利)与他们的 MusicTech 海报合影。

法兰克福 Musikmese 2019 的相关报道将在周末后发布于线上。请记得返回此处查看包含照片和视频在内的全方位报道。Frankfurt2019
MusicTech: Gennaro Ruffolo (Italy) and Paolo Miles (Italy)


中国作品在维也纳的欧洲首映式 - 奥地利

Marija Antunovic, Bogdan Laketic, Grzegorz Stopa, Na Song


Grzegorz Stopa 教授的手风琴班演奏了当代音乐。这场音乐会的亮点无疑是中国手风琴音乐在欧洲的两场首演。

第一部首映曲由中国著名作曲家陈其钢撰写,他于2000年创作了他的“Instants d'un Opéra de Pékin Ouverture Symphonique”(京剧时刻)的最初版本。2014年,受上海交响乐团委托,该曲的交响乐版本的首演在上海交响音乐厅的拉开序幕。

通过与作曲家们的合作,该作品的最新手风琴四重奏版本(宋娜改编版)于2018年11月份在北京国家表演艺术中心(NCPA)问世,且在宋娜、Grzegorz Stopa 及其校友的共同合作下作为天津音乐学院音乐会项目的一部分天津音乐学院音乐会项目的一部分进行了首演。 Marija Antunovic、Bogdan Laketic、宋娜、Grzegorz Stopa(上图)是2019年演出的艺术家。

手风琴四重奏版本的乐谱将在不久后由巴黎出版商 Gérard Billaudot Editeur 出版。


MUK 乐团由 Roberto Secilla Quiros(下图,左图)担任指挥,手风琴家 Djordje Davidovic(右下图)是在当晚表现出众的独奏家。
Roberto Secilla Quiros and Djordje Davidovic


2019年南太平洋手风琴锦标赛和音乐节的闭幕日期 - 新西兰

NZAA Banner
Grayson Masefield, Corey PesaturoTian Jianan2019年 NZAA 南太平洋手风琴锦标赛 (South Pacific Accordion Championships) 和音乐节报名截止日期为2019年4月14日。今年的活动将于6月1日和2日在 Raye Freedman 艺术中心举行,同时 NZAA 还将在奥克兰举办“2009年 Coupe Mondiale 10周年” 庆典。

作为庆典的一部分,NZAA 邀请了2009年 Coupe Mondiale 的三位获奖者作为特邀嘉宾。他们分别是2009年 Coupe Mondiale 的获奖者、2009年 Virtuoso Entertainment 的获奖者 Grayson Masefield (新西兰);2009年 Junior Virtuoso Entertainment 的获奖者 田佳男 (Tian Jianan) (中国)和2009年电子类的获奖者 Cory Pesaturo (美国)。

同时,周末还将有一个大型的手风琴乐团合奏,所有参加 "World Accordion Orchestra III" (世界手风琴第三乐团) 的人都将被邀请再次进行演出。 Gary Daverne 正在为指挥《奥克兰的三月》(Auckland March)作准备,这是他受 2009年 Coupe Mondiale 新西兰乐团(New Zealand Orchestra)委托而创作的作品。Mandolinata Orchestra 的指挥 Bryan Holden 也将指挥一部作品。

国际组别的规则严格遵循 Coupe Mondiale 的规定。南太平洋国际音乐会音乐组别与 Coupe Mondiale Masters组别完全相同,南太平洋娱乐的组别与 Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment 组别也完全一致。

当然,少年(18岁以下)南太平洋娱乐的类别也是一样。南太平洋青少年独奏音乐会组别的规则与第一轮 Coupe Mondiale 青年组相同。

此前的事件报道尽在:South Pacific Daily Reports

2019年大赛简介(规则和条例)见:2019 NZ Prospectus

下图为举办本次活动的新西兰 Raye Freedman 艺术中心场地,拥有出色的灯光和音响效果,堪称完美。
Raye Freedman Arts Centre


第三届国际手风琴周 - 意大利

International Accordion Week Poster
第3届国际手风琴周将于4月13日至18日在意大利卡坦查若(Catanzaro)的 Teatro Politeama 举行。

