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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 26-Nov-2021
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第 33 届国际“巴扬与巴扬演奏家”音乐节,莫斯科 – 俄罗斯
Renzo Ruggieri 被任命为 "Gaetano Braga" 音乐学院的爵士手风琴教师 - 意大利
Martynas Levickis Vivaldi 音乐会 - 立陶宛
Julien Labro 与 Takács Quartet 的两场世界首演 - 美国
CNIMA 圣诞节手风琴研讨会 - 法国
Novosadski 探戈五重奏在塞尔维亚国家剧院演出 - 塞尔维亚
Brandon McPhee 2021 年圣诞音乐会 - 苏格兰
免邮费、超值圣诞礼物书籍 - 法国


Friedrich Lips 手风琴演奏会 - 俄罗斯
Midland 手风琴节,英格兰 – 英国
手风琴家在“芬兰周”演出 - 瑞典
Rob Howard 在圣诞集市上表演,斯托克波特 - 英国
Ghenadie Rotari 在 Meridian 国际音乐节上表演 - 罗马尼亚
由 James 和 Shirley O'Brien 主持的慕尼黑啤酒节表演活动,达拉斯 - 美国


"Two Duo" 莫斯科音乐会演奏手风琴 - 俄罗斯
Alexander Poeluev 视频,鲁扎耶夫卡音乐会,大师班 - 俄罗斯
Ladislav Horák 与 Jaroslav Svěcený 合作演出 – 捷克
Wilfried Touati 四重奏在巴黎演出 - 法国
Sam Reider 与吉他手 Jorge Glem 合作演出,纽约 - 美国
在线:Ian Lowthian 圣诞周末 - 英国


视频:Diego 和 Menzo Gatte 音乐表演 - 法国


无痛演奏 手风琴, 作者 John Bonica PT CMP NZRP (获美国与新西兰资历认证)
由 Robert McMahan 教授撰写的 AAA 音乐委员会历史
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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第 33 届国际“巴扬与巴扬演奏家”音乐节,莫斯科 – 俄罗斯

Bayan fest poster
Lips艺术总监 Friedrich Lips (右图)欢迎大家参加将于 2021 年 12 月 15 日至 19 日在莫斯科举行的第 33 届“巴扬与巴扬演奏家”音乐节。

12 月 15 日的开幕音乐会将包括 Radu Ratoi(摩尔多瓦,下图)的表演,他是 2018 年 Coupe Mondiale 比赛的冠军和 2020 年第七届国际巴扬比赛的冠军,该比赛与 2020 年莫斯科音乐节同期举行。

开幕式还将包括俄罗斯人民艺术家 Anatoly Belyayev 的 90 周年庆典。

• 12 月 16 日:乌克兰之夜
• 12 月 17 日:俄罗斯人民艺术家 Viatcheslav Semionov 诞辰 75 周年
• 12 月 18 日:Alexander Dmitriev 诞辰 70 周年庆典
• 12 月 19 日:Astor Piazzolla – 100! 庆祝活动


Radu Ratoi


Renzo Ruggieri 被任命为 "Gaetano Braga" 音乐学院的爵士手风琴教师 - 意大利

Renzo Ruggieri
Course posterRenzo Ruggieri 目前已被任命为意大利 Teramo 的 "Gaetano Braga" 音乐学院的爵士手风琴教师(大师级)。 课程将即刻开始于:2021/22 年


Renzo Ruggieri 多年来一直教授爵士手风琴,包括在国际音乐学院举办研讨会和大师班,出版材料并为参加国际比赛的获奖学生做赛前准备。

他还在音乐学院教授特殊实验课程,例如:Gaetano Braga (Teramo), Stanislao Giacomantonio (Cosenza), Agostino Steffani (Castelfranco Veneto) 以及 P.I. Tchaikovsky (Nocera Terinese).。



Martynas Levickis Vivaldi 音乐会 - 立陶宛

Martynas Levickis Vivaldi concerts
视频:Martynas Levickis 和 Mikroorkéstra 室内乐团演奏 Vivaldi 的作品《四季》中的“夏天”。

