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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 06-Sep-2019
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Raimo Vertainen 和 “Guardia Nueva” 夏季巡演,坐标芬兰与中国深圳
2020年 AAA 节日日期定于7月8日至12日 - 美国
Alexander Poeluev 的手风琴短片赢得世界街头电影节奖 - 俄罗斯
2019年Strumenti&Musica音乐节,2019年11月20日至24日,斯波莱托 - 意大利


Joan Sommers 和陈伟亮共同指挥世界第十一手风琴乐团 - 中国
第五届Appaloosa音乐节,弗吉尼亚州 - 美国
俄罗斯“Festival of the Axe”国际手风琴节 - 西伯利亚


手风琴在2019年波兰文化节上的表演 - 加拿大
Duo Contrastes 音乐会 - 哥伦比亚
2019 Oulun Music Festival - Finland
Concert Evening with Accordionist Heinrich Biegenzahn – Austria
Special Guest Accordionist at English Martyrs Club – UK
2019 Oktoberfest Munich – Germany
第24届 Le Grand Soufflet 音乐节 - 法国
London Tango Concert, Romano Viazzani – England
Celtic Music with “Folk Stories”, Pierre Laval Accordionist - France


Results, Daily Reports, 2019 Coupe Mondiale, Start Monday 12th August, Shenzhen - China
eSheet Music pdf Files of Four Gary Daverne Works Released - New Zealand

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Raimo Vertainen 和 “Guardia Nueva” 夏季巡演,坐标芬兰与中国深圳

Guardia Nueva
Guardia Nueva with vocalist由音乐总监 Raimo Vertainen 指挥的探戈乐团 “Guardia Nueva” 于上个月在芬兰完成了巡回演出,并在芬兰一些最大的音乐节上举行了音乐会。

他们的巡演包括在 Jyvsäkylä 艺术节、Seinäjoki 探戈节(超过3,000名观众)、Kiuruvesi音乐节(3,500名观众)以及 Lohtaja 教堂的表演,在那里他们与爵士乐和灵魂歌手 Johanna Försti 一起参与了表演。

乐团在芬兰 Jyvsäkylä 30周年庆典的表演上还邀请到了著名的芬兰艺术家和独奏家 Arja

这次巡回音乐会结束后,Raimo Vertainen 将前往中国深圳,作为 CIA 音乐委员会的成员,参加他的第一届 Coupe Mondiale 。该委员会负责选定评委会,而 Raimo 也是世界音乐合奏团评委会的主席。 类别赛的这个月的比赛是非常激烈的。
Guardia Nueva Audience


2020年 AAA 节日日期定于7月8日至12日 - 美国

AAA festival flyer 2020
Joe Ciccone and Linda Solely Reed美国手风琴协会宣布他们的2020艺术节将于2020年7月8日至12日在弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的 Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites 举行。

该节日将邀请到客座艺术家 Sam Reider、 Cory Pesaturo 和 Joey Miskulin,且包括由 Mary Tokarski 主持的音乐节乐团以及比赛、研讨会等等。

许多人还将出席终身成就奖的颁奖典礼,一起表彰 Linda Solely Reed 从1970年代直到今天为 AAA 做出的巨大贡献,其中就包括多年来担任 AAA 主席。 右图为与现 AAA 主席 Joe Ciccone 的照片。

有关2020 AAA Festival 的更多信息,请访问 AAA 网站。


Alexander Poeluev 的手风琴短片赢得世界街头电影节奖 - 俄罗斯

Film award世界街头电影节于8月23日和24日在俄罗斯的顿河畔罗斯托夫举行。活动中包括一个特别的“Rostov on the screen”,即在大屏幕上播放视频。

Leonard Cohen 的《Hallelujah》手风琴短片获得了“A New View of the Region”特别奖(右图)。除手风琴外,该视频还展示了俄罗斯的俄罗斯国家自然国家公园 “Rostovskiy” 的片段,以及教堂 Surb-Karapet 废墟(在 Nesvetai 村庄),Miasnikov 区和罗斯托夫地区。

