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‘14 年前’ – Pietro Deiro Jr 于1999年去世

American Accordionists' Association logo环球手风琴新闻曾于1999年6月25日报道了 Lee Deiro过世的消息, 他被称为 Pietro Deiro Junior, 享年86岁. 出生于手风琴家庭, 著名的父亲的儿子使得他赢得了手风琴界自己的名声, 特别是长期的很有展示基础的出版发行方面的业绩, Pietro Deiro Publications. Pietro Deiro Jr 的去世标志着一个时代的结束.

Pietro Deiro, Jr. Passes Away – USA
Contributed by Faithe Deffner, President of the American Accordionists' Association

The Governing Board and Members of the American Accordionists' Association sadly announce the passing of Pietro (Lee) Deiro, Jr., dedicated past President, incredible accordion personality and legendary contributor to accordion development in the US and throughout the accordion world.

Mr. Deiro, 86, died in a New York hospital on Saturday June 19th of complications following a diverticulitis operation, exacerbated by a serious case of emphysema which had plagued him for several years.

Lee, as he was affectionately known to his colleagues, was born into a theatrical family on September 30th 1913. He inherited much of his famous father's love for the accordion and its music. His was the thrilling experience of being present when the pioneering first began as the accordion asserted itself in the world of music, groping for the prestige which would compliment its folk origin.

Up until his retirement from the publishing business (about 20 years ago), he operated one of the foremost accordion music publishing firms in the world, Pietro Deiro Publications, which his father had founded.

A wake was held in New York City on June 21st. The funeral was held the following day.

In tribute to his memory the American Accordionists' Association has established the Pietro Deiro, Jr. Composer Commissioning Fund which will seek to finance important future additions to the body of original works for accordion.
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