该活动是由 Nocera Terinese (CZ) 的 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 高级音乐研究所推出的一项针对手风琴界的倡议。 该倡议自第一版开始,由 Nocera Terinese 音乐学院手风琴教师 Marco Gemelli 以及该项目的创建者不断完善调整。

该节日将包含知名艺术家的研讨会、大师班和音乐会,包括 Friedrich Lips ,Peter Soave,Filippo Arlia,Cesare Chiacchiaretta,Igor Zobin 和 Viatcheslav Semionov



2019年 Wazemmes 手风琴节 - 法国

Wazemmes Poster
2019年 Wazemmes 手风琴节将于5月18日至6月9日在法国里尔 Wazemmes 举行。 超过40名表演者和团体将参加由 Association Culture&Flonflons Flandres 组织的今年的第21届一年一度的节日。


Wazemmes Artistes



Friedrich Lips 大师班在埃武拉 - 葡萄牙

Lips poster
Lips Masterclass著名的 Friedrich Lips (俄罗斯)于3月25日和26日在葡萄牙埃武拉的埃武拉大学举办了一场杰出的大师班。

参加者来自葡萄牙各地:Porto、Fundão、Santarém、Abrantes、Lisbon,Alentejo 和 Algarve ,还有一些人来自意大利。

Friedrich Lips 与独奏家以及室内乐团合作。 参与者在埃武拉欣赏到了梦幻般的音乐氛围,绝好的天气和美丽的中世纪古迹。

埃武拉大学于2013年与 Gonçalo Pescada 教授一起开设了这些高级手风琴课程,并为所有学生提供了申请学士、硕士和博士学位的可能性。
Friedrich Lips Masterclass


Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich and Friends – New Zealand

Kauri duo
AASThe 12th Annual Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich and Friends took place on March, 31st with a capacity audience at the Lighthouse Function Center at the Dargaville Museum.

Featuring a variety of artists performing music from the Stage and Screen the event serves as an annual fundraiser for the Dargaville Museum.

The afternoon gave a very unusual opportunity to feature a duo of instruments made from the very precious and rare native New Zealand Kauri wood. The wood, often 40,000 years old was used to make both an accordion and a drum, which were featured in duo during the concert (picture above). The Kauri accordion was part of a joint project between New Zealand and Finland where the instruments were hand made.

The show opened with the Auckland Accordion Symphonietta conducted by Lionel Reekie and included a stunning rendition of the theme from Schindler’s List by John Williams with Maiadean Martin as Violin Soloist (picture right). A young violinist from nearby Whangarei, Maiadean has performed each year at the concert with her talented siblings.

The concert featured the donation of an accordion from the Christchurch Accordion Orchestra, made available by member Merle Kershaw (picture with Kevin below). The instrument was formally accepted by Museum President Ross Newlove and used as part of the concert. Another instrument, the magnificent ANZAC Accordion was also unveiled, with a special feature on that instrument being published near ANZAC Day.

Local Multi Media specialist Ken Cashin prepared a fascinating 'Women of Note' presentation, showcasing many women from the area who have inspired the community through their love and gift of music.

Other artists included: Martin Rhodes (Vocalist), Rivertown Singers and Take 6 (Vocalists), Adrian Humm and Brenda Polwart (Vocalists), Pippa Howes (Flute), Roslyn Gilmour (Vocalist), Nolene Osbaldiston (Pianist), Dargaville Little Theatre, Kevin Jobbitt, Joe Staltare (Accordion) and Chris Davidson, Alanah Jones (Vocalist), Starlight Duo - Lionel Reekie and Maurice Jones, Linda Emmett Litt (Drums), Barbara Adams (Narrator),and Elena Reekie.

