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Rita Davidson, Elena and Grigory Fainshtein Perform - USA

Grigory Fainshtein, Rita Davidson and Elena
Elena, Rita Davidson, Mike Borelli and John MartinOn Sunday, April 18, Rita Davidson, Elena and Grigory Fainshtein performed for the Mid- Cities Accordion Association in Dallas/ Fort Worth, Texas

President John Martin introduced the program which began with some members demonstrating Israeli dancing with accordion music played by John Martin and Mike Borelli.

Rita Davidson, Editor of USA News, performed a varied program of light classics, novelties, and compositions by Eugene Ettore. Rita has given several concerts recently including the FMAE in January in Arizona and the March National Accordion Association (NAA) Festival in Dallas.

Rita is on the Governing Board of the AAA and has served as a judge at many accordion competitions in the USA. She is a music teacher in the West Orange, New Jersey school system where she is known for utilizing the accordion in her music lessons.

Rita is currently working on a project to promote the music of her accordion teacher, composer Eugene Ettore, which includes a future CD of his virtuoso compositions as well as various concert appearances to increase awareness of his works. His music will soon be available online.

Elena and Grigory Fainshtein played several duets and delighted the audience with their virtuosity and enthusiasm. Originally from Russia, Elena and Grigory earned their Masters Degree in Accordion Performance from the Byelorussian Music Academy in Minsk.

They have been living in Dallas, Texas for the past seven years and Elena teaches both piano and accordion in Dallas. Grigory works in the computer field. The audience enthusiastically gave them a standing ovation.

Rita, Elena, and Grigory then surprised the audience by playing “Czardas” and “Hava Nagila” together as a trio.

After a short break, Rita shared her ideas on entertaining at children’s birthday parties with the focus on the accordion. Rita has had many years of experience in the birthday party business in which she utilizes her accordion. She presented a demonstration of a kid’s party with one of the members serving as the birthday boy! It was in audience participation style with everyone dancing, playing instruments, marching around, and just having a great time.

For further information: Ritabelll@aol.com
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