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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 30-Aug-2019
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Foster&Allen 十月音乐会巡回演出 - 北爱尔兰
视频:2019 Coupe Mondiale Masters 第1名,第2名、第3名,深圳 - 中国
9月8日 Carrozza 奖学金晚宴,Joey Miskulin获得 AAA 终身成就奖 - 美国
Marco Lo Russo 的近期巡演 - 韩国
美国空军弦乐音乐会系列,华盛顿特区 - 美国


视频:Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso 类别组,并列第2名 - 中国
Beltango 登台第22届国际阿根廷探戈节 - 法国
Gary Daverne 的四个作品的pdf格式乐谱公布 - 新西兰
Ibagué 音乐节大师班和音乐会 - 哥伦比亚


Dan Newton 在明尼苏达州博览会上举办了“Honky Tonk Jump”!- 美国
报名即将截止:第十二届国际手风琴作曲比赛“Francisco Escudero” - 西班牙
Free Lunchtime Concert in Trafalgar Square - England
Accordions by the Beach, Sydney - Australia
Sacred Earth Tour 2019 – UK
National Fair of Verdun - France
San Gennaro Italian Festival, New Jersey - USA
Folk Trio 在蘑菇节(Mushroom Festival)上的表演 - 立陶宛
Accordionist Ben de Souza Chamber Music Concert – UK
Mihoko Goto(日本)为AWAM举办音乐会 - 美国


网站更新:美国手风琴家协会(AAA)网站 - 美国

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Foster&Allen 十月音乐会巡回演出 - 北爱尔兰

F&A poster
CD set cover视频:Foster & Allen 在演奏他们的一首热门乐曲“Gold & Silver Days”。

广受大家喜爱的 Foster 和 Allen 两人(Mick Foster 和 Tony Allen)将于10月8日至19日在北爱尔兰进行巡回演出。 这次巡演的主题是“Timeless Memories Tour 2019”,期间两人将表演他们最新发行的10张CD专辑 “Timeless Memories”(CD套装封面左侧)的歌曲。

该组合迄今为止的专辑总销量超过1800万张。这张CD专辑收录了Foster & Allen 最受人欢迎和最喜爱的10张专辑中的182首歌曲,其中许多专辑多年来一直未在英国重新发行。 歌曲包括 'Maggie','After All Years','Reminiscing','Reflections','Remember You are Mine','Souvenirs','Memories','Heart Strings','By Request'和'Songs We Love To Sing’。


Tuesday October 8th: The Braid, Ballymena. Phone: 028 2563 5077
Wednesday October 9th: Riverside Theatre, Coleraine. Phone: 028 7012 3123
Thursday October 10th: Strule Arts Centre, Omagh. Phone: 028 8224 7831
Friday October 11th: The Culloden Hotel, Hollywood
Saturday October 12th: The Burnavon, Cookstown. Phone: 028 8676 9949
Sunday October 13th: Market Place Theatre, Armagh. Phone: 028 3752 1821
Tuesday October 15th: McNeill Theatre, Larne. Phone: 028 2826 2450
Wednesday October 16th: Millennium Forum, Derry. Phone: 028 7126 4455
Thursday October 17th: Island Hall, Lisburn. Phone: 028 9250 9254
Friday October 18th: Theatre at The Mill, Mossley Mill. Phone: 028 9034 0202
Saturday October 19th: Ardhowen, Enniskillen. Phone: 028 6632 5440



视频:2019 Coupe Mondiale Masters 第1名,第2名、第3名,深圳 - 中国

Coupe Mondiale header
1st Coupe Mondiale Masters category Radu Ratoi (Moldova)

2nd Masters Coupe Mondiale category Nikita Ukrainskiy (Russia)

3rd Masters Coupe Mondiale category Veljko Milojkovic (Serbia)

Daily Reports

Video Center

D. Scarlatti, Sonata K.519
P.Tchaikovsky/arr. Ratoi Radu Romance Op.5
S.Haapamaki, Power
C. Saint-Saens, Dance Macabre

D. Scarlatti, Sonata G Minor
M. Lohse, Menuetto
K. Olchak, Without A Title
P. Tchaikovsky, Violin Concerto In D Major, Op. 35 - 3. Final

J.-Ph. Rameau, Les Cyclopes
F. Gurbindo, Fantasia Para Acordeon
A. Kusyakov, Suite Spring Visions, Mov. I, II, III
K. Bom, Perpetuum Mobile

Radu Ratoi,2018年 Coupe Mondiale 冠军,参加了 2019年 Coupe Mondiale 大师赛,并最终以23.67分的成绩获得大师赛冠军。 排名第二的是 Nikita Ukrainskiy(俄罗斯),得分为23.10分。第3名和第4名的分数非常接近,他们分别是得分为23.03分的 Veljko Milojkovic(塞尔维亚)和为23.02分的 Jinghan Lin(中国)。