Martynas Levickis 和室内乐团“Mikroorkestra”将于 2021 年 12 月 27 日至 28 日晚上 7 点在立陶宛维尔纽斯的圣凯瑟琳教堂举行名为“Vivaldi – The Four Seasons”的音乐会。

客座表演者将是吉他手 Chris Ruebens。

“Although this musical opus is well known to many music lovers, hearing it in such an amplitude is a rare opportunity. Combining the forces of an accordion, string orchestra and guitar, the audience is immersed in an incredible musical experience in which performers visually combine centuries-old sounds and contemporary variations.”



Julien Labro 与 Takács Quartet 的两场世界首演 - 美国

Julien LabroJulien Labro (手风琴和班德琴) 将于2021 年12 月3 日在美国密歇根州安娜堡与 Takács 四重奏为大学音乐协会(UMS) 共同举办音乐会。

音乐会的表演节目将包括两场世界首演和由作曲家 Clarice Assad 和 Bryce Dessner 创作的 UMS 联合委托作品,具体内容如下:

- “Clash” for bandoneon and string quartet (Clarice Assad)
- “Circles” for bandoneon and string quartet (Bryce Dessner)
- Meditation #1 for bandoneon and string quartet (Julien Labro)
- String Quartet in F Major (Ravel)
- Selected solo works for bandoneon and accordina

For further information, phone: +1 734-764-2538



MusicForAccordion.com header
Christmas gifts送给朋友和家人的圣诞礼物创意:2021 Xmas Gift Ideas .


感谢您支持手风琴艺术,并从 2400 多张电子表格、310 张 CD/DVD、2,000 条电子曲目、1,000 多部印刷作品和众多书籍(文本)中挑选出您的圣诞礼物。 2021 Xmas Gift Ideas


CNIMA 圣诞节手风琴研讨会 - 法国

Mornet book coverNathalie Boucheix 领导的 CNIMA 将于 2021 年 12 月 19 日至 23 日举办圣诞节手风琴专题研讨会。

右图为 Jacques Mornet 所作的一本方法指导书 jmornet01

The Christmas workshop is suitable for all ages, levels and styles:
• For young players who love the friendly but studious atmosphere and are supervised, in total safety.
• For passionate people who benefit from reciprocal emulation, fraternal atmosphere and plan to become professional.
• For adults beginning with their instruments and willing to progress quickly on a good basis, with the benevolence of the team.
• For confirmed accordionists or pros who will perfect themselves by relying on the educational system that has trained many great names of the current accordion, artists and teachers.
• For accordionists preparing entrance exams to higher degrees or major international competitions

参加者可以在 Jacques MornetNathalie BoucheixCNIMA 教授)或外部教师的指导下创作 1 - 2 首自己选择的风格作品(多样曲、古典、小风笛、爵士、巴尔干等)。

The workshop will also cover holding the instrument, balance of the bellows, spinning of the sound, musical touches and musicality.

See poster for details.


Novosadski 探戈五重奏在塞尔维亚国家剧院演出 - 塞尔维亚

Novosadski Tango Quintet视频:Novosadski 探戈五重奏演奏 Piazzolla 的 “Michelangelo 70”。 这场音乐会于 2021 年 5 月 13 日举行,并且是第六届国际手风琴和室内乐 Eufonija 音乐节的一部分。

Novosadski 探戈五重奏组将于 2021 年 12 月 17 日晚上 8 点在塞尔维亚诺维萨德的 Pera Dobrinovic 塞尔维亚国家剧院举办一场音乐会。

The quintet “was formed on the model of Piazzolla's quintet in the desire to present the spirit of his music as faithfully as possible”.

Members of the ensemble are Dragana Kuzmanovic (accordion), Vladimir Cukovic, Vladimir Jakovljevic, Fedor Ruškuc and David Klem.

