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‘14 Years Ago’ – International Award ‘Astor Piazzolla’

Astor PiazzollaBelow is another delve into the Accordions Worldwide news archives, this time for the week ending November 29th 1996...

Contributed by Valentina Bobisheva and Tatiana Lanchtchikova

Russian ensemble "Vivat, Accordion!" is made up of approximately 12 students from the Moscow Music College, and it includes various instruments, such as accordion, guitar and percussion.

The ensemble was founded in 1991 by Valentina Bobisheva, when they were invited to take part in an International Accordion Competition that year, held in Italy, which they won. After the competition they performed many successful concerts in other Italian cities, and later that year they made an appearance on Russian TV on a very famous programme "Musical Shop".

Since then, "Vivat, Accordion!" have been very busy. They have had many concerts in the prestigious concert halls of Moscow, such as the Concert Hall of Moscow Conservatory, Column Hall of Unit House and the Concert Hall of Moscow Philharmonic.

In 1994 the ensemble participated in the International Accordion Festival "Russian Traditions", which was held in Twente, Holland. They impressed the committee so much that they were presented with a Yamaha grand piano, which is now at Moscow Music College.

On 22nd November, "Vivat, Accordion!" held a concert in the Concert Hall of the Moscow Music College, which combined both students and their teachers. The ensemble played compositions by Beethoven, Sarasate, Shostakovich, Bize/Schedrin, Sen-Sans and Verter. Most of these compositions were arranged by their conductor Valentina Bobisheva. They also accompanied Russian musicians Alexander Tzigankov (a domra player), who performed his own composition, a Russian folk song "Perevoz Dunya Derzhala" and Vadim Chebanov (guitar player) who played "Concerto" by Rodrigo.

Their next concert "Christmas Evenings" will be 20 December 1996 in the Concert Hall of Moscow Music College.
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