视频中表演者: Alexander Poeluev (手风琴,编曲),Roman Kirimeev(拍摄,编辑),Dmitry Vodogretskiy(音频师),Elizaveta Poelueva(编剧,制片人)。

该短片现已参加了另一场名为“Na Blago Mira”(为了世界的利益)的比赛。本次比赛的第一轮取决于公众投票。如果视频得到足够的票数,它将被列入一个短名单中,评审团成员将观看视频并决定谁是最好的。



2019年Strumenti&Musica音乐节,2019年11月20日至24日,斯波莱托 - 意大利

2019 Strumenti&Musica Festival, Spoleto
Strumenti&Musica 音乐节是由文化协会意大利手风琴文化(IAC)和 Ars Spoletium Publisher and Recording 在斯波莱托举办的活动。

Mirco Patarini 是该节日的艺术总监,而 Michele Rossetti 则是 Spoletto 国际钢琴比赛的艺术总监。

11月22日,Samuele Telari(手风琴)和钢琴家 Lucrezia Proietti 在 Palazzo Leti Sansi 会举行一场大型国际钢琴比赛。

2019年 Strumenti&Musica 音乐节的重要部分是第三届国际作曲比赛“CittàdiSpoleto”。 每位申请人可以提交一份或多份适用于以下乐器的作品:




Joan Sommers 和陈伟亮共同指挥世界第十一手风琴乐团 - 中国

WAO poster
Video 1: Carefree! The Yi People based upon folk songs

Video 2: Triumphal March from Aida by G. Verdi

Video 3: Long live the Motherland!, composed by Liu Chi and Qin Yongcheng
2019 WAO Poster中国音乐家协会手风琴协会(CAA)于2019年8月12日至17日在中国深圳举行的第72届 Coupe Mondiale 音乐节的最后一场音乐会上迎来了第十一世界手风琴乐团。

由约120名选手组成的世界手风琴乐团由知名的中国指挥家陈伟亮和知名的第十一世界手风琴乐团的创始人和音乐总监 Joan Sommers 共同指挥。


WAO 2019


第五届Appaloosa音乐节,弗吉尼亚州 - 美国

Dan Fedoryka 是“Scythian”的手风琴手。该乐队是一支凯尔特/民谣/摇滚乐队,每个劳动节周末(今年8月30日至9月1日)他们都会在美国弗吉尼亚州的 Front Royal 举办为期3天的 Appaloosa 音乐节。

音乐节以蓝草音乐、美国音乐和凯尔特音乐中的新星为特色,并在雪兰多山谷的牧场露营地举行。 “Scythian”与第五届 Appaloosa 音乐节一起庆祝乐队成立15周年。


September 7th: Troutdale City Limits, High Meadow Farm, 90 Teaberry Lane, Troutdale, VA
September 13th: Irish 2000 Festival (Coors Light Stage), Saratoga County Fairgrounds, 162 Prospect St., Ballston Spa, NY
September 14th: Romp Air Show After Party, Bluegrass Hall of Fame Museum, Owensboro, KY
September 20th to 22nd: Bristol Rhythm & Roots (Machiavelli's Outdoor Stage), Bristol, TN
September 27th: Appalachian Brewing Company, Harrisburg, PA
September 29th: The Haunt, Ithaca, NY



俄罗斯“Festival of the Axe”国际手风琴节 - 西伯利亚

Siberia festival
Noton第15届“Festival of the Axe”木雕节最近在西西伯利亚的托木斯克市举行。 这是一年一度的活动,吸引了来自37个国家和30多个俄罗斯共和国和地区的40多万游客和参与者。

今年,该活动首次与国际手风琴节“Bayan Reunited with Friends”共同举办。

照片中(左)包括手风琴家 Frédéric Buch(左),Valeriy Semine(节日组织者和艺术总监)和Jean Louis Noton(右)。



手风琴在2019年波兰文化节上的表演 - 加拿大

Polish poster
第7届波兰文化节将于9月8日下午1点至8点在北温哥华的 Shipbuilders 广场举行。 该活动将以波兰音乐、歌唱和民间舞蹈为特色,为儿童和青少年提供特别的节目、活动和合唱等。届时会有商家出售波兰T恤和配饰、珠宝、艺术品和工艺品,以及许多美味的传统波兰食品,如香肠, perogis 和糕点。

