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MP3 eTracks Album Release by Grayson Masefield

Grayson Masefield album coverFive times World Accordion Champion, 2008, 2009, 2010, Grayson Masefield has released his first album titled Grayson Masefield.

The works include both Concert music and Virtuoso Entertainment music as befits his major international competition wins.

Most tracks are only €0.70 and the 14 tracks are:
Concert Music
1. Ah vous dirai~je Maman - W.A. Mozart
2. Prophetic Dream - Viatcheslav Semionov
3. Sonata in F major - D. Scarlatti
4. Passacaglia & Fugue in C minor - J.S. Bach
5. Fragilissimo - Gorka Hermosa
6. Hommage a Paco - Franck Angelis

Virtuoso Entertainment
7. Pondichery Tango - Jérôme Richard
8. Notes Vagabondes - Claude Thomain
9. L’enfant Demon - Claude Thomain
10. Bluesette - Toots Thielemans
11. Oblivion - Astor Piazolla
12. Tico Tico - Zequinha Abreu
13. La Tempete - André Astier
14. Tango Pour Claude - Richard Galliano

The advantage of eTracks is that you can download the MP3 files to your computer or other sound device such as ipod, iphone etc. You can purchase the sound files individually or as an album for a special price. There are no postage costs or delivery charges. You are sent the download code within 24 hours.
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