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Showcase Craven Accordion Orchestra and the London Accordion Orchestra - UK

The London Accordion Orchestra is keen to promote an collaboration between accordion orchestras through the idea of Bellows across Borders. This year’s focus was within the border of England, and a trip to Skipton, Yorkshire was the chosen location. On Saturday 20 October, the London Accordion Orchestra travelled to Skipton for a joint concert with the Craven Accordion Orchestra at the Rendezvous Hotel.

The compere for the evening was Councillor Stephen Place, who ensured that the audience was warmed up for the evening of musical entertainment. The contrasting music styles of the orchestras created a diverse concert. The Craven Accordion Orchestras program included Tarantella Arrabiata; Hans Gunter Kolz, Tico Tico; Zequinha Abreu, Music; John Miles, Marry Poppins Medley; arranged by Graham Waterhouse, Summer of 69; Brian Adams, Bohemian Rhapsody; Freddie Mercury, and Poker Face, arranged by their conductor Danny Hinchcliffe.

The London Accordion Orchestra preformed featured the first movement from the Nordic Suite; Gerhad Mohr, Jupiter (from the Planets); Holst, Salvonska Rhapsody; Gotz, Danzon No 2; Aturo Marquez and a Daft Punk Medley arranged by one of their players, Sam Cullen.

The Craven Accordion Orchestra was founded in 1995. It started out as a social gathering of twelve accordionists and two keyboard players, which was the start of the orchestra’s development. As the orchestra began to grow, they started to perform concerts in the surrounding local villages. The orchestra has also competed regularly in festivals across the north of England as well as the UK championships. The orchestra continues to maintain its fundamental values, by enabling juniors to take part in a cultural art as a valued educational experience whilst providing a recreational pastime within the collegiality of adult orchestra members. The Craven Accordion Orchestra is currently under the music direction of Danny Hinchcliffe.

The London Accordion Orchestra (previously the Morley Accordion Orchestra) came to life in 1999. The orchestra focuses on playing original repertoire and commissions composers to write new works specifically for the orchestra. The orchestra is currently working towards their return to the World Music Festival in Innsbruck, Austria in May 2019.

Future Concerts:

The Craven Accordion Orchestra’s next performance will be at 7:00 PM on 1 December at the Skipton Town Hall with the Carleton Ladies Choir. For more information, please contact Harry Hinchcliffe at: cravenschoolofmusic@hotmail.co.uk

The London Accordion Orchestra's next performance will be at midday on 1 December returning to the Daylight Music Series, at the Union Chapel, Islington, London. For more information, please contact Ian Watson at: mail@londonao.co.uk
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