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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 27-Mar-2020
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从SMAAC中国传递到意大利Castelfidardo手风琴工厂的爱与友谊 - 意大利
从手风琴风箱到口罩:Galassi公司在市场上的随机应变 - 意大利
2021年AAA音乐节已经取得进展 - 美国
Kevin Friedrich 在达格维尔的圣帕特里克日活动 - 新西兰


最新发布! Guy Vlucetek 创作的“Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion”的原创作品
Mika Väyrynen Sends out Free Online Lesson Challenge Against Corona - Finland
Porch Music in Pennsylvania - USA
Mary Mancini和Mario Tacca的欢乐影片
Accordion Babes 2021-2022 Call for Artists


Postponed Events, Country Alphabetical Order
Renzo Ruggieri爵士手风琴课程 - 意大利
Hainaut Belles Bretelles 音乐节 - 法国
莱文沃思国际手风琴庆典计划将继续进行 - 美国
Christ Church Concert in Constantia – South Africa


Updated Site: Video Added to Stas Venglevski Music Page - USA
Updated: AAA Cancels Events and Updates Site - USA

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从SMAAC中国传递到意大利Castelfidardo手风琴工厂的爱与友谊 - 意大利

SMAAC Forza Italia
Crystal Wang, Prof. Li Cong查看上海音乐协会手风琴委员会(SMAAC)寄给 CIA24 March 2020 Letter.pdf

阅读: CIACastelfidardo 市长 Roberto Ascani 的 25 March 2020 Letter.pdf

SMAAC 发起了向著名的手风琴之城 Castlefidardo 捐赠10000个口罩的活动,我们正在通过中国手风琴协会(CAA)和国际 CIA 组织来进行筹备。

视频中许多的重要的上海手风琴老师们都在支持这一份从上海音乐家寄给 Castelfidardo 的手风琴人的非常具有实际意义的礼物。

其中包括(视频顺序):余新娜,赵卫忠,沈燕华,胡匀匀,周佳,时璇( Jessica Shi Xuan ),万一钟( Nova Wan ),卓圣姬,SMAAC名誉会长李聪( Li Cong )教授,以及 Crystal Wang (王从余)的美好祝愿。 SMAAC主席王先生说:“手拉手,让风带去我们的寄语。让手风琴成为我们心中永远共同的语言。加油,意大利!加油, Castelfidardo!”

Nova Wan, Prof. Li Cong


从手风琴风箱到口罩:Galassi公司在市场上的随机应变 - 意大利

Galassi masks
logoCastelfidardoGalassi 集团在多年前因手风琴而成立。 Galassi 集团生产的风箱是由经折叠和压缩的硬纸板制成的,并与织物和颜色相结合,使其更具美感。 人们对 Galassi 风箱的访谈如下: 2017Galassi


集团所有者/董事 Renzo GalassiGalassi 公司已响应生产口罩的呼吁。 Galassi 说,他们有合适的材料,可以通过软化处理以使其适应口罩生产。

阿曼多拉和奥西莫地区以及有人立即下了订单。 该产品适合非专业人员使用,适合人们在外出购物的时候佩戴。

The Galassi Group has already started a collaboration with the University of Ancona to test the product. The company has announced this week, that production can be 5,000 per day and could be increased to 10,000 to 15,000 pieces.

Andrea Cantori, Secretary of the CNA of the South Zone says: “The experience of Galassi testifies to how our area does not stop giving up even in the face of the hard trials that we face today….. Already after a few days our entrepreneurs have shown how we can, once again, rethink our development and our market. A positive sign after so much bad news."

Galassi Snc have also announced that they will provide the Municipality of Osimo with a family mask for the Covid-19 emergency (for non-professional private use). This is of great use to the community given the lack of such devices on the market.

Galassi Snc will donate to Osimo for free, an extra 25% of the order of family masks that are being paid for by the Municipality of Osimo and the Astea Spa Group.

The masks can also be washed in the washing machine and reusable, a very useful feature, and will be delivered from next week.

Picture below: Renzo Galassi with his parents, Rino and Vanda Galassi who began the business in 1948 and even today, work regularly in the factory.


