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Ciudad Juarez City Bans Los Tigres del Norte - Mexico

Los Tigres del Norte
Ciudad Juarez, the capital of Mexico's Chihuahua state has indefinitely banned the famous norteno group Los Tigres del Norte from playing in the city after the band sang ballads glorifying drug traffickers during a weekend concert.

There have been other attempts in Mexico to ban the ballads known as "narcocorridos," but seldom have they affected a mainstream group as popular as Los Tigres. The band has been a mainstay of norteno music for decades, with hits like ‘Contrabando y Traicion’ (Contraband and Betrayal) and ‘Jefe de Jefes’ (Boss of Bosses).

"The musical group will not get permits for future shows in the city limits, until such time as authorities decide otherwise," the city said in a statement. The Chihuahua city government said the band violated a three-month-old city ordinance prohibiting songs that glorify traffickers, and that the concert's organizers would be fined "at least 20,000 pesos" ($1,585).
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