Coupe Mondiale视频档案教育项目由 ScandalliAccordions Worldwide 共同赞助。
Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli


9月8日 Carrozza 奖学金晚宴,Joey Miskulin获得 AAA 终身成就奖 - 美国

AAA header
AAA Carrozza Scholarship Dinner美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 年度 Carrozza 奖学基金晚宴将于2019年9月8日星期日中午12点至下午5点为国家艺术名人堂名人 Joey Miskulin 颁奖。晚宴地点在纽约College Point 的 NA Club 的 Famme Furlane。

“Joey” 是 Riders in the Sky 乐队的手风琴手,曾在13岁时因与波尔卡国王 Frankie Yankovic 一同表演而获得了名气,而如今将获得美国手风琴家协会于9月8日颁发的2019年终身成就奖。 Joey 将表演几首他的知名作品,以此来表达感谢。

2019年 Carmen Carrozza 纪念竞赛的获奖者是 Nathan Chapeton(公开组)和 Gia Ciccone(青年组),如下图。

加入我们,与长岛手风琴联盟的成员,Domnic Karcic、Frank Toscano、 Mario Tacca 和 Mary Mancini 以及我们的贵宾 Joey Miskulin 一起享受美食、音乐和舞蹈。

2019年 Carrozza 奖学金晚宴传单和登记表:2019CarrozzaDinner.pdf
Joey Miskulin, Nathan Chapeton and Gia Ciccone


Marco Lo Russo 的近期巡演 - 韩国

Marco Lo Russo
Marco Lo Russo 将于9月23日至28日在韩国首尔进行巡回演出。 他在音乐会上将表演他的“Made in Italy”项目的作品。所有的意大利电影音乐和他的个人曲目都由 Marco 自己编排。

在首尔中提琴青年团的伴奏下,Marco 将在每场音乐会的节目中加入献给 Pope Francis 的“Ave Maria”。

September 25th: Iksan Art Centre, Seoul - 11am to 12pm
September 26th: Mapo Art Centre, Seoul - 8pm to 10pm
September 27th: Ceramic Palace Hall, Seoul – 8pm to 10pm



美国空军弦乐音乐会系列,华盛顿特区 - 美国

Frank Busso Jnr视频:美国空军乐队演奏 Mozambique/The Lock & The Key - Charlie Barnett,由高级军士长 Frank Busso 改编并于2018年6月发布。

手风琴家 Frank Busso Jnr 与美国空军乐队将于9月6日在哥伦比亚特区西南第6大街的独立大街(Independence Ave)的国家航空航天博物馆(National Air and Space Museum)举行首场音乐会系列演出。


来吧,听听爱国主义和流行乐的最爱。 本次活动是免费的,且向公众开放。 不需要门票。

US Air Force Strings



视频:Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso 类别组,并列第2名 - 中国

Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli and Accordions Worldwide
Video 1. Kuramshin, Artur (Russian Federation) 23.78 marks 1st

Video 2. Lin, Haoyang (China) 23.68 marks 2nd =

Video 3. Gong, Ke (China) 23.68 marks 2nd =

Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso 类别组中出现了难得的选手分数并列第二的情况。请欣赏第1名和并列第2名的三位选手的表演视频。

视频档案教育项目由 ScandalliAccordions Worldwide 共同赞助。

Renzo Ruggieri Roma Tango
Vyacheslav Chernikov Nocturne
Luciano Fancelli 10 Km Al Finestrino

视频2: 曲目列表, Lin, Haoyang (中国)
Eric Bouvelle&maurice Larcange Monsieur Ferrero
Lhotellier Nuit Blanche
John Williams Schindler‘s List
Anton Arensky Basso Ostinato

视频3: Gong, Ke (中国)
M. Larcange Grain De Fantaisie
R. Galliano Tango Pour Claude
R.Ruggieri Carnaval
A. Fossen Carrousel


Beltango 登台第22届国际阿根廷探戈节 - 法国

Tarbes poster
Duo mercadente视频:由 Astang Piazzolla 创作的 Oblivion 由 Beltango Quinteto 和 Veliki Tamburaški Orkestar 共同表演,视频来自 RTV Vojvodina 音乐节:Novi Sad - Tango city,塞尔维亚。 于2019年4月发布。

第22届国际阿根廷探戈节于8月17日至25日在法国西南部的 Occitanie 地区 Tarbes 举办。 Tango Festival 由市政厅、Tarbes 旅游局和 Tangueando Ibos 协会组织,是世界上最大的探戈节之一。