2021年AAA音乐节已经取得进展 - 美国

AAA 2021
AAA Festival flier美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 对疫情的应对措施采取地十分迅速,3月19日主席 Joseph A. Ciccone 博士宣布宣布取消“取消2020年在弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的 AAA 音乐节”。

于本周起, AAA 已经开始在宣传2021年的 AAA 音乐节,该音乐节将于2021年7月14日至18日在宾夕法尼亚州费城西万豪酒店(PA 19428)举行。

2021年将包括由 Mary Tokarski 指挥的节日乐团,比赛,讲习班,供应商,青年团体,初级和高级爵士乐团,乐团和"The Divas" ( AAA )的知名女士 - Linda Soley Reed ,Mary TokarskiBeverly Roberts CurnowRita Barnea , Joan Grauman, Joanna Darrow ,Jeanne Velonis , Marilyn O'Neil 和 Rachel Quirbach 。

The Divas


Kevin Friedrich 在达格维尔的圣帕特里克日活动 - 新西兰

新西兰达格维尔的 The Lifestyler 报纸于本周报道称,尽管手风琴家 Kevin Friedrich 演奏的音乐会“An American Journey”与 Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们在达加维尔(Dargaville)举行的午后音乐会由于新型冠状病毒的肆虐而被取消,但这并不意味着这位艺术家会完全放弃他的手风琴表演活动。

在圣帕特里克日那天,Kevin带着乐器去了达加维尔小学(Dargaville Primary School),教职工和学生对此也都非常高兴。 Kevin 演奏了爱尔兰和世界各地的歌曲。


演出结束后,Kevin便前往达格维尔RSA(Dargaville RSA)参加了圣帕特里克日庆祝活动。



最新发布! Guy Vlucetek 创作的“Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion”的原创作品

Guy Klucevsek 所作的“Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion”现在可以在线上购买。 详细阅读 Joan Grauman 关于这本“令人愉快且着迷的书”的评论,这套书包含了 Guy Klucevsek 所写的24本书,内容适用于各类水平的手风琴家。

Joan Grauman 的全部信息,包括音乐样本的链接和在线购买的信息,网址为:VignettesArticle


Mika Väyrynen Sends out Free Online Lesson Challenge Against Corona - Finland

Mika VäyrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen is offering a “Free Online Lesson Against Corona” each week to accordionists around the world. Last week’s free online lesson went to Spain.

Mika sends out a challenge to music teachers around the world to offer free online lessons as a project against corona!



working from home
在世界各地的互联网上充斥着关于 Covid-19 的笑话,并且许多国家正在封锁边境,以减慢病毒的传播速度。


上方和下方的图片 - 论如何在家中顺利工作!!!



Porch Music in Pennsylvania - USA

In this time of international lockdowns because of Covid-19, accordionists at home have more time to play their accordions and even put on a concert for the neighbours. Frank and Kathi DeLucca entertain you with some fun accordion playing from their porch in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Enjoy.


Mary Mancini和Mario Tacca的欢乐影片

Mary & Mario当我们所有人都在 Covid-19 中经历人生中最不寻常的时光时,音乐仍然是最强大的治疗师之一。 Mary Mancini 和 Mario Tacca 希望您喜欢他们美丽的赞美诗《鹰的翅膀》。


Accordion Babes 2021-2022 Call for Artists

Accordion babesRenee de la Prade has announced that the official recruitment season for the 2021 and 2022 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar is officially launched!

All photos, forms and songs are requested by May 5th 2020 in order to be considered for the 2021 edition. Later applications will still be accepted, so don't worry if you miss the deadline, please still send in your art submission! That's why we're reserving spots for the 2022 edition.

The 2021 Edition will be themed "An Instrument Beyond Time" and will feature images which have a look associated to an era....any era. Do you love the 60's? The 80's? The Roaring 20's? 19th Century ballgowns? Film noir femme fatales? Or do you want to be a sci-fi space babe? Or a queen of ancient history?

The theme is broad-ranging so you can be creative with how you apply it to your photo. Wearing a vintage outfit in a plain-background studio can work just as well as having a more theatrical or natural background. Hopefully this theme will attract some amazing older lady artists (hint hint). It would be an honor to include you Grandes Dames of accordion in 2021!