For details email: nstango5tet@gmail.com


Brandon McPhee 2021 年圣诞音乐会 - 苏格兰

BM xmas poster
流行艺人兼作曲家 Brandon McPhee 将于 2021 年 12 月 7 日至 12 日在苏格兰举办一系列圣诞音乐会。

Beginning at the British Legion in Thurso, concerts will be held in Wick, Dingwall, Portree, Aboyne and Oldmeldrum.

See poster for details.


免邮费、超值圣诞礼物书籍 - 法国

Benetoux books
Merry Christmas logo包邮特价:
Thierry Benetoux 撰写的 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion (手风琴的来龙去脉)(目录 benetouxen00 ),是一本关于手风琴维修、调音等方面的优质书籍,十分受大家欢迎。 英语版

法语版。 Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (目录 benetouxfr00 )。

Thierry Benetoux 撰写的 Sounding Out The Accordion (目录 bthierryen ),是一本非常优质的音乐书籍,它能帮助您了解手风琴的发声和调音。英语版。

法语版。 L'Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore(目录 bthierryfr )。
Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon, L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore



Friedrich Lips 手风琴演奏会 - 俄罗斯

Lips class concert poster
视频:Friedrich Lips 手风琴独奏会上的表演者。

Friedrich Lips 手风琴独奏会于2021年11月15日在俄罗斯莫斯科的格涅辛学院小礼堂举行。

The program as follows:

• Lin Chenghan: J.S. Bach - Prelude and fugue, B major N°23, BWV 892, WTC II
• Sergey Berdnikov: S. Rachmaninoff - Musical moment in B minor and A. Vivaldi - Concert "Winter", final
• Anton Dovbnya: F. Liszt - Rakoczy-March
• Rafael Sapukov: I. Panitsky – Polosynka and A. Nayunkin - Fantasy on two Russian folk themes
• Gleb Sablev: V. Gridin - Meadow duck
• Olzhas Nurlanov: M. Mussorgsky – Promenade; The Old Castle, M. Mussorgsky - Varlaam's Song from the opera "Boris Godunov" and R. Schumann - Smuggler
• Robert Alevetdinov, button accordion and author - Tatyana Sergeeva, piano: T. Sergeeva - Concerto for button accordion and strings.
• Ilona Savina and Nikita Ukrainsky: J.S. Bach - Concerto for two harpsichords and strings in C minor, J. Kolodub - Round dance (Kola) and J. Voytarovich – Heart


Midland 手风琴节,英格兰 – 英国

Harry Hussey上图:2021 年节日上的艺人们。

今年的 Midland 手风琴节于 11 月 12 日至 14 日在位于 West Midlands 的 West Bromwich 的 Mercure West 酒店内举行。 组织者是当地的手风琴家 Barry Smith,同时他也有一个高效的幕后团队协助他负责管理方面的事务。

On arriving at the Mercure Hotel it was great to meet up with lots of friends I had not seen since before the pandemic began last year. The festival opened in familiar style with the amazing Harry Hussey (picture right), now a sprightly 92 years old, taking requests and entertaining as only he can.

Then Helen Rich performed an impressive set of mainly accordion classics including pieces by Pietro Frosini.

The evening concert featured the varied talents of Jovan Rnjak, Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton, Anne-Marie Devine & Sean O’Neill (Northern Ireland), local duet Anne & Stewart Towe, the humorous and very talented David Vernon (Scotland), and festival stalwart Rosemary Wright. The all-important job of sound and lighting throughout the festival was quietly and efficiently handled by Edward Young of Eternion Productions.

On Saturday and Sunday there were workshops: Elementary Orchestra – Jean Hanger, Scottish – Angie Lukins, Vintage – Jean Hanger, and Intermediate Orchestra – Nigel Pasby. These were all very well attended, and on Sunday afternoon all were featured in short concert that showcased the four workshops’ impressive progress to date.

