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The Music of Eugene Ettore Performed by Rita Davidson is Released - USA

Rita DavidsonA new eTracks Rita Davidson Album titled "The Music of Eugene Ettore" has been released. This coincides with the 90th anniversary of the birth of Eugene Ettore (1921-1985).

Rita Davidson writes: “For the first time, the music of Eugene Ettore is available worldwide to accordionists. As you listen to these virtuoso selections, you will realize the great value and musical contribution that he made to accordion repertoire.”

Eugene Ettore, former president of the American Accordionists' Association, wrote over 300 compositions at all levels including works for solo, duet, ensembles, band, and orchestra. In addition to being an accordionist, he was a professional French Horn player, having played in many symphony orchestras.

His great involvement in symphonic music is reflected in his virtuoso compositions which not only showcase the capabilities of the accordion but also have a distinctly orchestral flavor. His unique compositions challenge the musicianship and technique of the performer while they provide a musical treat for all to hear.

Rita Davidson is preparing further recordings which will include: The Manhattan Concerto (3 movements), Springtime Caprice, Prelude and Scherzo, Accordion Miniatures, Five O'Clock Rush, Spanish Holiday.

Rita Davidson is seeking information, photos, etc. for the Eugene Ettore historical website. Please email her: Ritabelll@aol.com

Click Rita Davidson Album to read the tracks list and hear sound samples.
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