包括手风琴家 Bob Kozak 在内的 Parno Drom 乐队将在音乐节上演奏他们的东欧罗马尼(吉普赛)风格的音乐以及来自俄罗斯、波兰、匈牙利及其他地区的歌曲。




Duo Contrastes 音乐会 - 哥伦比亚

Duo Contrastes poster
包括 Lacides Romero Meza(手风琴)和 Felipe Calla(钢琴)在内的 Duo Contrastes 将于9月12日在哥伦比亚 Usaquen 的 Corteza 餐厅举办一场音乐会。

他们的节目将包括 Piazzolla,Lecuona,Cervantes,Milhau,Romero 和 Mejia 的作品。



2019 Oulun Music Festival - Finland

Duo “Vilda” which includes accordionist Viivi Saarenkylä and indigenous Samí singer Hildá Länsman will entertain at the Oulun Music Festival (Oulun Musiikkijuhlat) in Teatterikuoppa, Revontie 45, 90830 Haukipudas, on September 14th.

The duo will perform original music from their latest album Vildaluodda - Wildprint, which is influenced by northern nature, traditional Samí joik and Finnish folk, and pop music!

For further details email: viivi@saarenkyla.fi
Vilda Duo


Concert Evening with Accordionist Heinrich Biegenzahn – Austria

Heinrich BiegenzahnA “Concert Evening” (Konzertabend) will be held on September 20th at the Klavier Galerie, Kaiserstraße 10 in Vienna.

Performers include Heinrich Biegenzahn (picture left - accordion and clarinet) with Konstancja Furch-Bargielski (guitar) and Maria Panayiotidou (piano).

Their program will include works by J.S.Bach, Rabinski, Truhlar and Saint–Saens.

For details email: hbiegen@hotmail.com


Special Guest Accordionist at English Martyrs Club – UK

Michael CoyneSinger and accordionist Michael Coyne (from the Liverpool Ceili Band), is the guest at the English Martyrs Club, Alexandra Rd South, Whalley Range, Manchester on September 28th. The club organises regular music concerts throughout the year.

Michael enjoys entertaining with a mix of Celtic, Irish, Folk and Country & Western music.

For details email: michaelcoyne@blueyonder.co.uk


2019 Oktoberfest Munich – Germany

Oktoberfest logo
The 2019 Oktoberfest Munich will be held from September 21st to October 6th in Theresienwiese, Munich, Germany.

The festival will include an opening ceremony, a variety of parades, concerts, children’s activities, fairground rides and a church service.

Over 300 musicians are expected to take part in a unique performance of famous and popular Bavarian marches and songs in front of the picturesque backdrop of the Bavaria statue. For the grand finale, thousands of colorful balloons will be released into the sky in front of the Bavaria statue, while the audience sings along to the Bavarian anthem at the top of their voices.

For details email: facebook@portalmuenchen.de
costume parade


第24届 Le Grand Soufflet 音乐节 - 法国

Le Grand Soufflet logo
Jet Black Pearl视频:Jet Black Pearl 的 'Broody' - 一首关于中年鸡的歌。

第24届 Le Grand Soufflet 国际手风琴音乐节将于10月2日至12日在 Ille-et-Vilaine(法国布列塔尼)Chartres-de-Bretagne 的 Culturel Pôle Sud 中心举行。艺术总监是 Etienne Grandjean。

The festival is now an important festival in France dedicated to the accordion. Over 15,000 people attend each year, and performances are given in 30 to 40 venues, which can host up to 500 people.

The purpose of the festival is to show the modern diversity of the accordion in a variety of styles such as electronic, punk, rock, experimental etc.

This year artists from all over the world have been invited to show different styles of music (Brazil, Canada, Argentina, Madagascar, Finland, etc) as well as young promising artists from France and other countries.