On Saturday afternoon there was a ‘Play Your Party Piece’ concert, which had lots of players taking turns to play short spots before a large audience. I played a selection from the John Wayne film ‘The Quiet Man’ followed by the ‘Sakkijarven Polka’. Others doing spots included Carlo Pesticcio, Julie Best & Jean Corrighan, John Jones, Susanna Brooking & Alan Shute, and Colette & Gennaro Fiondella, to name but a few. The evening concert featured Helen Rich, Angie & Andrew Lukins, David Vernon, Anne-Marie Devine & Sean O’Neill, Rosemary Wright, concluding with a late night spot from the irrepressible jazz accordionist Harry Hussey.

There was a short service on Sunday morning for Remembrance Day, led by old soldier Stan Shakespeare and ex-RAF serviceman Harry Hussey, both wearing their medals. David Vernon in his kilt played ‘Flower of the Forest’ on the bagpipes, Stan read the address, and a 2 minute silence followed at 11am. It was a very moving occasion. (See picture below).

An interesting workshop on Sunday afternoon was led by Steve Hughes and Tony Britton, from the North Staffs Accordion Club, explaining how the MuseScore programme works.

The festival Trade Show included impressive displays of accordions by Squeeze Box UK and the Birmingham Accordion Centre, accordion books by Robaccord Publications (that was me!), Roy Hendrie and Limex Midi, and Reg Rawlings’ Theatre Organ Sampler.

The Sunday evening concert was introduced by the Black Country Accordion Band (MD Barry Smith), who performed some rousing music for half an hour. The band was followed by Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton, Anne-Marie Devine & Sean O’Neill, Jovan Rnjak, David Vernon, Sue Bennett, and the festival concluded with all the guests led by Barry Smith playing ‘Now is the Hour’ to create a lasting final memory.

Barry Smith 写道:“我还要感谢所有为我们的抽奖活动捐赠奖品的人,以及人们为我们的慈善筹款所付出的所有慷慨捐助。 今年我们的慈善机构是伯明翰儿童医院,感谢你们,我们筹集了 1170 英镑”。

Barry Smith informed all present that he intends to run the festival again over the same weekend in November next year.
Harry David Stan Carlo


手风琴家在“芬兰周”演出 - 瑞典

Jörgen Sundeqvist and Päivi Mettälä

本周,手风琴家 Jörgen Sundeqvist 和 Päivi Mettälä (如上图所示) 在瑞典 Kramfors 的 Gudmundrå Hembygdsgård 举办的名为“追随芬兰手风琴大师的足迹”的音乐会上演出。

The duo played "live" music as well as legendary recordings from Sven Bergvall's fantastic album collection that is at Dragspelsarchivet, Gudmundrå Hembygdsgård.

They also told the history of famous Finnish and Swedish accordion players. “Some old songs brought back memories and feelings of childhood when my parents danced to those tunes.”

There was also music by and with Viljo Vesterinen, Lasse Pihlajamaa, Onni Laihanen, Toivo Manninen, Paul Norrback, Taito Vainio, Veikko Ahvenainen, Matti Viljanen, Andrew Walter, Karl & Erling Grönstedt and Hans-Erik Nääs.


Rob Howard 在圣诞集市上表演,斯托克波特 - 英国

Rob Howard, Woodley church
上图:Rob Howard 和他的圣诞帽。

我最近自发在伍德利卫理公会教堂 (右上图) 圣诞集市上用我的手风琴进行了表演,这场圣诞节集市于 11 月 20 日星期六上午 9 点 30 分至下午 1 点举行。 这座教堂是斯托克波特手风琴俱乐部自 2006 年以来的所在地,所以我对场地很熟悉,并且也很乐意帮助我们的房东。

What nobody involved in organising the event bargained for were the hundreds who turned up as soon as the doors opened at 9.30am. It seems that after a series of lockdowns and curbs on entertainment venues, the local public were just keen to go out somewhere!

I shared the stage with a local dancing school, and we alternated spots throughout the morning. The dancing girls went on first, and the church was so crowded, space was very much at a premium, and I waited while the girls did their stuff in a lively and raucous scenario.