This is an independently-produced project geared towards professional musicians. The Accordion Babes calendar features photos of beautiful, empowered, alluring women with their accordions. Each artist is featured not just in the calendar, but with one song on the accompanying CD.

Distribution is mainly in the USA, Canada, and Europe, but we have also shipped copies to Japan, Australia, and Brazil... the love of the accordion has spread all around the world, and people really like what we're doing; using sexy accordion photos to promote indie music and providing a useful calendar as well.

For further details email: editor@accordionpinupcalendar.com




cancellations通过电子邮件将已取消的活动发送至:cjmusic@outlook.co.nz 以立即列出

维多利亚 Yackandandah 民间音乐节的 Vardos Trio 演出 – 活动已取消
Chaika Band 三月和四月在维多利亚州,新南威尔士州和ACT举行的音乐会,包括3个音乐节(河民俗音乐节,Yackandandah 和 National)均已取消

4月伦敦手风琴乐团( London Accordion Orchestra )音乐会 - 取消

Geoff Berner 前往德国,瑞士,比利时,荷兰的音乐会巡回演出-已取消

Roman Jbanov 宣布,他在三月和四月举行的所有大师班均已取消
电影院 - 关闭,直到另行通知 - 新闻更新即将推出

Musikmesse,Musikmesse Plaza 2020和所有Musikmesse节活动-已取消

Accademia del Ridotto Stradella国际音乐比赛-4月-已取消-有关2021年比赛信息,请见以下新闻项目


林堡AT Mook黑色铅笔音乐会-取消
Black Pencil的所有4月演唱会也都被取消了

位于达加维尔的,与 Kevin Friedrich 和朋友的“美国之旅”的午后音乐会 - 已取消 - 门票持有者可以要求全额退款,将其作为捐款捐给博物馆,或者用它换取一张2020年11月举行的下一场音乐会的门票
4月在奥克兰塔卡普纳举行的 Music Education Centre 表演下午活动 - 取消
由奥克兰的 Coupe Mondiale 参赛者参加的世界手风琴日音乐会已经取消。 但是,他们正在计划一个直播项目。 请期待进一步的信息。

Swaledale Squeeze 六角琴周末– 2020年5月–取消
威尔士的Sinfonia Cymru-所有活动均已取消,直到4月1日,届时将另行通知。
NAO UK Championships 2020将于4月在利物浦举行 - 已取消

德克萨斯州2020年全国手风琴大会( National Accordion Convention )-已取消-他们建议可以使用您的确认号码取消酒店预订
密尔沃基手风琴俱乐部( Milwaukee Accordion Club )-所有3月的活动都被取消-将来的活动将随着疫情的变化而处理。
AWAM世界手风琴日庆典( AWAM World Accordion Day )(5月2日)和第八届年度Willard A. Palmer博士庆典(5月3日)- 均已取消
2020年 AAA (美国手风琴家协会)7月8日至12日在亚历山大举行的音乐节-已取消
2020年3月27日至29日在马萨诸塞州牛顿市举行的新英格兰音乐节 - 已取消


Postponed Events, Country Alphabetical Order

Fairbridge Festival 2020 in WA, Australia - April - postponed until 9th - 11th April 2021. All 2020 tickets will be valid for the 2021 event

2020 Val Tidone Music Competitions - postponed indefinitely

All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica at RAM Concert Hall Gnesin, Moscow – postponed until May 15th

South Africa:
World Café Trio Christ Church Concert in Constantia – postponed - see news item below

Sharon Shannon & Band concert on April 4th - postponed

2020 Annual ATAM New England Music Festival in Massachusetts - postponed
Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble Concert in New York on March 26th - postponed
San Diego Accordion Camp - postponed until July


Renzo Ruggieri爵士手风琴课程 - 意大利

Jazz poster
Renzo手风琴家 Renzo Ruggieri 正在意大利罗马 Santa Cecilia 音乐学院的 Voglia D'Arte 音乐学院教授爵士手风琴课程。








Hainaut Belles Bretelles 音乐节 - 法国

Belles banner
法国黑尔涅(Hainaut Belles Bretelles)节的组织者 Léo Lagrange 俱乐部 d'Hergnies 建议他们计划在健康状况允许的情况下继续举办该活动。

从2020年5月30日至6月1日,该活动将在为期三天的音乐,庆典和欢乐气氛中,以各种风格的手风琴音乐为特色,在 Hergnies 村草广场的高大树木的阴影下进行。 所有人都可以前来。

The Belles Bretelles need the registration of all available volunteers to plan the organization.
Everyone will remain informed as the situation evolves and, of course, no health risks will be taken. All guidelines related to the Coronavirus crisis will be strictly followed and enforced.