活动包括各种音乐会。 bandoneon 研讨会、街头舞蹈、电影、罗密欧与朱丽叶探戈、DJ和 Milonga 表演。

Beltango Quinteto 包括 Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon)、Ivana Nikolic(钢琴和声乐)、Antonija Barna(小提琴)、Bogdan Pejic(吉他)和 Petar Holik(低音提琴),在活动中表演了各式探戈作品(下图)。
Beltango at Tarbes


Gary Daverne 的四个作品的pdf格式乐谱公布 - 新西兰

Video: Tango 130 performed by Grayson Masefield

Video: 2nd Rhapsody for accordion solo and accordion orchestra, soloist Grayson Masefield, conductor Lionel Reekie.
Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary DaverneGary Daverne 发布了以下四部作品的pdf格式乐谱:

ED0072 - Tango 130 (for Stephanie) (Solo)
ED0074 - The German Polka (Solo)

ED0081a - 2nd Rhapsody for accordion solo and symphony orchestra, Score
ED0081b - 2nd Rhapsody for accordion solo and symphony orchestra, parts
ED0081c - 2nd Rhapsody for accordion solo and symphony orchestra, accordion solo part

那些希望使用这些作品参加2020年 Gary Daverne 音乐比赛,并赢得两张机票奖品,免费前往新西兰的获奖者老师和同学们,可发送电子邮件获取乐谱: musicforacc.com@yahoo.com



Ibagué 音乐节大师班和音乐会 - 哥伦比亚

Festival posterIbagué 音乐节于8月15日至19日在 Tolima 的 Ibagué 音乐学院举办,由哥伦比亚 Salvi 基金会组织筹办。

节日期间,中国手风琴家 Hanzhi Wang 于8月17日和18日举办了一场大师班。

继大师班之后,Hanzhi Wang(右下图)于8月17日为600多名观众举办了一场精彩的音乐会。她的表演包括了 Scarlatti、Piazzolla、Grieg、Moszokovski 和 Wang 的作品。
Lacides & Wang



Dan Newton 在明尼苏达州博览会上举办了“Honky Tonk Jump”!- 美国

视频:Honky-Tonk Jump 在2017年12月的时候,在明尼阿波利斯举办的 Baby Blue Arts 上演奏了 Kangaroo Blues。Dan Newton(手风琴/主唱),Tom Schaefer(小提琴),Dan Lowinger(吉他),Vaughn Asselstine(贝司手),Dehl Gallagher(鼓手)。



Honky Tonk Jump(包括手风琴手 Dan Newton)将在 Ramberg 音乐咖啡厅举行:

Honky Tonk Jump


报名即将截止:第十二届国际手风琴作曲比赛“Francisco Escudero” - 西班牙

logo由 Hauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordoei Elkartea 主办的第十二届国际手风琴作曲比赛“Francisco Escudero” 将于9月5日截止报名。



Free Lunchtime Concert in Trafalgar Square - England

Iñigo Mikeleiz-BerradeAccordionist Iñigo Mikeleiz-Berrade will give a free lunchtime concert at St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, Trafalgar Square, London on September 6th from 1pm to 1.45pm.

His program will include Prelude and Fugue in C (Bach), De Profundis (Sofia Gubaidulina), Adagio in B minor (Mozart), Shades VII (Naresh Sohal), Jeux d’anches (Magnus Lindberg) and Ave Maria (Piazzolla).

Iñigo is also a member of the Diphonon Duo, along with violist Michael Iskas and the Duo Giuliano-Mikeleiz with cellist Daryl Giuliano. In addition, he performs with “Unicorn Frequency”, a six piece band led by Romanian violinist Bogdan Vacarescu that plays Eastern-European music mixed with classical and jazz styles.

For further concert details email: info@smitf.org


Accordions by the Beach, Sydney - Australia

Beach logoAn accordion concert entitled “Accordions by the Beach” will be held at the Ted Blackwood Community Centre Hall in Warriewood, Sydney, Australia on September 8th hosted by the Accordion Society of Australia.

Performers include Accordions Alfresco and the Evergreen Wednesday Singers.

A small afternoon tea will be provided following the concert. Tickets are $10 and available at the door.

For further details email: accordionsalfresco@gmail.com


Sacred Earth Tour 2019 – UK

Sharon Shannon tour
Irish accordionist Sharon Shannon and band will tour the UK during September with special guest Seckou Keita.

Band members Jim Murray (guitar), Jack Maher (guitar & vocals) and Sean Regan (fiddle, percussion & beatbox) will perform music from Sharon’s many albums throughout the years, including 2017’s “Sacred Earth”.

The album features many tracks with African influences and African musicians as collaborators and guests. Seckou Keita (from Senegal) plays Kora and percussion and was one of the key collaborators.