As I watched from the side, guarding my accordion from surrounding youngsters, the famous words of WC Fields came to me, “Never perform with children or animals”! When my turn came I took centre stage, took a deep breath, and began with Joy to the World, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Winter Wonderland, Sleigh Ride, Adeste Fidelis, Ding Dong Merrily On High, In Dulci Jubilo, Mary’s Boy Child, White Christmas, and other seasonal favourites.

To my relief some of the huge crowd that had gathered to watch the dancing stayed where they were, and seemed to enjoy my music. It was a noisy environment and I needed to play most of the time at double forte. I wasn’t amplified, but fortunately my four-voice Cooperativa served me well in this situation as I hammered out the Christmas themed music.

The dancing girls and I alternated a further four spots each, and I finished the proceedings with a 50 minute final spot. As the morning progressed, for the sake of variety, I introduced a lot of non-seasonal music into my sets, such as the music from Oliver!, My Fair Lady, the John Wayne- Maureen O’Hara movie The Quiet Man, O Sole Mio, polkas Swedish Rhapsody/Jenny Lind/Astley’s Ride, a Fred Astaire quicksteps medley, 1920s medley, Tulips From Amsterdam waltzes medley, 1960s medley, Beatles medley, tangos medley, war films medley, Scottish waltzes, an Andrew Lloyd Webber selection, and by way of contrast, the Trumpet Voluntary (Jeremiah Clarke). Fortuitously, as the time went on the church became less crowded and much quieter, which made playing somewhat more pleasurable.

The Christmas Fair organisers have already invited me back next year, so I must have been doing something right!


Ghenadie Rotari 在 Meridian 国际音乐节上表演 - 罗马尼亚

Ghenadie Rotari视频:Ghenadie Rotari 在表演他的名为“Terra Incognita”的节目。

由罗马尼亚作曲家和音乐学家联盟 (UCMR) 和 ISCM 罗马尼亚分部组织的第 16 届“子午线国际音乐节”于本月举行,举办形式适应了罗马尼亚当前的疫情情况。

For 2021, the proposed theme was Planetarium – exploring the infinite sonic cosmos of human imagination, as well as paying homage to the great musicians that contributed to the affirmation of Romanian avantgarde music scene.

Each concert was organized after the model of an imaginary celestial body. Ghenadie Rotari featured in his online concert called “Terra Incognita” accordion solo works by Krzysztof Olczak, Diana Rotaru, Rebecca Saunders, Gabriel Malancioiu, Erkki Jokinen and Natalia Prokopenko.

Krzysztof Olczak‘s “Phantasmagorien” (1984) was the winner of the 1984 composition competition “Città di Castelfidardo”. Written by the Polish accordionist and composer Krzysztof Olczak, the work explores the sound capabilities of the accordion through the use of a pervading impulse of the bellows, ample chords, clusters and percussive noises.

Rebecca Saunders‘ “Flesh” (2018) is dedicated to Krassimir Sterev with whom Ghenadie worked closely investigating this very particular palette of sounds for the accordion combined with the voice. The text explores a particularly explicit fragment of Molly Bloom ´s interior monologue, the final chapter of James Joyce’s “Ulysses”.

Gabriel Malancioiu’s “Paramita” (2011) is a buddhist term meaning “that which goes beyond”, pointing toward the transcendental realm. The main idea of the work is attaining a state of dynamic equilibrium between the relentless character of the first movement and the static character of the second one.

Erkki Jokinen‘s “Alone” (1978), dedicated to Matti Rantanen, is the only work that Jokinen wrote for accordion solo. It is a very impressionistic piece that uses modern techniques like clusters, glissandi non-temperati, stereophony, etc. The title probably refers to the creative process of an artist, in this case a composer, sitting in front of a blank sheet of paper on which he is supposed to create, alone.

Natalia Prokopenko’s “El mar donde desaparecian los tiempos” (2014) (the sea where times disappeared) was written in 2014 under the impression of the prose of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and is dedicated to the memory of the great writer.

