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“Students and Friends” recital @ Harrington ARTS Center, Wisconsin – USA

A marathon of music-making on November 11th, marked the “Students and Friends” recital presented at Harrington ARTS Center (Superior, WI) by the dual studios of Accordion Concertina Music located in Burnsville, MN, and Superior, WI.

The day began at 10am with a final rehearsal of nine orchestral pieces that joined bands from each studio - united only through parallel practices and director/instructor Helmi Harrington (picture below). Over 30 students, ranging in age from 7 to 80+ years came from distances as much as five hours away to play in the 5 ½-hour concert beginning at 1pm..
In addition to the focal orchestral works, the acoustically ideal Hanni Strahl Concert Hall resounded with ensembles, duos, and solos ranging from medieval to contemporary periods and a few year-end holiday melodies. The music was enhanced by instruments of the A World of Accordions Museum collection, including variously enhanced piano accordions, assorted diatonic and chromatic button accordions with standard-bass and free-bass left-hand sections.

Special effects were contributed by our unique bells-controlled piano accordion, four Titano Tigers, musette, cello and bass accordions, English concertina, djembe, glockenspiel, marimbaphone and guitar.

Renowned conductor Tracey Gibbens (Duluth, MN) admirably led the students, symphony bass-violist Jim Waechter, symphony violinist Carolyn Carver and volunteers through complex interpretations. As an aspiring accordionist himself, Tracey also played in solo, duet, ensemble and orchestra.

Paul Vargason (Superior, WI) was featured performer during the program. Paul, an artist on piano-, chromatic button-, and diatonic accordions, presented an entertaining, virtually perfect and fully memorized 30-min. program heavily flavored by Pecon-Trolli music. He performed on his Helmi-designed Slovenian four-row button diatonic accordion. In recognition of Slovenian pro Shelby Setnikar and Helmi, his mentor of 26 years, he invited their participation in several numbers.

Open to the public, over 100 people were treated to a wonderful assortment of refreshments including lunch and supper dishes donated by members of the band as organized by Marian Syrjamaki-Kuchta, Shelby Setnikar and Robin Floyd.

Many toured the museum displays and expressed awe at the combined offerings of the day - all without admission charge. The performances were recorded and may be made available at a later date.
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