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Covid-19 封锁期间在 SaddleBrooke 举行的筹款活动音乐会 - 美国

concert poster
O'Briens playingShirley 和 James P. O'Brien (左图)住在亚利桑那州图森市以北的退休开发区。 尽管此高尔夫社区有5000多个房屋,但由于最近因 COVID-19 引起的封锁情况,该地区最近几乎没有举办任何活动。

The O’Brien’s decided it was time for an event that would allow some interaction among the members of community to get them out of their self-isolation while maintaining the mandated “6 feet” of social distancing.

So Shirley planned an outdoor event, which was advertised as “SaddleBrooke’s First Drive-By” concert, advising attendees to come in their golf cart or car and enjoy the music from a distance. It was also promoted as a fund raiser for IMPACT, the local food bank.

The O’Brien’s set up in front of a neighbor’s house where attendees could see them from all parts of the four-way intersection. Their amplification boosted the sound sufficiently so all attendees could hear reasonably well.

Folks certainly did show up, well before the appointed hour, to secure the best dock for their golf carts. There was a festive feeling in the air from the get-go, with the hope there is going to be an end to this pandemic sometime. Folks danced in the streets and horns were honked in lieu of applause. Attendees enjoyed some rock, jazz, polkas, old standards and a few sing-a-longs, cumulating in a heartfelt closing version of “God Bless America” sung by everyone.

The day was gorgeous, the sun was bright, the sky blue and $1,000 was raised for the food bank.

James P. O'Brien 自1975年以来一直是亚利桑那大学音乐学院的音乐教授,并进行了190场线上编曲,其中包括许多著名的旋律,此外他还发行了3张CD。

下图:观众排成一排, 保持间隔,以安全地欣赏音乐。
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