Tour schedule:

September 9th: Colchester Arts Centre in Colchester
September 10th: Norden Farm Centre for the Arts in Maidenhead, Berkshire
September 11th: Hare & Hounds, Kings Heath in Birmingham
September 12th: Gala Theatre & Cinema in Durham
September 14th: Ropetackle Arts Centre in Shoreham, West Sussex
September 15th: The Met Performance Art Theatre in Bury
September 16th: Norwich Arts Centre in Norwich

For further details email: daithiturner@gmail.com


National Fair of Verdun - France

Fair posterPatricia CrolboisAccordionst Patricia Crolbois (picture right) will entertain at the National Fair of Verdun in north eastern France. The event will run from September 12th to 16th and include a variety of exhibitions and entertainment.

Patricia is a regular entertainer at many functions around France including playing at retirement homes, balls, dancing events etc.

For further information email: contact@ponette.fr


San Gennaro Italian Festival, New Jersey - USA

Festival poster
Mary Mancini (vocals) & Mario Tacca (accordion) will entertain at the 2019 San Gennaro Italian Festival luncheon show on September 19th and 20th. The event will be held at the Brownstone Restaurant in Paterson, New Jersey with shows starting at 11.30am on both days.

The duo will perform a variety of Italian songs.

For further information and reservations phone Ace in the Hole Productions: 1-800-831-9801


Folk Trio 在蘑菇节(Mushroom Festival)上的表演 - 立陶宛

Nerijus Bakula视频:Liepa - Folk Trio(Ineta Meduneckyte Tamošiuniene,Nerijus Bakula,Jan Maksimovich)2019年立陶宛国家电视台。

Folk Trio 将于9月28日在立陶宛的 Varena 镇举行的 Varena 蘑菇节(Mushroom Festival)上进行表演。

This popular festival is held at the end of September each year and includes a mushroom picking championship, mushroom sales, crafts and an extensive concert program. Attendees arrive from all over the world to participate in the mushroom hunt, explore Lithuanian cuisine dishes and listen to local folk music.

During the day Trio members, accordionist Nerijus Bakula (picture left) and Ineta Meduneckyte (vocals) will present shows with their students from the Varena Art school.

The Folk Trio will entertain in the evening with a mix of ancient Lithuanian folk songs which, along with the sounds and rhythms of accordion and saxophone create deep and sincere feelings about the past.

During September the group will be mostly working on recordings for their new album. Further details on its release date to come.

For concert information email: ethnoprojects@gmail.com


Accordionist Ben de Souza Chamber Music Concert – UK

Ben de Souza Ben de SouzaRoyal Academy of Music graduate Ben de Souza (accordion) will take part in a chamber music concert with Chloë Meade (violin) at the Salisbury Chamber Music Club, United Reformed Church, Fisherton Street in Salisbury on September 28th at 7.30pm.

The Salisbury Chamber Music Club organises low-cost, high-quality live chamber music concerts on a monthly basis from September through to April, giving local amateur musicians, young professionals and A-level students an opportunity to play for a live audience.

Tickets are available at the door. For further details email: musicscmc@yahoo.co.uk


Mihoko Goto(日本)为AWAM举办音乐会 - 美国

AWAM header
手风琴世界博物馆 World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) 热烈欢迎 Mihoko Goto 作为第一位在威斯康星州苏必利尔的 AWAM 的Harrington艺术中心举办音乐会的日本手风琴家,音乐会的举办时间为10月12日下午4点。

Mihoko is one of Japan’s well known accordionists, whose unique sound and performance style is highly praised at home. She has a large repertoire that incorporates characteristics of many musicological styles-- traditional Japanese, Russian, classical, flamenco, rock, and other world music.

Her musical experiences are impressively diverse as she has studied in Japan, Hong Kong and England, as well as with Nick Ariondo in Los Angeles and with Viatcheslav Semionov in Moscow.

She has appeared on television and radio while also releasing three albums through Victor Entertainment and performed in NYC, Germany, Russia, Finland and in her homeland Japan.

No admission fee. Please make a donation.

For further information email: aworldofaccordions@gmail.com
Japan poster



网站更新:美国手风琴家协会(AAA)网站 - 美国

AAA logo美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 更新了他们网站的许多页面,以下是最近成功举办的活动:
- 第82届 AAA 节;
- 七月 AAA 大师班和音乐会系列
- AAA Coupe Mondiale 资格赛
- 2019年 Carmen Carrozza 纪念奖竞赛
- 为有抱负的作曲家开办的2019年 Elsie M. Bennett 作曲比赛

点击查看更新的网站: American Accordionists' Association (AAA)


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