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Vincent Peirani / Émile Parisien 演奏 "Abrazo" - 奥地利

Duo Abrazo两年前,他们的一曲了“Belle époque”令人印象深刻。现在,著名的二重奏组, Vincent Peirani (手风琴) 和 Émile Parisien (萨克斯管) 回到了维也纳音乐厅为观众带来新的音乐体验。

"Abrazo" is the name of the latest program by the two thoroughbred musicians who use soprano saxophone and accordion to create almost hypnotic soundscapes. The two in their mid-thirties are among the winners of the renowned French music award "Les Victoires du jazz" and are now probably one of the most extraordinary formations in European jazz. There are few musicians who know each other so well: The two have played more than 1,000 concerts together in the last ten years, over 600 of them as a duo. In “Abrazo” they now bow to a very special art form: Tango, its elegance, melancholy and rhythmic and melodic power.

Like any form of popular music, jazz is the music of strong personalities. The international recognition of accordionist Vincent Peirani is based on this essential, fundamental quality. His musical charisma, his highly idiosyncratic imagination, the conception of his art - the result of a career without blinkers - touched everyone's mind very early on. After a brilliant study of classical music (with numerous international awards), his entry into the world of jazz proved to be an immediate success, culminating in 2014 and 2015 with victories at the Victoires du Jazz.

Whatever style, Vincent Peirani turns everything he touches into gold: jazz of course (in addition to his own projects also in collaboration with Daniel Humair, Michel Portal, etc.), but also French chanson (Sanseverino, Les Yeux Noirs), film music (Composer for Mathieu Amalric's film Barbara in 2017), etc. And the audience follows him as he puts his audience at every performance in a position where the musically obvious (imaginative reruns of familiar themes) is balanced with the unexpected. He always remains familiar with the popular, which is what defines the high art of the great musicians.

Peirani, who completely renewed the language of the accordion for ten years, is now an indispensable artist in the world of music. One of those whose cosmopolitan and uncomplicated musical vision, as well as his incredible sense of style crossings and timbres allow him to convey this rare and precious magic.

Email: amelie@molpe-music.com
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