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Grayson Masefield Shanghai Concerts and Masterclasses - China

SHNU Winter Festival Poster
Shanghai Childrens Palace concert posterOn the 23rd November evening, Grayson Masefield performed a concert at the China Welfare Institute (CWI) Children's Palace, Shanghai organised by the accordion teacher, conductor, composer and arranger Nova Wan.

The Children's Palace is a comprehensive and public-oriented after-school activity center for talented young people dedicated to the arts, music, dance and technology.

Following a succcessful concert, there was a masterclass with three young Chinese students playing different virtouso entertainment style music. Each student presented their piece and then worked with Grayson Masefield on the styles and techniques unique to each piece.

The next day was the Xuanjing Art Center. These Music Academies are the brainchild of Prof. Li Cong (President of the China Accordion Association, CIA Vice-Presdient) and provide classes for multiple instruments, acting, dancing and art courses. Currently they have over 500 accordion students at the three schools.

After giving private lessons in the afternoon Grayson performed a concert segment of light classical music and then a segment of virtuoso entertainment music.

In between, three young soloists who had received the highest marks in their recent examinations performed as well as a youth accordion group.

Grayson then spent the next two days at the Shanghai Normal University, with Asst. Prof. Crystal Wang, performing for the SHNU Music College Winter Music Festival and masterclasses with students.
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