Performers include Do l'enfant Do, Duo Jonsson Coudroy, Duo Lopez & Amestoy, Hophophop Crew, Jarava, Jet Black Pearl (picture left), Johnny Montreuil, La piste a dansoire, La Yegros, Le Bal Floc'h, Les Bluecharms, Les Fouteurs de Joie, Les Reuz Bonbon (picture below), Michel & Yvette, Yoann Minkoff / Kris Nolly & Christian Tezenas, Le Merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson, le ciné-concert Nanouk L'esquimau par Christian Oller, Uutai Olena, Rachele Andrioli & Rocco Nigro, Rona Hartner & Dj Tagada, Sanseverino & Tangomotán, Santa Cruz & Jérôme Soulas, Socalled solo, Steve'n'Seagulls, Suistamon Sähkö, The Very Small Orchestra, Turfu, Two Men in Blue and Vilda.

For further details email: info@legrandsoufflet.fr


London Tango Concert, Romano Viazzani – England

Romano Viazzani EnsembleThe Romano Viazzani Ensemble will give a tango concert at Pizza Express in Holborn, London on October 13th.

Their program will include selection of Argentine tangos from the music of Astor Piazzolla as well as traditional Argentine and European Tangos.

The band includes Romano Viazzani (accordion), John Bailey (piano), Barbara Dziewiecka-Data (violin), Nick Pini (double bass), Jonathan Preiss (electric guitar), Joanna Strand (vocals) and Jacqui Tate (vocals).

For further details email: romanoviazzani@btconnect.com


Celtic Music with “Folk Stories”, Pierre Laval Accordionist - France

Folk Stories logo
Pierre LavalA newly formed band “Folk Stories” will perform their first Celtic music concert at Mr Fogg’s Reims, Place Drouet D’Erlon in Reims, France on October 12th at 8.30pm.

The group include Pierre Laval (accordion – picture right), Pierre Kolle (violin), Audrey Cogneau (vocals) and Lubin Wolf (guitar).

For further information email: reims@mrfoggs-rd.com



Results, Daily Reports, 2019 Coupe Mondiale, Start Monday 12th August, Shenzhen - China

2019 Coupe Mondiale posterConfédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) President Mirco Patarini and CIA Secretary General Kimmo Mattila announce , Daily Reports, pictures, information and videos of the contestants plus all the results are now online.

Daily Reports started Monday 12th August at: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2019/cn_coupemain.html

Video Homepage & Video Timetable at: 2019CM-Video

The 2019 Coupe Mondiale, the largest ever, delivered wonderful music and the very highest level of competitions with seven international competition categories.

A very large thank you to the organizers and sponsors listed below.
2019 Coupe Mondiale Organisers and Sponsors


eSheet Music pdf Files of Four Gary Daverne Works Released - New Zealand

Video: Tango 130 performed by Grayson Masefield

Video: 2nd Rhapsody for accordion solo and accordion orchestra, soloist Grayson Masefield, conductor Lionel Reekie.
Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary DaverneGary Daverne has released the eSheet music pdf files for Four works, videos above:

ED0072 - Tango 130 (for Stephanie) (Solo)
ED0074 - The German Polka (Solo)

ED0081a - 2nd Rhapsody for accordion solo and symphony orchestra, Score
ED0081b - 2nd Rhapsody for accordion solo and symphony orchestra, parts
ED0081c - 2nd Rhapsody for accordion solo and symphony orchestra, accordion solo part

ED0082a - 2nd Rhapsody for accordion solo and accordion orchestra, score
ED0082b - 2nd Rhapsody accordion solo and accordion orchestra, parts
ED0082c - 2nd Rhapsody accordion solo and accordion orchestra, accordion solo part

Those wishing to use these works for the 2020 Gary Daverne music competition with a prize of two airfares, free trip to New Zealand for teacher of winner and student, can email for the music free of charge to: musicforacc.com@yahoo.com

Full information about the competition at: 2020GaryDaverneCompetition


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