Every year during the weekend of Pentecost, the Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival has close to thirty bands for three days of concerts, celebrations and entertainment for all ages.

For information email: contact@bellesbretelles.com


莱文沃思国际手风琴庆典计划将继续进行 - 美国

Leavenworth poster
华盛顿州莱文沃思举行的莱文沃思国际手风琴庆祝活动( Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration )计划在西北手风琴协会的赞助下于2020年6月18日至21日举行。

该活动将包括比赛,讲习班,音乐会,自发的即兴表演,游行等等。 比赛的评委是 Kevin Soleki(美国)和 Emmanuel Gasser(加拿大)。

There are three main venues for the festival:

The Festhalle - for the competition, concerts, and vendor displays in the foyer.

Grange Hall - the education center. It has two floors. The upper floor will have a performance space for all levels of performers; we will offer workshops, CD sales, sheet music sales, other vendor displays. The lower level will be used for workshops and free accordion lessons

Gazebo - a great place to perform outdoors for tourists and accordion friends. We have a sign-up sheet with 15 min. slots where accordionists may perform. In late afternoon on Friday and Saturday, the Gazebo Ensemble will perform.

On March 23rd, organisers announced that “the situation in the country and our local area has changed so much since the advent of COVID-19. There has been a lot of discussion on whether we will be able to have LIAC 2020. We are hoping for improvement in the situation but it is difficult to be optimistic.

We are holding-off on Advanced ticket sales, competition registration, and gazebo sign-up for 2-3 weeks. If we have to cancel LIAC 2020, we will reschedule it for June 17th to 20th, 2021 with as much of the same program as possible”.

For details email Chairperson Bonnie Birch: bonniebirch@msn.com


Christ Church Concert in Constantia – South Africa

World Cafe Trio
The World Cafe Trio concert of Vivaldi's Four Seasons at Christ Church Constantia, Corner Parish & Constantia Roads in Constantia, South Africa has been postponed until August 2nd, 2020. The second half of their programme comprises popular tunes from the movies, ending with Zorba the Greek.

The trio includes Stanislav Angelov (accordion), Petrus de Beer (violin) and Schalk Joubert (bass guitar).

In October 2016, the World Café Trio were invited to the Cape Town SABC studios to record this show for Radio Sonder Grense and this was broadcast for the first time a month later. This led to the release of the arrangement on CD.

For tickets phone Anne: 082 218 0100



Updated Site: Video Added to Stas Venglevski Music Page - USA

Video added. Summer Sunshine composed by Stas Venglevski. A video of Stas performing Summer Sunshine has been added to the page about the sheet music, available online, catalog: vstas056


Updated: AAA Cancels Events and Updates Site - USA

AAA header
AAA FlierAmerican Accordionists' Association (AAA) Cancels its annual Festival and updates to the site have been made about future events.

AAA Festival 2020 Canceled
March 19, 2020

It is with great disappointment that due to the circumstances surrounding the Corona Virus (COVID-19) emergency, we have made the necessary decision to cancel the AAA Festival July 8-12, 2020 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites in Alexandria, Virginia.

Our guest artists have been working hard over many months to prepare this wonderful event and we are so sorry that we will not be able to share these magnificent performances with you. Hopefully our artists will be available to perform at our 2021 AAA Festival in West Philadelphia.

We are committed to public safety, including that of our many loyal attendees, guests and performing artists, and to help support the nation’s strong efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19, we join a long list of events that have already been cancelled.

For those who purchased event packages and tickets, we offer them the following options: a full refund, leaving it as a donation or applying it to the 2021 AAA Festival at the Marriott Philadelphia West Hotel in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania July 14-18, 2021, The rate for the hotel remains the same - $130 plus free parking.

We sincerely apologize for this cancellation but feel it is absolutely necessary for the good of everyone at this time.

Dr. Joseph A. Ciccone, President


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