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Organ versus Accordion Competition, Khanty-Mansiysk - Russia

Yuri Shishkin and Vladislav Murtazin
On 25th October in Khanty-Mansiysk, in the Organ Hall Concert-Theater Center was held one of the most unique concert/contests ever. Competing instruments: accordion versus organ. Competing two superb artists: Yuri Shishkin (Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of International Competitions, soloist of the Rostov State Philharmonic) and Vladislav Murtazin (Honored Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan , laureate of international competitions, teacher of the Ufa State Institute of Arts).

Once before, a similar match has been made. It was in Holland in 1995 at a church in Alkmaar . The initiators were a Dutch organist and Yuri Shishkin who was often performing in Holland at that time.

According to Yuri Shishkin, "it was not a simple proposition".

Competing with the organs body of sound is virtually impossible. If the church is 30 meters in height, then the sound comes from that wall height and in contrast, the accordionist has virtually no height, but has the advantage of both hands being clearly visible, bellows moving and body action.

That contest then was as follows: Yuri first played the organ prelude and fugue B-minor by J S Bach, and then invited the organist . He played the same piece. This made an immediately clear comparative picture of the performers and instruments. Yuri Shishkin performed transcription works of Liszt, Mendelssohn and then invited the organist. The organist played pieces by Mendelssohn, Reger.

At that contest, the verdict was in favour of Yuri Shishkin with both instruments enjoyed very much by the audience.

Now, some 14 years later, the idea of the concert/competition was supported by the concert organisers in X-Mansiysk. The concert was broadcast on TV and internet. For 25th October, all seemed like some of the same scenario as in 1995, except in 2009, the concept was already moving more towards merger than competition.

Several pieces were heard in the duet. There were fragments of the suite "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky and the finale of the Concerto in A minor Vivaldi-Bach. Duets have become popular brilliant concert numbers.

Vladislav Murtazin, excellent organist, a very experienced and brilliant performer, with a lot of concerts in Russia and abroad, masterfully executed Toccata and Fugue in D minor and Organ Choral Prelude in F minor by JS Bach. Yuri Shishkin performed solo the works: Rodrigo, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev, Semionov.

Yet 70 percent of the public gave their vote to the accordion. According to comments, the accordion had greater contrast, more emotional, temperamental with more soul. Winner Yuri Shishkin was able to convey more musical meaning than the organ of Murtazin.

An exciting musical event to remember for the audience.
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