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Jacques Pellarin CD ‘En vous attendant’, Paris – France

Jacques Pellarin and CD cover titled 'En vous attendant'French accordionist and composer Jacques Pellarin has just released ‘En vous attendant’, a digitally recorded CD of his own solo compositions.

For over 27 years, virtuoso accordionist Jacques Pellarin has brought the sounds of the French countryside to all corners of the globe. With 6 albums and multiple international tours, he has shared his musette-inspired accordion compositions with a world-wide audience. Jacques’ professional career began as part of the internationally acclaimed Baikal Duo and after 18 years of classical performances, Jacques formed a quartet and an acoustic trio in order to pursue a freer interpretation of jazz and world music.

In 2011, the Jacques Pellarin Quartet released the critically-acclaimed album ‘Sup Dude’ and today, Jacques continues to compose, perform, and tour but his focus is now on sharing his music with a larger global audience through strategic placements and song licensing deal.

"When you need to create an atmosphere of love and romance, when you need to invoke the mood of a smoky Parisian café, when you need to capture the sounds of mystery, journeys, and found and lost loves, turn to the music of accordion virtuoso Jacques Pellarin" - Mike Dias (Music supervisor for ‘Ultimate Ears’).

For further information email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr
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