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Mingyuan Ruan Performs at China-UK International Music Festival - England

Mingyuan Ruan
Mingyuan Ruan will give a recital with Charlotte Kaslin (cello) at St John the Baptist Church in London, England on February 1st, 2024 at 7pm, as part of the China-UK International Music Festival.

Their program will include Cassado cello suite, Bloch “Prayer”, Piazzolla “Grand Tango” and a very exciting piece “Rhythms of Doubt” by Mikolaj Majkusial.

After Mingyuan Ruan graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing (China) under the tutelage of Prof. Cao Xiao-Qing, she completed an Advanced diploma in performance at the Royal Academy of Music as a student of Prof. Owen Murray. Mingyuan Ruan comes from an accordion family, father Hailin Ruan is an accordion teacher in Jinzhong city, Shanxi province with his wife Lei Xiufang at the "Doh Ray Mi" music school.

From an early age Mingyuan Ruan had competition successes and at the 2009 Coupe Mondiale won 3rd. Other notable successes are first prize at the 64th Coupe Mondiale (CIA) chamber music category, the Gold medal of the 3rd Berliner International Music Competition and the Golden Award for solo performance in the National Accordion Performance Competition part of the Beijing Arts Festival.
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