Diana Rotaru “Some reeds and some air moving them” (2019) was written for the accordionist Klemen Leben and commissioned by DocMus, Sibelius Academy of Uniarts Helsinki. The frenetic, Balkan rhythms of the beginning gradually transform into a bizarre lamento that grows more and more dramatic.


由 James 和 Shirley O'Brien 主持的慕尼黑啤酒节表演活动,达拉斯 - 美国

O'Briens手风琴家 Shirley 和 James P. O'Brien 最近为俄勒冈州达拉斯的达拉斯退休村举办的慕尼黑啤酒节提供了音乐表演。

James P. O'Brien 有许多可供在线购买的活动布置用品,包括流行的圣诞精选和圣诞系列。

The O’Brien’s, who are summer residents on the Oregon Coast, played many polkas for the guests as well as popular songs from the 1940s and 50s.

Over 100 residents joined the celebration, which included the traditional Oktoberfest meal with brats, sauerkraut, apple strudel and beer.

In the midst of a continuing pandemic, it was great fun to celebrate harvest with spirited accordion music, good food and an appreciative audience.



"Two Duo" 莫斯科音乐会演奏手风琴 - 俄罗斯

Two Duo poster
Nikita Nedelko, Ivan Dyma, Arseniy StrokovskiyTwo duos 组合:SaxAkkord Duo (Ivan Dyma – 萨克斯管和 Arseniy Strokovskiy – 手风琴) 和 Jongo Duo (Ivan Dyma – 萨克斯管和 Nikita Nedelko – 吉他) 将于 2021 年 11 月 26 日晚上 8 点在俄罗斯莫斯科的“管弦乐团”音乐厅举办一场节日音乐会,以纪念 Radio Orpheus 的周年纪念日。

The "Metamorphoses" program is an excursion-concert about the changes in academic music over the past one hundred years. A fusion of jazz and academic music, from George Gershwin's Third Movement to Javier Contreras's modernist style, the musicians will perform iconic compositions by 20th and 21st century composers.

This is the music of renewal, which, since its inception, looks into eternity along with classical music. With this program, the musicians tour a lot in cities in Russia and abroad: the USA, Germany, Finland, Spain, Italy, France, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries. They played with famous musicians: Boris Berezovsky, Arkady Shilkloper, Fabio Mastrangelo, Alexander Zagorinsky.

Their program as follows:
1. Farrell - Suite Shannon, 3 movements
2. Contreras - Samba
3. Belinatti - Jongo
4. Stravinsky - Black Concert
5. Tamarin - Sonatina
6. Gershwin - 3 Preludes
7. Khachaturyan - Saber Dance
8. Smoke - Hiao (Dedication to Hiao Miyazaki)
9. Smoke - Zambia

音乐会将已“直播”的方式举行,并会在线上播放。 您可在以下网址免费获得音乐厅门票:https://video.orpheus.ru/live/47


Alexander Poeluev 视频,鲁扎耶夫卡音乐会,大师班 - 俄罗斯

AP poster
视频:Alexander Poeluev 和 Elizaveta Poelueva(俄罗斯)的新视频。 拍摄地点包括罗马、卡斯特尔菲达尔多( Castelfidardo )、奧西莫(意大利)和 塔甘罗格(俄罗斯)。 该视频是作为“Get to know the world and Russia. Start with twin cities 2021”项目的一部分拍摄的。

制片人 Elizaveta Poelueva
导演 Roman Kirimeev

Alexander Poeluev 将于 2021 年 11 月 27 日在俄罗斯莫尔多维亚的 Ruzaevka 举行音乐会。详情请见海报。

11 月 26 日,Alexander 在萨兰斯克会见了萨兰斯克音乐学校的学生,在那里他开设了一场大师班,与学生们分享成功表演的技巧和实践的细微差别。


Ladislav Horák 与 Jaroslav Svěcený 合作演出 – 捷克

Ladislav Horák poster
Ladislav Horák 将于 2021 年 12 月 4 日下午 3 点在捷克共和国的兹林 Morkovice 的 John the Baptist Church 与 Jaroslav Svecený(小提琴)合作进行演出。

