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Fabio Rossato Sudden Passing (1970-2018), Monselice - Italy

Fabio RossatoShock for the accordion world with the sudden passing of famous Italian accordionist Fabio Rossato from a heart attack. Fabio Rossato was accordion teacher at the Conservatory of Riva del Garda (Trento) in Italy.

He was born in Monselice 48 years ago, and had returned there in recent days to visit his beloved mother Antonia who found him lifeless on the bed on November 27th.

Fabio Rossato studied the accordion with Elio Boschello, and furthered his studies with Friedrich Lips, Vladimir Zubitsky, Richard Galliano and Frederich Gerouette.

He graduated with distinction from the Conservatory of Music in Pesaro, Italy. From a very young age, Fabio Rossato displayed uncommon musical and interpretative qualities, which he revealed in several national and international competitions.

In the 1980s he won many first prizes in competitions, beginning with 1982, when at the age of 12 he won the first prize at the ‘Gran Premio Internazionale Città di Stradella’. In 1988 he won the Junior CMA Trophee Mondial held in France, and in 1991 the Senior CMA Trophee Mondial held in Germany.

Fabio Rossato met and performed with Astor Piazzolla at a festival in Tulles, France. Piazzolla dedicated his composition ‘Three Preludes’ to Fabio Rossato. During his career Rossato performed with artists such as Fiorenzo Zeni, Manuel Randi, MarcoPorcu, IvanTibolla, GuntherSanin, Glauco Bertagnin, Silvia De Boni Gabriele Bellu, Cecilia Gasdia, Silvia Donati, Mattia Martorano, AlessadroTurchet, the poet Mauro Macario, Helga Plankensteiner, Michael Lösch, Lino Brotto, etc.
Fabio Rossato’s recordings include the CD ‘Stranezze’, presenting the most significant compositions of the accordion player/composer Luciano Fancelli, ‘Varietè’, featuring his arrangements of pieces, and in a duo with the pianist Ivan Tibolla, he recorded ‘Impressioni Lontane’, which was awarded the Orpheus 2009 for the best ethnic CD of the year.
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