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Eliseo Perretta New CD: "Eli's Meditations" - Switzerland

CD cover
Eliseo PerrettaVideo: Eliseo Perretta - Eli's Meditation Track 7

The new accordion CD by Eliseo Perretta (Switzerland) entitled "Eli's Meditations" was released on April 15th, 2023 and features nine instrumental pieces composed and performed by him on the accordion.

Eliseo aims to offer the listener a personal moment of listening and inner meditation. It's a way to rediscover and practice a more peaceful life, as explained by the author himself: "We are so caught up in the rush and daily stress that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. Music is a powerful therapy and can guide us towards a greater awareness of ourselves."

The CD is dedicated to the author's parents and is a tribute to V. Zolotarev, one of Eliseo's favorite authors, who composed 24 "Meditations" using a different style. With "Eli's Meditations," Eliseo also aims to introduce the accordion to a younger audience. The contemporary style also allows the audience to see a less known side of the instrument, which is usually associated with popular music in the collective imagination. The CD is available in physical form at the Libreria La Fonte in Giubiasco (Ticino), and on all major online stores.

For further details email: eliseo.perretta@conservatorio.ch
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