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‘14 Years Ago’: Castelfidardo Museum’s 20th Anniversary in May 2001 - Italy

International Accordion Museum Castelfidardo
Beniamino BugiolacchiThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending May 25th 2001 included an article describing the celebrations held in Castelfidardo, Italy, for the 20th anniversary of the opening of the world-famous International Accordion Museum Castelfidardo.

This magnificent educational resource continues to the present day to interest and amaze visitors from around the world, who are invariably fascinated by the diverse range of accordions and memorabilia that tell the story of our favourite instrument.

Anniversary Celebrations at Castelfidardo Accordion Museum - Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The 20th anniversary of the International Accordion Museum Castelfidardo, was celebrated in style on May 9th at the Astra Theatre in Castelfidardo. Beniamino Bugiolacchi (picture left) took part both as the host and guest of honour. Nothing could have marked this event better than the decision to use the huge accordion built by Giancarlo Francenella as a backdrop for this special evening.

When the curtain was raised, the audience was amazed at the sight of the instrument - the largest in the world. As this accordion can actually be played, it could not have been used solely as a prop, so Mirco Patarini assisted by Roberto Lucanero at the bellows end, played Astor Piazzolla's "Oblivion", accompanied by the Milonga Quintet.

After this opening piece, the evening unfolded with alternating performances and prize-giving sessions. Musical guests included the Milonga Quintet with Cesare Chiacchiaretta (who played ‘Romance’ by Paolo Picchio and works by Piazzolla), Roberto Lucanero (whose performance was acclaimed by the audience), Albertino Bastianoni (one of the most accomplished professional musicians of the Italian dance hall scene), Pino Di Modugno (who performed a series of pieces on the MIDI accordion), Giuliano Cameli (with his traditional hurdy-gurdy), Sergio Castelli and Giuliano Leoni (two accordionists who in the past have donated accordions to the Museum), Pasquale Coviello and Mirco Patarini. Patarini gave a tribute to Luciano Fancelli with his arrangement of ‘La Cumparsita’.

At the event finale all the artists appeared together on stage for a performance of Gianni Morandi's song ‘La Fisarmonica’ (the accordion), sung by surprise guest Mina Grossi. The Castelfidardo City Council thanked all those who contributed to this special evening with a copy of a splendid lithography by Tonino Guerra.
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