他们的节目将包括 Piazzolla、Galliano 和 Hermosa 的作品。



Wilfried Touati 四重奏在巴黎演出 - 法国

Wilfried TouatiVoyage CD视频:Wilfried Touati 四重奏组合演奏 Wilfried Touati 创作的作品“Voyage”。 这首作品是他的第一部作品,也是该四重奏于 2021 年 11 月 5 日在“Jazz Family”标签上发行的第一张专辑的名称(右图)

The Wilfried Touati Quartet will perform a jazz concert at the 360 Paris Music Factory in Paris, France on December 10th, 2021 at 8.30pm.

The quartet includes Wilfried Touati (accordion - picture above left), Xavier Trombini (saxophone), Volodia Lambert (double bass) and Adrien Leconte (drums).

They enjoy playing their own compositions with Latin influences and world music, with a little touch of free jazz.

For details email: contact@le360paris.com


Sam Reider 与吉他手 Jorge Glem 合作演出,纽约 - 美国

SR poster
视频:Sam Reider 和 Jorge Glem 演奏“Crucigrama”。

手风琴家 Sam Reider 将于 12 月 10 日晚上 7 点和晚上 9 点 30 分在纽约 Chelsea Table + Stage 与吉他手 Jorge Glem 合作进行两场演出。

两人将演奏他们将于 2022 年发行的新专辑“Brooklyn Cumaná”中的音乐。



在线:Ian Lowthian 圣诞周末 - 英国

Xmas weekend pic
Ian Lowthian will hold an online “Christmas Weekend” on December 11th and 12th, 2021.

The weekend will include a variety of Christmas themed tunes amongst the usual festive lights and decorations.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk



视频:Diego 和 Menzo Gatte 音乐表演 - 法国

Diego poster本月,Diego 和 Menzo Gatte 在 Michel Pruvot 演出中共同表演了 “Pistonette”。

哥哥 Diego 将于 2021 年 11 月 28 日与 Math & Co 管弦乐团在法国圣阿曼德蒙特朗的 Salle Aurore 演出。





无痛演奏 手风琴, 作者 John Bonica PT CMP NZRP (获美国与新西兰资历认证)

Chinese Bonica book cover
John BonicaPlay Your Accordion Without Pain鉴于广大读者对于本书是喜爱,由John Bonica所作的电子书“无痛演奏手风琴”现已推出中文版.


译者:Sean Max

定价:$12 美元 (或等值欧元). 这是一本电子书,因此我们会以 Acrobat pdf 的格式通过电子邮件将它发送给您。



由 Robert McMahan 教授撰写的 AAA 音乐委员会历史

AAA Header
Prof. Robert McMahan美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 作曲家委员会 (图左) 主席 Robert Young McMahan 博士撰写了许多非常有趣的关于当代手风琴音乐会作品的文章,这些文章多年来一直受 AAA 委托而撰写。

Robert McMahan 是最近从新泽西学院退休的音乐教授,也是音乐家和乐曲创作的区域协调员,同时他也是一位古典手风琴艺术教师。

AAA 音乐委员会的完整名单在以下地址:

A brief history of the AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee has been revised and is online at:

Articles about individual AAA Music Commissions is going to be published over the coming months with the list of articles to be published at:

The first article titled: “The First [AAA] Commission: Prelude and Dance, by Paul Creston” is online at: http://ameraccord.com/commissions/creston.htm

The AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee welcomes donations from all those who love the classical accordion and wish to see its modern original concert repertoire continue to grow. The American Accordionists’ Association is a 501(c)(3) corporation. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law. They can easily be made by visiting the AAA-Store at http://www.ameraccord.com/cart.aspx which allows you to both make your donation and receive your tax deductible receipt on the spot.

For additional information, please contact Dr. McMahan at grillmyr@gmail.com


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

Russia news banner
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with new additional articles.


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