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‘Accordions Rising’ Music Documentary, San Diego – USA

Accordions RisingEmmy award-winning filmmaker Roberta Cantow announces the formal release on DVD of her new toe-tapping music documentary ‘Accordions Rising’. The film has been shown at two film festivals in the USA: ‘Cinema on the Bayou’ in Lafayette Louisiana and ‘The Bare Bones International Music and Film Festival’ in Muskogee, Oklahoma, where it was nominated for ‘Best Music Documentary’. 

This vibrant film delves into the musical resurgence of an instrument not just limited to one man bands and traditional folk but equally at home in diverse genres from classical and jazz to rock and rap.
Released in October, 2015, the film has also debuted at several accordion festivals in the USA, including the ‘Las Vegas Accordion Convention’, the ‘Leavenworth Accordion Festival’ in Leavenworth, Washington, and the ‘Cotati International Accordion Festival’ in California. It will soon be headed for the ‘Accordion Noir Festival’ in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

In the course of its various runs, the filmmaker herself has discovered that the so called ‘accordion world’ is anything but monolithic, and that her film, in particular, gives voice to a very unique group of artists who defy definition with performance styles that are outside the box of both classical and traditional. 

‘Accordions Rising’ has won Awards of Merit at the ‘Global Accolades Competition’, October, 2015 and the ‘Indie Film Fest’, August, 2016. The film immerses itself among the talented and often eccentric group of musicians that defiantly call the under-appreciated instrument their own - giving voice to challenge its much maligned reputation and setting the record straight with humor and aplomb. You too can explore the world of one of the most beautiful and misunderstood instruments.

ne can view the ‘Accordions Rising’ Trailer at:  www.accordionsrising.com and consider purchasing a DVD or Bly Ray disk from the Purchase page. T shirts and posters are also for sale.
Producer/director Roberta Cantow received her first grant from The American Film Institute while still a graduate film student at NYU Film School. Her film and video work have been recognized nationally and internationally. She received a NY Emmy Award for her 1982 documentary, ‘Clotheslines’, about the symbolic and artistic role of laundry in for her 1982 documentary, Clotheslines’, about the symbolic and artistic role of laundry in women's lives. ‘Accordions Rising’ continues the over-arching theme in all her work: an attraction to and deeper look at often maligned subject matter.

For further information email: rcantoo@earthlink.net
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