A link to a full review of the concert will be available in next week’s publication. Meanwhile, the next Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich and Friends will be held as a Christmas Spectacular on 8th December 2019 and the 13th Annual Concert will take place on 29th March 2020.


Eugene De Bellis去世 - 美国

Eugene De Bellis手风琴家、教师和指挥家 Eugene De Bellis 于2019年3月16日逝世。他曾就读于纽约大学西顿霍尔预科学校圣露西小学,并从西顿霍尔大学毕业,获得音乐教育学士学位。Gene 是朝鲜战争的陆军老兵,1950年就担任了美国步兵乐队的指挥。




Closing dates for 2019 Val Tidone Music Competitions – Italy

Val Tidone banner
Livio BolliniThe closing dates for the 2019 Val Tidone Music Competitions are:
Composers - April 15th, 2019
Performers - April 30th, 2019

The competitions will be held from June 7th to 16th in Val Tidone. The Artistic Director is Livio Bollani (pictured right). This year’s event will include six international music competitions for a variety of instruments including the accordion, solo and group with categories such as classical and contemporary, pop, rock, world and Jazz.

Special prize categories include "Contessa Tina Orsi Anguissola Scotti" Chamber Music Prize, "Val Tidone" Young Talent Competition, "Egidio Carella" Composition Competition, and "Tidone Folk" - Special Prize for Folk Music (soloists and groups).

Download competition rules: 2019ValTidone.pdf


Polyphonia 乐团音乐会 - 留尼旺岛

Reunion poster
由 Pierre Varo 担任指挥 (Association Colemble Pour La Musique 负责人,Ecole de Musique de Saint Andre 的手风琴教授和 Orchestre Polyphonia的艺术总监) 的 Polyphonia 乐团上周在圣约瑟夫 (St Joseph) 的 l'Auditorium de l'Ecole de Musique 和圣安德烈 (Saint-André) 的 Domaine de la Vanille 为观众献上了精彩无比的音乐会。

Reunion orchestra


Kosmos Trio Tours Scotland

The Kosmos Trio is touring Scotland until April 6th. So far they have performed at Edinburgh House, Edinburgh on April 1st, Newtonmore Music Society, Newtonmore on April 2nd, at the Crafts and Things Concert Series in Glencoe, Argyll on April 3rd, and at the Isle of Eigg Chamber Music Society, Isle of Eigg on April 4th.

From April 6th to 8th, the trio will give outreach concerts on the Isle of Skye and an evening recital for Skye Chamber Music.

The trio includes classical accordionist Miloš Milivojevic who was awarded a full scholarship at the Royal Academy of Music and is the winner of many international competitions in Germany, France, Italy and Denmark.

For further concert information email: kosmos@kosmosensemble.com
Kosmos Trio


Claudio Jacomucci 的新CD “Orpheus Ballad”

CD cover
Claudio Jacomucci 最新创作的名为“Orpheus Ballad”的经典手风琴CD 刚刚由达芬奇出版社发行。

这张CD运用了古代和当代音乐的对位法,其中包括 Claudio Monteverdi、Martin Lohse、Domenico Scarlatti、Edward Elgar、Jacob Van Eyck、Stefano Scodanibbio、John Dowland、Gyorgy Ligeti、Johann Sebastian Bach 和 Claudio Jacomucci 的作品。 完整曲目列表如下图所示。

Track list



Guest Matthias Matzke at Harmonika-Club Neckarsulm e.V. Concert - Germany

Harmonika Poster
Accordionist Matthias Matzke (winner of national and international competitions) is the guest performer at the Harmonika-Club Neckarsulm e.V. concert on April 6th in Neckarsulm.

In addition to playing solo pieces, Matthias will also perform “Concerto in A minor” with the 1st Orchestra.

The Harmonica Club Neckarsulm e.V. celebrates its 60th Anniversary this Year and the concert will also feature a variety of music performances from the 1st Orchestra, the Ensemble as well as the Hobby Orchestra. Conductors are Bernd Rieger and Mariya Leminskaya.

For further details email: vorstand@harmonikaclub-neckarsulm.de


CNIMA Accordion Accompaniment Workshop - France

CNIMA logo
Aurélien NoëlVideo above: Recorded at Maxim's, Paris Ioan Streba's Duo Parisien Aurélien Noël: accordion and clarinet.

CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix have organised an Accordion Accompaniment workshop in Saint-Sauves from April 9th to 11th with tutor Aurélien Noël (picture left). The workshop is being held because they have had an increasing number of requests for accompaniment to the accordion.

Aurélien Noël will give technical tips and tricks and also work on adapted arrangements. The objective during these workshops is to identify the different possibilities that the accordion offers us by the art of listening and transcription in various styles.

For further details email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble Concerts – USA

Hudson Valley Poster
The Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble which includes accordionist Mario Tacca (Music Director) and vocalist Mary Mancini Tacca (Artistic Director & Manager) will perform their next concert at the Taormina Restaurant in Peekskill, New York on April 10th. This will be followed with further concerts at the same venue on May 16th and June 13th. These events include a 4 course dinner, so bookings are essential.

Their mission statement is to have fun and gather with friends, to make great music together, to bring the melodic and unique sounds of the accordion to people of all ages and to bring joy to others!

For further information email: manciniandtacca@gmail.com


Royal Academy of Music Graduate Concerts – England

Ben de SouzaRoyal Academy of Music graduate Ben de Souza is studying choral conducting at Cambridge this year. He is managing to continue playing concerts and study his conducting simultaneously which is very welcome to all those who want to see the accordion played across many musical genres.

His upcoming solo concerts include:

April 16th: Cambridge Accordion Club, Horningsea Village Hall, at 7:30pm.
Phone: 01 223 881 084

May 8th: Raleigh Society Recital Series, Newnham College, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge at 1.20pm. Phone: 01 223 335 700

June 9th: The Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace, East Molesey, Surrey at 1pm as part of their Sunday Lunchtime recital series. Phone: 020 3166 6515


Guest Accordionists at Guildford Accordion Club - UK

Jean & Steve Roxton
On April 19th, the Guildford Accordion Club, Ripley Village Hall, High Street Ripley will host two accordion guests.

The first is musette accordionist, music teacher, conductor and composer, Jean Dauvin (France - pictured above right). In 1963, he won the world championship in Dinant (Belgium) in the semi-professional category (Trophy and Ribbon of the European Union of accordion teachers, and also world champion in duet with Liliane Leroy).

The second guest is UK accordionist and vocalist, Steve Roxton (pictured above left). Steve plays music from around the world, with vocals in eight languages. He has performed in numerous countries world-wide including Australia, Sweden, Bermuda, America, France, Spain, Portugal, Austria and throughout the United Kingdom.

For further details email: anita.boothby@guildford-accordion-club.org.uk


Music Composition Weekend - UK

Ian LowthianIan Lowthian (pictured) will run a Music Composition Weekend on April 20th and 21st in Ettrickbridge in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders. If you have ever fancied writing a wee waltz or slow air or something a bit faster (a jig or a reel), then this weekend could be for you. All instruments welcome!

Ian is hoping for a good variety of instruments so he can discuss what works and what doesn't work on each other's instruments. He will give some instruction on how to put together a tune in different ways and participants will compose a few tunes together.

The weekend is for mixed ability and will include a small performance or even the opportunity to play for a ceilidh.

For further details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Park Slope Community Garden’s Annual Spring Festival – USA

Brooklyn Accordion Club logoThe Brooklyn Accordion Club will provide entertainment at the Park Slope Community Garden’s Annual Spring Festival on May 11th. The park is on the corner of 6th Ave and 15th Street, Brooklyn, NY.

The festival will be filled with music all day and is an open community event. Admission is free of charge.

For further details email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


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